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Allstar Martial Arts Academy
                          9128 Forest Hill Blvd., Wellington, FL 33411 790-5422
                                We Make Champions One Kick at a Time.
                Find us on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/allstarmartialartsacademy

         The Allstar Alert
Allstar Martial Arts Academy¡¯s News & Events                                   Fall 2010 Oct./Nov.

Bully Beware!
Knowledge is power. Get smart.                                                             HAPPY
Know how to handle bullies.
                                                                                         Have a kickin¡¯
Bullying is a common occurrence and is happening more                                     Halloween.

and more. Kids and adults are far too often victims of                                    Be safe, be
bullying. The effects of bullying compound over time and
can lead to extremely detrimental situations. One of the
most effective ways to help your child to NOT become a
victim of bullying is to talk about ways to properly deal
with a bully. Bullies love helplessness and isolation. So     Oct. 29, 2010 Spooky Parent¡¯s Night Out
how can you prevent becoming a bully¡¯s target? Instead of              Nov. 8-13 Buddy Week
                                                                   Nov. 12 Board Breaking Clinic
seeming helpless and upset (which is what the bully wants)      Nov. 24-27 Closed for Thanksgiving
be sure to look confidently into your bully¡¯s eyes and tell                    Holiday
him, ¡°No! Leave me alone!¡± Be sure you are with a              Dec. 3 Parent¡¯s Night Out (Drop and
                                                                        shop for the holidays)
group as much as possible. Bullies try to targets kids who           Dec. 11 Testing Ceremony
              are alone. Finally, tell a grown up and ask            Dec. 13 Awards Ceremony
                                                                        Dec. 14-18 Fun Week
              for help! For more information, visit:
                                                                      Dec. 17 Makeup Testing
              http://www.pacerkidsagainstbullying.org            Dec. 20-Jan 4 Closed for Holiday
Refer Your Friends and
Win Allstar Bucks
Who wants to win ¡°Bucks¡± for telling your friends and
family to come try taekwondo at All-star Martial Arts
Academy? Well, get ready to tell everyone you can
about Allstar Martial Arts Academy! During the week
of October 25, 2010 each student will receive 20
Allstar Martial Arts Academy Halloween Cards with
great offers for new students. Write your name on
the cards with a permanent marker and pass them out
to your friends and family. A great way to pass them
out is to give one to each trick-or-treater who comes to     Apple Bites
your door on Halloween, along with your treats. You
can also pass them out to classmates, friends at football    Enjoy this fun and healthy
                                                             Halloween treat.
or soccer, or friends at mom or dad¡¯s work. If someone
comes in to try lessons, and turns in a card with your       Ingredients:
name on it, you will earn $5.00 Allstar Bucks to be
                                                             Apples, Slivered Almonds

used towards any merchandise purchase at our Pro             Quarter and core an apple, cut a
Shop. You can earn LOTS of Allstar Bucks if you refer        wedge from the skin side of each
                                                             quarter, press slivered almonds in
LOTS of people. You will get $5.00 Allstar Bucks for
                                                             place for teeth.
each person that turns in a Halloween Card! There is
no limit on the amount of Allstar Bucks that you can         Tip: If you¡¯re not going to serve
                                                             them immediately, baste with
earn or use at the Pro Shop. The purchase must be            orange juice to prevent them from
greater than the amount of Allstar Bucks you have to         browning.
spend. It¡¯s that easy! Have you had your eye on a Re-
Breakable Board? Well, if you get 5 people to come in        oween-recipes/halloween-snacks/apple-
and try lessons, you¡¯ll get $25 Allstar Bucks that you
can use towards the purchase of the Board! Oh, if you
need more than 20 Halloween Cards, let us know!

Here¡¯s a sneak peak at the
Halloween Cards. Remember to use
a permanent marker and write your
name on the back of each of them!

