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Analysis of Kerrang! rock magzine
The main colours used on
     this magazine front cover            Here is the masthead, with
     are, black, white, red and           the magazine name on. With
     yellow  all these colours           the black background and
     create the rock atmosphere           white bold lettering on
     that the magazine aims for.          Kerrang! makes it stand out
     This is also convention as
     many magazine only use a
     few colours which they keep
     consistent throughout the
                                            The main image is of a
                                            member of the Foo
Over here is a box with an imagine of
                                            Fighters, and is a long mid
another rock band and a page number
                                            shot which highlights being
which relates to an article that's
                                            the main attraction of this
featured within the magazine . This is
                                            magazine. The red shirt
slightly unconventional as many
                                            that he has one adds to the
magazines wouldn't have another
                                            rock feel the magazine is
image apart fro m the main image
                                            aiming at.
but there is a wide spread of
magazines that do this , never the
less, this works well as the colours
that the band are wearing balances
out the black on the page and also
                                             The lettering of Foo
the use of the yellow out lining of the
                                             Fighters is in bold
box and the yellow text balances it
                                             white letters. This
out too.
                                             stands out with the
                                             red shirt and also is
The front cover also uses variations in      one on the main
font size, over here the PLUS is much      colours used on this
larger than the rest of the text on          front cover
yellow to emphasis on there being
something much more but also the
importance in what else is included in
the magazine.
Across the top are different
The contents page also includes         images of artists that are
the issue number and date               featured in the magazines.
which enables readers to see            All these images relate back
which date it was published and         to the contents page and
what number the issue is. This is       have numbers and
conventional to magazines as a          illustrations to what they
wide spread of magazine would           are meant to be with.
include this. Under this is also an
editors letter which is also
conventional in contents pages.
                                          The use of white text
                                          and black background is
                                          still kept consistent on
                                          the contents page too to
 The main image used also                 hold up the house style
 has a caption and page                   for the magazine. The
 number to show where it                  font used for contents is
 belongs , this is conventional           the same used for
 in magazines as it allows the            Karrang! too, this shows
 readers to view the pictures             a limited use of font
 and immediately show                     styles to keep the pages
 which page to go to if they              consistent and similar.
 want to read that article
                                       The constant use of the
                                       theme colours, red, black
    In most magazines they usually
                                       and white is still used to
    have shots of other front covers
                                       keep the style of the
    in there contents page to show
                                       magazine rational. Also, the
    other issues they have created
                                       by having the subheadings in
    and that the readers may be
                                       red highlights the
    interested in
                                       importance and draws
                                       attention to it.
Here is another image which is
  also related to the text as
                                                                                                    Here is a small
  there is a caption on the left
                                                                                                    caption of what
  hand side of it. The images
                                       The heading of this article is in bold, capitalized          the main, large
  relate back to the context as
                                       white letters which makes it stands out from the             image is about on
  its talk about live
                                       background, it also has writing under to show                the page .
  performances, and all the
                                       what the title is about and gives more
  images have been taken in
  natural positions

                                                                                             In many music magazine
                                                                                             articles it is conventional for
The article has also used
                                                                                             them to have one
subheadings to indicate
                                                                                             main, large, image that
what the band name is and
                                                                                             represents an interview or a
under have got more
                                                                                             discussion that's happened
information of the band on
                                                                                             within the context, in this
there live performance. The
                                                                                             magazine they have a singer
font is the same as the
                                                                                             from a band in his live
heading of the article but
                                                                                             performance and an interview
the size is smaller in
                                                                                             taken after it. This main image
comparison. This is
                                                                                             represents that. Also, looking
conventional for magazines
                                                                                             the type of shot used here, its
as they use different size         The text in magazines are conventionally put              slightly a low angle mid shot
fonts to emphasis on the           into columns of 2 or 3, they have also done this          of the singer. This rock feel to
importance of the text.            here. What works well for this magazine is the            this is done through seeing the
                                   box of text in black with white font and layered          black clothing he is swearing as
                                   on the page on an angle. This makes the double            well as the tattoos across his
                                   page look more active, and goes along with the            arm.
