EAGLE SHARK A/S (EAGLE SHARK group) offers security consultancy services. We build on our experience from operational duties in the Danish Special Operation Forces, police and intelligence services.
Providing students opportunities to develop professional digital and social m...Sue Beckingham
PPDP is personal and professional development planning
A screencast version is available here: http://youtu.be/On1Og8gUWJo
Providing students opportunities to develop professional digital and social media skills to enhance meaningful engagement with personal and professional development. Introducing activities that allow students:
~ to explore and experiment with multimedia to personalise their own reflective blog and professional portfolio
~ use inquiry to observe, listen, interact and learn within professional social media spaces
~ capture feedback from tutors, peers, employers and the wider public using innovative ways chosen by themselves
CEO Briefing Mexico looks at the direction of the Mexican economy in 2015 and beyond. We examine growth opportunities, technology changes and the business strategies needed to take advantage of them. This research draws on a global survey of C-suite executives, comparing and constrasting the views of Mexico-based executives with their C-suite peers around the world. The financial services and consumer products sectors are the subject of particular emphasis.
This document provides information about the periodic table and various groups of elements. It discusses atomic number and mass. It explains that elements in the same group have similar properties, and provides details about several important groups including alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, halogens, noble gases, and rare earth metals. Transition metals are described as typical metals due to their metallic properties like lustre and conductivity.
Eagle Shark A/S is a Danish security consulting firm established to combine the expertise of Danish special forces including the Frogman Corps and Commando Unit. The firm provides a range of security services including travel security, close protection, terror prevention, secure communications, and investigations. Services are customized for each client and delivered discreetly by Eagle Shark's specialists who have extensive experience from Danish special forces and intelligence.
This document contains a quiz on various topics like history, geography, science, and current affairs related to the golden jubilee celebration of KVs. It has rules for the quiz competition and details of different rounds of the quiz with questions on topics such as RTE act, KVS, history, geography, films and music etc. Teams are asked rapid fire questions within a time limit and scores are announced at the end of each round.
This document provides an overview of training on how to use SMART Boards. It discusses research findings that interactive whiteboards improve teaching and learning by making lessons more interactive, collaborative, and engaging for students. The whiteboard allows for whole-class instruction and review as well as teacher-led group work. Studies found increases in student self-esteem, peer relations, and self-worth when using the technology. The training covers how to orient and calibrate the SMART Board, use touch/write/save options, Ink Aware software, Notebook software, PowerPoint, and avoiding common errors.
From measuring, to defining, living, and evolving...
a successful company culture creates a positive, unique working environment where business AND employees can thrive. Book a DH Breakout session to kick start your company's journey to a culture of happiness.
Teu nome eliana ellinger & meu nome josé ernesto ferraressoLuzia Gabriele
O poema descreve a dor da perda de um amor através de lágrimas e lembran?as dolorosas. O poeta tra?a o nome do amado nas nuvens e o ch?o é molhado por sua tristeza. Embora queira esquecê-lo, o poeta decide nunca esquecê-lo e n?o desprezá-lo.
Este documento es un certificado de formación en negociación de compras que Juan José Jiménez recibió de la Fundación AERCE. El curso se llamó "Negociación en Compras: El proceso de negociación en Compras" y duró 34 horas a través de teleformación entre el 7 de septiembre y el 28 de septiembre de 2016. El temario incluyó determinantes psicológicos de la negociación, comportamiento no verbal, preparación de la negociación, estrategias y tácticas, la negociación propiamente dicha y negoci
Eight keys for Integrating ABM with your sales team’s existing Target Accoun...Heinz Marketing Inc
The document outlines 8 keys for integrating account-based marketing (ABM) with a company's existing sales team and target account programs. The keys are: 1) Make sales an early partner, 2) Work from common objectives and definitions, 3) Build and manage common target lists, 4) Execute from a consolidated engagement plan, 5) Think in terms of macro and micro campaigns, 6) Develop shared data and insights, 7) Improve content precision, and 8) Practice the OODA loop of observation, orientation, decision, and action. The document provides examples and considerations for each key to facilitating collaboration between sales and marketing teams on ABM initiatives.
Este documento presenta la información básica de Michelle Estefania Rroyo Hernández, una mujer de 23 a?os que estudia Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Actividad Física, Deportes y Recreación. Ella se dedica al estudio, trabajo y entrenamiento diario, y ha tenido logros deportivos en natación y fisicoculturismo a nivel nacional e internacional. Michelle tiene 5 a?os de experiencia laboral como profesora y entrenadora de natación, estimulación temprana y expresión corporal.
