Обработка голоса кодеком на Си под Андроид. Сделано / Константин Цховребов (M...OnticoOpus, Ogg, NDK и другие подводные камни.
1) Зачем иногда необходимо использовать нативный код в Android разработке;
2) когда не нужно этого делать;
3) что для этого необходимо настроить в проекте;
4) кодек для сжатия аудио Opus (чем хорош, кто использует);
5) контейнер Ogg (преимущества перед другими);
6) практический пример записи голоса, сжатия кодеком opus и упаковка в Ogg контейнер.
Mastering FPGA Design through Debug, Adrian Hernandez, XilinxFPGA CentralThe document discusses mastering FPGA design through effective debugging techniques. It emphasizes incremental design and debug using test-driven development. Debug tools include simulation, on-chip instrumentation, and off-chip instruments. The root of bugs is in the design, so debugging should be done concurrently with designing. System integration focuses on verifying IP interfaces using unit test harnesses. Manufacturing testing validates high-speed links and system connectivity, while in-field tests lower support costs. Overall, the key is building on FPGA reconfiguration, taking advantage of in-circuit testing, seeking design perfection through simplicity, and sharing knowledge.
2011 Никифоров А.А. доклад " Применение алгоритма DELAY AND MULTIPLY APPROACH...RF-LabДоклад в рамках Московский Микроволновой Недели
MIPI DevCon 2016: Multiple MIPI CSI-2 Cameras Leveraging FPGAsMIPI AllianceThe use of multiple cameras applications is exploding. We're not just talking about 2 cameras for 3D or depth sensing, but 3-12 cameras for applications like drones, robotics, automotive, etc. The increasing use of multiple cameras combined with the growing use of mobile components such as apps processors, image sensors, displays, etc., being used by the broad market requires logic to connect these devices. In this presentation, Ted Marena of Microsemi explains how FPGAs can be used to leverage mobile components to aggregate a large number of MIPI CSI-2 camera interfaces.
FPGA Applications in FinancezpektralThis presentation given at Imperial College London focused on the myriad of applications of Field Programmable Gate Arrays in Finance. On how FPGAs work, why there has been an increased interest, and why it is important to adopt this technology.
смартфон как физическая лабораторияАнатолий ШперхСовременные смартфоны представляют собой мощные физические лаборатории, снабженные датчиками, о которых школьный учитель может только мечтать
DSP by FPGAAbhijay SisodiaFPGAs have several advantages over traditional DSP processors and ASICs for implementing digital signal processing applications. FPGAs provide fine-grained parallelism well-suited to DSP tasks through dedicated logic and multiplier blocks. This parallelism allows FPGAs to achieve substantially better performance than DSP processors. Additionally, FPGAs offer more flexibility than ASICs since the logic is reprogrammable, avoiding the cost and time of a full chip redesign. As a result, more designers are using FPGAs for DSP rather than DSP processors or ASICs.
Fpga computingrinnocenteThis document provides an overview of FPGA computing using an Intel/Altera Arria 10 FPGA. It begins with the history of the FPGA computing project and defines what an FPGA is. It then discusses the Intel Arria 10 FPGA used in tests. To measure performance on new architectures, it introduces the concept of the "Seven Dwarfs" benchmark algorithms and arithmetic intensity. The Roofline performance model is explained as a way to estimate performance based on peak flop rate and memory bandwidth. Actual performance results are shown for algorithms like vector addition, stencil code, and matrix multiplication run on the FPGA compared to CPU. OpenCL is discussed as a programming model for FPGAs.
MIPI DevCon 2016: Implementing MIPI C-PHYMIPI AllianceIn this presentation, George Wiley of Qualcomm Technologies discusses the unique properties of the MIPI C-PHY physical layer, as well as system-level benefits and values for camera and display interfaces.
