Quelle méthode adopter pour faire de vos élections une expérience unique ?arvato France
Chaque année, vous organisez une ou plusieurs élections afin d’impliquer vos clients, adhérents, sociétaires ou salariés dans vos prises de décisions. Ces élections sont une occasion de prises de parole et permettent de renforcer votre proximité relationnelle.
Lors de ce webinar, nous vous avons présenté un dispositif visant à faire de vos élections une expérience multicanale unique. Les sujets abordés : le choix d’un partenaire pouvant gérer la totalité du dispositif, les avantages du vote multicanal, la sécurité des données et les aspects légaux.
This document outlines the features and objectives of an IT CRM system. The system allows IT teams to assign and track incident cases, inform users of status updates, and keep records of costs and resolutions for reporting. It provides a centralized place for tickets, asset management, and analytics to help IT teams improve efficiency and measure key performance indicators.
Oil Security 2025: U.S. National Security Policy in an Era of Domestic Oil Ab...IR Smartt Inc.
The inaugural work of the Commission on Energy and Geopolitics, “Oil Security 2025: U.S. National Security Policy in an Era of Domestic Oil Abundance,” explores the potential for U.S. oil production to impact American foreign policy and national security in the coming decade and presents a series of recommendations designed to safeguard and advance U.S. interests.
America’s oil boom is shattering conventional wisdom and upending long-held beliefs. While much attention has been given to the economic impacts of this revolution, the national security, foreign policy, and geopolitical ramifications are today less well understood.
In their decades-long military and diplomatic careers, the members of the Commission on Energy and Geopolitics have experienced first-hand the heavy toll exacted by America’s dependence on oil. This dependence has influenced the country’s involvement in regions of the world that are often unstable and sometimes hostile to American interests.
“Oil Security 2025” presents a scenario-based analysis to help explore the likely impacts of rising U.S. oil production on a host of countries and regions across the globe, specifically the Middle East and North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Russia, and China. The scenarios comprise a combination of low and high cases for global oil demand and global oil supply, allowing rising U.S. oil production to be analyzed within the appropriate context of a global oil market. A group of “wildcards”—difficult-to-predict developments that could have a significant impact on either global oil supply or demand—are presented alongside the scenarios.
The results of this analysis show that the global impacts of rising U.S. oil production depend greatly upon the assumptions made regarding the global oil demand and supply outlook. Ultimately, regardless of the direction the global oil market takes, the importance of oil to the U.S. economy and the global economy will remain beyond dispute. The most important potential implications for U.S. policymakers are highlighted in detail, and the Commission makes a suite of policy recommendations. These recommendations—organized into four sections of policy focus—Global, Middle East, China, and Domestic—aim to better position the United States in the future by focusing on policy changes in the national security, diplomacy, and energy spheres that will strengthen the country’s capability to minimize global oil supply disruptions, enhance its resiliency in the face of any such disruption and bolster its response capabilities.
1. China hosts over 50 major tradeshows each year, focused in key economic regions like the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta.
2. Major cities that host tradeshows include Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, which attract thousands of exhibitors annually and millions of visitors.
3. The two largest annual tradeshows are the China Import and Export Fair in Guangzhou (Canton Fair) and China International Import Expo in Shanghai.
4. Successful marketing at Chinese tradeshows requires understanding Chinese culture and business practices, as well as partnering with local representatives. Both opportunities and challenges exist for foreign companies entering the
The document describes various digital advertising units for a media company including trailer royale, pushdown, full page OTP, standard OTP, humdinger, interstitial, glider, catalogue, side skins, and video lightbox. Each unit provides features and lead times, generally around 10 days. The units offer dominant advertising placements and engagement options like video, animation, and social integration to tell stories and flex creativity.
Evaluating the effectiveness of strategies and alternatives toandibonks
The faith community nurse conducted a needs assessment that found oral health was a priority issue. An oral health promotion program was planned with the goals of enrolling community members in need of oral health services and improving oral health behaviors. Pre- and post-surveys assessed access to dental supplies, knowledge, and resources. Analysis found a 300-800% improvement in access and behaviors post-program, indicating the program was an effective health promotion strategy for the community.
El documento habla sobre el desarrollo sostenible y la necesidad de lograr sociedades que satisfagan las necesidades básicas de la humanidad sin comprometer la capacidad de las generaciones futuras. Explica que una transición energética sustentada por energías alternativas limpias y un cambio cultural pueden llevar a un mundo sostenible. El objetivo es lograr una revolución energética basada en energías renovables que satisfaga las necesidades energéticas dentro de los límites del planeta.
