Amphibians are born in water and breathe through gills but develop lungs on land. Birds have feathers, lay eggs, and have wings that allow most but not all to fly. Fish live in water and have gills, scales and fins. Arthropods include insects, spiders and crustaceans which have more than four jointed legs. Mammals are warm-blooded animals that bear live young and produce milk to feed their young. Reptiles are cold-blooded with scaly skin and include snakes, lizards, crocodiles and turtles.
Amphibians are vertebrates that lay eggs and undergo metamorphosis. They are born in water with gills but grow lungs and four legs as adults on land. Their skin is bare and moist to aid in respiration. Common types of amphibians include frogs, toads, salamanders, and newts.
1. The document provides information about different animal kingdoms, including their defining characteristics and examples of types of animals within each kingdom.
2. It discusses invertebrates like sponges, cnidarians, worms, and molluscs, describing their anatomy, habitats, behaviors, and other traits.
3. It also examines vertebrate kingdoms such as echinoderms, arthropods, and others, outlining their key features, habitats, diets, reproduction methods, and examples of animals in each group.
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
Mollusca memiliki ciri-ciri umum seperti tubuh tidak beruas-ruas, simetri bilateral, tertututup mantel, memiliki cangkang, sistem pencernaan lengkap, sistem ekskresi, reproduksi generatif, sistem peredaran darah terbuka, bernafas menggunakan insang, dan sistem syaraf. Kelas-kelas utama Mollusca adalah Polyplacophora, Scaphopoda, Bivalvia, G
The killer whale, or orca, is the largest member of the dolphin family. They have distinctive black and white coloring and large fins and tails. Males can reach over 20 feet long and weigh up to 12,000 pounds, while females are typically smaller. Killer whales hunt in packs and pass behaviors and accents down to their offspring. They have rarely attacked humans in the wild, with most incidents occurring among captive whales, such as the male orca Tilikum who has fathered 21 calves but also been involved in three human deaths.
This document discusses the key characteristics of mammals. It notes that mammals have bones, hair or fur covering their bodies, breathe with lungs, are born from their mothers, drink their mother's milk, and can include animals that walk, run, swim or fly. It categorizes mammals based on what they eat, such as carnivores that eat meat, herbivores that eat plants, and omnivores that eat a variety of foods. Humans are identified as mammals. The document asks questions to determine whether different animals are vertebrates or invertebrates.
This document provides information about vertebrates including their characteristics, systems, and classifications. It discusses the characteristics that define vertebrates such as having a vertebral column and circulatory system. It then describes the different classes of vertebrates in more detail, including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. For each class, it highlights example organisms and adaptations.
This document classifies animals into different groups based on their diet, means of birth, environment, skeleton, and other characteristics. Animals can be herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores depending on whether they eat plants, other animals, or both. Mammals are viviparous and give birth to live young, while birds, reptiles, fish and insects are oviparous and hatch from eggs. Animals' movement also differs based on their environment - they can swim, fly, walk, run, jump or crawl on land or in water and air. Vertebrates have backbones and their groups include mammals, birds, fish and reptiles and amphibians. Key characteristics of mammals
The document discusses different types of invertebrates including mollusks like snails and clams, jellyfish, sponges, starfish, earthworms, arthropods like insects and spiders, and crustaceans like crabs and lobsters. It notes that 97% of all animals on earth are invertebrates and they are found everywhere and come in many different types.
Reptiles are cold-blooded animals that can survive on land and in water. There are four main groups of reptiles: crocodiles, lizards, turtles, and snakes. Crocodiles are found in tropical environments and can stay underwater for over an hour. Lizards come in many varieties and shed their skin as they grow. Turtles have a hard shell and can retract their head inside. Snakes shed their skin several times per year as they grow and are carnivorous.
I nematodi, o vermi cilindrici, rappresentano il phylum pi湛 ampio degli pseudocelomati (12000 specie descritte; forse 500.000 quelle esistenti). Nematodi a vita libera sono presenti nel mare, nelle acque dolci e nel terreno; molte specie conducono vita parassitaria.
I nematodi sono ubiquitari, essendo presenti nelle regioni polari, nei tropici, nei deserti, montagne, grandi profondit marine. Alcuni occupano habitat acquatici particolari, che comprendono sorgenti calde (nelle quali la temperatura pu嘆 raggiungere 53 属C) .
This document provides information about vertebrate animals, beginning with their taxonomic classification and then describing key characteristics of major vertebrate groups including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. It outlines defining anatomical features for each group as well as examples of orders, classes, and important vocabulary terms.
