This short document discusses a road trip through the Hardangervidda Plateau in Norway and mentions stopping near V?ringfossen, Norway's most famous waterfall, to pick wild blueberries. The document ends abruptly with a goodbye and thanks.
The document is a travelogue from a trip to Norway, describing scenic views from a cabin near a glacier, including snow in August and waterfalls, as well as experiences hiking on a glacier, taking a boat ride to the glacier which did not return as promised, and a long hike home. It also mentions a 25 kilometer tunnel with blue lights halfway through for excitement and traveling through scenic fjords including Sognafjord and visiting Bergen.
Presentation Fam Med Masters Seminar Apr 25 07briefJanet2007
The document discusses the impact of poverty on health. It provides background on poverty and health indicators in Canada, showing that those in poverty experience higher rates of chronic disease, infant mortality, lower life expectancy, and worse mental and physical health overall. It suggests that poverty, through factors like inadequate income for nutrition and housing, is the main determinant of these health inequities. The document proposes ways for health providers to help address poverty, such as by expanding assessments of social/economic barriers patients face and connecting them to resources to improve their situations.
This short document discusses a road trip through the Hardangervidda Plateau in Norway and mentions stopping near V?ringfossen, Norway's most famous waterfall, to pick wild blueberries. The document ends abruptly with a goodbye and thanks.
La historia cuenta la transformación de una maestra, Se?o Conchita, y su alumno Pedrito. Al principio, Se?o Conchita no valoraba a Pedrito debido a su apariencia descuidada y problemas familiares. Sin embargo, al revisar su expediente y escuchar sus palabras, comprendió su situación y comenzó a apoyarlo. Gracias a esto, los resultados académicos de Pedrito mejoraron significativamente y desarrolló un fuerte afecto por su maestra. A?os después, Pedrito se convirtió en un exitoso médico y
O documento discute vários aspectos da vida que s?o considerados fáceis versus difíceis, como ouvir a consciência em vez da música, seguir regras que se dita, e entender que poucas pessoas realmente nos aceitar?o completamente.
Large-scale C++ development is tough business, and so is grokking and improving OOo's approximately 6 million lines of code. The author will share the accumulated knowledge of Sun's OOo development team, touching areas such as:
* dependency management: how to architect for encapsulation
* tools for working on the code: IDE/editor review, (semi)-automatic code transformations and refactorings, debuggers
* patterns: the most frequent design patterns and their incarnations
* helpers: the what and the where of helper functionality
* recommended readings: literature, links to OOo resources (API documentation, coding guidelines), mailing lists and news groups
This session should be suitable for all levels of C++ programmers, that want to become familiar with OOo's way of doing things in C++.
Si pudiésemos reducir la población de la Tierra a una peque?a aldea de exactamente
100 habitantes, manteniendo las proporciones existentes en la actualidad, sería algo como esto:
El documento describe la Web 2.0 y los blogs. La Web 2.0 se refiere a la evolución de aplicaciones web enfocadas en el usuario final que fomentan la colaboración. Un blog es un sitio web periódicamente actualizado que recopila artículos de uno o más autores de forma cronológica. Los blogs se usan habitualmente para compartir contenido personal, periodístico, empresarial u otros temas, y permiten comentarios interactivos entre autores y lectores.
Google Earth File for the Central African Republichdptcar
This document provides an overview of the geographical information available in a Google Earth file for the Central African Republic, including over 170 administrative regions, 7,000 cities and villages, the locations of humanitarian agencies, areas affected by violence, roads and infrastructure like bridges, health posts and wells. The file can be accessed at to obtain an unprecedented amount of data to support humanitarian and development efforts in CAR.