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The Travelling Wardrobe
How does one know one has arrived? It may be a rhetorical question, but one
that is answered by each individual in their own unique way, from a collection
of single malts, to eating out at the newest hip spot in town; from jet setting
around the world to owning a pair of Louboutins.
And one doesnt need to traverse further than Facebook and Instagram to see
that 20 something year olds are pushing the envelope on proving they have
arrived. The hardworking professional who parties harder, the well put
together kind, both fashion and tech savvy, they have accounts, blog spots,
twitter handles, followers, and most of all a story to tell, & one thats pretty
Anaya a 27 year old Digital marketing professional, loves to travel,
has a very popular blog, and is one such girl. She has been saving
up forever and finally her trip to Australia is around the corner.
Seven days with three of her friends to the land down under,
Australia. A trip slated for the onset of Australian summer, sunny
weather alongside beaches like the Bondi Beach. It was the
perfect landscape to see and to be seen at. And Anaya could
hardly wait.
Of course like any red blooded gal of the 21st
century, the
question What do I wear on my trip? was foremost on her
mind. An itinerary of seven days meant two outfits per day and one night suit, which totalled to 21
outfits, add accessories, shoes, flip flops, bags & swim wear to the mix for a wish list longer than her
Just like any of us when travelling out of the country, Anaya wanted to be seen in the best of clothes,
at exotic spots, pictures for her travel blog and Facebook profile pictures.
And as she started planning her outfits and looks, she realised that to look her very best alongside
her fashionista friends, she would need to add many pieces to her woefully inadequate wardrobe.
She knew buying things just for a trip was a bit excessive, but she must look great, and thus started a
great dilemma.
What could a gal do, when shoes, bags and dresses were beckoning her but she had to be practical.
She heard about this online thrift store that allowed you to buy items that were top notch, branded
and pre loved clothes, bags, shoes, watches, sun glasses and anything else that she could wish for.
With some trepidation Anaya made her first purchase,
a Zara Aztec Print Skirt, the website Coolzaar said that
it was it was worn and had been used only twice. The
best part was it was only for Rs. 700, so if it wasnt
what she expected, it wouldnt be a big bust.
Anaya was pleasantly surprised when the skirt arrived;
it looked brand new, the only indicator that it had been
used was the lack of a price tag.
She tried it on that weekend when she went out with
some work friends, and the skirt looked great!
Compliments aside, the fit, the feel, the cut, the colour
& the fabric, Anaya understood why the skirt retailed at a few times what she paid for it. And she
Image: Zara
loved how it looked on her and that she could experience the quality of high street fashion without
breaking the bank.
And as Anaya went back home after an exhilarating evening, she was buzzing with ideas for her
upcoming trip. Coolzaar had just solved her dilemma.
Saturday morning she spent a few hours browsing
the website cataloguing the pieces she liked, the
ones that were in her size, and within her budget
and most importantly pieces that would make her
look fabulous while on vacation in happening
Anaya ordered 3 skirts, 2 bags, 3 pairs of shoes and
a gorgeous watch, all picked up at ridiculously low
While browsing the Coolzaar website, she also discovered that she could put up some of her pre
loved fashion on the website and swap out the stuff she didnt wear anymore, was an impulse
purchase or generally not her taste anymore.
Anaya looked through her wardrobe and sticking to the de-clutter rule of if you havent worn in a
year, its time to discard it, she found a white pleated skirt that looked great but never sat right and
had never been worn. A halter neck top that was an impulse purchase that was used all of once. A
bag that was a gift and Anaya didnt have the heart to tell the friend that a messenger bag was just
not her style. The pile was significantly large by the time she was done.
One Facebook login later, all she had to do was click pictures of her fashion pieces that were lovingly
bought and pass them on to someone else to enjoy. For every article of Anayas that was purchased,
she got to earn credits which could be used to purchase other items on the website, so in a way her
past shopping expeditions were paying for her forthcoming fashion expeditions.
Happy to exchange pieces that she no longer wore for new and exciting pieces that she would wear
and enjoy. What an awesome idea!
A wardrobe that changes, moves to another and updates its self as time passes by.
息 2016 Passion Vision Art Pvt Ltd ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Swapzaar.com is a genuine, direct and simple online peer-to-peer marketplace for pre-owned
fashion. People can simply list their gently used branded fashion pieces with us and sell them to
other people who are genuinely interested in buying good stuff. We accept apparel and accessories
from high-street brands including but not limited to Zara, Mango, H&M, GAP, Aldo, Steve Madden,
Forever New, Only, UCB, Levis, Adidas, Puma, Tom Tailor, Charles & Keith etc. We also accept all
premium and all Luxury brands: Guess, CK, Tommy Hilfiger, Coach, LV, Hermes, Burberry, Fendi,
Gucci, Prada etc.
We have a simple approval process before your item gets listed with us for sale, once it is sold we
allow you to request for an encashment and we charge 10-20% of the sale value as platform fees.
Our process offers both Buyer and Seller protection through a unique store credits system of
operation which makes everything safe and transparent.
Swapzaar.com is a registered domain of Passion Vision Art Pvt Ltd.

