Pp pantunIndah RahmayantiDokumen ini merangkum tentang pembuatan media pembelajaran pantun untuk siswa kelas VI SD yang dibuat oleh kelompok mahasiswa UIR. Media pembelajaran ini menggunakan power point yang berisi gambar, kartun, game, diagram, dan poster untuk menarik perhatian siswa. Tujuannya adalah agar siswa dapat belajar sambil bermain dan membuat pantun. Media ini diuji coba kepada delapan siswa SDN 101 Pekanbaru.
Virus informaticoCamilo LopezEste documento describe los virus informáticos, sus clases y las vacunas informáticas. Explica que un virus es un código maligno que altera el funcionamiento de un ordenador sin el permiso del usuario, reemplazando archivos ejecutables. Detalla varias clases de virus como gusanos, caballos de Troya y bombas lógicas. Finalmente, señala que los antivirus son programas que detectan y eliminan virus, y que han evolucionado para bloquear otras amenazas como spyware y rootkits.
Architects Workshop Limited 2015Architects WorkshopThis document is a portfolio of projects from AWL, an architectural, design and building information modeling company based in Dublin, Ireland. It includes summaries of commercial projects like retail developments and motor retail facilities. It also lists industrial, office, medical and residential projects, as well as masterplans for mixed use developments, a Muslim center and affordable housing. Sport and stadium projects both in Ireland and internationally are featured. The portfolio emphasizes AWL's use of Revit building information modeling software to develop clash-free 3D designs.
Vb6 vs vb.net....(visual basic) presentationIftikhar AhmadVB.NET is a major revision of Microsoft's earlier VB products that introduced .NET compatibility. It uses the .NET Framework and Common Language Runtime instead of the VB runtime, making it a compiled rather than interpreted language. This results in many differences between VB.NET and VB6, including VB.NET being fully object-oriented, using different data types, and not being backwards compatible. While the syntax is similar, VB.NET programs require modification to run on .NET and the languages are not compatible.
Zuora Case Study [Cloud] by Surabhi RavindraSurabhi RavindraZuora case study covers research conducted around Zuora's Growth and use of cloud to become pioneer in Enterprice SaaS Applications. Zuora’s applications are designed to automate billing, commerce, and finance operations.
Pp pantunIndah RahmayantiDokumen ini merangkum tentang pembuatan media pembelajaran pantun untuk siswa kelas VI SD yang dibuat oleh kelompok mahasiswa UIR. Media pembelajaran ini menggunakan power point yang berisi gambar, kartun, game, diagram, dan poster untuk menarik perhatian siswa. Tujuannya adalah agar siswa dapat belajar sambil bermain dan membuat pantun. Media ini diuji coba kepada delapan siswa SDN 101 Pekanbaru.
Virus informaticoCamilo LopezEste documento describe los virus informáticos, sus clases y las vacunas informáticas. Explica que un virus es un código maligno que altera el funcionamiento de un ordenador sin el permiso del usuario, reemplazando archivos ejecutables. Detalla varias clases de virus como gusanos, caballos de Troya y bombas lógicas. Finalmente, señala que los antivirus son programas que detectan y eliminan virus, y que han evolucionado para bloquear otras amenazas como spyware y rootkits.
Architects Workshop Limited 2015Architects WorkshopThis document is a portfolio of projects from AWL, an architectural, design and building information modeling company based in Dublin, Ireland. It includes summaries of commercial projects like retail developments and motor retail facilities. It also lists industrial, office, medical and residential projects, as well as masterplans for mixed use developments, a Muslim center and affordable housing. Sport and stadium projects both in Ireland and internationally are featured. The portfolio emphasizes AWL's use of Revit building information modeling software to develop clash-free 3D designs.
Vb6 vs vb.net....(visual basic) presentationIftikhar AhmadVB.NET is a major revision of Microsoft's earlier VB products that introduced .NET compatibility. It uses the .NET Framework and Common Language Runtime instead of the VB runtime, making it a compiled rather than interpreted language. This results in many differences between VB.NET and VB6, including VB.NET being fully object-oriented, using different data types, and not being backwards compatible. While the syntax is similar, VB.NET programs require modification to run on .NET and the languages are not compatible.
Zuora Case Study [Cloud] by Surabhi RavindraSurabhi RavindraZuora case study covers research conducted around Zuora's Growth and use of cloud to become pioneer in Enterprice SaaS Applications. Zuora’s applications are designed to automate billing, commerce, and finance operations.
Hình ảnh trên slide Hoạt động của GV và HS Lưu ý kĩ thuật
2. GV giới thiệu dẫn dắt vào trò chơi để
lôi kéo sự chú ý của HS
GV phổ biến luật chơi cho HS. HS chú
ý lắng nghe và ghi nhớ.
Có 9 ô chọn từng nhóm HS chọn ô tùy
GV đọc câu hỏi ứng với ô chọn. Canh
thời gian.Sau khi các nhóm giơ bảng trả
lời thì GV đưa ra đáp án và phân tích
để HS hiểu rõ hơn. Ghi điểm cho các
HS ghi bài vào phiếu bài học.
Sau khi kết thúc trò chơi GV tổng kết
điểm và phát thưởng cho đội thắng
Nhấp chuột vào ô chọn
thì câu hỏi xuất hiện.
Nếu câu trả lời đúng
thì ta click chuột vào
phần câu hỏi thì gợi ý
xuất hiện. Nếu câu trả
lời sai ta click chuột
vào ô chọn thì ô đó bị
chuyển màu.