The document provides step-by-step instructions for writing an essay. It defines what an essay is, discusses the purpose and four main types (expository, argumentative, discussive, hybrid), and explains the structure of essays including introductory and concluding paragraphs and body paragraphs with topics, proofs, quotations and explanations. It offers tips for formal writing and concludes by stating that everyone has an inner writer and life experiences provide prompts for creative self-expression.
The document provides information on different types of digital graphics file formats including raster graphics, vector graphics, and common file formats like JPEG, TIFF, PSD, AI, 3DS. It explains the advantages and disadvantages of each file format in terms of image quality, file size, compatibility with different programs, and other factors. Examples are given to demonstrate how raster and vector graphics work at different scales.
The document summarizes general gyrokinetic theory, which describes a symmetry in magnetized plasmas. It discusses:
1) Developing geometric Vlasov-Maxwell equations on a 7D phase space defined as a fiber bundle over spacetime. This determines particle worldlines and realizes kinetic integrals as fiber integrals.
2) Constructing the infinite small generator of gyrosymmetry by applying Lie coordinate perturbation to the Poincare-Cartan-Einstein 1-form. This generates the most relaxed condition for gyrosymmetry.
3) Developing general gyrokinetic Vlasov-Maxwell equations in the gyrocenter coordinate system rather than new equations, automatically carrying over properties like conservation laws. The pullback
This document provides an introduction to computer networks. It discusses that computer networks connect autonomous computers that can be located anywhere geographically. It describes different types of networks including LAN, MAN, and WAN. Computer networks allow for resource and information sharing, communication, and distributed processing. The document discusses different network topologies such as bus, star, tree, ring, and mesh. It also covers network components like physical media, interconnecting devices, computers, networking software, and applications that run on networks. TCP/IP is described as the main networking protocol. Examples of applications that use computer networks are also provided.
The band ASSP is releasing their new album "One % About Anything" and aims to promote it through various marketing strategies. Their target audience is 18-27 year olds interested in electronic music. Objectives include promoting the album, getting shows on Boiler Room, and collaborating with bigger artists. Social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube and Tumblr will be used to share artwork, videos and live show promotions. Merchandise like t-shirts designed by artists may be sold. Hyperbolic words like "psychedelic" and "mind blowing" will be used to describe the album's unique sound and visual experience. Small, intimate live shows will take place leading up to the release.
The document provides an evaluation of a T-shirt design project, noting that while the final design incorporated elements from the original intentions like using FKA Twigs artwork and creating a floral pattern background, it diverged in aspects like the color scheme and editing of the artwork. The techniques used to create the background pattern from fabric and edit FKA Twigs' face are analyzed, highlighting what was liked such as the natural texture captured and neutral color tones achieved and what could be improved like making the flowers larger. Overall the design is assessed as suitable for the intended audience of FKA Twigs fans while experimenting with her image.
Scheckter's Organic Energy appears to target people aged 20-30 who care about ethical issues like fair trade. On their website and logo, they emphasize their organic and natural credentials using imagery of nature and highlighting certifications. Their videos on YouTube aim to make the drink seem exciting by showing it being mixed into cocktails at summer parties with attractive young people. Rockstar Energy Drink targets young, straight white males interested in extreme sports and rock music. On their website they show images of men doing extreme sports and list bands they sponsor. Their bold logo, bold can designs, and "lad mag" style women images emphasize appearance. Lucozade markets itself as a sports drink, emphasizing hydration benefits and partnerships with
This document describes experiments with different grid layouts. It contains grids of varying sizes including a 3x3 grid, a 5x6 grid, and a 2x4 grid. The grids were used to test different text wrapping and layout options.
The summary provides an overview of initial ideas and feedback for recipe cards. Five recipe card ideas are presented covering themes of pizza, curries, student meals, Halloween treats, and summer superfoods. Feedback is provided for each idea addressing what is liked, what could be developed, and what is found interesting. The document discusses agreeing with feedback to develop themes more deeply and include pricing. It evaluates ideas, favoring the Halloween spell book idea for its creative presentation. A treatment is outlined for the Halloween theme incorporating spell book pages, fonts, borders and textures. An assessment addresses suitability, appeal, production, costs, quality and legal issues. The document concludes by explaining a rationale will be provided for the final group idea.