Mотивация в организациях чаще всего АНТИмотивация. Путь СамураяDarius RadkeviciusВ презентациях преобладают иллюстрации, много аллегорий и минимум фраз – парадоксальных, ломающих стереотипы и потому непривычных. Например, фраза “Больше всего вредит тот, кто работает изо всех сил”, принадлежащая известному во всем мире теоретику и практику управления качеством У. Э. Демингу (его метод контроля качества активно внедряли у себя японцы). Или другое высказывание: “Чем усерднее компания старается заработать деньги, тем сильнее они от нее ускользают”. Или слова уже самого эксперта о том, что деньги – это плоды бизнеса, а его корень, смысл находится в удовлетворении потребностей клиентов. Вроде все просто и знакомо, но именно о потребителях наши бизнесмены часто и забывают…
- Чтобы понять простое, нужно избавиться от всего того, чему вас учили раньше. Необходимо смотреть восемью глазами. Откройте сердце. Избавьтесь от стереотипов. Откройте еще шесть своих глаз, – серьезно повторял эксперт на протяжении всей встречи.
По словам автора, мы можем сравнить работу HR-менеджера и руководителей в общем, с путем самурая. Метафизика? Нет, жизнь. Чтобы убедиться в этом достаточно вспомнить японскую систему кайдзен, которая сейчас во всем мире помогает усовершенствовать и оптимизировать процесс производства и любую работу вообще.
Дарюс утверждает, что на все сложное надо смотреть просто. Огромное внимание было обращено на афоризмы, пословицы и поговорки разных народов мира, короткие цитаты известных людей, потому что именно в них хранится мудрость поколений, которой достаточно просто следовать.
Что же касается мотивации, то, по мнению Радкявичуса, материальное поощрение работников на самом деле не моти
Real Time Clock Interfacing with FPGAMafaz AhmedThis document describes an FPGA lab project involving interfacing a real-time clock (RTC) module with an FPGA. It includes sections on the RTC module, I2C protocol, FPGA kit, schematic, Verilog code, hardware implementation, and conclusions. The Verilog code shows an I2C state machine for communicating with the RTC over I2C to read the current time and display it on LEDs connected to the FPGA.
FPGA Tutorial - LCD InterfacePoliteknik Elektronika Negeri SurabayaThe document describes interfacing an FPGA to an LCD 16x2 display. It includes a block diagram, pin descriptions, timing diagrams, LCD initialization procedures from the datasheet, and VHDL code to implement the LCD controller on the FPGA. The VHDL code uses a state machine and ROM-based model with an 8-bit data line to generate the LCD initialization sequence and display text on the LCD. Behavioral and post-route simulations are shown to verify the design works as intended.
Uartcs1090211The document describes a Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) circuit. A UART allows a computer to communicate with external devices by transmitting serial data. It contains a receiver that takes in serial data and a transmitter that sends out serial data. A baud rate generator is used to synchronize the transmission and reception of bits. The document provides details on the UART components, data encoding, and includes VHDL code for a UART design.
Fpga programmingAmr Ali (ISTQB CTAL Full, CSM, ITIL Foundation)This document discusses FPGA programming using Xilinx ISE 7.1i. It covers creating a project, importing HDL files, assigning FPGA pins, generating a programming file, and configuring and programming the FPGA device. The document also notes that the content is copyrighted but users are granted access for personal non-commercial use provided proprietary notices remain intact.
Floating point ALU using VHDL implemented on FPGAAzhar SyedDescription: An arithmetic unit based on IEEE754 single precision standard for floating point numbers has been targeted to implement on Spartan-6 XC6SLX45 FPGA Board. The hardware description language used to program the FPGA chip was VHDL (very high speed integrated circuit hardware description language). The arithmetic unit implemented has a 32- bit processing unit which allowed limited arithmetic operations such as addition, Subtraction, multiplication and division. The overall coding style used was behavioural modelling synthesis and simulations were done and observed in Xilinx 14.7 and modelsim SE 6.4 version respectively. The final outcome of project revealed that proposed arithmetic unit was able to handle maximum frequency of 126.004 MHz (i.e. Minimum period of 7.936ns).
