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Expense Management

PRODUCT SUMMARY                                             HIGHLIGHTS

P                                                              Spending Visibility and Control
        aychex Expense Manager, powered by
        ExpenseWire速, is a Web-based solution that              Reduce discretionary employee spending by
        provides state-of-the-art controls to help reduce       gaining centralized visibility and control over your
discretionary employee spending and administrative              entire process through powerful management
labor time. Automated report submissions, approvals,            tools that are easy to implement and use.
policy management, communications, direct deposit,
and seamless general ledger reporting can result               Personal and Corporate
                                                                Credit Card Imports
in exceptionally high levels of user adoption and
                                                                Save time and increase accuracy through direct
adherence to centrally managed spending policies.
                                                                imports of expense data from personal and
Implementation is fast and easy.
                                                                corporate credit card vendors.
                                                               Process Controls and
                                                                Policy Enforcement
                                                                Increase adherence to centrally managed
                                                                spending policies through easy-to-use process
                                                                controls and policy communication tools.
                                                               Instant Status Updates
                                                                Improve employee morale and adherence to
                                                                centrally managed expense policies by instantly
                                                                addressing and communicating status updates
                                                                through automated system tools.

                                                               Automated Direct Deposit
                                                                Save time and increase accuracy through
                                                                automated direct deposit expense
                                                               General Ledger Imports
                                                                Save administrative labor time and frustration by
                                                                importing expense account detail directly into your
                                                                general ledger system.
Key Features
                 EXPENSE REPORTING                                      GENERAL LEDGER
                  	Easy report creation                                  	Direct data import
                  	Personal credit card data importing                   	Tracking by general ledger account
                  	Corporate credit card data importing                  	Tracking by client, project
                  	Scanned receipt archiving                             	Salesforce.com client, project integration

                 POLICY ADMINISTRATION                                  ANALYTICS
                  	Centralized administration                            	Custom data collection, analytics
                  	Point-of-entry policy communications                  	Flexible standard reports
                  	Custom data input by spending type                    	Graphical display options

                  	Multiple approval levels
                  	Automated approval process
                  	Automatic status notifications

                  	Direct deposit
                  	Foreign currency conversions

                                                     Paychex One-Source Solutions
                                                     One Partner, One Solution.

158217 1/11 CP

                                                           w w w. p a y c h e x . c o m

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Automate your Expense Reports!!

  • 1. Attract and Hire Guide and Support Manage and Direct Develop and Retain Expense Management PRODUCT SUMMARY HIGHLIGHTS P Spending Visibility and Control aychex Expense Manager, powered by ExpenseWire速, is a Web-based solution that Reduce discretionary employee spending by provides state-of-the-art controls to help reduce gaining centralized visibility and control over your discretionary employee spending and administrative entire process through powerful management labor time. Automated report submissions, approvals, tools that are easy to implement and use. policy management, communications, direct deposit, and seamless general ledger reporting can result Personal and Corporate Credit Card Imports in exceptionally high levels of user adoption and Save time and increase accuracy through direct adherence to centrally managed spending policies. imports of expense data from personal and Implementation is fast and easy. corporate credit card vendors. Process Controls and Policy Enforcement Increase adherence to centrally managed spending policies through easy-to-use process controls and policy communication tools. Instant Status Updates Improve employee morale and adherence to centrally managed expense policies by instantly addressing and communicating status updates through automated system tools. Automated Direct Deposit Save time and increase accuracy through automated direct deposit expense reimbursements. General Ledger Imports Save administrative labor time and frustration by importing expense account detail directly into your general ledger system.
  • 2. Key Features EXPENSE REPORTING GENERAL LEDGER Easy report creation Direct data import Personal credit card data importing Tracking by general ledger account Corporate credit card data importing Tracking by client, project Scanned receipt archiving Salesforce.com client, project integration POLICY ADMINISTRATION ANALYTICS Centralized administration Custom data collection, analytics Point-of-entry policy communications Flexible standard reports Custom data input by spending type Graphical display options STATUS CHANGES AND APPROVALS Multiple approval levels Automated approval process Automatic status notifications REIMBURSEMENTS Direct deposit Foreign currency conversions Paychex One-Source Solutions One Partner, One Solution. 1-800-322-7292 158217 1/11 CP w w w. p a y c h e x . c o m