The document summarizes a meeting to discuss plans for a public engagement initiative called Public Engagement for Public Schools (PEPS). PEPS conducted over 90 interviews with stakeholders to understand perspectives on civic dialogue. Interview findings showed support for collaboration around a shared vision for world-class public schools in San Francisco. Small group discussions were seen as an effective format. Next steps include piloting small group dialogues to develop statements to guide a larger public engagement campaign.
This document summarizes the research plan to study the behavior of fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) beams under different loads. The research will include:
1) A theoretical analysis using ANSYS and DARC III software to model FRC beam behavior and compare to experimental results.
2) An experimental program to test FRC beams made with polypropylene and steel fibers. The test variables include fiber type and volume fraction. Beams will be tested statically and via repeated impact tests.
3) A mix design study was developed to produce FRC mixes with varying fiber contents using cement, aggregate, sand, polypropylene fibers, steel fibers, superplasticizer, and silica fume.
The Indian Backpacker Re-Launches as a Budget Travel guide to IndiaAkshay Chhugani
The Indian Backpacker ( which was one of the most popular websites for Backpackers heading to India has been Re-launched as a "Budget Travel Guide and Community for Travelers in India"
The New site promises to be more user friendly with a higher focus on building a cleaner and happier community of Backpackers and young budget travelers.
This document outlines a 13-week workout program with the purposes of building muscle, burning fat, and testing a popular workout. It details the exercises, equipment, and schedule for each week, including chest and back exercises on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays with yoga or martial arts on Tuesdays and Thursdays and rest on Sundays.
This document is a Haiku Deck presentation that provides examples of photos from various sources that could be used in creating a Haiku Deck presentation on ºÝºÝߣShare. The document displays photo credits from military medicine, design firms, galleries, and other organizations as potential images for presentations. It encourages the viewer to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation using similar or other photos.
El documento describe los pasos para subir un PowerPoint a ºÝºÝߣShare y luego embeberlo en un blog: 1) guardar el PowerPoint como PDF, 2) entrar en la cuenta de ºÝºÝߣShare y cargar el archivo, 3) esperar a que se suba y encontrarlo en las subidas, 4) copiar el c¨®digo de embebed para pegarlo en una nueva entrada de blog escrita en HTML.
Charlotte Joyce is pitching a concept for a new indie/alternative music magazine to be published by Cond¨¦ Nast. The magazine will target 16-21 year old males and females who enjoy indie/alternative music, going to concerts and festivals. It will be sold monthly for ?1.50-?2.00. The magazine will include festival guides, reviews, interviews and tips which will set it apart from other indie magazines currently on the market.
[...] "La Regione Puglia presenta un ritardo di pi¨´ di dieci anni rispetto alle disposizioni deliberate altrove in Italia: oggi ¨¨ un bene, perch¨¨ significa poter legiferare consapevoli di annose esperienze altrui. Ne va di mezzo la storia, il tessuto sociale e culturale, la potenzialit¨¤ produttiva, lo sviluppo di una citt¨¤,di ua rgione e, inesorabilmente, l¡¯identit¨¤ stessa di una nazione."
The document discusses the use of Research LibGuides at Monmouth University Library. It began using LibGuides in 2009 to create subject and course-specific research guides for students and faculty. LibGuides help highlight relevant resources and allow librarians to quickly update content. Usage statistics show guides receiving thousands of hits each year. Feedback from students and faculty has been very positive, praising the guides for making research easier and being a useful resource. The library plans to further promote LibGuides and assess their impact on students.
Basic steps on how to use sources to make meaning, that is to develop projects, research, essays, etc..
Group presentation, Ufmg, Letras, 2012, 1¡ãsemestre.
(HALLER, Cynthia R., Walk, Talk, Cook, Eat: A Guide to Using Sources, Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing, Volume 2)
This document discusses the meaning, definition, importance and functions of banks. It begins by explaining the origins of the word "bank" and then provides several definitions of a bank from various sources. It emphasizes that a bank accepts deposits from the public and lends money to earn interest. The document also outlines key functions of modern banks like facilitating payments, capital formation, trade financing, and foreign exchange services. Finally, it lists important qualities for a good banking system such as adequate capital, good reputation, and liquidity.
El documento describe una marcha contra la violencia de g¨¦nero organizada por el IES Maestro Eloy Vaquero el 25 de noviembre de 2011, incluyendo varias fotos que muestran a estudiantes y profesores participando en la marcha sosteniendo pancartas en contra de la violencia de g¨¦nero.
Hoe een klein bedrijf met actiecamera's hun publiek inzet als fanatieke verkoop ambassadeurs en omtovert tot een $250 miljoen industrie. Van entrepreneur surfer naar billionaire!
This document summarizes the research plan to study the behavior of fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) beams under different loads. The research will include:
1) A theoretical analysis using ANSYS and DARC III software to model FRC beam behavior and compare to experimental results.
2) An experimental program to test FRC beams made with polypropylene and steel fibers. The test variables include fiber type and volume fraction. Beams will be tested statically and via repeated impact tests.
