Mr. Pranata is the librarian at the school. He is currently in his office in the library, numbering new books. The library is open every day except Sunday, opening at 8am and closing at 2pm, except on Fridays when it closes earlier at 11am. Some students are now in the library, looking for books or reading magazines and other materials.
The document appears to be an English exam consisting of multiple choice and short answer questions about various topics, including family relationships, occupations, daily schedules, and conversations. It tests vocabulary, grammar, comprehension and the ability to complete dialogues and forms.
This document is an exam for 7th grade Bahasa Inggris (English) in Bantul, Indonesia. It contains instructions, a general section with 45 multiple choice questions, and an essay section with 5 short answer questions. The multiple choice questions test vocabulary, grammar, comprehension of 4 short texts, and common expressions. The essay questions require the student to write a greeting card, announcement, shopping list, and describe a sign. The exam is 120 minutes long and covers a range of fundamental English concepts.
Soal Ulangan harian bing sem 1 kls 1 kur 2013 ( smp )rahmawati sudarso
The text is a multiple choice quiz with 20 questions about grammar, vocabulary, and matching pictures to words. It tests on topics like plural nouns, countable and uncountable nouns, prepositions of place, and identifying furniture and rooms in a house from images. The questions have 4 multiple choice answers to choose from for each item.
Ulmum bahasa inggris kelas 7 paket a semester ii.Desak Rossyana
1. The document contains questions about greetings, introductions, family relationships, occupations, signs and notices. It tests vocabulary, grammar and comprehension.
2. It includes multiple choice questions about times, days, purposes, meanings and conclusions that can be drawn from short dialogs and descriptions.
3. The questions cover topics like animals, tools, household items, professions and their meanings to assess vocabulary and understanding of language.
Naskah soal-uts-kelas-7-bahasa-inggrisMaulana Agus
The document is a test paper for grade 7 students in Bahasa Inggris (English) subject. It contains reading comprehension questions to test students' understanding of short dialogues and passages. The test covers topics like daily activities, family, hobbies and making inferences from written and visual texts. It instructs students to choose the best answer from multiple choices for each question.
The document contains an English exam for 7th grade students with questions about passages of text and pictures. The exam tests comprehension of details, grammar, vocabulary and rearranging words into sentences. It includes 30 multiple choice questions about dialogues between teachers and students, descriptions of classrooms, and information about people.
This document contains a mid-semester exam for 7th grade students at MTs NU 01 Warureja in Tegal, Indonesia. It includes 35 multiple choice questions testing comprehension of short passages about people, times, locations and grammar. The passages and questions cover topics like introductions, conversations, descriptions of classrooms and asking for locations. The exam is testing students on their English language skills.
Soal ujian bahasa inggris semester 1 2012 2013 (7 smp)Chaerul Walad
The document provides information about an English test, including questions about greetings, conversations, and grammar. It contains questions about topics like where a conversation took place, expressions of plans and abilities, word order, and spellings. The test asks students to summarize information, identify errors, arrange jumbled words, choose the appropriate response to requests, and determine the meaning of underlined words in context.
This document appears to be an English exam for 7th grade students containing multiple choice questions about grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension. It tests understanding of topics like greetings, personal details from an identity card, time, days of the week, and a short reading comprehension passage about a house. The exam contains 15 multiple choice questions ranging from identifying pronouns and verb tenses to finding specific details and synonyms in the reading passage. It is recommended that students use a dictionary to help with the exam.
The document is about animal experimentation. It discusses how animals like mice, rabbits, dogs, and monkeys are widely used by researchers and scientists in laboratories for scientific and medical purposes. They use the animals to investigate biological processes, study diseases and their causes, test drugs and surgical techniques, and evaluate product safety. Scientists are able to learn about the human body by studying animals because many animal functions are similar to humans, some animals suffer from the same diseases, and animals share many identical genes with humans.
