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Music Magazine reviews

     By Kyle Parkinson
Front Covers
The title is big and bold to clearly state what the magazine is
called. The masthead connotation is that it makes the magazine             The picture the lead singer of a
big, important and portrays the content of the magazine to be as           band called green day. The
big and important. When really it is just a an abbreviation of the title   magazine colour scheme is
New Musical Express.                                                     based on the band name with
                                                                           green at the top filling the
                                                                           unwanted space. This will show
There a competitions along
                                                                           that the magazine is mainly
the edges of the magazine
                                                                           about this band as they have
that big enough that you
                                                                           dedicated the magazine to
can see them but not too
                                                                           match the band. He isnt
big that they fill the page. At
                                                                           making eye contact which
the top there are free
                                                                           shows he is concentrating on
posters to give the
                                                                           his performance and he is
customer a glimpse of what
                                                                           dedicated to his work. This will
your really paying for. All of
                                                                           tell the reader that Green Day
these will give the reader
                                                                           are a hard working band who
an added interest for the
                                                                           love their music which will give
magazine as free things or
                                                                           them a glimpse of the article
a chance to win will make
                                                                           already. Also there are little
the reader continue through
                                                                           snippets of articles on the
the magazine as they will
                                                                           cover to reveal what's inside
want to have free thing in
                                                                           the magazine
the magazine. It will
encourage them to buy the         The puff that goes along with the picture matches the colour scheme
magazine only for the Free      also. This will help show that importance of the text as it is a pair with
stuff but really its added       the main picture. This will show that the text is important and makes
onto the price                    the readers read it as it is the biggest on the cover.
The title is big and bold to clearly state what the magazine is called. The masthead
connotation is that it makes the magazine big, important and portrays the content of
the magazine to be as big and important. When really it is just the normal logo they do
every magazine.
                                                                     At the bottom it tells you the
The picture is in the                                                posters with the magazine to
centre of the page                                                   show what you get for you
which gives it                                                       money. Finally there are little
importance and a                                                     snippets of articles along with
bigger status. Also it                                               matching images on the cover
goes slightly over the                                               to reveal what's inside the
masthead which shows                                                 magazine. All of these will give
that the picture could                                               the reader an added interest
be more important                                                    for the magazine as free things
than the title which will                                            or a chance to win will make
state that the picture is                                            the reader continue through
all the magazine is                                                  the magazine as they will want
really about. The                                                    to have free thing in the
magazine theme is                                                    magazine. It will encourage
Cool Britannia which                                               them to buy the magazine only
is why they are                                                      for the Free stuff but really its
wearing united                                                       added onto the price
kingdom flags. This          The text of the main picture matches the band as this keeps to one
shows they are proud         colour scheme. It also mentions other bands within the pictures category
to be British and a          to show what's also in the magazine without taking up different space.
writing and playing for      This connotation will show that they are in competition and wanting to
every English band out       beat each other when really the denotation is that they are doing a gig
there.                       together and are working together.
The title is big and bold to clearly state what the magazine is called. The masthead connotation is
 that it makes the magazine big, important and portrays the content of the magazine to be as big
 and important. When really it is just the normal logo they do every magazine.

 The text of the main picture                                         At the bottom of the cover tit
 is opposite as the will                                              tells you that Q review
 contrast the text and make it                                        albums, gigs, films and dvds.
 stand out more. This will                                            This shows that I they review
 show that the magazine is                                            other company's products then
 trying to make the text stand                                        their own product must be up
 out from the others. Also Q                                          to a high standard to show that
 have been very clever by                                             the reviews are reliable. The
 changing the colour of the                                           connotation of it would be that
 bands name to there latest                                           the reviews are spectacular
 song and what they will be                                           and must be great and trust
 talking about in the article.                                        worthy when really then
 The font is yellow and so is                                         denotation is that Q just review
 the name of the song.                                                things. Finally there are little
                                                                      snippets of articles along with
                                                                      matching images on the cover
                                                                      to reveal what's inside the

The picture is in the centre of the page which gives it importance and a bigger status. Also it goes
slightly over the masthead which shows that the picture could be more important than the title which
will state that the picture is all the magazine is really about.

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Music magazine reviews front cover

  • 1. Music Magazine reviews By Kyle Parkinson
  • 3. The title is big and bold to clearly state what the magazine is called. The masthead connotation is that it makes the magazine The picture the lead singer of a big, important and portrays the content of the magazine to be as band called green day. The big and important. When really it is just a an abbreviation of the title magazine colour scheme is New Musical Express. based on the band name with green at the top filling the unwanted space. This will show There a competitions along that the magazine is mainly the edges of the magazine about this band as they have that big enough that you dedicated the magazine to can see them but not too match the band. He isnt big that they fill the page. At making eye contact which the top there are free shows he is concentrating on posters to give the his performance and he is customer a glimpse of what dedicated to his work. This will your really paying for. All of tell the reader that Green Day these will give the reader are a hard working band who an added interest for the love their music which will give magazine as free things or them a glimpse of the article a chance to win will make already. Also there are little the reader continue through snippets of articles on the the magazine as they will cover to reveal what's inside want to have free thing in the magazine the magazine. It will encourage them to buy the The puff that goes along with the picture matches the colour scheme magazine only for the Free also. This will help show that importance of the text as it is a pair with stuff but really its added the main picture. This will show that the text is important and makes onto the price the readers read it as it is the biggest on the cover.
  • 4. The title is big and bold to clearly state what the magazine is called. The masthead connotation is that it makes the magazine big, important and portrays the content of the magazine to be as big and important. When really it is just the normal logo they do every magazine. At the bottom it tells you the The picture is in the posters with the magazine to centre of the page show what you get for you which gives it money. Finally there are little importance and a snippets of articles along with bigger status. Also it matching images on the cover goes slightly over the to reveal what's inside the masthead which shows magazine. All of these will give that the picture could the reader an added interest be more important for the magazine as free things than the title which will or a chance to win will make state that the picture is the reader continue through all the magazine is the magazine as they will want really about. The to have free thing in the magazine theme is magazine. It will encourage Cool Britannia which them to buy the magazine only is why they are for the Free stuff but really its wearing united added onto the price kingdom flags. This The text of the main picture matches the band as this keeps to one shows they are proud colour scheme. It also mentions other bands within the pictures category to be British and a to show what's also in the magazine without taking up different space. writing and playing for This connotation will show that they are in competition and wanting to every English band out beat each other when really the denotation is that they are doing a gig there. together and are working together.
  • 5. The title is big and bold to clearly state what the magazine is called. The masthead connotation is that it makes the magazine big, important and portrays the content of the magazine to be as big and important. When really it is just the normal logo they do every magazine. The text of the main picture At the bottom of the cover tit is opposite as the will tells you that Q review contrast the text and make it albums, gigs, films and dvds. stand out more. This will This shows that I they review show that the magazine is other company's products then trying to make the text stand their own product must be up out from the others. Also Q to a high standard to show that have been very clever by the reviews are reliable. The changing the colour of the connotation of it would be that bands name to there latest the reviews are spectacular song and what they will be and must be great and trust talking about in the article. worthy when really then The font is yellow and so is denotation is that Q just review the name of the song. things. Finally there are little snippets of articles along with matching images on the cover to reveal what's inside the magazine. The picture is in the centre of the page which gives it importance and a bigger status. Also it goes slightly over the masthead which shows that the picture could be more important than the title which will state that the picture is all the magazine is really about.