Get Over Your Board
                                                      Breaking Fears
                                                      Don¡¯t let wooden boards get the best of you. Get
                                                      over your fear and get empowered by attending the
                                                      Allstar Martial Arts Academy Board Breaking Power
                                                      Hour (and a half). During the Power Hour (and a
                                                      half) you will learn how to overcome your mental
                                                      hurdle of breaking the real wooden boards. This will
                                                      help to remove the mental barriers that are keeping
                                                      you from breaking boards. We will teach you
                                                      techniques and tips that will help you to get over the
                                                      fact that it¡¯s a piece of wood. You will learn and
                                                      experience what it¡¯s like to break real wood boards.
                                                      You will be able to practice your board breaking on 8
First Board Breaking, Next Cement Blocks!
                                                      real wood boards, during the Power Hour (and a
You¡¯ll feel so confident and empowered after
                                                      half). This is a fantastic preparation for any
attending our Power Hour (and a half) that
                                                      upcoming Testing Ceremonies, where you, the
you¡¯ll probably be ready to try some things you
                                                      student, will have to break wood boards during your
would have never tried before. Get ready for a
                                                      test. Gain confidence, get empowered! Pre-
whole new world to open up before you!
                                                      registration is required for this event, which fills up

Date                                                  fast. This event is not limited to members. Bring
            Friday, November 12, 2010
 &                                                    your buddy or a family member. Let them get
Time        6:30-8:00 p.m.                            empowered with you!

            Pre-registration is required.
            Wear your uniform if you are
            a student. Wear comfortable
            clothes if you are friend or
            family member attending the
            Power Hour.

            Registration deadline:
            November 6, 2010

    If you have any questions, just ask!

Bring your Buddy to Class During Buddy Week
November 8-13, 2010
Let your friends and family members see how much fun you
have in class at Allstar Martial Arts Academy during
Buddy Week! November 8-13, 2010 is Buddy Week.
Your friends can come to class with you during Buddy
Week, so that they can see what martial arts is all about.
Your buddy just has to bring a Buddy Pass with
him/her on the days that they come to class with you.
We¡¯ll make sure you know how to get your Buddy
Passes. Guess what? If you bring a buddy during Buddy
Week, you get to wear your Allstar Martial Arts Academy T-
Shirt to class! Check out our really cool new All-star T-Shirts
coming soon!

                                                     Happy Thanksgiving
                                                     We wish everyone an enjoyable and
                                                     relaxing Thanksgiving Holiday. In
                                                     observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday,
                                                     the studio will close from Wednesday,
                                                     November 24th through Saturday,
                                                     November 27th and will reopen on
                                                     Monday, November 29th.

                               He who thanks but with the lips
                                     Thanks but in part;
                               The full, the true Thanksgiving
                                  Comes from the heart.
                                         ~J.A. Shedd

Allstar Martial
Arts Academy¡¯s
Birthday Parties
   are a HIT!                 Joseph Mullica            October 03
                              Christopher Chronis       October 04
                              Calib Adams               October 11
                              Arthur Gerlach            October 13
                              Jessica Cohen             October 13
                              Jordan Cohen              October 13
                              Mathew Weiss              October 15
                              Maggie DeMars             October 16
                              Jordan Louis              October 21
                              Rickey Cardona            October 29

                              Kelby Fredrick           November 01
                              Colby Johnson            November 04
                              Jake Kerr                November 04
                              Fabrizio Pineda          November 05
                              Benjamin Berman          November 05
                              Anthony Mancusi          November 08
                              Mason Martinez           November 12
                              Tony Anthony             November 13
                              Jake Moretz              November 22
                              Bryan Petz               November 23
                              Nicolas Gonzalez         November 23
                              Cassandra Husik          November 24
                              Justin Schiffer          November 27
                              Skyler Elkin             November 27
                              Daniel Pridgen           November 28

           For Birthday Party information, please call, email or stop by.

Allstar Martial Arts Academy¡¯s Students
Win Big at the South Florida Karate
Klassic Tournament
Many Allstar Martial Arts Academy
students competed at the South Florida
Karate Klassic Tournament, held on
Saturday, October 16, 2010 here in West
Pam Beach, Florida. Tournaments
provide our students with an opportunity
to compete with other martial arts students
from the area and to see where their
technique ranks among them.
Congratulations to all tournament
competitors! Everyone did a fantastic job
and everyone should be proud of
themselves! We are proud of each and
every one of you, for demonstrating
excellent sportsmanship and representing
Allstar Martial Arts Academy with the
positive attitudes we love to see! Thank
you for making us so proud! Seeing all of
the competitors and all of their hard
earned trophies and ALL THE
SMILING FACES is the greatest
reward for Mr. and Mrs. Lord, and the
instructors at Allstar Martial Arts
Academy. Reminder: Group picture with
all competitors and your biggest trophy on
Sunday, October 24, 2010 at 1:00 p.m.
                         at Allstar
                         Martial Arts
                          (Please bring
                          just one
                           trophy.) Wear
                           your uniform
                            and belt,
                            please. Check
                            out the local
                            newspapers for
                          the pic!