This document contains a 50-question multiple choice test on English comprehension. The questions cover topics like time, family relationships, occupations, actions, quantities, and reading comprehension from several short passages. Test-takers are instructed to choose the best answer among 4 options (a, b, c, or d) for each question. The test aims to evaluate students' understanding of grammar, vocabulary, and details from written English texts.
This document contains a 50-question English proficiency test with multiple choice answers. The test covers topics like greetings, locations, conversations, grammar, vocabulary and comprehension of short passages. Each question is numbered and includes 4 multiple choice answer options. The full test is presented in the document for review purposes.
1. The document provides instructions and questions for a mid-semester exam for 7th grade students at Nurul Huda Madrasah.
2. It includes 40 multiple choice questions testing students' knowledge of English grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension of short passages.
3. The questions cover topics like verb conjugation, family relationships, math operations, translation between English and Indonesian phrases.
Ulmum bahasa inggris kelas 7 paket b semester iiDesak Rossyana
The document contains a multiple choice quiz with 50 questions testing knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, and logic/reasoning. The questions cover topics like animals, tools, occupations, transportation, directions, and an event planning shopping list.
The document is a test paper for a 7th grade English exam from SMP Pangudi Luhur Santu Albertus in Ketapang, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. It contains 30 multiple choice questions testing English grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension and rearranging sentences. The test covers topics like introductions, time, prepositions, parts of speech, family relationships and daily routines.
This document contains a mid-semester exam for grade 8 students studying English at MTs. N Batang Toru for the 2011-2012 academic year. The exam contains 50 questions testing grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension and the ability to complete dialogues and short passages. The questions cover topics such as daily conversations, short stories, recipes and instructions.
The document contains 3 English proficiency tests with multiple choice questions about greetings, personal information, grammar, and vocabulary. Test 1 has 22 questions about greetings and basic conversation. Test 2 has 20 questions testing similar topics as well as time, directions, and family relationships. Test 3 has 22 questions covering greetings, personal details, word order, parts of speech, and sequencing conversation. There is also a short reading passage with 3 comprehension questions about a Japanese student named Akemi studying in England.
This document contains a reading comprehension test with multiple choice questions for a 10th grade class (Kelas X) in Indonesia. It tests understanding of grammar concepts like verbs, pronouns, and conjunctions. It also contains a similar test for an 11th grade class (Kelas XI) focusing on verb tenses and contractions. And a third test for a 12th grade class (Kelas XII) with questions testing comprehension of dialogues and identifying emotions. The tests are in Bahasa Indonesian but require choosing English answers.
Soal bahasa inggris kelas 8 semester 2 kurikulum 2013Infastpedia
The document provides a 40 question English exam for 8th grade semester 2 students following the 2013 curriculum. The questions cover a variety of topics like short stories, conversations, grammar and vocabulary. Students are asked to read passages and answer multiple choice comprehension questions. They are also given conversation exercises to complete with the appropriate words. The exam aims to help students study English and improve their performance. It concludes by wishing students the best in their learning.
The document contains a practice English exam for 8th grade students in Indonesia in 2013. It consists of 50 questions testing grammar concepts like articles, plural nouns, verb tenses and more. The questions cover topics around daily activities, animals, occupations and places. Multiple choice answers are provided for each question to test the students' mastery of English grammar in different contexts.
Ulangan harian (uh) B.Inggris kelas 8 semester 1 (Ganjil)Raima Amari
1) The document contains an English exam for 8th grade students in the first semester consisting of reading comprehension questions, filling in dialogue blanks, and daily quizzes.
2) The quizzes cover topics like daily conversations, describing pets, grammar questions about verbs and plural nouns.
3) The questions are designed to assess students' English language skills in areas like speaking, reading, writing, and grammar.
Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Tahun 2020Laili Rochmah
The document contains a reading comprehension test with 37 multiple choice questions. It provides texts of various dialogues and passages, followed by comprehension questions about details, inferences, meanings and conclusions that can be drawn from the texts. The questions cover topics such as school conversations, daily activities, opinions, future plans and more.
