Webinar : A CCS communications framework developed by the Japanese Knowledge ...Global CCS Institute
This webinar was led by Dr Hiroyasu Takase, Managing Director of Quintessa Japan. Knowledge sharing in a multidisciplinary and multi-stakeholder project such as a CCS project, presents challenges for motivating and facilitating creative interactions among experts from diverse areas of practice, as well as interactions between experts and non-expert stakeholders.
In the last three years, the Global CCS Institute has been empowering a community of CCS experts in Japan to develop and test their ideas, methodologies and toolkits to meet these challenges. An overview of this work was presented in the webinar together with lessons learnt, bearing in mind their possible use by other members. In addition, issues to be addressed by further work will be briefly discussed.
Webinar : A CCS communications framework developed by the Japanese Knowledge ...Global CCS Institute
This webinar was led by Dr Hiroyasu Takase, Managing Director of Quintessa Japan. Knowledge sharing in a multidisciplinary and multi-stakeholder project such as a CCS project, presents challenges for motivating and facilitating creative interactions among experts from diverse areas of practice, as well as interactions between experts and non-expert stakeholders.
In the last three years, the Global CCS Institute has been empowering a community of CCS experts in Japan to develop and test their ideas, methodologies and toolkits to meet these challenges. An overview of this work was presented in the webinar together with lessons learnt, bearing in mind their possible use by other members. In addition, issues to be addressed by further work will be briefly discussed.
B9_21_子供のプライバシー対策に必要なもの Speakers' slide deck for Privacy By Design Conference...Keiko Tanaka
Speakers' slide deck for Privacy By Design Conference 2023, session on Protecting Privacy of Children Through Data Governance.
Privacy by Design Conference 2023とは
15:20 ~ 16:20 「子供のプライバシー対策に必要なもの」
MyData Global Board Member 2020 & 2021 Dixon Siu
京都情報大学院大学 助教 田中恵子
EDDS創始者、ロンドン?スクール?オブ?エコノミクス客員研究員 ヴェリスラーバ?ヒルマン 氏
一般社団法人Privacy by Design Lab 代表理事 栗原宏平
サマリー:子どものプライバシーを守るために必要なもの Session Summary on Protecting Privacy of Children ...Keiko Tanaka
Session Summary on Protecting Privacy of Children Through Data Governance at Privacy By Design Conference 2023
-Dixon Siu, MyData Global Board Member 2020 & 2021
-Keiko Tanaka, Assistant Professor at KCG.edu
-Velislava Tchakarova-Hillman, Founder of EDDS, Visiting Researcher at London School of Economics
-Kohei Kurihara, Chief Executive Officer at Privacy by Design Lab
Privacy by Design Conference 2023とは
15:20 ~ 16:20 「子供のプライバシー対策に必要なもの」
MyData Global Board Member 2020 & 2021 Dixon Siu
京都情報大学院大学 助教 田中恵子
EDDS創始者、ロンドン?スクール?オブ?エコノミクス客員研究員 ヴェリスラーバ?ヒルマン 氏
一般社団法人Privacy by Design Lab 代表理事 栗原宏平
Information activism uses tools like blogs, maps, videos, mobile SMS, and social media to turn information into action by empowering individuals to tell their own stories and shape public communication. Effective info-activism requires having a clear strategy, solid data and information sources, and using the appropriate tools to disseminate your message. Various online tools can help activists track issues, keep up to date with developments, and monitor discussions in order to effectively respond and advocate for their cause.
19. Open Badge Pathway
Concentric Sky. “Introducing the Future of Stackable Credentials: Open Pathways.” YouTube, 15 Sept. 2017, www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBCCVdrIaDQ&t=513s. Accessed 10 June 2023.
21. T3 Innovation Network : Open Competency Network
● Competency
Explorer :異なる
● Data Ecosystem
Schema Mapper:
T3 Innovation Network and US Chamber of Commerce Foundation, April 6, 2023, “Data Ecosystem Schema Mapper Tool Pilot Report”
22. 参考文献
AACRAO: the Alternative Credentials Work Group. (2022). Alternative Credentials: Considerations, Guidance, and Best Practices. In American Association of Collegiate Registrars and
Admissions Officers. https://www.aacrao.org/resources/newsletters-blogs/aacrao-connect/article/alternative-credentials-considerations-guidance-and-best-practices
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Concentric Sky. (2017). Introducing the Future of Stackable Credentials: Open Pathways [YouTube Video]. In YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBCCVdrIaDQ&t=513s
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European Union. (n.d.). European Learning Model for Stakeholders | Europass. Europa.eu. Retrieved May 7, 2023, from https://europa.eu/europass/en/node/2128
Evans, Lee, W. O., Markowitsch, J., & Zukas, M. (2023). Develop a Qualification Ecosystem for Adult Learners: Micro-credentialing to Formalize Informal and Nonformal Learning. In
Third International Handbook of Lifelong Learning. (pp. 821–839). Springer International Publishing AG,. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-19592-1_40
Laryea, K., Paepcke, A., Mirzaei, K., & Stevens, M. L. (2021). Ambiguous Credentials: How Learners Use and Make Sense of Massively Open Online Courses. The Journal of Higher
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Lewis, M. J., & Lodge, J. M. (2016). Keep Calm and Credential on: Linking Learning, Life and Work Practices in a Complex World. Foundation of Digital Badges and
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Selvaratnam, R., & Sankey, M. (2021). The State of Micro-Credentials Implementation and Practice in Australasian Higher Education. Open Praxis, 13(2), 228.
State University of New York. (2018, January). SUNY Micro‐Credentialing Task Force Report and Recommendations. State University of New York.
Wolz, E., Gottlieb, M., & Pongratz, H. (2021). Digital Credentials in Higher Education Institutions; A literature Reveiw. In Association for Information Systems.
田中恵子, 2021, キャリア接続を指向するマイクロ クレデンシャルについての一考察 ―その新自由主義的傾向への批判的検討 ―, 日本キャリア教育学会第 43回研究大会