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Allstar Martial Arts Academy Fall 2010 Newsletter

  • 1. Allstar Martial Arts Academy 9128 Forest Hill Blvd., Wellington, FL 33411 790-5422 We Make Champions One Kick at a Time. Find us on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/allstarmartialartsacademy The Allstar Alert Allstar Martial Arts Academy¡¯s News & Events Fall 2010 Oct./Nov. Bully Beware! Knowledge is power. Get smart. HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Know how to handle bullies. Have a kickin¡¯ Bullying is a common occurrence and is happening more Halloween. and more. Kids and adults are far too often victims of Be safe, be smart. bullying. The effects of bullying compound over time and can lead to extremely detrimental situations. One of the most effective ways to help your child to NOT become a victim of bullying is to talk about ways to properly deal Events: with a bully. Bullies love helplessness and isolation. So Oct. 29, 2010 Spooky Parent¡¯s Night Out how can you prevent becoming a bully¡¯s target? Instead of Nov. 8-13 Buddy Week Nov. 12 Board Breaking Clinic seeming helpless and upset (which is what the bully wants) Nov. 24-27 Closed for Thanksgiving be sure to look confidently into your bully¡¯s eyes and tell Holiday him, ¡°No! Leave me alone!¡± Be sure you are with a Dec. 3 Parent¡¯s Night Out (Drop and shop for the holidays) group as much as possible. Bullies try to targets kids who Dec. 11 Testing Ceremony are alone. Finally, tell a grown up and ask Dec. 13 Awards Ceremony Dec. 14-18 Fun Week for help! For more information, visit: Dec. 17 Makeup Testing http://www.pacerkidsagainstbullying.org Dec. 20-Jan 4 Closed for Holiday
  • 2. Refer Your Friends and Win Allstar Bucks Who wants to win ¡°Bucks¡± for telling your friends and family to come try taekwondo at All-star Martial Arts Academy? Well, get ready to tell everyone you can about Allstar Martial Arts Academy! During the week of October 25, 2010 each student will receive 20 Allstar Martial Arts Academy Halloween Cards with great offers for new students. Write your name on the cards with a permanent marker and pass them out to your friends and family. A great way to pass them out is to give one to each trick-or-treater who comes to Apple Bites your door on Halloween, along with your treats. You can also pass them out to classmates, friends at football Enjoy this fun and healthy Halloween treat. or soccer, or friends at mom or dad¡¯s work. If someone comes in to try lessons, and turns in a card with your Ingredients: name on it, you will earn $5.00 Allstar Bucks to be Apples, Slivered Almonds used towards any merchandise purchase at our Pro Quarter and core an apple, cut a Shop. You can earn LOTS of Allstar Bucks if you refer wedge from the skin side of each quarter, press slivered almonds in LOTS of people. You will get $5.00 Allstar Bucks for place for teeth. each person that turns in a Halloween Card! There is no limit on the amount of Allstar Bucks that you can Tip: If you¡¯re not going to serve them immediately, baste with earn or use at the Pro Shop. The purchase must be orange juice to prevent them from greater than the amount of Allstar Bucks you have to browning. spend. It¡¯s that easy! Have you had your eye on a Re- (http://familyfun.go.com/halloween/hall Breakable Board? Well, if you get 5 people to come in oween-recipes/halloween-snacks/apple- bites-688193/) and try lessons, you¡¯ll get $25 Allstar Bucks that you can use towards the purchase of the Board! Oh, if you need more than 20 Halloween Cards, let us know! Here¡¯s a sneak peak at the Halloween Cards. Remember to use a permanent marker and write your name on the back of each of them! 2
