I nematodi, o vermi cilindrici, rappresentano il phylum pi湛 ampio degli pseudocelomati (12000 specie descritte; forse 500.000 quelle esistenti). Nematodi a vita libera sono presenti nel mare, nelle acque dolci e nel terreno; molte specie conducono vita parassitaria.
I nematodi sono ubiquitari, essendo presenti nelle regioni polari, nei tropici, nei deserti, montagne, grandi profondit marine. Alcuni occupano habitat acquatici particolari, che comprendono sorgenti calde (nelle quali la temperatura pu嘆 raggiungere 53 属C) .
This document provides information about vertebrate animals, beginning with their taxonomic classification and then describing key characteristics of major vertebrate groups including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. It outlines defining anatomical features for each group as well as examples of orders, classes, and important vocabulary terms.
This document provides information about vertebrates including their characteristics, systems, and classifications. It discusses the characteristics that define vertebrates such as having a vertebral column and circulatory system. It then describes the different classes of vertebrates in more detail, including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. For each class, it highlights example organisms and adaptations.
Here are definitions of the key terms:
Chordate - An animal belonging to the phylum Chordata, which includes all animals with a notochord or backbone at some stage of their lives.
Notochord - A flexible rod of cells that forms the basic structure along the back in early embryonic chordates. It is replaced by the vertebral column in most vertebrates.
Postanal tail - The muscular structure behind the anus that is present in early chordate embryos.
Nerve cord - A tube-like structure above the notochord that develops into the central nervous system.
Pharyngeal pouch - Sac-like projections in the throat region that filter feed in some
This document provides an overview of the phylum Echinodermata. Some key points:
- Echinodermata are exclusively marine and radially symmetrical as adults, though larvae are bilaterally symmetrical. They include sea stars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, etc.
- They have a calcareous endoskeleton and a water vascular system used for locomotion, feeding, and respiration.
- Reproduction is sexual but fertilization occurs externally. Development involves a free-swimming larval stage. Many can regenerate lost parts.
The chordates are named for the notochord: a flexible, rod-shaped structure that is found in the embryonic stage of all chordates and also in the adult stage of some chordate油species.
It is located between the digestive tube and the nerve cord, providing skeletal support through the length of the body.
In some chordates, the notochord acts as the primary axial support of the body throughout the animal's lifetime.
Amphibians evolved from lobe-finned fishes around 345 million years ago. They can live both on land and in water, using various organs for respiration in different environments. There are over 2,000 living amphibian species classified into four orders: Anura (frogs and toads), Urodela (salamanders), Trachystoma (mud eels), and Apoda (caecilians). Amphibians have key adaptations like permeable skin and an aquatic larval stage that allow them to transition between aquatic and terrestrial habitats.
21. phylum nematoda full explanation only on slide shareYo yo Nody khan
This document summarizes key aspects of nematodes (roundworms):
- They are 1-60mm in size, pseudocoelomates without segmentation, and can be free-living or parasitic.
- Their cuticle is shed multiple times during development and they have longitudinal muscles arranged in four groups.
- Movement occurs via thrashing body waves and their hydrostatic skeleton maintains their round shape.
- Parasitic nematodes can have debilitating effects like blood-sucking, blocking intestines/ducts, and blocking blood/lymphatic systems in diseases like elephantiasis.
This document discusses polymorphism in coelenterates. It notes that coelenterates can have two basic forms, the polyp and medusa, and that there are many modifications of these forms. It provides examples of different types of polymorphism, including dimorphism, trimorphism, and polymorphism. In species exhibiting polymorphism, the zooids are highly modified and function together like the organs of a single organism rather than as individuals.
Phylum Cnidaria includes jellyfish, corals, hydras and other organisms. They have simple diploblastic bodies with radial symmetry. They possess stinging capsules called cnidocytes that aid in defense and prey capture. Their bodies include a gastrovascular cavity with one opening that functions as both a mouth and anus. They exist either as polyps, which are cylindrical and attach to substrates, or medusae, which are bell-shaped and float freely. Some alternate between these forms while others possess only one. The four main classes are Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa, Cubozoa and Anthozoa, which differ in their predominant life stages and habitats.
