Este documento describe la configuraci坦n de un escenario de simulaci坦n de ataque de penetraci坦n utilizando dos m叩quinas virtuales: Backtrack 5 R3 y Windows XP SP3. Explica c坦mo instalar y configurar las m叩quinas virtuales, actualizar las herramientas, y realizar un escaneo inicial de la red para identificar posibles objetivos del ataque.
Cocos2D es una librer鱈a que permite usar OpenGL para desarrollos 2D sin necesidad de profundizar en la complejidad de una librer鱈a 3D. Opci坦n ideal si tienes experiencia en Objective C y quieres empezar de manera s坦lida en la programaci坦n de videojuegos para iPad & iPhone, pero aspiras igualmente avanzar con cierta rapidez.
Disfruta de este Taller de Iniciaci坦n a Cocos2D impartido por nuestro Expert Game Programmer, y si te quedas con ganas de m叩s, te puedes matricular en el Curso Cocos2D conducido por el mismo Chef
Adem叩s puedes encontrar el c坦digo de los ejemplos en:
KeepCoding Tech School, es un centro de formaci坦n de alto rendimiento en programaci坦n y tecnolog鱈a. Con presencia en Madrid-Espa単a y Bogot叩-Colombia es el centro de referencia de habla hispana para el aprendizaje de capacidades tecnol坦gicas de gran demanda. Ofrece formaci坦n intensiva y de alto rendimiento para aprender a programar desde cero o hasta los niveles m叩s avanzados en desarrollo Web, Mobile, Big Data, IA y Machine Learning, Blockchain, DevOps y Ciberseguridad. Con una metodolog鱈a 100% pr叩ctica, t辿cnica y efectiva, dise単ada con el objetivo de crear profesionales s坦lidos con perfil amplio e integral. KeepCoding fue adem叩s reconocido por su iniciativa Acelera Espa単a en 2020 con los premios Digital Skills Awards Spain de AMETIC y M叩s y mejores profesionales TIC formados por El Mundo y es World Guinness Record Holder por La mayor clase de software del mundo desde 2019.
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This document provides an overview of European art from the 15th to 18th centuries, beginning with the Northern Renaissance. Key developments include the influence of Italian Renaissance ideas on Northern European artists like Durer, the rise of printmaking and realism, and the effects of the Reformation and capitalism on art. The document then covers Mannerism, the Baroque styles in Italy and Spain characterized by elaborate compositions and drama, and the Baroque in Northern Europe as seen in the works of Rubens, Rembrandt, and Vermeer. Rococo art is described as delicate and sensual. Finally, Neoclassicism is presented as a rejection of the aristocracy in favor of democratic ideals inspired by antiquity. Major artists represented
Turbocharge Twitter With Apps SMBMTL 082510Adele McAlear
With thousands of Twitter applications available, everyone has their favourites. If you use Twitter for business, well look beyond the basics to introduce apps that will make your experience more relevant and valuable to your objectives. Whether your goals are competitive intelligence, lead generation, promotion, community building, monitoring or measurement, well look at tools to turbocharge Twitter.
10 Tips for Using Social Media to Engage VolunteersISTE
This document outlines 10 steps for using social media to engage volunteers. It discusses assessing organizational readiness, educating staff, establishing guidelines and orientation for volunteers. It recommends identifying barriers to volunteering, making virtual opportunities visible, and tapping champions. It also stresses building in checkpoints, holding volunteers accountable, giving direction, and striking the right balance. The goal is to provide concise guidance on integrating social media volunteering opportunities into organizations in a sustainable way.
El documento explica los pasos para subir una aplicaci坦n a la App Store de Apple. Primero, los desarrolladores deben registrarse gratuitamente y luego unirse al Programa de Desarrollador de iOS pagando una cuota anual de 80 para poder publicar apps. El proceso incluye crear una cuenta de Apple ID, completar formularios de registro y aceptar los t辿rminos y condiciones.
Elastic Tree: Saving Energy in Data Center NetworksAbhishek Sutrave
This document proposes a method called Elastic Tree to reduce network power consumption in data centers. Elastic Tree dynamically adjusts the set of active network elements like links and switches based on changing traffic loads to satisfy demand with minimum power. It consists of three modules: an optimizer to find the minimum power network subset, a routing module to choose paths, and a power control module to toggle network elements. Different optimization methods are explored, including a formal model, greedy bin-packing, and topology-aware heuristic to reduce network power consumption while meeting traffic needs. When applied to an e-commerce data center, Elastic Tree was able to significantly reduce power consumption in the network.
To Study Weld Strength and Strain Energy Absorption of Roll Over Protection S...IOSR Journals
The roll over protection structure, referred as ROPS is designed to protect the driver from the injuries caused by roll-overs. In addition to safety against roll-overs and collisions, it also acts as a single rugged base for mounting the sub-systems of the all terrain vehicle. This study will deals with edge preparation techniques employed prior to welding to strengthen the ROPS and corresponding strain energy absorption at the time of collision. The design of ROPS depends on the vehicle size, weight distribution, sub-system mounting, occupant's safety and ergonomics; followed by force analysis under specified crash conditions.