SMP Satria team entered a tug-of-war contest last month against SMP Taruna. They practiced hard in the two weeks before. On the day of the contest, SMP Taruna's team was much bigger but SMP Satria worked together and won the contest despite being smaller.
- The document is a test for English subject given to grade 10 students at vocational schools in Wonogiri Regency, Central Java, Indonesia.
- It provides instructions for taking the test, including writing one's test number and answering questions on provided sheets using a ballpoint pen.
- The test contains multiple choice and essay questions testing grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension and writing skills.
- It provides an answer key for the multiple choice and essay questions at the end.
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Satuan Pendidikan : Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan ( SMK )
Kelompok : BM & TI
Prog. Studi / Keahlian : Semua Program Keahlian
Kelas : XI ( Sebelas )
Hari / Tanggal : Selasa, 1 Desember 2015
Waktu : Pukul 07.30 09.30 WIB (120 menit)
This document appears to be an English evaluation from a school in Indonesia. It contains multiple choice questions testing grammar concepts, exercises to practice positive and negative responses and changing sentences between active and passive voice. It also includes questions to practice using possessive adjectives and pronouns. The evaluation is signed by the teacher, Miss Laili, and instructs students to be honest, not cheat, do their best, and wishes them good luck.
This document provides instructions for the listening section of an English test. It has three parts. Part I contains 9 questions about short dialogues that will be played twice. Test takers must choose the best answer from four options. Part II has 6 questions about monologues that will also be played twice. Part III has no questions and signals the end of the listening section.
The document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive function. Exercise causes chemical changes in the brain that may help protect against mental illness and improve symptoms.
The document is about animal experimentation. It discusses how animals like mice, rabbits, dogs, and monkeys are widely used by researchers and scientists in laboratories for scientific and medical purposes. They use the animals to investigate biological processes, study diseases and their causes, test drugs and surgical techniques, and evaluate product safety. Scientists are able to learn about the human body by studying animals because many animal functions are similar to humans, some animals suffer from the same diseases, and animals share many identical genes with humans.
This document contains a 50-question multiple choice test on English comprehension. The questions cover topics like time, family relationships, occupations, actions, quantities, and reading comprehension from several short passages. Test-takers are instructed to choose the best answer among 4 options (a, b, c, or d) for each question. The test aims to evaluate students' understanding of grammar, vocabulary, and details from written English texts.
This document contains a 50-question English proficiency test with multiple choice answers. The test covers topics like greetings, locations, conversations, grammar, vocabulary and comprehension of short passages. Each question is numbered and includes 4 multiple choice answer options. The full test is presented in the document for review purposes.
1. The document provides instructions and questions for a mid-semester exam for 7th grade students at Nurul Huda Madrasah.
2. It includes 40 multiple choice questions testing students' knowledge of English grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension of short passages.
3. The questions cover topics like verb conjugation, family relationships, math operations, translation between English and Indonesian phrases.
Ulmum bahasa inggris kelas 7 paket b semester iiDesak Rossyana
The document contains a multiple choice quiz with 50 questions testing knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, and logic/reasoning. The questions cover topics like animals, tools, occupations, transportation, directions, and an event planning shopping list.
The document is a test paper for a 7th grade English exam from SMP Pangudi Luhur Santu Albertus in Ketapang, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. It contains 30 multiple choice questions testing English grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension and rearranging sentences. The test covers topics like introductions, time, prepositions, parts of speech, family relationships and daily routines.
This document contains a mid-semester exam for grade 8 students studying English at MTs. N Batang Toru for the 2011-2012 academic year. The exam contains 50 questions testing grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension and the ability to complete dialogues and short passages. The questions cover topics such as daily conversations, short stories, recipes and instructions.