Scorpions are poisonous arachnids found in tropical and subtropical regions. They are nocturnal predators that hunt insects and spiders. Scorpions have a segmented body with a cephalothorax, pre-abdomen, and post-abdomen. They have pedipalps that end in claws used to capture prey and inject venom. Scorpions breathe through book lungs and reproduce viviparously, with the young riding on the mother's back for about a week after birth.
This document summarizes the major groups of reptiles. It describes five orders: Sauria (lizards), Serpentes (snakes), Testudines (turtles), Crocodylia (crocodiles), and Rhynchocephalia (tuataras). It provides key characteristics of reptiles such as having scaly skin, laying amniotic eggs, and being ectothermic. Additionally, it highlights unique features of different reptile groups, including snakes' specialized anatomy for swallowing large prey whole and crocodiles guarding nests until hatchlings emerge.
1. Describe los principales grupos de vertebrados, incluyendo peces, anfibios, reptiles, aves y mam鱈feros. 2. Explica algunas de las caracter鱈sticas clave que definen a cada grupo como su esqueleto, sistema respiratorio, reproducci坦n y d坦nde viven. 3. Proporciona ejemplos de algunos animales representativos de cada grupo.
The phylum Annelida includes segmented worms such as earthworms and leeches. Their bodies are bilaterally symmetrical and triploblastic, with a complete digestive tract that extends from the mouth to the anus. They possess a true coelom and metamerically segmented bodies. Locomotion is achieved through setae or hairs located in parapodia. The circulatory system is closed with one or more hearts, and respiration occurs through the skin. Excretion is through nephridia. Annelids play an important role in soil enrichment and some species have medical uses.
Entomologia - Insetti - Allergie SOS SciencesSimone Petrucci
Progetto Erasmus+ SOS Sciences.
Attivit sviluppata con gli studenti delle classi III Isituto Comprensivo Perugia 3 in collaborazione con gli esperti del Laboratorio del cittadino.
This document provides information about vertebrate animals, beginning with their taxonomic classification and then describing key characteristics of major vertebrate groups including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. It outlines defining anatomical features for each group as well as examples of orders, classes, and important vocabulary terms.
This document provides information about vertebrates including their characteristics, systems, and classifications. It discusses the characteristics that define vertebrates such as having a vertebral column and circulatory system. It then describes the different classes of vertebrates in more detail, including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. For each class, it highlights example organisms and adaptations.
Here are definitions of the key terms:
Chordate - An animal belonging to the phylum Chordata, which includes all animals with a notochord or backbone at some stage of their lives.
Notochord - A flexible rod of cells that forms the basic structure along the back in early embryonic chordates. It is replaced by the vertebral column in most vertebrates.
Postanal tail - The muscular structure behind the anus that is present in early chordate embryos.
Nerve cord - A tube-like structure above the notochord that develops into the central nervous system.
Pharyngeal pouch - Sac-like projections in the throat region that filter feed in some
This document provides an overview of the phylum Echinodermata. Some key points:
- Echinodermata are exclusively marine and radially symmetrical as adults, though larvae are bilaterally symmetrical. They include sea stars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, etc.
- They have a calcareous endoskeleton and a water vascular system used for locomotion, feeding, and respiration.
- Reproduction is sexual but fertilization occurs externally. Development involves a free-swimming larval stage. Many can regenerate lost parts.
The chordates are named for the notochord: a flexible, rod-shaped structure that is found in the embryonic stage of all chordates and also in the adult stage of some chordate油species.
It is located between the digestive tube and the nerve cord, providing skeletal support through the length of the body.
In some chordates, the notochord acts as the primary axial support of the body throughout the animal's lifetime.
Amphibians evolved from lobe-finned fishes around 345 million years ago. They can live both on land and in water, using various organs for respiration in different environments. There are over 2,000 living amphibian species classified into four orders: Anura (frogs and toads), Urodela (salamanders), Trachystoma (mud eels), and Apoda (caecilians). Amphibians have key adaptations like permeable skin and an aquatic larval stage that allow them to transition between aquatic and terrestrial habitats.
21. phylum nematoda full explanation only on slide shareYo yo Nody khan
This document summarizes key aspects of nematodes (roundworms):
- They are 1-60mm in size, pseudocoelomates without segmentation, and can be free-living or parasitic.
- Their cuticle is shed multiple times during development and they have longitudinal muscles arranged in four groups.