The document provides a step-by-step guide for adding and configuring a product in Magento, including logging into the admin panel, navigating to the "Manage Product" page, filling out product information like specifications, price, image, and inventory details, assigning a category, and saving the new product. Key steps are selecting the "Add Product" option and filling out sections like "General," "Prices," "Image," and "Categories" before clicking "Save" to complete the product addition.
The document discusses the author's changing perspective on an educational technology integration course. Initially, the author viewed the course as repetitive of previous diploma programs and had doubts about their ability to complete the coursework. However, as the course progressed, the author realized the previous programs were just an introduction and began to understand how tools like cell phones and cameras could engage students. The author now sees the importance of staying up-to-date on technological changes to effectively teach today's students.
This document appears to be testing menu navigation functions by repeatedly calling up "Menu Next" and "Menu Prev". It cycles through next and previous menu options but does not provide any other context or content.
La respiración tiene cuatro fases: la inspiración donde se toma aire a los pulmones, el intercambio de gases donde el oxígeno pasa a la sangre y el dióxido de carbono sale, la espiración donde se expulsa el aire de los pulmones, y el transporte de oxígeno a las células a través de la sangre. La respiración es vital para que cada célula obtenga el oxígeno necesario para producir energía a través de la alimentación.
Online regulation and effective regulatory engagementRob Blamires
The document discusses online regulation and effective regulatory engagement with the UK Office of Fair Trading (OFT). It provides an overview of the OFT's remit, priorities, and enforcement powers. Typical infringements involve issues like unfair terms in consumer contracts, misleading advertising practices, and failures to deliver goods or provide refunds. The document advises engaging early and strategically with OFT investigations to ensure the process is being followed properly. Proactive engagement can help determine if and how the OFT has a duty to act regarding certain issues. Questions from attendees are invited at the end.
This document discusses organizational behavior and management. It introduces the key functions of management as planning, organizing, leading and controlling. It also discusses Mintzberg's roles of managers and the different activities managers engage in. Finally, it outlines the dependent and independent variables that are studied in organizational behavior, such as individual, group and organizational factors that influence employee and organizational outcomes.
i.school, The University of Tokyo "Methods of concept designing and user surv...schoowebcampus
This document outlines a lecture series on creating innovation. It discusses making ideas concrete through prototyping. Prototyping can take various forms depending on whether the idea is for a product, service, or business. For products, prototyping involves making a tangible prototype to demonstrate the idea's shape, function and user interface. The document provides examples of simple product prototypes made from everyday items.
i.school, The University of Tokyo "Divergence, convergence, and expression of...schoowebcampus
This document outlines an innovation creation workshop hosted by i.school at the University of Tokyo. The workshop consists of 5 lectures and 3 workshops focused on understanding, creating, and realizing innovation. It provides an overview of the workshop format, objectives, and guest facilitator Jun Murakoshi. It also discusses processes and tips for coming up with ideas, including utilizing working memory and researching ends and means. The overall goal is to learn how to provide concept ideas and understand the entire innovation creation process.
i.school, The University of Tokyo "The purposes and methods of technological ...schoowebcampus
This document outlines an educational series on innovation and idea creation hosted by i.school at the University of Tokyo. The third class focuses on understanding technology-centered research by exploring new values of technologies and turning everyday objects into idea hints. The class reviews human-centered research and discusses collecting technology cases, analyzing their functions and benefits, and grouping cases based on their technological means and societal ends. The overall goal is to help participants understand the full innovation process.
i.school, The University of Tokyo "The purposes and methods of interviews and...schoowebcampus
The document outlines an innovation training program hosted by i.school at the University of Tokyo. It provides an agenda for a series of 5 lectures and 3 workshops aimed at teaching participants the entire process of creating innovation, from understanding society through field work and interviews to developing concepts and realizing ideas. The second class focuses on understanding the purposes, targets, and methods of human-centered research and having participants begin field work in their daily lives to gain insights.
i.school, The University of Tokyo "Foundation and methodology in creating inn...schoowebcampus
This document outlines the format and goals of a series of lectures and workshops on innovation hosted by i.school at the University of Tokyo. The series aims to help participants understand the entire process of creating innovation, from understanding user needs to generating and expressing ideas to realizing concepts. It involves 5 lectures covering topics like methodology, research methods, idea creation and concept design, as well as 3 workshops where participants can apply these lessons. The document also discusses why innovation is important both for dealing with rapid technological changes and for maintaining stability in mature societies.