The document contains 3 English proficiency tests with multiple choice questions about greetings, personal information, grammar, and vocabulary. Test 1 has 22 questions about greetings and basic conversation. Test 2 has 20 questions testing similar topics as well as time, directions, and family relationships. Test 3 has 22 questions covering greetings, personal details, word order, parts of speech, and sequencing conversation. There is also a short reading passage with 3 comprehension questions about a Japanese student named Akemi studying in England.
This document contains a reading comprehension test with multiple choice questions for a 10th grade class (Kelas X) in Indonesia. It tests understanding of grammar concepts like verbs, pronouns, and conjunctions. It also contains a similar test for an 11th grade class (Kelas XI) focusing on verb tenses and contractions. And a third test for a 12th grade class (Kelas XII) with questions testing comprehension of dialogues and identifying emotions. The tests are in Bahasa Indonesian but require choosing English answers.
Soal bahasa inggris kelas 8 semester 2 kurikulum 2013Infastpedia
The document provides a 40 question English exam for 8th grade semester 2 students following the 2013 curriculum. The questions cover a variety of topics like short stories, conversations, grammar and vocabulary. Students are asked to read passages and answer multiple choice comprehension questions. They are also given conversation exercises to complete with the appropriate words. The exam aims to help students study English and improve their performance. It concludes by wishing students the best in their learning.
The document contains a practice English exam for 8th grade students in Indonesia in 2013. It consists of 50 questions testing grammar concepts like articles, plural nouns, verb tenses and more. The questions cover topics around daily activities, animals, occupations and places. Multiple choice answers are provided for each question to test the students' mastery of English grammar in different contexts.
Ulangan harian (uh) B.Inggris kelas 8 semester 1 (Ganjil)Raima Amari
1) The document contains an English exam for 8th grade students in the first semester consisting of reading comprehension questions, filling in dialogue blanks, and daily quizzes.
2) The quizzes cover topics like daily conversations, describing pets, grammar questions about verbs and plural nouns.
3) The questions are designed to assess students' English language skills in areas like speaking, reading, writing, and grammar.
Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Tahun 2020Laili Rochmah
The document contains a reading comprehension test with 37 multiple choice questions. It provides texts of various dialogues and passages, followed by comprehension questions about details, inferences, meanings and conclusions that can be drawn from the texts. The questions cover topics such as school conversations, daily activities, opinions, future plans and more.
SMP Satria team entered a tug-of-war contest last month against SMP Taruna. They practiced hard in the two weeks before. On the day of the contest, SMP Taruna's team was much bigger but SMP Satria worked together and won the contest despite being smaller.
- The document is a test for English subject given to grade 10 students at vocational schools in Wonogiri Regency, Central Java, Indonesia.
- It provides instructions for taking the test, including writing one's test number and answering questions on provided sheets using a ballpoint pen.
- The test contains multiple choice and essay questions testing grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension and writing skills.
- It provides an answer key for the multiple choice and essay questions at the end.
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Satuan Pendidikan : Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan ( SMK )
Kelompok : BM & TI
Prog. Studi / Keahlian : Semua Program Keahlian
Kelas : XI ( Sebelas )
Hari / Tanggal : Selasa, 1 Desember 2015
Waktu : Pukul 07.30 09.30 WIB (120 menit)
This document appears to be an English evaluation from a school in Indonesia. It contains multiple choice questions testing grammar concepts, exercises to practice positive and negative responses and changing sentences between active and passive voice. It also includes questions to practice using possessive adjectives and pronouns. The evaluation is signed by the teacher, Miss Laili, and instructs students to be honest, not cheat, do their best, and wishes them good luck.
This document provides instructions for the listening section of an English test. It has three parts. Part I contains 9 questions about short dialogues that will be played twice. Test takers must choose the best answer from four options. Part II has 6 questions about monologues that will also be played twice. Part III has no questions and signals the end of the listening section.
The document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive function. Exercise causes chemical changes in the brain that may help protect against mental illness and improve symptoms.