Este documento describe la configuraci坦n de un escenario de simulaci坦n de ataque de penetraci坦n utilizando dos m叩quinas virtuales: Backtrack 5 R3 y Windows XP SP3. Explica c坦mo instalar y configurar las m叩quinas virtuales, actualizar las herramientas, y realizar un escaneo inicial de la red para identificar posibles objetivos del ataque.
Cocos2D es una librer鱈a que permite usar OpenGL para desarrollos 2D sin necesidad de profundizar en la complejidad de una librer鱈a 3D. Opci坦n ideal si tienes experiencia en Objective C y quieres empezar de manera s坦lida en la programaci坦n de videojuegos para iPad & iPhone, pero aspiras igualmente avanzar con cierta rapidez.
Disfruta de este Taller de Iniciaci坦n a Cocos2D impartido por nuestro Expert Game Programmer, y si te quedas con ganas de m叩s, te puedes matricular en el Curso Cocos2D conducido por el mismo Chef
Adem叩s puedes encontrar el c坦digo de los ejemplos en:
KeepCoding Tech School, es un centro de formaci坦n de alto rendimiento en programaci坦n y tecnolog鱈a. Con presencia en Madrid-Espa単a y Bogot叩-Colombia es el centro de referencia de habla hispana para el aprendizaje de capacidades tecnol坦gicas de gran demanda. Ofrece formaci坦n intensiva y de alto rendimiento para aprender a programar desde cero o hasta los niveles m叩s avanzados en desarrollo Web, Mobile, Big Data, IA y Machine Learning, Blockchain, DevOps y Ciberseguridad. Con una metodolog鱈a 100% pr叩ctica, t辿cnica y efectiva, dise単ada con el objetivo de crear profesionales s坦lidos con perfil amplio e integral. KeepCoding fue adem叩s reconocido por su iniciativa Acelera Espa単a en 2020 con los premios Digital Skills Awards Spain de AMETIC y M叩s y mejores profesionales TIC formados por El Mundo y es World Guinness Record Holder por La mayor clase de software del mundo desde 2019.
Ingresa a:
This document provides an overview of European art from the 15th to 18th centuries, beginning with the Northern Renaissance. Key developments include the influence of Italian Renaissance ideas on Northern European artists like Durer, the rise of printmaking and realism, and the effects of the Reformation and capitalism on art. The document then covers Mannerism, the Baroque styles in Italy and Spain characterized by elaborate compositions and drama, and the Baroque in Northern Europe as seen in the works of Rubens, Rembrandt, and Vermeer. Rococo art is described as delicate and sensual. Finally, Neoclassicism is presented as a rejection of the aristocracy in favor of democratic ideals inspired by antiquity. Major artists represented
Turbocharge Twitter With Apps SMBMTL 082510Adele McAlear
With thousands of Twitter applications available, everyone has their favourites. If you use Twitter for business, well look beyond the basics to introduce apps that will make your experience more relevant and valuable to your objectives. Whether your goals are competitive intelligence, lead generation, promotion, community building, monitoring or measurement, well look at tools to turbocharge Twitter.
10 Tips for Using Social Media to Engage VolunteersISTE
This document outlines 10 steps for using social media to engage volunteers. It discusses assessing organizational readiness, educating staff, establishing guidelines and orientation for volunteers. It recommends identifying barriers to volunteering, making virtual opportunities visible, and tapping champions. It also stresses building in checkpoints, holding volunteers accountable, giving direction, and striking the right balance. The goal is to provide concise guidance on integrating social media volunteering opportunities into organizations in a sustainable way.
El documento explica los pasos para subir una aplicaci坦n a la App Store de Apple. Primero, los desarrolladores deben registrarse gratuitamente y luego unirse al Programa de Desarrollador de iOS pagando una cuota anual de 80 para poder publicar apps. El proceso incluye crear una cuenta de Apple ID, completar formularios de registro y aceptar los t辿rminos y condiciones.
Elastic Tree: Saving Energy in Data Center NetworksAbhishek Sutrave
This document proposes a method called Elastic Tree to reduce network power consumption in data centers. Elastic Tree dynamically adjusts the set of active network elements like links and switches based on changing traffic loads to satisfy demand with minimum power. It consists of three modules: an optimizer to find the minimum power network subset, a routing module to choose paths, and a power control module to toggle network elements. Different optimization methods are explored, including a formal model, greedy bin-packing, and topology-aware heuristic to reduce network power consumption while meeting traffic needs. When applied to an e-commerce data center, Elastic Tree was able to significantly reduce power consumption in the network.
To Study Weld Strength and Strain Energy Absorption of Roll Over Protection S...IOSR Journals
The roll over protection structure, referred as ROPS is designed to protect the driver from the injuries caused by roll-overs. In addition to safety against roll-overs and collisions, it also acts as a single rugged base for mounting the sub-systems of the all terrain vehicle. This study will deals with edge preparation techniques employed prior to welding to strengthen the ROPS and corresponding strain energy absorption at the time of collision. The design of ROPS depends on the vehicle size, weight distribution, sub-system mounting, occupant's safety and ergonomics; followed by force analysis under specified crash conditions.