The next generation intelligent transport systems: standards and applicationsWongyos Keardsri
This document summarizes Wongyos Keardsri's seminar on intelligent transportation systems and ubiquitous ITS (u-ITS). It defines ITS as applying information and communication technologies to transport infrastructure and vehicles. Next generation ITS applies ubiquitous computing. U-ITS aims to provide transportation services that are user-centric, always available, seamless, and provide transparency of transportation environment status. The document also compares ITS and u-ITS and describes examples of u-ITS projects in the USA, Europe, Japan, and Thailand.
The document discusses Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). ITS uses advanced technologies like electronics, computers, communications and sensors to improve transportation safety and efficiency. It describes several ITS technologies like wireless communications, computational technologies, and sensing technologies. It also discusses ITS applications such as electronic toll collection, emergency notification, congestion pricing, automatic enforcement, collision avoidance and traveler information. Finally, it outlines benefits of ITS such as time savings, improved safety, reduced costs and emissions.
45. O perations A nalysis & S upportive I nformation S ystem ???? ?????? ????? ¡° Data are too valuable to be used only once.¡± - ADUS flier, FHWA-OP-00-014 -
49. VDS Vehicle Detection System TCS Toll Collection System Hi-Pass Electronic Toll Collection System VMS Variable Message Sign Weather Weather Information Incidents Incident information CCTV Video Images of Closed-circuit Television System AVC Automatic Vehicle Classification
50. Inductive loop detector & video image vehicle detector Traffic volume, speed and occupancy rate Total 3,118 units (1 VDS/km in average) Traffic volumn Occupancy rate Vehicle speed Time stamp ID VDS Vehicle Detection System
51. 265 tollgates (open and closed systems). Average 3.4 million trip O/D collected daily. Travel time collected between tollgates for individual vehicles TCS Toll Collection System Departure Tollgate Arrival Tollgate Departure time Arrival time Car type
52. 2.5 million OBU for Hi-Pass units distributed (40%) Currently operating RSE based on DSRC to collect and disseminate traffic information Hi-Pass Electronic Toll Collection System Arrival time OBU # Arrival Tollgate Departure time Departure Tollgate Departure Date Arrival Date
53. Traffic volumn survey system 248 units total Ability to classify 12 different vehicle types AVC Automatic Vehicle Classification Handhall (Expressway) Control Box Inductive Loop Detector Piezo Detector
54. 2,237 units total Archives video images from the top 100 congested areas 10 sec. length video clip with 15 min. intervals Can be queried with existing traffic data CCTV Video Images of Closed-circuit Television System ¡° A picture is worth a thousand words¡±
55. Can be queried with other traffic data Provides detailed information about incidents Incidents Incident information Event Occurrence time Link ID Event Data Setting time Event Clearance time Event Confirm Description
56. Total 689 units (2 units per km) VMS is an important tool which assesses the situation at specific times and locations. Linked with other traffic data VMS Variable Message Sign VMS ID Text 1 Text 2 Date & Time
57. Corresponds to additional traffic information Archived through the central weather agency Weather Weather Information
#50: O This slide shows what other people said how important data is.
#51: Vehicle Detection System includes ¡°inductive loop detector & video mage vehicle detector¡±, which collects traffic volumn, speed and occupancy rate data. In KE, we currently have 3,118 units of VDS (approximately 1 VDS per 1 kilometer) This table shows an example of sample data set.
#52: TCS - We have 256 TG, including open and closed systems There are about 3.4 million trip data collected daily Travel time data between tollgates for individual vehicles are collected. This is example of data set..
#53: This is Hi-Pass: which is Electronic Toll Collection System (which is similar to EZPASS in United States). ??? ??? . This is an example of dataset
#54: AVC stands fro Automatic Vehicle Classification, which can collect traffic volumn data by different vehicle types. We have 248 units total. The system has ability to classify 12 different vehicle types.
#55: We have 2,237 CCTV units total in KE. Because of the vast amount of data storage requirement, we only archived top 100 congested area data. The video is archived 10 second length of video clip with 15 min intervals You can query or related with existing traffic data.
#56: Incident data are really important to understand the certain pattern of traffic data. The location was recorded at milepost level on the highway. The incident data can be related and linked with exsiting traffic data.
#57: Variable Message Sign. As you can see on the slide, it show the text message for specific time and locations. It provides invaluable information to understand the situation.
#58: Weather information is really important understanding traffic conditions or perfomance. The information can be linked and related with other traffic information.