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Concur Invoice Management
Standard Edition
AP automation made simple

For many organizations, the invoice process is largely paper based and inefficient.      THE BENEFITS
To help mid-size organizations eliminate paper and reduce costs, Concur速 Invoice
Management Standard Edition automates the time-consuming process of collecting,
                                                                                         Expedite processing
submitting, approving and paying supplier invoices and check requests. The service
                                                                                         Reduce bottlenecks and delays with an
eliminates the bottlenecks in processing invoices and keeps you in control. You save
                                                                                         automated end-to-end cycle.
time, drive down costs by as much as 70 percent and ultimately reduce spending.
                                                                                         	 Enter invoices into the system immediately
Concur Invoice Management provides end-to-end invoice lifecycle managementfrom          	 Automate policy enforcement
capture to paymentin a solution that costs nothing to set up and does not require       	 Promote efficient approvals
IT to maintain.
                                                                                         Gain visibility
Concur Invoice Management Standard Edition                                               Invoice can help transform employee spend
With Concur Invoice Management Standard Edition, mid-size companies have a single        data into effective decision-making information.
platform for managing employee-initiated spendingwhether it involves travel or office   	 Capture valuable data
supplies. The service enables efficient processing of supplier-payment requests with     	 Proactively monitor spend
an easy-to-use, simple-to-install solution that eliminates paper and reduces costs.      	 Negotiate with suppliers

	 Automated workflows ensure invoices are efficiently routed and follow your            Reduce costs
   organizations approval process                                                       Streamline the processing of vendor and
	 Flexible invoice handling and reporting capabilities put you in control               supplier invoices.
	 Automated end-to-end process eliminates manual tasks                                  	 Cut paper out of the invoice process
                                                                                         	 Reduce your invoice-processing costs by
	 Complete analysis of spend improves visibility
                                                                                            as much as 70 percent
	 Easy implementation means you can be up and running in as few as 30 days
	 Provides a single platform for managing employee spend when paired with
   Concur速 Expense

                                                                                                  Concur on your
                                                                                                  expedite invoice
Easy Setup
                                                                                               The configuration wizard makes implementation
                                                                                               quick and easy.

  Powerful Invoice Analytics
  Quickly analyze your invoice process and find
  opportunities to negotiate better deals with
  your vendors.

   Full lifecycle invoice management                                                              Robust Workflow
   Concur Invoice Management automates the entire invoice                                         Seamlessly incorporate new suppliers while an invoice
   lifecycle and provides complete visibility during every step of                                progresses through the approval cycle. When they use the
   the process. The solution allows you to:                                                       Concur mobile app, employees can keep the approval cycle
   	 Capture invoices  create and scan invoices or let                                          moving, even when theyre out of the office!
      Concur do the task
                                                                                                  Automated Invoice Payments
   	 Manage invoices  invoices are routed automatically
      for approval and audit                                                                      Once approved, invoices automatically queue for ACH or check
                                                                                                  payment. This service substantially reduces processing costs;
   	 Enforce policy  each invoice is systematically evaluated
                                                                                                  Concur provides ACH payments free of charge and offers check
      to meet your policies
                                                                                                  payments at a low fixed rate. In addition, the service ensures
   	 Pay vendors  suppliers and vendors are paid electronically                                 payments are made on time while maximizing cash flow. The
      with ACH, eliminating the need for checks                                                   time-intensive task of generating payments is removed (while
   	 Report and analyze  all activities and transactions are                                    maintaining complete control to hold payment at any point
      stored for both detail- and summary-level reporting                                         if needed).

   Invoice Capture Service                                                                        Powerful Analytics
   Eliminate the manually intensive tasks of receiving, scanning
                                                                                                  Our low-maintenance reporting solution ensures youre able
   and verifying printed invoices. With this service, all invoices
                                                                                                  to quickly realize a return on your investment. The pre-defined
   paper, email and faxare sent to a central location. Concur
                                                                                                  reports, dashboards, and key metrics allow you to analyze your
   personnel then scan and upload the invoice, verify the data and
                                                                                                  invoice process and identify opportunities for negotiating better
   route it to the owner or AP department. Invoice Capture gets
                                                                                                  deals with your top vendors.
   invoices entered efficiently and enables faster approval and
   punctual payment.

