A2 advanced portfolio production diary template 2013 to 2014gemma-louise
This document outlines the planned progress and tasks over 14 weeks for a student creating an advanced media studies portfolio. It includes creating ancillary tasks like a film poster and reviews, conducting research, writing a script, filming, and constructing a short film. The student films practice shots, finds locations, and plans shoots but faces issues with participants that require pick-up shots. The goal is to continue constructing the short film through editing and adding additional shots.
The document discusses the use of various media technologies throughout the stages of a media studies project, including research, planning, filming, and evaluation. During the research stage, Google Images and YouTube were used to find film posters, reviews, and featurettes to analyze. Planning involved using MindGenius for mind mapping and Celtx for writing the script. Filming was done using a Canon and Nikon DSLR. Adobe Premier Pro was used to edit the film. Evaluation answers were created in Word and Prezi and shared on Blogger. The document emphasizes how internet and digital technologies now facilitate all stages of media production and distribution.
The document summarizes interview scenes from the film production of "The Masterpiece". It introduces the flamboyant director Paul Watson and the struggling producer Harrison Holloway. It also features interviews with the eccentric cast members who describe their complex characters in grandiose terms or admit to lack of preparation. Holloway comments that Paul was the biggest problem and the amateur production had many issues. In the end, most of the cast and crew claim the film as their own masterpiece.
The document summarizes market research conducted to determine the target audience for a short film/featurette. The research found that the target audience is primarily students aged 14-21, with 68% of respondents in that age range. Additionally, 95% of respondents were female, and the research showed interest in action/adventure, science fiction, and fantasy genres. Most respondents said they would be interested in watching a featurette about a movie. This research will help the filmmakers create a product that appeals to this identified target audience.
What have you learned from your audience feedbackgemma-louise
The document discusses audience feedback received on a film featurette. The feedback indicated that the contrast of black and white separating the film from behind-the-scenes worked well, as did the use of different shot types. However, the ending was too abrupt and there was 40 seconds of nothing at the end, which needed fixing. Suggestions included leaving the featurette on a cliffhanger to entice viewers to watch the full film or adding rolling credits. The overall conclusion from the feedback was that the initial ideas came across but the ending needed improvement.
What have you learned from your audience feedbackgemma-louise
The document discusses audience feedback received on a film featurette. The feedback indicated that the contrast of black and white separating the film from behind-the-scenes worked well, and the different shot types represented those in a featurette. However, the ending was too abrupt and there was 40 seconds of nothing at the end, so improvements are needed to the ending. Suggestions included leaving it on a cliffhanger or adding rolling credits. The overall conclusion from the feedback was that the initial ideas came across but the ending needed work.
The document summarizes market research conducted to determine the target audience for a short film/featurette. The research found that the target audience is primarily students aged 14-21, with 68% of respondents in that age range. Additionally, 95% of respondents were female, and the research showed interest in action/adventure, science fiction, and fantasy genres. Most respondents said they would be interested in watching a featurette about a movie. This research will help the filmmakers create a product that appeals to this identified target audience.
What have you learned from your audience feedbackgemma-louise
The document discusses audience feedback received on a film featurette. The feedback indicated that the contrast of black and white separating the film from behind-the-scenes worked well, as did the use of different shot types. However, the ending was too abrupt and there was 40 seconds of nothing at the end, which needed fixing. Suggestions included leaving the featurette on a cliffhanger to entice viewers to watch the full film or adding rolling credits. The overall conclusion from the feedback was that the initial ideas came across but the ending needed improvement.
What have you learned from your audience feedbackgemma-louise
The document discusses audience feedback received on a film featurette. The feedback indicated that the contrast of black and white separating the film from behind-the-scenes worked well, and the different shot types represented those in a featurette. However, the ending was too abrupt and there was 40 seconds of nothing at the end, so improvements are needed to the ending. Suggestions included leaving it on a cliffhanger or adding rolling credits. The overall conclusion from the feedback was that the initial ideas came across but the ending needed work.
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川口 勇作(名古屋大学大学院)