FPGAAbhilash NairThis document discusses field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). It begins by describing FPGA basics and architecture, including configurable logic blocks (CLBs), I/O blocks, and switch matrices. It then discusses FPGA advantages such as low cost, fast prototyping, and reusability. The document also covers FPGA process technologies including SRAM, antifuse, and EPROM/EEPROM/Flash. It provides details on FPGA architectures, logic elements, routing, memory blocks, and examples of Xilinx FPGAs.
КРИ 2013. "Базы данных в онлайн играх. От Аллодов до Skyforge". Андрей ФроловАндрей ФроловКонференция разработчиков игры. 2013 год.
Андрей Фролов. Mail.Ru Games. "Базы данных в онлайн играх. От Аллодов до Skyforge"
Created using YouTube Video
Обзор Intel® Edison и Grove Starter KitIntel® Developer Zone РоссияПрограммирование Intel Edison и использование Grove Starter Kit. Программирование MCU в Intel Edison.
2011 Никифоров А.А. доклад " Применение алгоритма DELAY AND MULTIPLY APPROACH...RF-LabДоклад в рамках Московский Микроволновой Недели
MIPI DevCon 2016: Multiple MIPI CSI-2 Cameras Leveraging FPGAsMIPI AllianceThe use of multiple cameras applications is exploding. We're not just talking about 2 cameras for 3D or depth sensing, but 3-12 cameras for applications like drones, robotics, automotive, etc. The increasing use of multiple cameras combined with the growing use of mobile components such as apps processors, image sensors, displays, etc., being used by the broad market requires logic to connect these devices. In this presentation, Ted Marena of Microsemi explains how FPGAs can be used to leverage mobile components to aggregate a large number of MIPI CSI-2 camera interfaces.
FPGA Applications in FinancezpektralThis presentation given at Imperial College London focused on the myriad of applications of Field Programmable Gate Arrays in Finance. On how FPGAs work, why there has been an increased interest, and why it is important to adopt this technology.
смартфон как физическая лабораторияАнатолий ШперхСовременные смартфоны представляют собой мощные физические лаборатории, снабженные датчиками, о которых школьный учитель может только мечтать
DSP by FPGAAbhijay SisodiaFPGAs have several advantages over traditional DSP processors and ASICs for implementing digital signal processing applications. FPGAs provide fine-grained parallelism well-suited to DSP tasks through dedicated logic and multiplier blocks. This parallelism allows FPGAs to achieve substantially better performance than DSP processors. Additionally, FPGAs offer more flexibility than ASICs since the logic is reprogrammable, avoiding the cost and time of a full chip redesign. As a result, more designers are using FPGAs for DSP rather than DSP processors or ASICs.
Fpga computingrinnocenteThis document provides an overview of FPGA computing using an Intel/Altera Arria 10 FPGA. It begins with the history of the FPGA computing project and defines what an FPGA is. It then discusses the Intel Arria 10 FPGA used in tests. To measure performance on new architectures, it introduces the concept of the "Seven Dwarfs" benchmark algorithms and arithmetic intensity. The Roofline performance model is explained as a way to estimate performance based on peak flop rate and memory bandwidth. Actual performance results are shown for algorithms like vector addition, stencil code, and matrix multiplication run on the FPGA compared to CPU. OpenCL is discussed as a programming model for FPGAs.
MIPI DevCon 2016: Implementing MIPI C-PHYMIPI AllianceIn this presentation, George Wiley of Qualcomm Technologies discusses the unique properties of the MIPI C-PHY physical layer, as well as system-level benefits and values for camera and display interfaces.