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The travelling wardrobe final

  • 1. The Travelling Wardrobe How does one know one has arrived? It may be a rhetorical question, but one that is answered by each individual in their own unique way, from a collection of single malts, to eating out at the newest hip spot in town; from jet setting around the world to owning a pair of Louboutins. And one doesnt need to traverse further than Facebook and Instagram to see that 20 something year olds are pushing the envelope on proving they have arrived. The hardworking professional who parties harder, the well put together kind, both fashion and tech savvy, they have accounts, blog spots, twitter handles, followers, and most of all a story to tell, & one thats pretty interesting. Anaya a 27 year old Digital marketing professional, loves to travel, has a very popular blog, and is one such girl. She has been saving up forever and finally her trip to Australia is around the corner. Seven days with three of her friends to the land down under, Australia. A trip slated for the onset of Australian summer, sunny weather alongside beaches like the Bondi Beach. It was the perfect landscape to see and to be seen at. And Anaya could hardly wait. Of course like any red blooded gal of the 21st century, the question What do I wear on my trip? was foremost on her mind. An itinerary of seven days meant two outfits per day and one night suit, which totalled to 21 outfits, add accessories, shoes, flip flops, bags & swim wear to the mix for a wish list longer than her arm.
  • 2. Just like any of us when travelling out of the country, Anaya wanted to be seen in the best of clothes, at exotic spots, pictures for her travel blog and Facebook profile pictures. And as she started planning her outfits and looks, she realised that to look her very best alongside her fashionista friends, she would need to add many pieces to her woefully inadequate wardrobe. She knew buying things just for a trip was a bit excessive, but she must look great, and thus started a great dilemma. What could a gal do, when shoes, bags and dresses were beckoning her but she had to be practical. She heard about this online thrift store that allowed you to buy items that were top notch, branded and pre loved clothes, bags, shoes, watches, sun glasses and anything else that she could wish for. With some trepidation Anaya made her first purchase, a Zara Aztec Print Skirt, the website Coolzaar said that it was it was worn and had been used only twice. The best part was it was only for Rs. 700, so if it wasnt what she expected, it wouldnt be a big bust. Anaya was pleasantly surprised when the skirt arrived; it looked brand new, the only indicator that it had been used was the lack of a price tag. She tried it on that weekend when she went out with some work friends, and the skirt looked great! Compliments aside, the fit, the feel, the cut, the colour & the fabric, Anaya understood why the skirt retailed at a few times what she paid for it. And she Image: Zara
  • 3. loved how it looked on her and that she could experience the quality of high street fashion without breaking the bank. And as Anaya went back home after an exhilarating evening, she was buzzing with ideas for her upcoming trip. Coolzaar had just solved her dilemma. Saturday morning she spent a few hours browsing the website cataloguing the pieces she liked, the ones that were in her size, and within her budget and most importantly pieces that would make her look fabulous while on vacation in happening Sydney. Anaya ordered 3 skirts, 2 bags, 3 pairs of shoes and a gorgeous watch, all picked up at ridiculously low prices. While browsing the Coolzaar website, she also discovered that she could put up some of her pre loved fashion on the website and swap out the stuff she didnt wear anymore, was an impulse purchase or generally not her taste anymore. Anaya looked through her wardrobe and sticking to the de-clutter rule of if you havent worn in a year, its time to discard it, she found a white pleated skirt that looked great but never sat right and had never been worn. A halter neck top that was an impulse purchase that was used all of once. A bag that was a gift and Anaya didnt have the heart to tell the friend that a messenger bag was just not her style. The pile was significantly large by the time she was done. One Facebook login later, all she had to do was click pictures of her fashion pieces that were lovingly bought and pass them on to someone else to enjoy. For every article of Anayas that was purchased,
  • 4. she got to earn credits which could be used to purchase other items on the website, so in a way her past shopping expeditions were paying for her forthcoming fashion expeditions. Happy to exchange pieces that she no longer wore for new and exciting pieces that she would wear and enjoy. What an awesome idea! A wardrobe that changes, moves to another and updates its self as time passes by. . 息 2016 Passion Vision Art Pvt Ltd ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Swapzaar.com is a genuine, direct and simple online peer-to-peer marketplace for pre-owned fashion. People can simply list their gently used branded fashion pieces with us and sell them to other people who are genuinely interested in buying good stuff. We accept apparel and accessories from high-street brands including but not limited to Zara, Mango, H&M, GAP, Aldo, Steve Madden, Forever New, Only, UCB, Levis, Adidas, Puma, Tom Tailor, Charles & Keith etc. We also accept all premium and all Luxury brands: Guess, CK, Tommy Hilfiger, Coach, LV, Hermes, Burberry, Fendi, Gucci, Prada etc. We have a simple approval process before your item gets listed with us for sale, once it is sold we allow you to request for an encashment and we charge 10-20% of the sale value as platform fees. Our process offers both Buyer and Seller protection through a unique store credits system of operation which makes everything safe and transparent. Swapzaar.com is a registered domain of Passion Vision Art Pvt Ltd.