Electrochemistry NotesSueyin LeeThis document provides an overview of basic electrochemistry concepts. It discusses the charge and current involved in electrochemical processes. It introduces Faraday's laws relating the amount of material transformed to the quantity of electricity passed. It also covers conductivity, Nernst equation, different types of electrodes, potentiometry, and various electrochemical techniques including cyclic voltammetry. The key concepts covered include electron transfer processes, Butler-Volmer equation, mass transport by diffusion and convection, and reversible cyclic voltammograms.
10 years gate solved papers CHEMISTRY(Upto 2014)Raghab GorainThis document provides instructions for a chemistry exam. It states that the exam contains 85 objective questions, with questions 1-20 worth 1 mark each and questions 21-85 worth 2 marks each. It provides some information on how to fill out the answer sheet and describes the content and format of the exam paper. The document also lists some useful physical constants and atomic numbers that may be needed for the exam.
Chapter 05 an overview of organic reactions.Wong HsiungThis document provides an overview of organic reactions, including the different types of organic reactions and how reaction mechanisms are used to describe the steps involved in organic reactions. It discusses several key aspects of organic reactions, including: 1) the common types of organic reactions such as addition, elimination, substitution, and rearrangement reactions, 2) how reaction mechanisms are used to describe the individual steps that occur in organic reactions, from reactants to products, and 3) the different types of steps that can be involved in reaction mechanisms, including the formation and breaking of covalent bonds. It also provides examples of reaction mechanisms, such as the addition of HBr to ethylene.
Lecture 7 8 statistical thermodynamics - introductionViraj DandeThis document discusses statistical thermodynamics and the partition function. It introduces the concept of microscopic configurations and their weights. The Boltzmann distribution relates the probability of a configuration to its weight, which depends on the energy levels and temperature. The partition function allows calculating thermodynamic properties like internal energy, entropy, and heat capacity from knowledge of the energy levels and degeneracies alone. It provides a statistical mechanical approach to thermodynamics.
Batterystooty sThere are three main types of batteries:
1) Primary cells, also known as batteries, undergo irreversible chemical reactions.
2) Secondary cells have chemical reactions that can be reversed through charging, allowing them to be recharged.
3) Flow batteries and fuel cells have materials that pass through the battery and undergo chemical reactions to produce electricity.
IB Chemistry on Equilibrium Constant, Kc and Equilibrium Law.Lawrence kok1) The document discusses the concepts of equilibrium constant (Kc) and reaction quotient (Qc). Kc is calculated using concentrations of products over reactants at equilibrium and is constant at a given temperature, while Qc uses initial concentrations and can change as a reaction proceeds.
2) A large Kc value indicates a reaction favors products more, shifting the equilibrium position to the right, while a small Kc value favors reactants more, shifting equilibrium to the left.
3) Examples are given of calculating Kc and Qc for homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions, and how changing coefficients affects Kc. Calculating Kc and Qc is important in determining if a reaction is at equilibrium based on initial concentrations.
Intro. to quantum chemistryRawat DA GreattThe document provides an introduction to computational quantum chemistry, including:
- Definitions of computational chemistry and computational quantum chemistry, which focuses on solving the Schrodinger equation for molecules.
- An overview of methods like ab initio quantum chemistry, density functional theory, and approximations like the Born-Oppenheimer approximation and basis set approximations.
- Descriptions of approaches like Hartree-Fock, configuration interaction, Møller-Plesset perturbation theory, and coupled cluster theory for including electron correlation effects.
Ukk's Algorithm of Suffix TreeJiachen YangThe document discusses the history and algorithms for constructing suffix trees. It describes the first linear algorithm introduced by Weiner in 1973 and simplified by McCreight in 1976. These early algorithms processed the string backwards. Ukkonen introduced the first online construction algorithm in 1995, which is easier to understand. Early algorithms assumed the alphabet size was fixed, but later work addressed constructing suffix trees for large alphabets.
Initial rate methodsathiakumaranThe document discusses determining the order of reaction using the initial rate method. It provides examples of experimental data collected for reactions, including initial concentrations of reactants and measured initial rates. It then shows solutions for determining the order of reactions and rate constants by analyzing changes in initial rates with changing concentrations. Key steps include writing rate laws, comparing reaction rates between experiments, and calculating exponents from rate laws. The overall goal is to demonstrate how to apply the initial rate method to experimental data to determine reaction orders and rate constants.
Oxidation reduction reactions By MUHAMMAD FAHAD ANSARI 12 IEEM 14fahadansari131The document summarizes various electrochemical reactions including oxidation-reduction reactions. It discusses reactions that produce electrical energy spontaneously like in batteries and those that require electrical energy like electrolysis. Key points covered include the definitions of oxidation, reduction, and oxidizing/reducing agents. Examples of electrolysis and electroplating are provided. The roles of microbes in important redox processes like photosynthesis, aerobic respiration, nitrogen fixation, nitrification, denitrification, sulfate reduction, and methane formation are summarized.