Mотивация в организациях чаще всего АНТИмотивация. Путь СамураяDarius RadkeviciusВ презентациях преобладают иллюстрации, много аллегорий и минимум фраз – парадоксальных, ломающих стереотипы и потому непривычных. Например, фраза “Больше всего вредит тот, кто работает изо всех сил”, принадлежащая известному во всем мире теоретику и практику управления качеством У. Э. Демингу (его метод контроля качества активно внедряли у себя японцы). Или другое высказывание: “Чем усерднее компания старается заработать деньги, тем сильнее они от нее ускользают”. Или слова уже самого эксперта о том, что деньги – это плоды бизнеса, а его корень, смысл находится в удовлетворении потребностей клиентов. Вроде все просто и знакомо, но именно о потребителях наши бизнесмены часто и забывают…
- Чтобы понять простое, нужно избавиться от всего того, чему вас учили раньше. Необходимо смотреть восемью глазами. Откройте сердце. Избавьтесь от стереотипов. Откройте еще шесть своих глаз, – серьезно повторял эксперт на протяжении всей встречи.
По словам автора, мы можем сравнить работу HR-менеджера и руководителей в общем, с путем самурая. Метафизика? Нет, жизнь. Чтобы убедиться в этом достаточно вспомнить японскую систему кайдзен, которая сейчас во всем мире помогает усовершенствовать и оптимизировать процесс производства и любую работу вообще.
Дарюс утверждает, что на все сложное надо смотреть просто. Огромное внимание было обращено на афоризмы, пословицы и поговорки разных народов мира, короткие цитаты известных людей, потому что именно в них хранится мудрость поколений, которой достаточно просто следовать.
Что же касается мотивации, то, по мнению Радкявичуса, материальное поощрение работников на самом деле не моти
Real Time Clock Interfacing with FPGAMafaz AhmedThis document describes an FPGA lab project involving interfacing a real-time clock (RTC) module with an FPGA. It includes sections on the RTC module, I2C protocol, FPGA kit, schematic, Verilog code, hardware implementation, and conclusions. The Verilog code shows an I2C state machine for communicating with the RTC over I2C to read the current time and display it on LEDs connected to the FPGA.
FPGA Tutorial - LCD InterfacePoliteknik Elektronika Negeri SurabayaThe document describes interfacing an FPGA to an LCD 16x2 display. It includes a block diagram, pin descriptions, timing diagrams, LCD initialization procedures from the datasheet, and VHDL code to implement the LCD controller on the FPGA. The VHDL code uses a state machine and ROM-based model with an 8-bit data line to generate the LCD initialization sequence and display text on the LCD. Behavioral and post-route simulations are shown to verify the design works as intended.
Uartcs1090211The document describes a Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) circuit. A UART allows a computer to communicate with external devices by transmitting serial data. It contains a receiver that takes in serial data and a transmitter that sends out serial data. A baud rate generator is used to synchronize the transmission and reception of bits. The document provides details on the UART components, data encoding, and includes VHDL code for a UART design.
Fpga programmingAmr Ali (ISTQB CTAL Full, CSM, ITIL Foundation)This document discusses FPGA programming using Xilinx ISE 7.1i. It covers creating a project, importing HDL files, assigning FPGA pins, generating a programming file, and configuring and programming the FPGA device. The document also notes that the content is copyrighted but users are granted access for personal non-commercial use provided proprietary notices remain intact.
Floating point ALU using VHDL implemented on FPGAAzhar SyedDescription: An arithmetic unit based on IEEE754 single precision standard for floating point numbers has been targeted to implement on Spartan-6 XC6SLX45 FPGA Board. The hardware description language used to program the FPGA chip was VHDL (very high speed integrated circuit hardware description language). The arithmetic unit implemented has a 32- bit processing unit which allowed limited arithmetic operations such as addition, Subtraction, multiplication and division. The overall coding style used was behavioural modelling synthesis and simulations were done and observed in Xilinx 14.7 and modelsim SE 6.4 version respectively. The final outcome of project revealed that proposed arithmetic unit was able to handle maximum frequency of 126.004 MHz (i.e. Minimum period of 7.936ns).
FPGAAbhilash NairThis document discusses field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). It begins by describing FPGA basics and architecture, including configurable logic blocks (CLBs), I/O blocks, and switch matrices. It then discusses FPGA advantages such as low cost, fast prototyping, and reusability. The document also covers FPGA process technologies including SRAM, antifuse, and EPROM/EEPROM/Flash. It provides details on FPGA architectures, logic elements, routing, memory blocks, and examples of Xilinx FPGAs.