The document provides a step-by-step guide for adding and configuring a product in Magento, including logging into the admin panel, navigating to the "Manage Product" page, filling out product information like specifications, price, image, and inventory details, assigning a category, and saving the new product. Key steps are selecting the "Add Product" option and filling out sections like "General," "Prices," "Image," and "Categories" before clicking "Save" to complete the product addition.
The document discusses the author's changing perspective on an educational technology integration course. Initially, the author viewed the course as repetitive of previous diploma programs and had doubts about their ability to complete the coursework. However, as the course progressed, the author realized the previous programs were just an introduction and began to understand how tools like cell phones and cameras could engage students. The author now sees the importance of staying up-to-date on technological changes to effectively teach today's students.
This document appears to be testing menu navigation functions by repeatedly calling up "Menu Next" and "Menu Prev". It cycles through next and previous menu options but does not provide any other context or content.
La respiración tiene cuatro fases: la inspiración donde se toma aire a los pulmones, el intercambio de gases donde el oxígeno pasa a la sangre y el dióxido de carbono sale, la espiración donde se expulsa el aire de los pulmones, y el transporte de oxígeno a las células a través de la sangre. La respiración es vital para que cada célula obtenga el oxígeno necesario para producir energía a través de la alimentación.
Online regulation and effective regulatory engagementRob Blamires
The document discusses online regulation and effective regulatory engagement with the UK Office of Fair Trading (OFT). It provides an overview of the OFT's remit, priorities, and enforcement powers. Typical infringements involve issues like unfair terms in consumer contracts, misleading advertising practices, and failures to deliver goods or provide refunds. The document advises engaging early and strategically with OFT investigations to ensure the process is being followed properly. Proactive engagement can help determine if and how the OFT has a duty to act regarding certain issues. Questions from attendees are invited at the end.
This document discusses organizational behavior and management. It introduces the key functions of management as planning, organizing, leading and controlling. It also discusses Mintzberg's roles of managers and the different activities managers engage in. Finally, it outlines the dependent and independent variables that are studied in organizational behavior, such as individual, group and organizational factors that influence employee and organizational outcomes.
i.school, The University of Tokyo "Methods of concept designing and user surv...schoowebcampus
This document outlines a lecture series on creating innovation. It discusses making ideas concrete through prototyping. Prototyping can take various forms depending on whether the idea is for a product, service, or business. For products, prototyping involves making a tangible prototype to demonstrate the idea's shape, function and user interface. The document provides examples of simple product prototypes made from everyday items.
i.school, The University of Tokyo "Divergence, convergence, and expression of...schoowebcampus
This document outlines an innovation creation workshop hosted by i.school at the University of Tokyo. The workshop consists of 5 lectures and 3 workshops focused on understanding, creating, and realizing innovation. It provides an overview of the workshop format, objectives, and guest facilitator Jun Murakoshi. It also discusses processes and tips for coming up with ideas, including utilizing working memory and researching ends and means. The overall goal is to learn how to provide concept ideas and understand the entire innovation creation process.
i.school, The University of Tokyo "The purposes and methods of technological ...schoowebcampus
This document outlines an educational series on innovation and idea creation hosted by i.school at the University of Tokyo. The third class focuses on understanding technology-centered research by exploring new values of technologies and turning everyday objects into idea hints. The class reviews human-centered research and discusses collecting technology cases, analyzing their functions and benefits, and grouping cases based on their technological means and societal ends. The overall goal is to help participants understand the full innovation process.
i.school, The University of Tokyo "The purposes and methods of interviews and...schoowebcampus
The document outlines an innovation training program hosted by i.school at the University of Tokyo. It provides an agenda for a series of 5 lectures and 3 workshops aimed at teaching participants the entire process of creating innovation, from understanding society through field work and interviews to developing concepts and realizing ideas. The second class focuses on understanding the purposes, targets, and methods of human-centered research and having participants begin field work in their daily lives to gain insights.
i.school, The University of Tokyo "Foundation and methodology in creating inn...schoowebcampus
This document outlines the format and goals of a series of lectures and workshops on innovation hosted by i.school at the University of Tokyo. The series aims to help participants understand the entire process of creating innovation, from understanding user needs to generating and expressing ideas to realizing concepts. It involves 5 lectures covering topics like methodology, research methods, idea creation and concept design, as well as 3 workshops where participants can apply these lessons. The document also discusses why innovation is important both for dealing with rapid technological changes and for maintaining stability in mature societies.