This document provides instructions for a reading comprehension test with multiple choice questions. It is divided into three sections - incomplete dialogues, error recognition, and reading comprehension. For each section, the reader must choose the correct answer from the options provided to complete sentences, identify errors, or answer questions about passages. The purpose is to evaluate the test-taker's reading and English language skills.
The document contains a collection of 50 questions related to English grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. The questions cover topics like greetings, time, family relationships, schedules, and rearranging word order. The questions are multiple choice format with 4 answer options for each question. The questions are designed to test English language skills.
1. The document is an assessment test containing multiple choice questions about daily activities, places in a neighborhood, and prepositions of location.
2. It includes questions about what characters are doing in pictures, common routines like brushing teeth and having breakfast, activities like dancing and cooking, and places in a neighborhood like shops, schools, and transportation hubs.
3. The test also contains reading comprehension passages describing characters' morning routines and the layout of a neighborhood, school, and canteen to assess understanding of spatial prepositions and details in the texts.
This document appears to be an English exam for 6th grade students in Indonesia. It contains 49 multiple choice questions testing vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension and sequencing skills. The questions cover topics like daily conversations, weather, celebrations, transportation and more. The exam is identifying correct answers by having students cross either a, b, c or d.
This document appears to be an English exam for 6th grade students in Indonesia. It contains 50 multiple choice questions testing vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension and sequencing skills. The exam covers topics like daily conversations, describing weather, identifying parts of stories and putting steps in the right order. It provides the student's name, exam date and key answers.
This document contains an English exam for 7th grade students at SMP Pangudi Luhur Santo Albertus school in Ketapang, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. The exam tests students on their English comprehension through 50 multiple choice questions based on short passages of text. It also includes two short answer questions requiring students to complete sentences based on given information. The exam covers a wide range of topics including greetings, introductions, hobbies, family, school activities, and daily routines.
This document appears to be an English exam from an elementary school in Indonesia. It contains:
1) An exam with multiple choice questions testing English vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension of short dialogs and passages.
2) The exam covers topics like greetings, foods, colors, places in a community, time, family relationships, and parts of daily routines.
3) It provides the school address and identifies it as a final semester exam for 4th grade students from the 2012-2013 school year.
This document contains an exam for a 7th grade English class at SMP.IT Arrahman Islamic School in Bekasi, Indonesia. The exam contains multiple choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, and short answer questions testing students' English language skills. It provides instructions for students to pray before the exam, write their identification, answer all questions, and check their work before submitting it to the proctor.
soal ujian sekolah semester gasal kelas 7Silva Florina
This document appears to be an exam for a 7th grade Bahasa Inggris (English language) class consisting of multiple choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, short answer questions, and an essay section about a hotel. The multiple choice section includes questions about details in pictures, word definitions, word order in sentences, and grammar. The fill-in-the-blank and short answer questions continue testing vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension of short passages. The essay prompts students to describe facilities, rooms, and bathrooms at a new four-star hotel located downtown as well as the hotel's motto.
Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Tahun 2020Laili Rochmah
Elsa tells her mother about her new friends Najwa and Seto. Seto is a humorous boy who likes making jokes. All of Elsa's friends like him. Najwa is a clever student who always helps other students in studying.
This document contains a 50 question English language exam for 7th grade students with multiple choice answers to fill in blanks in conversations. It tests vocabulary, grammar concepts like parts of speech, verb tenses, and language functions like greetings, asking questions, and describing routines. The questions cover topics like family, school, hobbies, occupations, places and directions. Students must choose the most appropriate word or phrase to fill in each blank based on the context of the conversation.
Adam felt ill on May 23rd and stayed in bed. His mother called the doctor but he couldn't come because he was also ill. On May 24th the doctor came and wrote a prescription, which Adam's mother bought at the drugstore. It tasted bad. On May 25th Adam's father bought him a model airplane but he couldn't make it because the dog ate the glue.
