- The document discusses linear regression models and methods for estimating coefficients, including ordinary least squares and regularization methods like ridge regression and lasso regression.
- It explains how lasso regression, unlike ordinary least squares and ridge regression, has the property of driving some of the coefficient estimates exactly to zero, allowing for variable selection.
- An example using crime rate data shows how lasso regression can select a more parsimonious model than other methods by setting some coefficients to zero.
NagoyaStat #12 で使用した資料です(公開に当たって当日ホワイトボードに書いた内容等を補完したものになります)。
The title of textbook is "Bayesian statistical modeling with Stan and R", and that of Chapter 9 in textbook is "advanced grammar" in English.
- The document discusses linear regression models and methods for estimating coefficients, including ordinary least squares and regularization methods like ridge regression and lasso regression.
- It explains how lasso regression, unlike ordinary least squares and ridge regression, has the property of driving some of the coefficient estimates exactly to zero, allowing for variable selection.
- An example using crime rate data shows how lasso regression can select a more parsimonious model than other methods by setting some coefficients to zero.
NagoyaStat #12 で使用した資料です(公開に当たって当日ホワイトボードに書いた内容等を補完したものになります)。
The title of textbook is "Bayesian statistical modeling with Stan and R", and that of Chapter 9 in textbook is "advanced grammar" in English.
Validation of the computer assisted language learning attitude scale: Focusin...Yusaku Kawaguchi
Kawaguchi, Y. (2015, June). Validation of the computer assisted language learning attitude scale: Focusing on computer anxiety and accessibility. JALTCALL 2015. Kyushu Sangyo University, Japan.
14. R version 3.0.1 (2013-05-16) -- "Good Sport"
Copyright (C) 2013 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: i386-w64-mingw32/i386 (32-bit)
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