Amphibians are vertebrates that lay eggs and undergo metamorphosis. They are born in water with gills but grow lungs and four legs as adults on land. Their skin is bare and moist to aid in respiration. Common types of amphibians include frogs, toads, salamanders, and newts.
1. The document provides information about different animal kingdoms, including their defining characteristics and examples of types of animals within each kingdom.
2. It discusses invertebrates like sponges, cnidarians, worms, and molluscs, describing their anatomy, habitats, behaviors, and other traits.
3. It also examines vertebrate kingdoms such as echinoderms, arthropods, and others, outlining their key features, habitats, diets, reproduction methods, and examples of animals in each group.
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
Mollusca memiliki ciri-ciri umum seperti tubuh tidak beruas-ruas, simetri bilateral, tertututup mantel, memiliki cangkang, sistem pencernaan lengkap, sistem ekskresi, reproduksi generatif, sistem peredaran darah terbuka, bernafas menggunakan insang, dan sistem syaraf. Kelas-kelas utama Mollusca adalah Polyplacophora, Scaphopoda, Bivalvia, G
The killer whale, or orca, is the largest member of the dolphin family. They have distinctive black and white coloring and large fins and tails. Males can reach over 20 feet long and weigh up to 12,000 pounds, while females are typically smaller. Killer whales hunt in packs and pass behaviors and accents down to their offspring. They have rarely attacked humans in the wild, with most incidents occurring among captive whales, such as the male orca Tilikum who has fathered 21 calves but also been involved in three human deaths.
This document discusses the key characteristics of mammals. It notes that mammals have bones, hair or fur covering their bodies, breathe with lungs, are born from their mothers, drink their mother's milk, and can include animals that walk, run, swim or fly. It categorizes mammals based on what they eat, such as carnivores that eat meat, herbivores that eat plants, and omnivores that eat a variety of foods. Humans are identified as mammals. The document asks questions to determine whether different animals are vertebrates or invertebrates.
This document provides information about vertebrates including their characteristics, systems, and classifications. It discusses the characteristics that define vertebrates such as having a vertebral column and circulatory system. It then describes the different classes of vertebrates in more detail, including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. For each class, it highlights example organisms and adaptations.
This document classifies animals into different groups based on their diet, means of birth, environment, skeleton, and other characteristics. Animals can be herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores depending on whether they eat plants, other animals, or both. Mammals are viviparous and give birth to live young, while birds, reptiles, fish and insects are oviparous and hatch from eggs. Animals' movement also differs based on their environment - they can swim, fly, walk, run, jump or crawl on land or in water and air. Vertebrates have backbones and their groups include mammals, birds, fish and reptiles and amphibians. Key characteristics of mammals
The document discusses different types of invertebrates including mollusks like snails and clams, jellyfish, sponges, starfish, earthworms, arthropods like insects and spiders, and crustaceans like crabs and lobsters. It notes that 97% of all animals on earth are invertebrates and they are found everywhere and come in many different types.
Reptiles are cold-blooded animals that can survive on land and in water. There are four main groups of reptiles: crocodiles, lizards, turtles, and snakes. Crocodiles are found in tropical environments and can stay underwater for over an hour. Lizards come in many varieties and shed their skin as they grow. Turtles have a hard shell and can retract their head inside. Snakes shed their skin several times per year as they grow and are carnivorous.
I nematodi, o vermi cilindrici, rappresentano il phylum pi湛 ampio degli pseudocelomati (12000 specie descritte; forse 500.000 quelle esistenti). Nematodi a vita libera sono presenti nel mare, nelle acque dolci e nel terreno; molte specie conducono vita parassitaria.
I nematodi sono ubiquitari, essendo presenti nelle regioni polari, nei tropici, nei deserti, montagne, grandi profondit marine. Alcuni occupano habitat acquatici particolari, che comprendono sorgenti calde (nelle quali la temperatura pu嘆 raggiungere 53 属C) .
This document provides information about vertebrate animals, beginning with their taxonomic classification and then describing key characteristics of major vertebrate groups including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. It outlines defining anatomical features for each group as well as examples of orders, classes, and important vocabulary terms.
Este documento presenta diversas im叩genes y reflexiones sobre la Tierra y nuestro lugar en el universo. Busca poner en perspectiva los problemas humanos al mostrar lo peque単a que es la Tierra en comparaci坦n con el tama単o del universo. Tambi辿n enfatiza lo fr叩gil que es nuestro planeta y la importancia de cuidarlo, ya que es el 炭nico hogar que tenemos. Finalmente, invita a la humildad y a enfocarse en lo que realmente importa en la vida.