About Concur
Concur is a leading provider of integrated travel and expense management solutions. Our adaptable
Web-based and mobile solutions help companies and their employees control costs and save time.
Learn more at www.concur.com

息2012 Concur, all rights reserved. Concur is a registered trademark of Concur Technologies, Inc. All other company and product names are the property of their respective
manufacturers. Specifications and other details listed are accurate as of printing, but may change without notice. BR STANDARD INVOICE MGMT NA 2012/07

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Concur Standard Invoice Management

  • 1. Concur Invoice Management Standard Edition AP automation made simple For many organizations, the invoice process is largely paper based and inefficient. THE BENEFITS To help mid-size organizations eliminate paper and reduce costs, Concur速 Invoice Management Standard Edition automates the time-consuming process of collecting, Expedite processing submitting, approving and paying supplier invoices and check requests. The service Reduce bottlenecks and delays with an eliminates the bottlenecks in processing invoices and keeps you in control. You save automated end-to-end cycle. time, drive down costs by as much as 70 percent and ultimately reduce spending. Enter invoices into the system immediately Concur Invoice Management provides end-to-end invoice lifecycle managementfrom Automate policy enforcement capture to paymentin a solution that costs nothing to set up and does not require Promote efficient approvals IT to maintain. Gain visibility Concur Invoice Management Standard Edition Invoice can help transform employee spend With Concur Invoice Management Standard Edition, mid-size companies have a single data into effective decision-making information. platform for managing employee-initiated spendingwhether it involves travel or office Capture valuable data supplies. The service enables efficient processing of supplier-payment requests with Proactively monitor spend an easy-to-use, simple-to-install solution that eliminates paper and reduces costs. Negotiate with suppliers Automated workflows ensure invoices are efficiently routed and follow your Reduce costs organizations approval process Streamline the processing of vendor and Flexible invoice handling and reporting capabilities put you in control supplier invoices. Automated end-to-end process eliminates manual tasks Cut paper out of the invoice process Reduce your invoice-processing costs by Complete analysis of spend improves visibility as much as 70 percent Easy implementation means you can be up and running in as few as 30 days Provides a single platform for managing employee spend when paired with Concur速 Expense Concur on your smartphone expedite invoice approvals
  • 2. Easy Setup The configuration wizard makes implementation quick and easy. Powerful Invoice Analytics Quickly analyze your invoice process and find opportunities to negotiate better deals with your vendors. Full lifecycle invoice management Robust Workflow Concur Invoice Management automates the entire invoice Seamlessly incorporate new suppliers while an invoice lifecycle and provides complete visibility during every step of progresses through the approval cycle. When they use the the process. The solution allows you to: Concur mobile app, employees can keep the approval cycle Capture invoices create and scan invoices or let moving, even when theyre out of the office! Concur do the task Automated Invoice Payments Manage invoices invoices are routed automatically for approval and audit Once approved, invoices automatically queue for ACH or check payment. This service substantially reduces processing costs; Enforce policy each invoice is systematically evaluated Concur provides ACH payments free of charge and offers check to meet your policies payments at a low fixed rate. In addition, the service ensures Pay vendors suppliers and vendors are paid electronically payments are made on time while maximizing cash flow. The with ACH, eliminating the need for checks time-intensive task of generating payments is removed (while Report and analyze all activities and transactions are maintaining complete control to hold payment at any point stored for both detail- and summary-level reporting if needed). Invoice Capture Service Powerful Analytics Eliminate the manually intensive tasks of receiving, scanning Our low-maintenance reporting solution ensures youre able and verifying printed invoices. With this service, all invoices to quickly realize a return on your investment. The pre-defined paper, email and faxare sent to a central location. Concur reports, dashboards, and key metrics allow you to analyze your personnel then scan and upload the invoice, verify the data and invoice process and identify opportunities for negotiating better route it to the owner or AP department. Invoice Capture gets deals with your top vendors. invoices entered efficiently and enables faster approval and punctual payment. About Concur Concur is a leading provider of integrated travel and expense management solutions. Our adaptable Web-based and mobile solutions help companies and their employees control costs and save time. Learn more at www.concur.com 息2012 Concur, all rights reserved. Concur is a registered trademark of Concur Technologies, Inc. All other company and product names are the property of their respective manufacturers. Specifications and other details listed are accurate as of printing, but may change without notice. BR STANDARD INVOICE MGMT NA 2012/07