КРИ 2013. "Базы данных в онлайн играх. От Аллодов до Skyforge". Андрей ФроловАндрей ФроловКонференция разработчиков игры. 2013 год.
Андрей Фролов. Mail.Ru Games. "Базы данных в онлайн играх. От Аллодов до Skyforge"
Created using YouTube Video
Обзор Intel® Edison и Grove Starter KitIntel® Developer Zone РоссияПрограммирование Intel Edison и использование Grove Starter Kit. Программирование MCU в Intel Edison.
Питон в малинеPyNSKВ докладе я расскажу об устройстве одноплатного компьютера и его периферии на примере raspbery pi.
Установку на него дистрибутива операционной системы, python 3 и управление с помощью него периферией (i2c spi uart и отдельными pin). А ещё я это покажу в живую
Докладчик: Иван Бакланов
Видео: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WiIMeWHMY8
Александр Гутин. Процессоры Baikal — платформа безопасных отечественных ИТ-ре...KasperskyАлександр Гутин, Директор по маркетингу в Байкал Электроникс, касается вопроса необходимости импортозамещения на российском рынке сегодня и говорит о стереотипах, которые зачастую мешают заказчикам перейти на отечественное оборудование. Александр также рассказывает о линейке процессоров «Байкал Электроникс» и о готовности экосистемы программного обеспечения, а также о решениях партнеров на процессоре Baikal-M. Особое внимание в докладе уделено вопросу аппаратной поддержке защищенных вычислений, дающей преимущества с точки зрения информационной безопасности.
Подробнее о конференции: https://kas.pr/kicsconf2021
Specializirovannye distributivy dlya_ustarevshih_pk_v_byudzhetnyh_uchrezhdeniyahЛьвовский ПЛЖТСПЕЦИАЛИЗИРОВАННЫЕ ДИСТРИБУТИВЫ ДЛЯ УСТАРЕВШИХ ПК В БЮДЖЕТНЫХ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЯХ.
За "Матеріалами ІV міжнародної науково-технічної конференції студентів і молодих учених
Обосновано использование свободных дистрибутивов (а так же сборок на их основе) в бюджетных, в первую очередь учебных и научных учреждениях, имеющих большой парк устаревшей (10 и более лет эксплуатации) компьютерной техники. Приведены примеры использования сборок специализированных дистрибутивов в бюджетных организациях.
TADhack 2014 hack presentation - FairShare call limiterAlexander ChemerisA quick hack with Tropo.js and a Fairwaves UmSITE done by the Fairwaves and MojoLingo joint team.
The idea is to limit a duration of calls on a saturated network, but to do that politely and intelligently:
* we ensure users could speak for at least 30 seconds without interruption,
* we drop the longest call and not a random one,
* after 30 sec we politely notify them that the network is saturated and their call may be dropped,
* we actually notify them right before dropping the call,
* if demand is more than we can handle even by dropping long calls, we record who tried to call and notify them later, when the network resources becomes available again.
The cathedral and the bazaar for Strelka studentsAlexander ChemerisThis document discusses the hacker ethic and open source software development. It explores the principles of sharing knowledge, decentralization, and improving the world through collaboration. A key debate is presented between the "cathedral" model of closed, hierarchical development versus the "bazaar" model of open, decentralized development pioneered by Linux and open source projects. The bazaar model argues for releasing early and listening to customers to improve software quickly through transparency and many eyes on the code.
Open-source SDR silicon - GNU Radio Conference 2013 presentationAlexander ChemerisThe document discusses the LMS6002D radio chip and the MyriadRF open source community. It notes that 4 out of 6 GRCon giveaway devices use the LMS6002D chip, which offers wideband frequency coverage and a flexible single-chip design good for manufacturing. Initially, Lime Microsystems had concerns about supporting many independent projects and hiding information from competitors, but found benefits in aggregated volume and potential new markets. These issues were solved through smart use of open source approaches. The document promotes actively supporting the growing MyriadRF open source community and open-source partnerships with businesses.