The document is a reading comprehension test in Indonesian containing 50 questions across multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer question types. The questions assess comprehension of short passages about daily activities and situations involving things like school, home, markets, and cafes. The questions require understanding vocabulary, rearranging scrambled sentences, answering questions based on pictures, and completing a short letter. An answer key is provided at the end to check responses.
This document contains a test with 100 questions about various topics like numbers, time, objects, places, colors and more. The test includes multiple choice, filling in the blanks, and answering questions based on a short passage. The passage describes a classroom with details about the number of students, tables, chairs, classroom items and their locations.
1) The document contains a mid-semester exam for a 7th grade Bahasa Inggris (English) class covering reading comprehension, grammar, and vocabulary.
2) The reading comprehension questions are based on short dialogues and descriptions, testing understanding of details like characters, settings, and main ideas.
3) The grammar questions cover topics like simple present tense, question formation, and parts of speech.
4) Vocabulary is assessed through matching words to definitions and arranging words into sentences.
5) The exam is designed to evaluate students' mastery of key English language concepts and skills at the mid-point of the semester.
The document provides a sample English exam for 8th grade junior high students in Indonesia. It includes 21 reading comprehension questions and answers based on several short passages. It also includes 15 questions to complete sentences using the correct verb tenses. Additionally, there are 4 conversation exercises to choose the best response. The document aims to help 8th grade students prepare for their English exams by providing examples of question types and formats.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang keseimbangan lingkungan dan dampak eksploitasi berlebihan terhadap ekosistem. Secara singkat, dokumen menjelaskan bahwa interaksi antar komponen ekosistem diperlukan untuk menjaga keseimbangan lingkungan, namun eksploitasi berlebihan oleh manusia dapat mengganggu keseimbangan tersebut dan menimbulkan berbagai dampak negatif seperti fragmentasi habitat, gangguan aliran energi, dan hilangnya
Dokumen tersebut merupakan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran mata pelajaran Fisika tentang fluida statis dan dinamis untuk siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Kalaena. Pembelajaran akan dilaksanakan dalam 5 pertemuan dengan materi utama hukum-hukum fluida statis dan dinamis serta indikator pencapaian dan penilaian hasil belajar.
Computer Application in Business (commerce)Sudar Sudar
The main objectives
1. To introduce the concept of computer and its various parts. 2. To explain the concept of data base management system and Management information system.
3. To provide insight about networking and basics of internet
Recall various terms of computer and its part
Understand the meaning of software, operating system, programming language and its features
Comparing Data Vs Information and its management system Understanding about various concepts of management information system
Explain about networking and elements based on internet
1. Recall the various concepts relating to computer and its various parts
2 Understand the meaning of softwares, operating system etc
3 Understanding the meaning and utility of database management system
4 Evaluate the various aspects of management information system
5 Generating more ideas regarding the use of internet for business purpose
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
SOCIAL CHANGE(a change in the institutional and normative structure of societ...DrNidhiAgarwal
This PPT is showing the effect of social changes in human life and it is very understandable to the students with easy this contents are Itroduction, definition,Factors affecting social changes ,Main technological factors, Social change and stress , what is eustress and how social changes give impact of the human's life.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
Finals of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
Information Technology for class X CBSE skill SubjectVEENAKSHI PATHAK
These questions are based on cbse booklet for 10th class information technology subject code 402. these questions are sufficient for exam for first lesion. This subject give benefit to students and good marks. if any student weak in one main subject it can replace with these marks.
Chapter 3. Social Responsibility and Ethics in Strategic Management.pptxRommel Regala
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
Chapter 3. Social Responsibility and Ethics in Strategic Management.pptxRommel Regala
02 soal bhs inggris kls 7
Satuan Pendidikan : SMP/MTs
MataPelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/semester : VII/1 (Satu)
Waktu :
Hari dan tanggal :
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) A, B, C or D!
