Question 2- How effective is the combination of your media product and ancill...JenniSmyth
The document discusses the creator's main music video product and ancillary products created to promote it, including a digipak, poster, and magazine advertisement. For all products, the creator aimed to appeal to the target pop/rap audience and promote brand recognition through consistent logo, costumes, locations, and artist imagery. Specifically, the digipak features the artist prominently on each panel with song information and copyright details, while maintaining a similar empowering image style to the poster and music video. The magazine advertisement also highlights key song and availability information simply with bright, complementary design.
This document is a translation agreement between Ching-Chen Mao, an associate professor, and Reinhard Altenh?ner, author from the German National Library. The agreement grants Mao the right to translate Altenh?ner's article "Open Access and Long-term Archiving" into simplified and traditional Chinese and publish the translation in print and digital formats. Mao agrees to accurately translate the work without changes, and translation will be done on a pro bono basis to promote open access ideals. Copyright of the work remains with Altenh?ner, while Mao is granted rights to the translation.
The document discusses Veolia's commemoration of International Women's Day on March 8th. It highlights Veolia's Women in Leadership program which aims to accelerate career development of high-potential women leaders. The summary discusses two women, Erika Kovacs and Lanita McCauley Bates, who are participating in the program from North America. It also mentions a kick-off event held in Chicago in December for the 27 women involved in this year's Women in Leadership program.
This document is a reservation form for Gail's Angels 2nd Annual Golf Classic. It requests the name, contact information, number of golfers and dinner guests, and payment details from attendees. It also includes a media release and payment information section.
Good english medium schools in gandhinagarPinkal Trivedi
This document discusses several English medium schools located in Gandhinagar, India. It describes Divine Child International School as a veteran institution situated on 13 acres of land that aims to help students blossom holistically. Hillwoods School is affiliated with CBSE and was inaugurated by the Governor of Gujarat in 2004. Bright International School is an English co-ed school that aims for academic excellence along with moral values. Podar Education Network educates 90,000 students across 85 Indian schools and strives to create global change-makers.
Generators produce electricity through magnetic induction. Michael Faraday discovered the principle of electromagnetic induction, which is that a changing magnetic field can induce an electric current in a conductor. This discovery led to the development of generators that use magnetism to efficiently produce electricity on a large scale.
Las consolas han evolucionado a lo largo de los a?os, reemplazando en parte el tiempo dedicado a la lectura. Mientras que décadas atrás las consolas eran una novedad cara que pocos podían permitirse, en la actualidad la mayoría de ni?os y personas de diferentes edades tienen consolas. Sin embargo, las consolas también han contribuido a la minimización de las relaciones sociales con el tiempo, por lo que es importante saber cómo compaginar ambas cosas.
The document discusses various diesel generators and alternators installed in Australia and overseas. It mentions a 120kW alternator powered by a Dorman 6Q diesel engine built in South Australia. It also refers to a 1000kVA Paxman diesel, a 16RK Ruston and Brush 6.6kV alternator sent to Fiji, and 70kVA exciters for Oaky Creek station, along with additional diesel generators located in Darwin and McArthur River, Northern Territory.
Informatics Infrastructure at the start of the Second Decade of DNA Barcodingsratnasi
The Barcode of Life Datasystem (BOLD) was launched in 2005 as a workbench and repository in support of a growing community of researchers focused on building the DNA barcode library of all eukaryotic life. This platform was highly successful during the first decade of DNA barcoding with 4.2M+ barcodes representing 490K+ species hosted, and over 30K species identifications provided per week. It is clear, however, that the future informatics needs of the barcoding community will exceed the capabilities of the current system. The overwhelming success of DNA barcode studies across the taxonomic spectrum has resulted in the adoption of this method in many life science fields, most notably in systematics, ecology, forensics, and conservation biology. With each field finding novel uses, some extending and deviating from the original DNA barcode concept, there are new and diverse requirements for informatics tools. In recognition of this expanded landscape, the next generation of informatics tools will need to employ new strategies, data standards, and workflows. Important aspects of this future include an adoption of big-data concepts and tools, democratization of DNA barcoding by improving access to this methodology, and a shift of focus from data collection to knowledge generation. I present early solutions to these challenges, including the latest version of BOLD (version 4), new tools, and future plans to address the evolving informatics requirements in the second decade of DNA barcoding.
This document provides an overview of remote sensing and image interpretation. It discusses key topics such as the use of maps as models to represent features on Earth, different types of map scales and spatial referencing systems, and how computers are used in map production. It also outlines the process of image interpretation, including levels of interpretation keys and basic elements to examine like size, shape, shadow, tone, color, and texture. Software programs used in map production like ArcGIS and types of data products from remote sensing are also reviewed.
Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a metabolic genetic disorder caused by mutations in the PAH gene, which encodes the hepatic enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase. This enzyme is necessary to metabolize the amino acid phenylalanine into tyrosine. Without this enzyme functioning properly, phenylalanine is not broken down and builds up in the blood, which can lead to intellectual disability if not treated through dietary restrictions. The document includes a metabolic flowchart illustrating the pathway of phenylalanine breakdown and how it is disrupted in PKU due to the deficient phenylalanine hydroxylase enzyme.