Fairwaves UmTRX - GNU Radio Conference 2013 presentationAlexander ChemerisThe document discusses UmTRX, a new SDR transceiver developed by fairwaves LLC for use in low-cost, mid-range, and power-efficient GSM and LTE base stations. Key features of UmTRX include its ability to operate across a wide frequency range of 375MHz-2.8GHz with a bandwidth of 13MHz, output power of 100mW at 900MHz and 50mW at 1800MHz, and support for GnuRadio, OpenBTS, and OpenBSC software. UmTRX is designed with a small form factor of 5.25 inches to fit into applications like desktop, rack mount, and outdoor base stations.
Fairwaves UmTRX - presentation at SDR'11 conferenceAlexander ChemerisUmTRX is an open-source hardware project developing a low-cost, mid-range, power-efficient GSM base station transceiver. The first prototype is planned by the new year with a test deployment in 2012 at Mayotte. It uses a single-chip transceiver and modified open-source software to work with existing open GSM network components. The goal is to enable affordable mobile communications for small carriers, developing areas, and rural locations not served by large providers.
Open source 4G radioAlexander ChemerisThe document discusses open-sourcing 4G radio technology like WiMAX and LTE. It provides an overview of WiMAX and LTE standards and differences. It describes the wimax-scanner project, an open-source WiMAX receiver implemented in MATLAB and Wireshark, and outlines plans to port it to C/C++ and improve algorithms. It also mentions another open-source 3G/4G project and encourages hackers to engage with these efforts.
10 elphel open hard_spb_mini-conf2010Alexander ChemerisElphel Inc. is an open hardware company located in Salt Lake City, Utah that designs and manufactures high-resolution, high-frame rate cameras. Some of their camera models include the NC353L 5 megapixel CMOS sensor camera, the Elphel Model 323 35mm format camera, and their panoramic camera called Elphel-Eyesis. Elphel cameras have been used in applications such as document scanning, panoramic imaging, Antarctic underwater exploration robots, NASA Global Hawk UAVs, and the open source cinema project Apertus. Elphel has seen success by having open camera designs that are also high-end products.
03 Village Telco ROSH 10.10Alexander ChemerisThe document discusses the development of an open-source, do-it-yourself telephone network toolkit called the Village Telco. It aims to provide a low-cost and scalable communications system to enable both efficiency and innovation. The Village Telco uses an open wireless mesh network technology called BATMAN and low-cost hardware like the Mesh Potato device to build networks with a focus on communities in developing areas of Africa and Southeast Asia. It has had some successful pilot deployments and hopes to continue improving the technology and expanding its reach.
Open-source Hardware - от идеализма к прагматизмуAlexander ChemerisСлайды к семинару, проведённому на Chaos Constructions'10 - http://party10.cc.org.ru/seminar.php.
Скоро должно быть доступно видеозапись самого выступления.
1. Открытое и свободное аппаратное обеспечение Олег Садов технический директор ОАО Линукс Инк [email_address]
2. Степени открытости: API/спецификации -> исходные коды/дизайн Открытые компоненты электронных устройств: Дизайн устройства (схемы электрические-принципиальные, разводка плат, файлы для сверлильных станков, чертежи корпуса и пр.)
36. О компании Линукс Инк. Коллектив компании занимается локализацией, созданием дистрибутивов и внедрением Linux систем в России с 1993 г. (“Открытое ядро ” УрбанСофт). SLS -> Slackware -> Red Hat Linux Cyrillic Edition с 1995 г. 1999 г. ― образование Линукс Инк. С 2005 г. ― Scientific Linux Cyrillic Edition С 2007 г. ― НауЛинукс WEB: http://www.linux-ink.ru FTP: ftp://ftp.linux-ink.ru E-Mail: [email_address]