Chapter - 6 (Electrochemistry).pptshewanehayele2Electroanalytical methods provide several advantages for quantitative analytical chemistry. They involve measuring the electrical properties of analyte solutions in electrochemical cells. Some key points:
- Electroanalytical methods allow easy automation through electrical signal measurements. They can also determine low analyte concentrations without difficulty.
- Electrochemical processes involve the transfer of electrons between substances during redox reactions. This occurs at the interface between electrodes and solutions in electrochemical cells.
- Advantages include low cost compared to spectroscopy and the ability to easily automate measurements and detect low analyte concentrations through electrical signals.
IB Chemistry on Electrolysis and Faraday's LawLawrence kokThis document discusses types of voltaic and electrolytic cells. It provides information on redox reactions, conversion of chemical to electrical energy and vice versa, and factors that affect which ions are discharged during electrolysis. Specifically:
- Voltaic cells convert chemical energy to electrical energy via spontaneous redox reactions. Electrolytic cells require an external voltage to drive non-spontaneous reactions that convert electrical to chemical energy.
- Key components of voltaic and electrolytic cells are discussed, including electrodes, electrolytes, and direction of electron and ion flow.
- Standard reduction potentials are provided for many half-cell reactions to allow calculation of overall cell potentials.
- Examples of specific vol
Research_ProposalKeenan KomotoComputational chemistry methods can be used to predict the photophysical properties of BODIPY dyes. The author performed preliminary work validating their computational approach by comparing excited state calculations on 26 BODIPY dyes to experimental data. Molecular dynamics simulations were carried out to sample potential energy surfaces and check for non-parallelity between time-dependent density functional theory and restricted open-shell Kohn-Sham methods. Interactions between BODIPY dyes and oxygen were modeled to study singlet oxygen generation pathways.
Hartree method ppt physical chemistryalikhan1414easy slides to understand the hartree method in basic physical chemistry of BS_6th semester in Pakistani universities.
Batterystooty sThere are three main types of batteries:
1) Primary cells, also known as batteries, undergo irreversible chemical reactions.
2) Secondary cells have chemical reactions that can be reversed through charging, allowing them to be recharged.
3) Flow batteries and fuel cells have materials that pass through the battery and undergo chemical reactions to produce electricity.
IB Chemistry on Equilibrium Constant, Kc and Equilibrium Law.Lawrence kok1) The document discusses the concepts of equilibrium constant (Kc) and reaction quotient (Qc). Kc is calculated using concentrations of products over reactants at equilibrium and is constant at a given temperature, while Qc uses initial concentrations and can change as a reaction proceeds.
2) A large Kc value indicates a reaction favors products more, shifting the equilibrium position to the right, while a small Kc value favors reactants more, shifting equilibrium to the left.
3) Examples are given of calculating Kc and Qc for homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions, and how changing coefficients affects Kc. Calculating Kc and Qc is important in determining if a reaction is at equilibrium based on initial concentrations.
Intro. to quantum chemistryRawat DA GreattThe document provides an introduction to computational quantum chemistry, including:
- Definitions of computational chemistry and computational quantum chemistry, which focuses on solving the Schrodinger equation for molecules.
- An overview of methods like ab initio quantum chemistry, density functional theory, and approximations like the Born-Oppenheimer approximation and basis set approximations.
- Descriptions of approaches like Hartree-Fock, configuration interaction, Møller-Plesset perturbation theory, and coupled cluster theory for including electron correlation effects.
Ukk's Algorithm of Suffix TreeJiachen YangThe document discusses the history and algorithms for constructing suffix trees. It describes the first linear algorithm introduced by Weiner in 1973 and simplified by McCreight in 1976. These early algorithms processed the string backwards. Ukkonen introduced the first online construction algorithm in 1995, which is easier to understand. Early algorithms assumed the alphabet size was fixed, but later work addressed constructing suffix trees for large alphabets.
Initial rate methodsathiakumaranThe document discusses determining the order of reaction using the initial rate method. It provides examples of experimental data collected for reactions, including initial concentrations of reactants and measured initial rates. It then shows solutions for determining the order of reactions and rate constants by analyzing changes in initial rates with changing concentrations. Key steps include writing rate laws, comparing reaction rates between experiments, and calculating exponents from rate laws. The overall goal is to demonstrate how to apply the initial rate method to experimental data to determine reaction orders and rate constants.
Oxidation reduction reactions By MUHAMMAD FAHAD ANSARI 12 IEEM 14fahadansari131The document summarizes various electrochemical reactions including oxidation-reduction reactions. It discusses reactions that produce electrical energy spontaneously like in batteries and those that require electrical energy like electrolysis. Key points covered include the definitions of oxidation, reduction, and oxidizing/reducing agents. Examples of electrolysis and electroplating are provided. The roles of microbes in important redox processes like photosynthesis, aerobic respiration, nitrogen fixation, nitrification, denitrification, sulfate reduction, and methane formation are summarized.