- Movement occurs via thrashing body waves and their hydrostatic skeleton maintains their round shape.
- Parasitic nematodes can have debilitating effects like blood-sucking, blocking intestines/ducts, and blocking blood/lymphatic systems in diseases like elephantiasis.
This document discusses polymorphism in coelenterates. It notes that coelenterates can have two basic forms, the polyp and medusa, and that there are many modifications of these forms. It provides examples of different types of polymorphism, including dimorphism, trimorphism, and polymorphism. In species exhibiting polymorphism, the zooids are highly modified and function together like the organs of a single organism rather than as individuals.
Phylum Cnidaria includes jellyfish, corals, hydras and other organisms. They have simple diploblastic bodies with radial symmetry. They possess stinging capsules called cnidocytes that aid in defense and prey capture. Their bodies include a gastrovascular cavity with one opening that functions as both a mouth and anus. They exist either as polyps, which are cylindrical and attach to substrates, or medusae, which are bell-shaped and float freely. Some alternate between these forms while others possess only one. The four main classes are Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa, Cubozoa and Anthozoa, which differ in their predominant life stages and habitats.
Scorpions are poisonous arachnids found in tropical and subtropical regions. They are nocturnal predators that hunt insects and spiders. Scorpions have a segmented body with a cephalothorax, pre-abdomen, and post-abdomen. They have pedipalps that end in claws used to capture prey and inject venom. Scorpions breathe through book lungs and reproduce viviparously, with the young riding on the mother's back for about a week after birth.
This document summarizes the major groups of reptiles. It describes five orders: Sauria (lizards), Serpentes (snakes), Testudines (turtles), Crocodylia (crocodiles), and Rhynchocephalia (tuataras). It provides key characteristics of reptiles such as having scaly skin, laying amniotic eggs, and being ectothermic. Additionally, it highlights unique features of different reptile groups, including snakes' specialized anatomy for swallowing large prey whole and crocodiles guarding nests until hatchlings emerge.
1. Describe los principales grupos de vertebrados, incluyendo peces, anfibios, reptiles, aves y mam鱈feros. 2. Explica algunas de las caracter鱈sticas clave que definen a cada grupo como su esqueleto, sistema respiratorio, reproducci坦n y d坦nde viven. 3. Proporciona ejemplos de algunos animales representativos de cada grupo.
The phylum Annelida includes segmented worms such as earthworms and leeches. Their bodies are bilaterally symmetrical and triploblastic, with a complete digestive tract that extends from the mouth to the anus. They possess a true coelom and metamerically segmented bodies. Locomotion is achieved through setae or hairs located in parapodia. The circulatory system is closed with one or more hearts, and respiration occurs through the skin. Excretion is through nephridia. Annelids play an important role in soil enrichment and some species have medical uses.
Entomologia - Insetti - Allergie SOS SciencesSimone Petrucci
Progetto Erasmus+ SOS Sciences.
Attivit sviluppata con gli studenti delle classi III Isituto Comprensivo Perugia 3 in collaborazione con gli esperti del Laboratorio del cittadino.
Presentazione realizzata da Chiara Montioni sulla Entomologia. Attivit sviluppata con gli studenti dell' IC Perugia 3 "Fabretti".
息Laboratorio del cittadino Onlus
2. Artropodi
Gli Artropodi sono animali
invertebrati provvisti di zampe
articolate e di un
Lesoscheletro 竪 uno scheletro
esterno contenente chitina
ovvero una sostanza organica
azotata, talvolta impregnata di
sali minerali e sostanze
coloranti.Questo scheletro
viene rinnovato periodicamente
per laccrescimento e questo
fenomeno 竪 detto muta
3. Respirazione degli artropodi
Alcune classi di artropodi sono acquatiche, quindi
dispongono di branchie, altre sono adattate alla
vita terrestre e respirano tramite un sistema di
canali ramificati detti trachee.
4. Riproduzione degli artropodi
Hanno una riproduzione
generalmente ovipara ma in
alcuni casi ovovivipara. Molte
specie attraversano una o pi湛
fasi larvali, prima di diventare
adulti, queste fasi prendono il
nome di metamorfosi.
5. La metamorfosi
Il fenomeno della metamorfosi 竪
presente in molte specie di insetti e
consiste in un
profondo di strutture
interne ed esterne
che si verifica nel
corso della vita
dellinsetto: dalla
larva alladulto.