                                   article theme of live performances.
 Using a variation in font size emphasises on the importance of
  context, and is a convection of magazines.
 Use colours associated with the genre of music the magazine
  is based on, for instance this magazine uses black more
  frequently as a main colour as black is associated with rock.
 Always have a caption with each image to show what page
  number its related to (if on the contexts page) or what the
  image is of.
 Use a verity of images on a double page spread taken in
  different shots and angles so the page looks appealing.

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  • 1. Analysis of Kerrang! rock magzine
  • 2. The main colours used on this magazine front cover Here is the masthead, with are, black, white, red and the magazine name on. With yellow all these colours the black background and create the rock atmosphere white bold lettering on that the magazine aims for. Kerrang! makes it stand out This is also convention as many magazine only use a few colours which they keep consistent throughout the magazine The main image is of a member of the Foo Over here is a box with an imagine of Fighters, and is a long mid another rock band and a page number shot which highlights being which relates to an article that's the main attraction of this featured within the magazine . This is magazine. The red shirt slightly unconventional as many that he has one adds to the magazines wouldn't have another rock feel the magazine is image apart fro m the main image aiming at. but there is a wide spread of magazines that do this , never the less, this works well as the colours that the band are wearing balances out the black on the page and also The lettering of Foo the use of the yellow out lining of the Fighters is in bold box and the yellow text balances it white letters. This out too. stands out with the red shirt and also is The front cover also uses variations in one on the main font size, over here the PLUS is much colours used on this larger than the rest of the text on front cover yellow to emphasis on there being something much more but also the importance in what else is included in the magazine.
  • 3. Across the top are different The contents page also includes images of artists that are the issue number and date featured in the magazines. which enables readers to see All these images relate back which date it was published and to the contents page and what number the issue is. This is have numbers and conventional to magazines as a illustrations to what they wide spread of magazine would are meant to be with. include this. Under this is also an editors letter which is also conventional in contents pages. The use of white text and black background is still kept consistent on the contents page too to The main image used also hold up the house style has a caption and page for the magazine. The number to show where it font used for contents is belongs , this is conventional the same used for in magazines as it allows the Karrang! too, this shows readers to view the pictures a limited use of font and immediately show styles to keep the pages which page to go to if they consistent and similar. want to read that article The constant use of the theme colours, red, black In most magazines they usually and white is still used to have shots of other front covers keep the style of the in there contents page to show magazine rational. Also, the other issues they have created by having the subheadings in and that the readers may be red highlights the interested in importance and draws attention to it.
  • 4. Here is another image which is also related to the text as Here is a small there is a caption on the left caption of what hand side of it. The images The heading of this article is in bold, capitalized the main, large relate back to the context as white letters which makes it stands out from the image is about on its talk about live background, it also has writing under to show the page . performances, and all the what the title is about and gives more images have been taken in information. natural positions In many music magazine articles it is conventional for The article has also used them to have one subheadings to indicate main, large, image that what the band name is and represents an interview or a under have got more discussion that's happened information of the band on within the context, in this there live performance. The magazine they have a singer font is the same as the from a band in his live heading of the article but performance and an interview the size is smaller in taken after it. This main image comparison. This is represents that. Also, looking conventional for magazines the type of shot used here, its as they use different size The text in magazines are conventionally put slightly a low angle mid shot fonts to emphasis on the into columns of 2 or 3, they have also done this of the singer. This rock feel to importance of the text. here. What works well for this magazine is the this is done through seeing the box of text in black with white font and layered black clothing he is swearing as on the page on an angle. This makes the double well as the tattoos across his page look more active, and goes along with the arm. article theme of live performances.
  • 5. Using a variation in font size emphasises on the importance of context, and is a convection of magazines. Use colours associated with the genre of music the magazine is based on, for instance this magazine uses black more frequently as a main colour as black is associated with rock. Always have a caption with each image to show what page number its related to (if on the contexts page) or what the image is of. Use a verity of images on a double page spread taken in different shots and angles so the page looks appealing.