Chapter - 6 (Electrochemistry).pptshewanehayele2Electroanalytical methods provide several advantages for quantitative analytical chemistry. They involve measuring the electrical properties of analyte solutions in electrochemical cells. Some key points:
- Electroanalytical methods allow easy automation through electrical signal measurements. They can also determine low analyte concentrations without difficulty.
- Electrochemical processes involve the transfer of electrons between substances during redox reactions. This occurs at the interface between electrodes and solutions in electrochemical cells.
- Advantages include low cost compared to spectroscopy and the ability to easily automate measurements and detect low analyte concentrations through electrical signals.
IB Chemistry on Electrolysis and Faraday's LawLawrence kokThis document discusses types of voltaic and electrolytic cells. It provides information on redox reactions, conversion of chemical to electrical energy and vice versa, and factors that affect which ions are discharged during electrolysis. Specifically:
- Voltaic cells convert chemical energy to electrical energy via spontaneous redox reactions. Electrolytic cells require an external voltage to drive non-spontaneous reactions that convert electrical to chemical energy.
- Key components of voltaic and electrolytic cells are discussed, including electrodes, electrolytes, and direction of electron and ion flow.
- Standard reduction potentials are provided for many half-cell reactions to allow calculation of overall cell potentials.
- Examples of specific vol
Research_ProposalKeenan KomotoComputational chemistry methods can be used to predict the photophysical properties of BODIPY dyes. The author performed preliminary work validating their computational approach by comparing excited state calculations on 26 BODIPY dyes to experimental data. Molecular dynamics simulations were carried out to sample potential energy surfaces and check for non-parallelity between time-dependent density functional theory and restricted open-shell Kohn-Sham methods. Interactions between BODIPY dyes and oxygen were modeled to study singlet oxygen generation pathways.
Hartree method ppt physical chemistryalikhan1414easy slides to understand the hartree method in basic physical chemistry of BS_6th semester in Pakistani universities.
8. 제 2유형 – 자극반응 학습
조작적 조건화
도구적 조건형성과정 의지적, 능동적
자극 의지적, 능동적
9. 제 3유형 – 운동연쇄학습
제 4유형 – 언어연합 학습
자극 + 반
운동 기능
언어 사용
제 3유형
제 4유형
10. 제 3유형 – 운동연쇄학습
제 4유형 – 언어연합 학습
삼각형 그리기
모서리 그리
11. 제 5유형 - 변별학습
일련의 자극을 구분하고
각각 자극에 따라 다르게 반응할 때
일어나는 학습
12. 제제66유유형형--개개념념학학습습
일련의 자극을
같은 부류의 자극으로 인식하고
동일한 반응을 나타낼 때
일어나는 학습
변별 능력, 관련 개념 + 강화, 구체
적 실례
변별학습 - 자극간의 차이에
대해 반응
개념학습 - 자극간의 공통성,
유사성에 대해 반응
13. 제제76유유형형--규개칙념학학습습
구체적 개념 학습
학습자가 가지고 있는 변별 능력
정의적 개념 학습
학습될 개념과 관련된 사물의 개념
또는 이름과 관련 개념들사이의
관계를 나타내는 개념들을 학습자가
이미 알고 있어야 함
14. 제제77유유형형--규규칙칙학학습습
규칙 학습 (원리학습)
원리 - 두개 이상의 개념의 연결
규칙을 만드는 과정
학습될 개념과 관련된 사물의 개념
또는 이름과 관련 개념들사이의
관계를 나타내는 개념들을 학습자가
이미 알고 있어야 함
15. 제 8유형 - 문제해결
새로운 규칙을 형성하기 위해
기존의 원리들을 종합하여 새로운
문제를 해결
16. 학습의 형태 내용 내적조건 외적조건
신호학습 고전적조건화
인접성과 반복성
-> 자극과 방응의
단일 결합이 관련
보상 및 강화를
받을수 있는 행동
보상 및 강화
단어, 언어(자극)-
>언어적 반응<-
>언어와 언어가
일어나는 반응
-자극과 반응의
관계를 이해하기
위해서는 그
구성요소가 이미
학습되어 있거나
-단편적인 연합과
연합을 연결할수
있는 능력이
·연합의 단위가
적절한 순서로
제시 되어야 함
·연합에 대한
암시가 주어져야
·언어 연합의
길이를 너무 길게
하지말아야 함
17. 학습의 과정
자극의 수
반응 피드백
수업은 바람직한 학습에 관련되는
모든 내적 과정을 자극하는 외적 자
계속 제공하고 조절하는 수단 예시 – 책