3) A mix design study was developed to produce FRC mixes with varying fiber contents using cement, aggregate, sand, polypropylene fibers, steel fibers, superplasticizer, and silica fume.
The Indian Backpacker Re-Launches as a Budget Travel guide to IndiaAkshay Chhugani
The Indian Backpacker ( which was one of the most popular websites for Backpackers heading to India has been Re-launched as a "Budget Travel Guide and Community for Travelers in India"
The New site promises to be more user friendly with a higher focus on building a cleaner and happier community of Backpackers and young budget travelers.
This document outlines a 13-week workout program with the purposes of building muscle, burning fat, and testing a popular workout. It details the exercises, equipment, and schedule for each week, including chest and back exercises on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays with yoga or martial arts on Tuesdays and Thursdays and rest on Sundays.
This document is a Haiku Deck presentation that provides examples of photos from various sources that could be used in creating a Haiku Deck presentation on ºÝºÝߣShare. The document displays photo credits from military medicine, design firms, galleries, and other organizations as potential images for presentations. It encourages the viewer to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation using similar or other photos.
El documento describe los pasos para subir un PowerPoint a ºÝºÝߣShare y luego embeberlo en un blog: 1) guardar el PowerPoint como PDF, 2) entrar en la cuenta de ºÝºÝߣShare y cargar el archivo, 3) esperar a que se suba y encontrarlo en las subidas, 4) copiar el c¨®digo de embebed para pegarlo en una nueva entrada de blog escrita en HTML.
Charlotte Joyce is pitching a concept for a new indie/alternative music magazine to be published by Cond¨¦ Nast. The magazine will target 16-21 year old males and females who enjoy indie/alternative music, going to concerts and festivals. It will be sold monthly for ?1.50-?2.00. The magazine will include festival guides, reviews, interviews and tips which will set it apart from other indie magazines currently on the market.
[...] "La Regione Puglia presenta un ritardo di pi¨´ di dieci anni rispetto alle disposizioni deliberate altrove in Italia: oggi ¨¨ un bene, perch¨¨ significa poter legiferare consapevoli di annose esperienze altrui. Ne va di mezzo la storia, il tessuto sociale e culturale, la potenzialit¨¤ produttiva, lo sviluppo di una citt¨¤,di ua rgione e, inesorabilmente, l¡¯identit¨¤ stessa di una nazione."
The document discusses the use of Research LibGuides at Monmouth University Library. It began using LibGuides in 2009 to create subject and course-specific research guides for students and faculty. LibGuides help highlight relevant resources and allow librarians to quickly update content. Usage statistics show guides receiving thousands of hits each year. Feedback from students and faculty has been very positive, praising the guides for making research easier and being a useful resource. The library plans to further promote LibGuides and assess their impact on students.
Basic steps on how to use sources to make meaning, that is to develop projects, research, essays, etc..
Group presentation, Ufmg, Letras, 2012, 1¡ãsemestre.
(HALLER, Cynthia R., Walk, Talk, Cook, Eat: A Guide to Using Sources, Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing, Volume 2)
This document discusses the meaning, definition, importance and functions of banks. It begins by explaining the origins of the word "bank" and then provides several definitions of a bank from various sources. It emphasizes that a bank accepts deposits from the public and lends money to earn interest. The document also outlines key functions of modern banks like facilitating payments, capital formation, trade financing, and foreign exchange services. Finally, it lists important qualities for a good banking system such as adequate capital, good reputation, and liquidity.
El documento describe una marcha contra la violencia de g¨¦nero organizada por el IES Maestro Eloy Vaquero el 25 de noviembre de 2011, incluyendo varias fotos que muestran a estudiantes y profesores participando en la marcha sosteniendo pancartas en contra de la violencia de g¨¦nero.
Hoe een klein bedrijf met actiecamera's hun publiek inzet als fanatieke verkoop ambassadeurs en omtovert tot een $250 miljoen industrie. Van entrepreneur surfer naar billionaire!
J¨²lia Bertolin Boronat
Nivell: 6¨¦ de Prim¨¤ria
Col¡¤legi Abad Sola . Curs: 2011-12
-Caracter¨ªstica principal ¡ú envelliment de la poblaci¨®.
-Dues causes:
1. Baixa natalitat.
A Europa: naix 10 xiquet/1000 persones.
A ?frica: naixen 40 xiquets/1000 persones.
2. L¡¯augment de l¡¯edat que pot
viure una persona (esperan?a de viure):
A Europa: 74 anys
A ?frica: 50 anys.
3. -Per aquestes raons¡ú creixement natural negatiu (nombre
de naixements < nombre de defuncions)
-La gran arribada d¡¯immigrants a Europa est¨¤ ajudant
al creixement de la poblaci¨®.
-Efectes de la immigraci¨® (sol ser gent jove) sobre la
1. Creixement de la poblaci¨® activa: augment de les
persones en edat de treballar.
2. Creixement de la natalitat: augment del nombre
de naixements.
-La poblaci¨® europea es majorit¨¤riament urbana: 7/10
europeus viuen en ciutats.