  • 3. Get Over Your Board Breaking Fears Don¡¯t let wooden boards get the best of you. Get over your fear and get empowered by attending the Allstar Martial Arts Academy Board Breaking Power Hour (and a half). During the Power Hour (and a half) you will learn how to overcome your mental hurdle of breaking the real wooden boards. This will help to remove the mental barriers that are keeping you from breaking boards. We will teach you techniques and tips that will help you to get over the fact that it¡¯s a piece of wood. You will learn and experience what it¡¯s like to break real wood boards. You will be able to practice your board breaking on 8 First Board Breaking, Next Cement Blocks! real wood boards, during the Power Hour (and a You¡¯ll feel so confident and empowered after half). This is a fantastic preparation for any attending our Power Hour (and a half) that upcoming Testing Ceremonies, where you, the you¡¯ll probably be ready to try some things you student, will have to break wood boards during your would have never tried before. Get ready for a test. Gain confidence, get empowered! Pre- whole new world to open up before you! registration is required for this event, which fills up Date fast. This event is not limited to members. Bring Friday, November 12, 2010 & your buddy or a family member. Let them get Time 6:30-8:00 p.m. empowered with you! Pre-registration is required. Details $40 Wear your uniform if you are a student. Wear comfortable clothes if you are friend or family member attending the Power Hour. Registration deadline: NOTE November 6, 2010 If you have any questions, just ask! 3
  • 4. Bring your Buddy to Class During Buddy Week November 8-13, 2010 Let your friends and family members see how much fun you have in class at Allstar Martial Arts Academy during Buddy Week! November 8-13, 2010 is Buddy Week. Your friends can come to class with you during Buddy Week, so that they can see what martial arts is all about. Your buddy just has to bring a Buddy Pass with him/her on the days that they come to class with you. We¡¯ll make sure you know how to get your Buddy Passes. Guess what? If you bring a buddy during Buddy Week, you get to wear your Allstar Martial Arts Academy T- Shirt to class! Check out our really cool new All-star T-Shirts coming soon! Happy Thanksgiving We wish everyone an enjoyable and relaxing Thanksgiving Holiday. In observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday, the studio will close from Wednesday, November 24th through Saturday, November 27th and will reopen on Monday, November 29th. He who thanks but with the lips Thanks but in part; The full, the true Thanksgiving Comes from the heart. ~J.A. Shedd 4
  • 5. Allstar Martial Arts Academy¡¯s Birthday Parties are a HIT! Joseph Mullica October 03 Christopher Chronis October 04 Calib Adams October 11 Arthur Gerlach October 13 Jessica Cohen October 13 Jordan Cohen October 13 Mathew Weiss October 15 Maggie DeMars October 16 Jordan Louis October 21 Rickey Cardona October 29 Kelby Fredrick November 01 Colby Johnson November 04 Jake Kerr November 04 Fabrizio Pineda November 05 Benjamin Berman November 05 Anthony Mancusi November 08 Mason Martinez November 12 Tony Anthony November 13 Jake Moretz November 22 Bryan Petz November 23 Nicolas Gonzalez November 23 Cassandra Husik November 24 Justin Schiffer November 27 Skyler Elkin November 27 Daniel Pridgen November 28 For Birthday Party information, please call, email or stop by. 5
  • 6. Allstar Martial Arts Academy¡¯s Students Win Big at the South Florida Karate Klassic Tournament Many Allstar Martial Arts Academy students competed at the South Florida Karate Klassic Tournament, held on Saturday, October 16, 2010 here in West Pam Beach, Florida. Tournaments provide our students with an opportunity to compete with other martial arts students from the area and to see where their technique ranks among them. Congratulations to all tournament competitors! Everyone did a fantastic job and everyone should be proud of themselves! We are proud of each and every one of you, for demonstrating excellent sportsmanship and representing Allstar Martial Arts Academy with the positive attitudes we love to see! Thank you for making us so proud! Seeing all of the competitors and all of their hard earned trophies and ALL THE SMILING FACES is the greatest reward for Mr. and Mrs. Lord, and the instructors at Allstar Martial Arts Academy. Reminder: Group picture with all competitors and your biggest trophy on Sunday, October 24, 2010 at 1:00 p.m. at Allstar Martial Arts Academy. (Please bring just one trophy.) Wear your uniform and belt, please. Check out the local newspapers for the pic! 6