This document provides an overview of computer storage systems, including hard drives, floppy disks, SCSI, RAID, and CD-ROMs. It discusses how data is organized on disks using tracks and sectors. It also explains hard drive formatting, partitioning, and different file systems used by operating systems. Backup strategies like full, incremental, and differential backups are also summarized.
Not鱈cies i informaci坦 sobre la PlayStation 4, la nova consola de Sony que va arribar al mercat el
dia 29 de nobembre de 2013. PS4 destaca per la seva pot竪ncia grfica i per les funcions socials
que incorpora. El Dualshock 4 tamb辿 canvia pel que fa al seu antecessor, inclou un sistema m辿s
avan巽at de vibraci坦, un panell tctil i una cmera intel揃ligent. De moment, la i les comunitats de
jugadors aposten pel triomf de la nova joia de Sony enfront de la Microsoft Xbox *One.
Coneix els jocs que apareixeran en la nova consola aix鱈 com les 炭ltimes novetats.
Compta amb processador de 8 nuclis, disc dur de 500 GB i reprodueix DVD i Blu-Ray. A m辿s,
el comandament Dualshock ha estat redissenyat, adaptant-se millor a les mans dels usuaris.
Han passat vuit anys des que Microsoft va llan巽ar la Xbox 360. Des de llavors, molt ha avan巽at
la tecnologia en tots els mbits, amb un internet m辿s comun que mai. Per aix嘆, la Xbox One que ha
debutat el 22 de novembre a Espanya i altres 12 pa誰sos busca unir el millor de la tecnologia amb les
xarxes socials i els serveis en internet.
La Xbox One ja est a la venda a el preu de 499,95 euros (preu recomanat), *incuyendo el
nou comandament de control i tamb辿 l'accessori Kinect en la seva segona versi坦, per controlar a
consola amb els gestos i la veu. Aquest accessori ser ara capa巽 de recon竪ixer fins i tot el ritme card鱈ac
de el jugador.
A m辿s de m辿s pot竪ncia, l'aparell tindr m辿s en compte que mai la xarxa: es podr usar Skype, parlar
amb els amics en directe, pujar continguts (com a v鱈deos de les partides) a les xarxes socials, veure
la televisi坦 en una part de la pantalla...
Una consola totalment nova amb un comandament innovador Wii U.
s la nova consola dom竪stica de Nintendo, una consola que canvia radicalment la relaci坦 que tens amb
el teu televisor i la forma en la qual et connectes amb els teus amics i familiars. Una consola potent
d'alta definici坦 amb un comandament extraordinari, el Wii U GamePad, que redefineix com jugues amb
uns altres.
El Wii U GamePad 辿s una segona finestra que ofereix una perspectiva nova a l'hora de jugar: posa a les
teves mans tota la informaci坦 que necessites sense que et perdis gens de l'acci坦 i et fa gaudir de les
partides multijugador d'una forma totalment nova, perqu竪 en ell veurs coses que els altres no veuran.
Encara que ara mateix es troba en una fase conceptual, almenys en el que han volgut fer p炭blic als
mitjans, Ouya 辿s un dispositiu que pot donar que parlar pel que promet, per嘆 sobretot, per la gent que
hi ha darrere del projecte. Es tractaria d'una consola de videojocs, de sobretaula, que a m辿s d'utilitzar el
sistema operatiu de Google, es presentaria com una plataforma compeltament oberta, amb llibertat per
part dels creadors de videojocs per publicar els seus desenvolupaments
El cor de la mquina ser Android, per嘆 no per aix嘆 podem assegurar que els serveis de Google,
actualitzacions, i acc辿s a Google Play. Un altre dels punts forts, de Ouya, 辿s el preu. 99 d嘆lars.