El documento habla sobre las clases de personajes en el juego World of Warcraft. Describe brevemente las diferentes clases como Guerrero, Paladín, Cazador, Sacerdote, Mago, Ladrón, Chamán, Brujo y Monje, y sus habilidades y roles dentro del juego.
Este documento presenta un examen de nivelación para un curso de formulación estratégica de problemas en la Universidad Estatal de Milagro. Contiene tres problemas que prueban la habilidad de los estudiantes para resolver problemas lógicos y de razonamiento espacial. El examen instruye a los estudiantes a no comunicarse ni usar ayudas externas y les advierte sobre las reglas de calificación.
Relations between Arctic large-scale TEC changes and scintillations over Gree...Tibor Durgonics
This study analyzes GNSS data from Greenland stations to investigate the relationship between large-scale changes in total electron content (TEC) in the Arctic region and scintillations over Greenland. TEC, amplitude scintillation indices (S4), and phase scintillation indices (σφ) are calculated from GNSS data from 62 Greenland stations along with electron density and scintillation maps. Ground-based geomagnetic data is also analyzed. Extreme ionosphere events are presented and the underlying geophysical drivers, such as the auroral oval and electrojet, are identified and discussed. The goal is to understand how these factors influence TEC, S4 and σφ distributions to develop tools for monitoring and predicting Arctic
This document discusses several types of audience responses to media:
- Preferred responses occur when the audience agrees with and is willing to change their behavior based on the media.
- Negotiated responses mean the audience understands the message but will not change their behavior.
- Oppositional responses mean the audience does not believe or agree with the message and will ignore it.
- Participatory responses encourage the audience to engage with the media by giving opinions and participating in discussions and voting.
- Cultural competence means tailoring media like advertisements to different cultures' understandings and languages.
- Fan culture refers to passionate fans who form online communities called "fandoms" to discuss their favorite shows, bands, and books.
Brittany Lopez moved from Florida to North Carolina in 2011. She met and married her husband Eduardo in 2012. They had their first child in 2013. Brittany became a stay at home mom and budgeted carefully. In 2014, they were able to rent a cheaper house that they fixed up. After her child turned 1, Brittany started working part time for the Post Office. In 2015, she committed to finishing her degree. She passed a test for an indoor position at the Post Office. Brittany is now achieving her goals of completing her degree while supporting her family.
Este documento describe el aprendizaje autónomo como un proceso intelectual mediante el cual una persona implementa estrategias cognitivas y metacognitivas de manera secuencial y objetiva para aprender. Explica que el aprendizaje autónomo requiere un propósito personal, situaciones específicas, aprender haciendo, y conocimientos previos e interacción social. También destaca que el aprendizaje autónomo fomenta la curiosidad, la auto disciplina y la capacidad de resolver problemas por uno mismo.
Este documento trata sobre el emprendimiento social. Discute cómo las empresas están creando valor social además de valor económico. También presenta ejemplos de organizaciones en Venezuela, Colombia y Alpina que han adoptado enfoques de emprendimiento social. Examina el liderazgo de los emprendimientos sociales, notando que surgen de individuos o grupos y preguntándose qué habilidades y estilos de gestión son relevantes para lograr su consolidación.
This document outlines the responsibilities of an HR assistant role. Key responsibilities include preparing new hire paperwork, managing employee onboarding and training programs, processing payroll changes, and providing general HR support and advice to employees and managers. The role involves tasks such as sending reference requests, maintaining personnel files, booking training sessions, processing expenses, and assisting with benefits administration.
This document summarizes guidelines for providing language access to limited English proficiency (LEP) individuals. It discusses an overview of federal LEP guidelines, examples of successful outreach programs, challenges, and opportunities. One successful program discussed engages Spanish-speaking youth and communities in conservation through bilingual outreach, volunteer opportunities, and nature programs. Another program discussed the importance of surveying the target population, in this case Hispanic residential landowners, to tailor programming to their needs and interests in areas like sustainable land management practices.
Lean Healthcare Author Mark Graban, LGO alum '99 gives some points about healthcare operations in the US, how healthcare costs continue to rise, and why unique programs like MIT's Leaders for Global Operations can help solve this problem.
This flyer advertises Nimble Sharpening, a tool sharpening business located in Mississauga that specializes in sharpening saw blades, planer and jointer knives, shaper cutters, router bits, and other tools. They offer grinding of the face, top, and balancing of saw blade teeth for optimal performance. Customers are promised their tools will cut better than new and satisfaction is their top priority, with 10% off for first-time customers.
Presentación del Programa Sostenibilidad Ambiental Península de Paria, preparada por Francisco Tomás. Responsable de Programas de la Oficina Técnica de Cooperación Espa?ola en Venezuela.
На масштабном форуме ?Открытые инновации?, который уже в третий раз проходил в Москве в нынешнем году, не ожидаешь услышать вопрос ?Что такое инновации??, адресованный к участникам пленарной сессии. Но именно с этим вопросом обратился к аудитории швейцарский изобретатель, бизнесмен и воздухоплаватель Бернар Пикар. По его мнению, ?инновации — это не новые идеи, а способность людей отказаться от старых идей?.
Validation of the computer assisted language learning attitude scale: Focusin...Yusaku Kawaguchi
Kawaguchi, Y. (2015, June). Validation of the computer assisted language learning attitude scale: Focusing on computer anxiety and accessibility. JALTCALL 2015. Kyushu Sangyo University, Japan.
This document summarizes guidelines for providing language access to limited English proficiency (LEP) individuals. It discusses an overview of federal LEP guidelines, examples of successful outreach programs, challenges, and opportunities. One successful program discussed engages Spanish-speaking youth and communities in conservation through bilingual outreach, volunteer opportunities, and nature programs. Another program discussed the importance of surveying the target population, in this case Hispanic residential landowners, to tailor programming to their needs and interests in areas like sustainable land management practices.
Lean Healthcare Author Mark Graban, LGO alum '99 gives some points about healthcare operations in the US, how healthcare costs continue to rise, and why unique programs like MIT's Leaders for Global Operations can help solve this problem.
This flyer advertises Nimble Sharpening, a tool sharpening business located in Mississauga that specializes in sharpening saw blades, planer and jointer knives, shaper cutters, router bits, and other tools. They offer grinding of the face, top, and balancing of saw blade teeth for optimal performance. Customers are promised their tools will cut better than new and satisfaction is their top priority, with 10% off for first-time customers.
Presentación del Programa Sostenibilidad Ambiental Península de Paria, preparada por Francisco Tomás. Responsable de Programas de la Oficina Técnica de Cooperación Espa?ola en Venezuela.
На масштабном форуме ?Открытые инновации?, который уже в третий раз проходил в Москве в нынешнем году, не ожидаешь услышать вопрос ?Что такое инновации??, адресованный к участникам пленарной сессии. Но именно с этим вопросом обратился к аудитории швейцарский изобретатель, бизнесмен и воздухоплаватель Бернар Пикар. По его мнению, ?инновации — это не новые идеи, а способность людей отказаться от старых идей?.
Validation of the computer assisted language learning attitude scale: Focusin...Yusaku Kawaguchi
Kawaguchi, Y. (2015, June). Validation of the computer assisted language learning attitude scale: Focusing on computer anxiety and accessibility. JALTCALL 2015. Kyushu Sangyo University, Japan.