Don Bourne is the Coordinator of eLearning & Technology at CLHS. He provides strategies for technology-enhanced instruction and focuses on professional development to keep staff informed of 21st century skills and instructional methods. This includes best practices for Moodle course design and implementing flipped classrooms. The school uses a one-to-one laptop program instead of tablets to better engage students in macro-level creation. Moodle, the school's online course management system, supports flipped classrooms and is used for on-ground, blended, and online courses as well as teams, clubs, and school board communication, serving as a tool to increase parent involvement.
The document discusses trends that will shape the world by 2020, including:
1) Nearly 1 billion youth will reach adulthood by 2020, changing global demographics.
2) The growing middle classes in developing countries like China and India will redefine global markets.
3) Resource scarcity will drive innovation in areas like energy production and efficient housing.
4) Most of the world's population will live in cities, which can improve living conditions if well-managed.
5) People will gain cyber connections through social media but may feel disconnected from local communities.
The document introduces six media tools for technology integration in classrooms: Voki, Voicethread, Foldplay booklets, geocaching, blogging, and Yodio. Examples of classroom uses are provided for each tool, such as using Voki for book reviews, Voicethread for collaborative discussions, and geocaching for scavenger hunt-style learning activities involving outdoor exploration. The document aims to showcase different digital tools teachers can employ to engage students in the 21st century classroom.
This document discusses database system applications and the advantages of database systems over traditional file processing systems. It provides examples of common database applications in various industries like banking, retail, healthcare, education, and telecommunications. It also outlines some of the key disadvantages of file processing systems like data redundancy, difficulty in data access, isolation of data, integrity issues, and security problems. The document introduces fundamental database concepts like data definition language, data manipulation language, data models, database schema, and relational databases. It provides a high-level overview of SQL as the most widely used database language. Finally, it lists an assignment for student groups to summarize the material and propose sample database tables for various popular websites and applications.
Developing Sustainable Conservation Finance Strategies for Coral Reef Restora...bwhowell1
This document discusses developing sustainable finance strategies for coral reef restoration. It outlines how declining reef health and recreation in Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary has negatively impacted the local economy. The author proposes establishing economic incentives for conserving coral reefs by developing property rights over restoration sites to create markets. A challenge is that environmental resources are non-rivalrous and non-excludable. The document recommends testing this approach in locations where enabling regulations exist and hosting a workshop to discuss piloting the concept. The goal is to make coral reef restoration financially self-sustaining long-term.
Dokumen tersebut berisi data set cuaca, jarak, pemakaian, dan pelanggan datang. Data set tersebut digunakan untuk membangun model pohon keputusan (decision tree) C4.5 untuk memprediksi apakah pelanggan akan datang berdasarkan atribut-atribut tersebut. Dokumen ini juga menjelaskan cara kerja algoritma C4.5 untuk membangun model pohon keputusan dan menemukan kelasnya.
Data Flow Diagram dan Entity Relational DiagramPutu Sundika
tutorial singkat dalam bahasa Indonesia tentang konsep dari DFD (Data Flow Diagram) dan ERD (Entity Relational Diagram). tutorial ini dilengkapi dengan contoh detil tentang cara membangun kedua diagram ini.
El documento proporciona informaci¨®n biogr¨¢fica y profesional sobre Zaha Hadid, arquitecta iraqu¨ª pionera del deconstructivismo. Se destaca su educaci¨®n en matem¨¢ticas, su trayectoria profesional y los principales premios recibidos. Tambi¨¦n describe las caracter¨ªsticas del estilo deconstructivista y de las obras de Hadid, que se caracterizan por la falta de simetr¨ªa, el uso de formas irregulares y la conexi¨®n con la geometr¨ªa.
"Why have we learned how to package products, but not how to 'package ourselv...Fwdays
Historically, Ukrainians are not good at presenting themselves (read: selling) because they are not self-confident. But we were never taught to be confident or to understand our strengths, moreover to pitch ourselves well in 3 minutes at an interview.
Therefore, my task is to teach you in a few minutes how to:
Create your personal pitch correctly (sales points, structure)
Understand, depending on the type of company, what managers want to hear about you at the interview
Be able to package irrelevant or no experience
Understand your strengths
Create an example of a personal pitch
No, there will be no information here on how to get more $ at the interview, but it's not sure ?
§¥§Ö§ã§ñ§ä§î §Ü§Ý§ð§é§Ö§Ó§í§ç §Ü§à§Þ§á§Ö§ä§Ö§ß§è§Ú§Û §á§à§Ý§Ú§ä§Ú§Ü§Ñ.
Warwick's 10 dimensions of political leadership skills.
§ß§Ñ §à§ã§ß§à§Ó§Ö §Ú§ã§ã§Ý§Ö§Õ§à§Ó§Ñ§ß§Ú§ñ Warwick Business School
For Young Professionals and Students: Skills That you Must Posess to Get the ...VKazadarova
Presentation delivered to the students of Kyiv National Economic University within the framework of HR University project organized by Lidia Nadych-Petrenko and myself under auspicious of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine (AmCham)
Don Bourne is the Coordinator of eLearning & Technology at CLHS. He provides strategies for technology-enhanced instruction and focuses on professional development to keep staff informed of 21st century skills and instructional methods. This includes best practices for Moodle course design and implementing flipped classrooms. The school uses a one-to-one laptop program instead of tablets to better engage students in macro-level creation. Moodle, the school's online course management system, supports flipped classrooms and is used for on-ground, blended, and online courses as well as teams, clubs, and school board communication, serving as a tool to increase parent involvement.