6. La farfalla dopo
depone le uova
La metamorfosi
Alla schiusa
delle uova
nascono le larve
Dopo si
trasformano in
pupe protette da
un bozzolo
Dal bozzolo si
libera la farfalla
7. I 4 gruppi di artropodi
Gli artropodi rappresentano il gruppo pi湛 ricco
di specie di tutto il regno animale e si dividono
in 4 gruppi
Aracnidi Miriapodi Insetti
9. Corpo degli aracnidi
Gli aracnidi hanno il corpo suddiviso in due parti: il
cefalotorace (formata dalla testa e da otto zampe)
e laddome.
10. Testa degli aracnidi
Sulla testa portano un certo numero di occhi e
delle appendici specializzate per la presa del
cibo, i cheliceri.
11. Aracnidi predatrici
Moltissime specie appartenenti agli aracnidi sono
velenose e predatrici, per questo hanno
ghiandole velenifere.
La vedova nera del Nord America
竪 uno dei ragni pi湛 velenosi al mondo
12. Crostacei
Granchio gigante del
Laspetto e le dimensioni dei crostacei sono
molto variabili:
Possono essere sia di piccole dimensioni come i
gamberetti e sia molto grandi come
il granchio gigante del Giappone che pu嘆
arrivare, con le zampe distese, fino a 3 metri.
13. Crostacei
I crostacei sono per lo pi湛 acquatici, ma ci
sono anche forme terrestri, hanno tutto il
corpo ricoperto da uno scheletro esterno
robusto, forti mandibole e diverse
14. Corpo dei crostacei
Il corpo 竪 diviso in due parti: cefalotorace
e addome, sul capo ci sono occhi composti,
antenne, apparato boccale e branchie,
15. Addome dei crostacei
Sulladdome, suddiviso a
sua volta in pi湛 segmenti,
troviamo cinque paia di
zampe, il primo paio 竪
spesso adattato ad organo
di presa (chele),invece le
altre appendici (pleopodi)
sono usate per il nuoto e il
trasporto delle uova.
17. Corpo dei miriapodi
Hanno il corpo
diviso in capo e
Il capo ha un paio
di antenne e una
bocca adatta a
masticare il cibo.
18. Il tronco
Il tronco 竪 formato da un numero
molto variabile di segmenti (da 11
a 170), tutti simili tra loro,
ciascuno dei quali porta un paio di
19. Insetti
Gli insetti costitui-
scono la pi湛 numerosa
classe di esseri
viventi, tuttoggi
sono state scoperte e
classificate oltre un
milione di specie
differenti, e ogni
anno se ne scoprono
20. Corpo degli insetti
Il corpo degli insetti 竪 suddiviso in tre parti:
capo, torace e addome.
21. Il capo
Il capo presenta un paio di antenne,
due occhi ed 竪 dotato di un apparato
boccale. Ogni insetto ne ha uno
differente, specializzato
nell'assunzione di cibo
22. Il capo delle cavallette
La cavalletta ha un
apparato boccale di
tipo masticatorio.
23. Il capo della farfalla
La spiritromba
(o proboscite)
della farfalla
allinsetto il
prelievo del
nettare dei
24. Il capo della mosca
La proboscite
della mosca 竪 un
apparato di tipo
25. Il capo della zanzara
Nella zanzara
boccale 竪
invece del tipo
26. Gli occhi degli insetti
Gli organi di senso pi湛
importanti sono gli occhi
che sono di due tipi:
semplici (ocelli) e composti
(occhi a mosaico).
27. Gli ocelli e gli occhi composti
Gli ocelli, in genere in
numero di tre, servono per
vedere da vicino, gli occhi
composti invece posti ai
lati, sono formati da molti
elementi semplici e servono
per la visualizzazione di
oggetti in movimento.
28. Il torace
porta tre
paia di arti,
per questo
gli insetti
esapodi .
Il torace
29. Sul torace spesso
compaiono due
paia di ali,ovvero
delle lamine
utilizzate per
Le ali
30. Laddome
Laddome costituito da
10-12 segmenti, 竪 la
parte degli insetti
meno differenziata,
sono presenti i genitali
e varie appendici ma
mai arti.