The document summarizes key findings from a survey about consumer sentiment towards the Internet of Things. The main points are:
1) Most people surveyed were uncomfortable sharing personal data through connected devices and had concerns over how companies would use their information.
2) Interest and openness towards connected devices decreased with age, and males were more open than females.
3) People were more willing to share health data with doctors than home security data with companies, showing a high level of distrust.
4) The report concludes that consumers need to better understand the benefits of IoT and see practical examples before adopting connected technologies and sharing more of their data.
From the presentation I made in DDD (Digital - Design - Data) Conference. Brief history of Cannes Lions, higlights and some predictions for the near future.
Eagle Shark A/S is a Danish security consulting firm established to combine the expertise of Danish special forces including the Frogman Corps and Commando Unit. The firm provides a range of security services including travel security, close protection, terror prevention, secure communications, and investigations. Services are customized for each client and delivered discreetly by Eagle Shark's specialists who have extensive experience from Danish special forces and intelligence.
This document contains a quiz on various topics like history, geography, science, and current affairs related to the golden jubilee celebration of KVs. It has rules for the quiz competition and details of different rounds of the quiz with questions on topics such as RTE act, KVS, history, geography, films and music etc. Teams are asked rapid fire questions within a time limit and scores are announced at the end of each round.
This document provides an overview of training on how to use SMART Boards. It discusses research findings that interactive whiteboards improve teaching and learning by making lessons more interactive, collaborative, and engaging for students. The whiteboard allows for whole-class instruction and review as well as teacher-led group work. Studies found increases in student self-esteem, peer relations, and self-worth when using the technology. The training covers how to orient and calibrate the SMART Board, use touch/write/save options, Ink Aware software, Notebook software, PowerPoint, and avoiding common errors.
From measuring, to defining, living, and evolving...
a successful company culture creates a positive, unique working environment where business AND employees can thrive. Book a DH Breakout session to kick start your company's journey to a culture of happiness.
Teu nome eliana ellinger & meu nome josé ernesto ferraressoLuzia Gabriele
O poema descreve a dor da perda de um amor através de lágrimas e lembran?as dolorosas. O poeta tra?a o nome do amado nas nuvens e o ch?o é molhado por sua tristeza. Embora queira esquecê-lo, o poeta decide nunca esquecê-lo e n?o desprezá-lo.
Este documento es un certificado de formación en negociación de compras que Juan José Jiménez recibió de la Fundación AERCE. El curso se llamó "Negociación en Compras: El proceso de negociación en Compras" y duró 34 horas a través de teleformación entre el 7 de septiembre y el 28 de septiembre de 2016. El temario incluyó determinantes psicológicos de la negociación, comportamiento no verbal, preparación de la negociación, estrategias y tácticas, la negociación propiamente dicha y negoci
Eight keys for Integrating ABM with your sales team’s existing Target Accoun...Heinz Marketing Inc
The document outlines 8 keys for integrating account-based marketing (ABM) with a company's existing sales team and target account programs. The keys are: 1) Make sales an early partner, 2) Work from common objectives and definitions, 3) Build and manage common target lists, 4) Execute from a consolidated engagement plan, 5) Think in terms of macro and micro campaigns, 6) Develop shared data and insights, 7) Improve content precision, and 8) Practice the OODA loop of observation, orientation, decision, and action. The document provides examples and considerations for each key to facilitating collaboration between sales and marketing teams on ABM initiatives.
Este documento presenta la información básica de Michelle Estefania Rroyo Hernández, una mujer de 23 a?os que estudia Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Actividad Física, Deportes y Recreación. Ella se dedica al estudio, trabajo y entrenamiento diario, y ha tenido logros deportivos en natación y fisicoculturismo a nivel nacional e internacional. Michelle tiene 5 a?os de experiencia laboral como profesora y entrenadora de natación, estimulación temprana y expresión corporal.
The document summarizes key findings from a survey about consumer sentiment towards the Internet of Things. The main points are:
1) Most people surveyed were uncomfortable sharing personal data through connected devices and had concerns over how companies would use their information.
2) Interest and openness towards connected devices decreased with age, and males were more open than females.
3) People were more willing to share health data with doctors than home security data with companies, showing a high level of distrust.
4) The report concludes that consumers need to better understand the benefits of IoT and see practical examples before adopting connected technologies and sharing more of their data.
From the presentation I made in DDD (Digital - Design - Data) Conference. Brief history of Cannes Lions, higlights and some predictions for the near future.