(vore el mapa p¨¤g. 147 del llibre)
-Es distribueix de forma irregular en:
1. Zones bastant poblades: a la costa atl¨¤ntica i
centre del continent.
2. Zones escassament poblades: al nord d¡¯Europa.
(zones molt fredes)
-A Europa ¡ú ¨¦s el que menys persones ocupa. Tan
sols 4 de cada 100 (4%).
-Caracter¨ªstiques principals:
1. L¡¯agricultura.
2. La ramaderia.
3. La pesca.
4. L¡¯explotaci¨® forestal.
7. 1) L¡¯Agricultura:
- Gran Plana Europea i R¨²ssia¡ú cereals, cre?lles i
- Conca mediterr¨¤nia: vinya, olivera, hortalisses.
8. 2) La Ramaderia:
¡¤ Nord i al centre d¡¯Europa ¡ú ¨¦s extensiva. Bestiar
ov¨ª, bov¨ª i porc¨ª.
¡¤ Litoral mediterrani¡ú ¨¦s extensiva. Bestiar ov¨ª i
9. 3) La Pesca:
-Activitat important a Europa.
-Destaquen en nombre de captures: R¨²ssia,
Noruega, Isl¨¤ndia, Dinamarca, Espanya i Regne
10. 4) L¡¯Explotaci¨® forestal:
- Es localitza sobretot als pa?sos del nord.
- Fusta dels arbres¡ú producci¨® de mobles i paper.
-Ocupa a Europa 30 de cada 100 persones (30%)
-Les ind¨²stries principals s¨®n:
1. La de base.
2. La de b¨¦ns d¡¯equip.
3. La de b¨¦ns de consum.
13. 1) Ind¨²stria de base:
- Fabrica productes metal¨²rgics i qu¨ªmics.
- Es localitza a : Alemanya, Fran?a, R¨²ssia i Ucra?na.
14. 2) Ind¨²stria de b¨¦ns d¡¯equip.
-Fabrica m¨¤quines, autom¨°vils i material el¨¨ctric.
-Es localitza a: Alemanya, Fran?a, Espanya, It¨¤lia,
Regne Unit i Pa?sos Baixos.
15. 3) Ind¨²stria de b¨¦ns de consum:
- S¡¯obtenen productes que les persones consumim
directamente (t¨¨xtils, productes farmac¨¨utics,
- Est¨¤ repartida per tota Europa.
- Es on treballen m¨¦s persones: 66 de cada 100
- Les activitats m¨¦s destacades s¨®n:
1) El comer?.
2) El transport.
3) El turisme.
18. 1)El comer?:
-Europa ¨¦s el continent amb m¨¦s intecanvis
-Exporta: productes qu¨ªmics, metal¡¤l¨²rgics, material
de transport i tecnol¨°gics entre altres.
-Importa: petroli i mat¨¨ries primes principalment.
*Hist¨°ria dels diners:
19. 2) El transport:
-Europa t¨¦ moltes carreteres i vies de ferrocarril.
-T¨¦ ports amb molt de tr¨¤nsit de mercaderies.
-T¨¦ una de les xarxes de transport aeri m¨¦s important
i moderna del m¨®n.
20. 3) El turisme:
-Europa ¨¦s el dest¨ª tur¨ªstic mundial principal.
-Els ingressos es concentren a: Fran?a, Espanya,
It¨¤lia, Alemanya, ?ustria i Regne Unit.
-Espanya ¨¦s el set¨¦ pa¨ªs m¨¦s poblat d¡¯Europa.
-Comparteix amb l¡¯europea: l¡¯envelliment i el lent
creixement de la poblaci¨®.
-Aix¨° es degut a 2 factors:
1. L¡¯augment de l¡¯edat que pot viure una persona
(esperan?a de viure = 80 anys ¡ú una de les m¨¦s
altes d¡¯Europa)
2. La baixa natalitat ¡úcreixement lent de la poblaci¨®.
-La densitat de poblaci¨® d¡¯Espanya
¨¦s de 91 hab./km2 ¡ú ¨¦s m¨¦s alta
que la mitjana europea.
-La poblaci¨® espanyola tamb¨¦ est¨¤ repartida
desigualment. La poblaci¨® es concentra a les costes, a
excepci¨® de Madrid.
-La majoria de la poblaci¨® espanyola, com la europea, viu
en ciutats ¡ú ¨¦s poblaci¨® urbana.
Paisatges agraris d¡¯Espanya ¡ú
1) Sector Primari: ¨¦s el que menys persones ocupa.
¡¤Europa mediterr¨¤nia ¡ú vinya, olivera i cereals.
¡¤Nord d¡¯Espanya ¡ú ramaderia bovina.
2) Sector Secundari: les ind¨²stries que m¨¦s persones
ocupen s¨®n: la metal¡¤l¨²rgica, la de l¡¯autom¨°vil i la
qu¨ªmica i tamb¨¦ la ind¨²stria de b¨¦ns de consum.
3) Sector Terciari: ¨¦s el que m¨¦s persones ocupa.
Les activitats que m¨¦s persones ocupen s¨®n: el
comer?, el transport i el turisme.