The document discusses formative assessment and compares it to summative assessment. It provides examples of formative assessment techniques including open and closed word sorts, 3x3 vocabulary exercises, and dump and clump activities. The objectives are to improve the use of formative assessment, update formative assessment practices, and focus on professional development around formative assessment. Formative assessment is described as meant to inform instruction and improve student learning, while summative assessment proves learning has occurred.
Deforestation and beach pollution are issues that negatively impact the environment while some people are disrespectful of nature by not properly caring for it.
The document summarizes the Firebird Conference 2011. It discusses the Firebird organization structure and governance model operated by consensus. It outlines the core development team and external contributions. It also summarizes Firebird Foundation's objectives, membership, budget, and management committee. Finally, it addresses Firebird's increasing workload and need for new resources and ways for attendees to support the project.
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