Al Phylum dei Platelminti, Platyhelminthes (dal greco: 了留 plat箪s, "piatto"; 畆了亮旅僚 h辿lmins, "verme" ) appartengono circa 25.000 specie di animali vermiformi. I Platelminti comprendono sia specie che conducono vita libera sia parassiti, che infestano molte specie animali uomo incluso.
Entomologia - Insetti - Allergie SOS SciencesSimone Petrucci
Progetto Erasmus+ SOS Sciences.
Attivit sviluppata con gli studenti delle classi III Isituto Comprensivo Perugia 3 in collaborazione con gli esperti del Laboratorio del cittadino.
Presentazione realizzata da Chiara Montioni sulla Entomologia. Attivit sviluppata con gli studenti dell' IC Perugia 3 "Fabretti".
息Laboratorio del cittadino Onlus
1. Gli artropodi: introduzione Origine del nome Chi sono Dove vivono Com竪 fatto il loro corpo Come si nutrono Il movimento Altre funzioni vitali La riproduzione Curiosit Rappresentano il 75% di tutti gli animali e vivono dappertutto nelle acque, sulla terra e nellaria .
2. Gli artropodi Rappresentano il 75% di tutti gli animali e vivono dappertutto nelle acque, sulla terra e nellaria .
3. Il loro nome letteralmente significa Piedi articolati, cio竪 formati da pezzi articolati fra loro. Origine del Nome
4. Gli artropodi sono il gruppo di invertebrati con maggior successo evolutivo. Comprendono varie classi: Crostacei Miriapodi Aracnidi Insetti
5. Gli artropodi si sono adattati e hanno colonizzato ogni ambiente della terra: aria, acqua e suolo. Originariamente erano acquatici per嘆 hanno potuto spostarsi sulla terra ferma senza disidratarsi. Dove Vivono
6. Com竪 fatto il loro corpo Il corpo della maggior parte degli artropodi 竪 suddiviso in numerosi metameri o segmenti a formare tre parti: CAPO TORACE ADDOME SCHELETRO
7. IL CAPO Il capo presenta antenne, chele e occhi con funzioni di organi di senso e di cattura
9. LADDOME Sulladdome ci sono appendici utili per la difesa (il pungiglione degli scorpioni ) o per laccoppiamento.
10. LESOSCHELETRO Lesoscheletro o cuticola, 竪 costituita da una proteina chiamata chitina che d spessore, resistenza e impermeabilit allintera struttura. VANTAGGI SVANTAGGI
12. SVANTAGGI DELLESOSCHELETRO Lesoscheletro 竪 una struttura rigida che non si pu嘆 dilatare e dunque impedisce la crescita. E per questo che gli artropodi nel corso della loro vita vanno incontro a 5 o 6 mute e sono di piccole dimensioni.
13. COME SI NUTRONO Il loro apparato digerente ha due aperture : bocca e ano ed 竪 suddiviso in esofago, intestino e stomaco. Essi hanno delle strutture per la masticazione, cio竪 le mandibole. Si nutrono di tutte le sostanze animali e vegetali che trovano nel fondale marino o sul terreno in decomposizione.
14. Il movimento Gli artropodi si muovono grazie alle ali nelle specie volatili e tramite le zampe nelle specie terrestri.
15. Altre funzioni vitali Altre funzioni vitali sono: La circolazione 晦e壊界姻艶噛庄看稼艶 La respirazione
16. La riproduzione La riproduzione 竪 sessuata, con fecondazione interna. Gli artropodi sono ovipari, cio竪 depongono le uova.
17. Il sistema circolatorio Il sistema circolatorio 竪 aperto e provvisto di un cuore rudimentale che pompa sangue in tutto il corpo.
18. 晦e壊界姻艶噛庄看稼艶 晦e壊界姻艶噛庄看稼艶 delle sostanze di rifiuto avviene attraverso i nefridi, piccoli tubi che terminano all esterno.
19. La respirazione La respirazione avviene per mezzo di branchie nelle specie acquatiche e attraverso i polmoni lamellari nelle specie terrestri.
20. Curiosit :levoluzione Gli antenati pi湛 probabili degli artropodi, furono animali affini agli attuali anellidi come testimonianza dalla somiglianza tra la struttura corporea di questi ultimi e quella degli artropodi pi湛 primitivi. Levoluzione degli artropodi 竪 particolarmente interessante per le numerose variazioni che sono state messe in atto dai diversi gruppi rispetto alla struttura anatomica degli artropodi pi湛 pensi ad esempio ad organi come le ali, che hanno consentito a molti membri del phylum di occupare nicchie ecologiche vergini.