The document discusses various diesel generators and alternators installed in Australia and overseas. It mentions a 120kW alternator powered by a Dorman 6Q diesel engine built in South Australia. It also refers to a 1000kVA Paxman diesel, a 16RK Ruston and Brush 6.6kV alternator sent to Fiji, and 70kVA exciters for Oaky Creek station, along with additional diesel generators located in Darwin and McArthur River, Northern Territory.
Informatics Infrastructure at the start of the Second Decade of DNA Barcodingsratnasi
The Barcode of Life Datasystem (BOLD) was launched in 2005 as a workbench and repository in support of a growing community of researchers focused on building the DNA barcode library of all eukaryotic life. This platform was highly successful during the first decade of DNA barcoding with 4.2M+ barcodes representing 490K+ species hosted, and over 30K species identifications provided per week. It is clear, however, that the future informatics needs of the barcoding community will exceed the capabilities of the current system. The overwhelming success of DNA barcode studies across the taxonomic spectrum has resulted in the adoption of this method in many life science fields, most notably in systematics, ecology, forensics, and conservation biology. With each field finding novel uses, some extending and deviating from the original DNA barcode concept, there are new and diverse requirements for informatics tools. In recognition of this expanded landscape, the next generation of informatics tools will need to employ new strategies, data standards, and workflows. Important aspects of this future include an adoption of big-data concepts and tools, democratization of DNA barcoding by improving access to this methodology, and a shift of focus from data collection to knowledge generation. I present early solutions to these challenges, including the latest version of BOLD (version 4), new tools, and future plans to address the evolving informatics requirements in the second decade of DNA barcoding.
This document provides an overview of remote sensing and image interpretation. It discusses key topics such as the use of maps as models to represent features on Earth, different types of map scales and spatial referencing systems, and how computers are used in map production. It also outlines the process of image interpretation, including levels of interpretation keys and basic elements to examine like size, shape, shadow, tone, color, and texture. Software programs used in map production like ArcGIS and types of data products from remote sensing are also reviewed.
Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a metabolic genetic disorder caused by mutations in the PAH gene, which encodes the hepatic enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase. This enzyme is necessary to metabolize the amino acid phenylalanine into tyrosine. Without this enzyme functioning properly, phenylalanine is not broken down and builds up in the blood, which can lead to intellectual disability if not treated through dietary restrictions. The document includes a metabolic flowchart illustrating the pathway of phenylalanine breakdown and how it is disrupted in PKU due to the deficient phenylalanine hydroxylase enzyme.
This document is a translation agreement between Ching-Chen Mao, an associate professor, and Dr. Robert Steegers. It grants Mao the right to translate an article by Steegers titled "Open Access and the German Academic System: Common Perspectives of the Alliance of Research Organisations" into simplified and traditional Chinese and publish the translation in print and digital formats. Mao agrees to accurately translate the work without changes and does not assume liability. No royalties will be paid as the translation is done in the spirit of open access. Copyright of the original work remains with the author.
The document discusses the idea of creating a unified catalog or "world's largest library" that would contain the catalogs of all libraries worldwide. It notes that while Amazon has millions of book titles in its catalog, a unified library catalog could contain tens of millions by combining the holdings of existing library collections. The document advocates enhancing catalog records with additional information like cover images, tables of contents, and reviews to help users discover relevant books. It also suggests making the unified catalog available online for users to search from anywhere in the world.
This document provides a historical overview of open access. It discusses key events in the open access movement, including the 2001 Budapest Open Access Initiative which aimed to promote free access to scholarly literature, and the 2003 Berlin Declaration on Open Access which was signed by many academic institutions worldwide. The document also examines some of the challenges to open access, such as concerns about loss of income from publishing and changes to existing systems of evaluating academic work. Overall it traces the development of open access from early initiatives to the present debate around establishing new models of academic publishing.
This document discusses open access in the fields of astronomy and astrophysics. It notes that while attitudes towards open access vary across disciplines, astronomy and astrophysics generally have a positive view. Research results in these fields are often made freely available online. The document advocates applying open access not just to publications but also to primary data. However, willingness to share data early varies. It also discusses issues like embargo periods and incentives needed to encourage open access publishing. Traditional publishers will need to adapt to new models to survive.
This document discusses open access to scholarly literature and digital library initiatives in South Asia. It provides links to resources on open access publishing models and policies, influential advocates of open access like Stevan Harnad, open access archives and repositories, studies on the impact of open access articles, and examples of open access policies adopted by universities.
This document discusses the background and motivation for a research study. It notes that the scholarly communication system established 350 years ago by Henry Oldenburg is now in crisis, as even the wealthiest libraries cannot purchase all academic publications. Journal prices have risen much faster than inflation or library budgets in recent decades. As a result, more than half of one research institute's journal subscription budget in India goes to only two large publishing companies, comprising over 10% of its total budget. This shows the system created by Oldenburg to share knowledge is now broken and compromises future scientific development.