DDD&Scalaで作られたプロダクトはその後どうなったか?(Current state of products made with DDD & Scala)MicroAd, Inc.(Engineer)
Current state of products made with DDD & Scala
The document discusses pentesting thick client applications. It begins with introducing thick clients and why testing them is important. It then covers common thick client architectures, vulnerabilities, tools used for testing like decompilers and network sniffers, challenges like intercepting encrypted traffic, and solutions to those challenges like using Burp's non-HTTP proxy. It ends with checklists, example applications to practice on, and references for further reading.
The document discusses graph databases and their properties. Graph databases are structured to store graph-based data by using nodes and edges to represent entities and their relationships. They are well-suited for applications with complex relationships between entities that can be modeled as graphs, such as social networks. Key graph database technologies mentioned include Neo4j, OrientDB, and TinkerPop which provides graph traversal capabilities.
The most massive crime of identity theft in history was perpetrated in 2007 by exploiting an SQL Injection vulnerability. This issue is one of the most common and most serious threats to web application security. In this presentation, you'll see some common myths busted and you'll get a better understanding of defending against SQL injection.
Fun with Lambdas: C++14 Style (part 1)Sumant Tambe
If virtual functions in C++ imply design patterns, then C++ lambdas imply what? What does it really mean to have lambdas in C++? Frankly, I don't know but I've a hunch: It's BIG.
Just like virtual functions open doors to the OO paradigm, lambdas open doors to a different paradigm--the functional paradigm. This talk is not a praise of functional programming or some elusive lambda-based library. (Although, I'll mention one briefly that tops my list these days.) Instead, the goal is to have fun while working our way through some mind-bending examples of C++14 lambdas. Beware, your brain will hurt! Bring your laptop and code the examples right along because that may be the fastest way to answer the quiz.
The most massive crime of identity theft in history was perpetrated in 2007 by exploiting an SQL Injection vulnerability. This issue is one of the most common and most serious threats to web application security. In this presentation, you'll see some common myths busted and you'll get a better understanding of defending against SQL injection.
Fun with Lambdas: C++14 Style (part 1)Sumant Tambe
If virtual functions in C++ imply design patterns, then C++ lambdas imply what? What does it really mean to have lambdas in C++? Frankly, I don't know but I've a hunch: It's BIG.
Just like virtual functions open doors to the OO paradigm, lambdas open doors to a different paradigm--the functional paradigm. This talk is not a praise of functional programming or some elusive lambda-based library. (Although, I'll mention one briefly that tops my list these days.) Instead, the goal is to have fun while working our way through some mind-bending examples of C++14 lambdas. Beware, your brain will hurt! Bring your laptop and code the examples right along because that may be the fastest way to answer the quiz.
About GStreamer 1.0 application development for beginnersShota TAMURA
Written in Japanese
This slides that was made for me to speak.
so, description in slides may not enough.
- Overview
- Data structure
- The basic steps of gstreamer application development
- Tips...
2021年11月18日にResorTech EXPO in Okinawa 2021において実施された伊藤昌毅(東京大学 大学院情報理工学系研究科 准教授)の講演です。
MaaS (Mobility as a Service) というキーワードが一昨年頃より注目され、ITと結びつくことによる公共交通の可能性が改めて注目されている。本講演では、日本や世界で進むMaaSについて概観するとともに、沖縄での可能性について考える。沖縄ではGTFS形式による公共交通オープンデータの整備が進み、データを活用したサービス開発や公共交通の高度化の気運が高まっている。コロナ後を見据え、世界に開けた交通サービスを構築するためのポイントを議論する。
What i think about when i conduct research in the societyMasaki Ito
1. The document discusses a presentation given by Professor Masaki Ito on his research involving public transportation data.
2. It describes how Professor Ito worked to promote open data standards for public transportation schedules in Japan, including establishing forums for discussion and organizing demonstrations.
3. It explains that open data helped transportation services recover more quickly from natural disasters by providing updated schedule and routing information to citizens when agencies had limited resources.