Mapa conceptual sobre gerencia de proyectos y ciclo de vida de un proyectoGLORIA LENY MUÑOZ RUANOEl documento presenta un mapa conceptual sobre la gerencia de proyectos y el ciclo de vida de un proyecto. Fue creado por Gloria Leny Muñoz Ruano para su maestría en gestión de tecnología educativa en la Universidad de Santander en Almaguer, Cauca, Colombia en 2017 bajo la consulta del profesor Henry Nebardo Cely Granados.
602-605Kaveh Ostad-Ali-AskariThis study examined the sensitivity of autumn wheat (Omid variety) to under irrigation in Shahrekord, Iran. A field experiment was conducted with 9 irrigation treatments and 4 replications. Irrigation was applied starting in June, with the amount reduced based on the treatment. Yield and yield components were measured. Relationships between yield decrease and water consumption decrease were nonlinear, indicating the wheat variety had little sensitivity to under irrigation. For a 30% decrease in water, yield decreased only 3%, showing tolerance to drought conditions.
Screencasting - Tips on how to make a great screencastLTA Multimedia1. Before recording a screencast, plan ahead by creating a storyboard and script if needed. Also open any files and windows you will need and tidy your desktop to avoid distractions.
2. During recording, practice first to work out any kinks. Speak naturally and use gestures like the mouse cursor to draw attention to parts of the screen.
3. After recording, don't over-edit as it can make the video seem artificial. Watch it through before sharing and save and name the file in a logical way depending on your intended audience.
Certificate for Architect Enterprise Applications with Java EEBogdan BocseThis certificate confirms that Bogdan Bocse successfully completed the Oracle University training class "Architect Enterprise Applications with Java EE Ed 1 LVC". The certificate is signed by John Hall, Senior Vice President of Oracle Corporation, and also lists the instructor's name, date of completion, and Bogdan Bocse's enrollment ID.
Atividades aBerenice EvangélioThe document describes the persistent nature of a spider that continues climbing up walls despite heavy rain knocking it down multiple times. The spider is characterized as stubborn and disobedient for refusing to stop climbing even after the rain has passed and the sun has come out.
Sherlock holmes a_scandal_in_bohemia (2)lorena marianoThis document is the first chapter of "A Scandal in Bohemia" by Arthur Conan Doyle. It introduces the characters of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Holmes has a visitor, Count Von Kramm, who is actually an agent working for an unnamed royal figure. The Count asks Holmes and Watson to keep the matter he wishes to discuss absolutely secret for two years, saying it is a matter that could influence European history. Holmes and Watson agree to the secrecy condition.
Como agregar encabezado y pie de pagina poncasUriel GonzálezEl documento describe 5 pasos para agregar un encabezado y pie de página en Microsoft Word: 1) hacer clic en Insertar y luego Encabezado, 2) seleccionar un diseño de encabezado, 3) modificar el formato del encabezado, 4) escribir la información en el encabezado, y 5) cerrar el encabezado y pie de página.
Fisioterapia veterinariaLuz del Carmen Hernandez PerezLa fisioterapia veterinaria es una forma de rehabilitación cuyo objetivo es restaurar la locomoción y autonomía de las mascotas mediante técnicas como masajes, terapia de movimiento, ultrasonidos y campo magnético. Se utiliza para tratar problemas musculoesqueléticos como lesiones, inflamaciones, artrosis o después de una cirugía, con el fin de mejorar la calidad de vida del animal. El tratamiento implica una evaluación física detallada seguida de sesiones que aplican diferentes medios para aliviar el dolor
Demonstration MethodDayne FranciscoThe document outlines the demonstration method of teaching. It defines demonstration method as a teacher or student showing a process while others observe. It provides guidelines for effective demonstration, including selecting demonstrators, preparing materials, practicing the demonstration, and motivating observers. The demonstration should be followed by allowing questions, analyzing results, and assessing learning. Advantages include following a systematic procedure and developing confidence. A disadvantage is it only invites attention rather than discussion.
Mostafa Shabani Cvmostafa shabaniThis curriculum vitae provides biographical information and academic and professional experience for Mostafa Shabani. He received his B.Sc. in Solid State Physics from Damghan Payam Noor University in 2011 and his M.Sc. in Solid State Physics from Shahrood University of Technology in 2014. His research interests include spintronics, strongly correlated systems, nanostructures, and condensed matter physics. He has publications and experience using computational simulation software like SIESTA and TRANSIESTA to model nanomaterials.
OARO 11 Feb 2017Obaid Ali / Roohi B. ObaidThis document discusses quality systems in manufacturing facilities. It begins with an overview of fundamental quality issues that have led to tragedies in healthcare products. The discussion then focuses on quality attributes and how ensuring safety, efficacy, identity, purity, strength and consistency are critical. Several case studies on quality failures at manufacturing sites are presented to demonstrate how deficiencies can occur when quality systems are not adequately implemented and maintained. The importance of compliance with good manufacturing practices to ensure quality is built into the manufacturing process is emphasized.