The document discusses trends that will shape the world by 2020, including:
1) Nearly 1 billion youth will reach adulthood by 2020, changing global demographics.
2) The growing middle classes in developing countries like China and India will redefine global markets.
3) Resource scarcity will drive innovation in areas like energy production and efficient housing.
4) Most of the world's population will live in cities, which can improve living conditions if well-managed.
5) People will gain cyber connections through social media but may feel disconnected from local communities.
The document introduces six media tools for technology integration in classrooms: Voki, Voicethread, Foldplay booklets, geocaching, blogging, and Yodio. Examples of classroom uses are provided for each tool, such as using Voki for book reviews, Voicethread for collaborative discussions, and geocaching for scavenger hunt-style learning activities involving outdoor exploration. The document aims to showcase different digital tools teachers can employ to engage students in the 21st century classroom.
This document discusses database system applications and the advantages of database systems over traditional file processing systems. It provides examples of common database applications in various industries like banking, retail, healthcare, education, and telecommunications. It also outlines some of the key disadvantages of file processing systems like data redundancy, difficulty in data access, isolation of data, integrity issues, and security problems. The document introduces fundamental database concepts like data definition language, data manipulation language, data models, database schema, and relational databases. It provides a high-level overview of SQL as the most widely used database language. Finally, it lists an assignment for student groups to summarize the material and propose sample database tables for various popular websites and applications.
Developing Sustainable Conservation Finance Strategies for Coral Reef Restora...bwhowell1
This document discusses developing sustainable finance strategies for coral reef restoration. It outlines how declining reef health and recreation in Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary has negatively impacted the local economy. The author proposes establishing economic incentives for conserving coral reefs by developing property rights over restoration sites to create markets. A challenge is that environmental resources are non-rivalrous and non-excludable. The document recommends testing this approach in locations where enabling regulations exist and hosting a workshop to discuss piloting the concept. The goal is to make coral reef restoration financially self-sustaining long-term.
Dokumen tersebut berisi data set cuaca, jarak, pemakaian, dan pelanggan datang. Data set tersebut digunakan untuk membangun model pohon keputusan (decision tree) C4.5 untuk memprediksi apakah pelanggan akan datang berdasarkan atribut-atribut tersebut. Dokumen ini juga menjelaskan cara kerja algoritma C4.5 untuk membangun model pohon keputusan dan menemukan kelasnya.
Data Flow Diagram dan Entity Relational DiagramPutu Sundika
tutorial singkat dalam bahasa Indonesia tentang konsep dari DFD (Data Flow Diagram) dan ERD (Entity Relational Diagram). tutorial ini dilengkapi dengan contoh detil tentang cara membangun kedua diagram ini.
El documento proporciona informaci¨®n biogr¨¢fica y profesional sobre Zaha Hadid, arquitecta iraqu¨ª pionera del deconstructivismo. Se destaca su educaci¨®n en matem¨¢ticas, su trayectoria profesional y los principales premios recibidos. Tambi¨¦n describe las caracter¨ªsticas del estilo deconstructivista y de las obras de Hadid, que se caracterizan por la falta de simetr¨ªa, el uso de formas irregulares y la conexi¨®n con la geometr¨ªa.
"Why have we learned how to package products, but not how to 'package ourselv...Fwdays
Historically, Ukrainians are not good at presenting themselves (read: selling) because they are not self-confident. But we were never taught to be confident or to understand our strengths, moreover to pitch ourselves well in 3 minutes at an interview.
Therefore, my task is to teach you in a few minutes how to:
Create your personal pitch correctly (sales points, structure)
Understand, depending on the type of company, what managers want to hear about you at the interview
Be able to package irrelevant or no experience
Understand your strengths
Create an example of a personal pitch
No, there will be no information here on how to get more $ at the interview, but it's not sure ?
§¥§Ö§ã§ñ§ä§î §Ü§Ý§ð§é§Ö§Ó§í§ç §Ü§à§Þ§á§Ö§ä§Ö§ß§è§Ú§Û §á§à§Ý§Ú§ä§Ú§Ü§Ñ.
Warwick's 10 dimensions of political leadership skills.
§ß§Ñ §à§ã§ß§à§Ó§Ö §Ú§ã§ã§Ý§Ö§Õ§à§Ó§Ñ§ß§Ú§ñ Warwick Business School
For Young Professionals and Students: Skills That you Must Posess to Get the ...VKazadarova
Presentation delivered to the students of Kyiv National Economic University within the framework of HR University project organized by Lidia Nadych-Petrenko and myself under auspicious of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine (AmCham)
"Mission (im) possible: How to get an offer in 2024?", Oleksandra MyronovaFwdays
Will talk about:
Briefly about the IT labor market in 2024: numbers, rates, pain points.
The full cycle of job search and which stage is the most important?
How to stand out among other candidates and what skills would come in handy?