Casos Practicos de Transporte InternacionalGlobal NegotiatorCASOS PRACTICOS DE TRANSPORTE INTERNACIONAL que tratan sobre la elección del medio de transporte, las tarifas y costes, los documentos y contratos de transporte. Casos prácticos transporte internacional.
ScentSee - Consilier virtual pentru descoperire și recomandare de parfumBogdan BocseScentSee vă recomandă parfumurile potrivite pentru dumneavoastră și cei dragi, pornind de la preferințe și stil de viață.
Atividades aBerenice EvangélioThe document describes the persistent nature of a spider that continues climbing up walls despite heavy rain knocking it down multiple times. The spider is characterized as stubborn and disobedient for refusing to stop climbing even after the rain has passed and the sun has come out.
Sherlock holmes a_scandal_in_bohemia (2)lorena marianoThis document is the first chapter of "A Scandal in Bohemia" by Arthur Conan Doyle. It introduces the characters of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Holmes has a visitor, Count Von Kramm, who is actually an agent working for an unnamed royal figure. The Count asks Holmes and Watson to keep the matter he wishes to discuss absolutely secret for two years, saying it is a matter that could influence European history. Holmes and Watson agree to the secrecy condition.
Como agregar encabezado y pie de pagina poncasUriel GonzálezEl documento describe 5 pasos para agregar un encabezado y pie de página en Microsoft Word: 1) hacer clic en Insertar y luego Encabezado, 2) seleccionar un diseño de encabezado, 3) modificar el formato del encabezado, 4) escribir la información en el encabezado, y 5) cerrar el encabezado y pie de página.
Fisioterapia veterinariaLuz del Carmen Hernandez PerezLa fisioterapia veterinaria es una forma de rehabilitación cuyo objetivo es restaurar la locomoción y autonomía de las mascotas mediante técnicas como masajes, terapia de movimiento, ultrasonidos y campo magnético. Se utiliza para tratar problemas musculoesqueléticos como lesiones, inflamaciones, artrosis o después de una cirugía, con el fin de mejorar la calidad de vida del animal. El tratamiento implica una evaluación física detallada seguida de sesiones que aplican diferentes medios para aliviar el dolor
Demonstration MethodDayne FranciscoThe document outlines the demonstration method of teaching. It defines demonstration method as a teacher or student showing a process while others observe. It provides guidelines for effective demonstration, including selecting demonstrators, preparing materials, practicing the demonstration, and motivating observers. The demonstration should be followed by allowing questions, analyzing results, and assessing learning. Advantages include following a systematic procedure and developing confidence. A disadvantage is it only invites attention rather than discussion.
Mostafa Shabani Cvmostafa shabaniThis curriculum vitae provides biographical information and academic and professional experience for Mostafa Shabani. He received his B.Sc. in Solid State Physics from Damghan Payam Noor University in 2011 and his M.Sc. in Solid State Physics from Shahrood University of Technology in 2014. His research interests include spintronics, strongly correlated systems, nanostructures, and condensed matter physics. He has publications and experience using computational simulation software like SIESTA and TRANSIESTA to model nanomaterials.
OARO 11 Feb 2017Obaid Ali / Roohi B. ObaidThis document discusses quality systems in manufacturing facilities. It begins with an overview of fundamental quality issues that have led to tragedies in healthcare products. The discussion then focuses on quality attributes and how ensuring safety, efficacy, identity, purity, strength and consistency are critical. Several case studies on quality failures at manufacturing sites are presented to demonstrate how deficiencies can occur when quality systems are not adequately implemented and maintained. The importance of compliance with good manufacturing practices to ensure quality is built into the manufacturing process is emphasized.
Casos Practicos de Transporte InternacionalGlobal NegotiatorCASOS PRACTICOS DE TRANSPORTE INTERNACIONAL que tratan sobre la elección del medio de transporte, las tarifas y costes, los documentos y contratos de transporte. Casos prácticos transporte internacional.
ScentSee - Consilier virtual pentru descoperire și recomandare de parfumBogdan BocseScentSee vă recomandă parfumurile potrivite pentru dumneavoastră și cei dragi, pornind de la preferințe și stil de viață.
2. ...великая книга природы открыта перед
всеми, и в этой великой книге до сих
пор прочтены только первые страницы.
Д.И. Писарев
3. Цель-спроектировать кабинет биологии так
чтобы в нем было комфортно находиться
Задачи-сделать макет кабинета биологии;
Составить прайс-лист;
Провести исследование о живом уголке;
Опросить учащихся;
Посчитать итоговую сумму.
4. *1 этап – (апрель 2016)
*2 этап – (май 2016 - февраль 2017)
*3 этап – (май 2017)
5. 1. Нравится ли вам кабинет ,который мы предлагаем ?
А)Нет, не нравится Б)Да, полностью нравится В)Да, но есть что то ,что
я хочу изменить
2.Как вы относитесь к живому уголку?
А)Положительно. Я люблю животных Б)Мне не нравится эта идея
3.Как вы относитесь к букросингу?
А)Мне нравится эта идея Б)Мне не нравится эта идея В)Нейтрально
4.Хотелось бы вам иметь зону отдыха?
А)Да Б)Нет
5.Что вам не нравится? Что бы вы добавили?