1. Rudi : Im Rudi. ..
Ani : my name is Ani
A. Nice to meet you B. Whats your name? C. See you later D. Thank you
2. Arrange the following sentences into a good dialogue.
1. Hello, Dewi! 4. Nice to meet you, Riska.
2. Hello, Mr. Hartawan. Nice to meet you 5. Hi, Riska
3. His names Hartawan 6. Riska, this is my father.
A. 514326 B. 513624 C. 516324 D. 51236-4
Questions 3 and 4
George : Who arethey, Garry?
Garry : They are Mr. Bob and Mr. Joe.They are American football players.
George : Mr. Bob is small and short. Mr. Joe is .(3).
Garry : Ill talk with them. .... (4) Garry.
Garry : Bye.
3. A. big and tall B. big and short C. small andtall D. small and short
4. A. Hello B. Thanks C. Good morning D. Goodbye
Question 5 7
5. The card is about Cathys .
A. Personal identity C. Nationality
B. Date of birth D. Occupation
6. Cathy is travellingto Indonesia for .
A. visiting her family C. studying
B. getting a job D. a picnic
Sur: Jones 7. The word sure name means .
A. nickname C. family name
B. first name D. forename
8. Arini : What time do you get up every day?
Sinta : I usually at 5 oclock.
A. got up C. gets up
B. get up D. have got up
9. Adi : Thats a nice pet bird!
Anton : . I just got it at a pet shop.
A. sorry B. oh,thanks C. see you later D. youre welcome
Questions 10 12
Our school has a library. It is between the school office and the laboratory. Our librarian is Mr. Pranata.
Mr. Pranata is in his office. It is in the library. He is sitting behind his desk. He is numbering the new books.
He is a busy and hard working librarian.
Our school library opens everyday but Sunday. It starts at 8 a.m. and stops at 2 p.m. On Friday, it closes earlier,
usually at 11 oclock.
2. ., ,.. ., .,. ., .., ,, ...
There are some students in the library now. Some are looking for books. The others are reading magazines,
newspapers or books.
10. What is Mr. Pranata?
A. a laboratory assistant C. a headmaster
B. a teacher D. a librarian
11. Activities in the library is thetopic of paragraph .
A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1
12. What time does the school library begin?
A. 11 a.m. B. 10 a.m. C. 8 a. m D. 2 a.m.
Question for 13
13. Some sentences of Yulianas post card are jumbled up. Rearrange them!
A. 613425 B. 631425 C. 634521 D. 635241
Question 14
14. Students 1 : Whats the librarian carrying?
Students 2 : Hes carrying
A. novels
B. catalogues
C. member cards
D. dictionaries
Questions 15 16
Hi! Myname is Mariana. These are my friends at school. Theirnames are Elizabeth and Helen.
My favorite subject is Math andEnglish. Math is at 8:30 on Monday. English is at 10:15 on Tuesday.
Elizabeths favorite subject is History. History is at 9:15 on Wednesday. Helens favorite subject is art. Art is
12:00 on Friday.
15. What is Marianas favorite subject on Tuesday?
A. English B. History C. Math D. Art
16. These are my friends at school. The wordmy refers to .
A. the writers friend B. Elizabeth C. Mariana D. Helen
17. Juan : Hi! Carlos. .
Carlos : Fine, thanks!
A. Hows life? B. hello! C. Morning! D. Good bye!
18. X : Its getting dark. the light, please!
Y : All right!
A. put off B. get out C. turn on D. shut down
Question 19 20
19. From the diagram we knowthat Cathy is Mrs. Douglas Jones .
A. son B. daughter C.nephew D. sister
20. Who is the youngest of all?
A. Jeanette B. Nicholas C. Cathy D. Bill
21. The best punctuation for this paragraph are .
My name is Daniel. I am French. I live in a small town. I work in a hotel but I do not live in the hotel I live with
my parents My home is near the hotel so I walk to work every day
A. B. C. D.
22. Male birds are usually more beautiful than female birds. The peacock is a good example. The male peacock is
one of the most beautiful birds in the world. It is deep blue and green in color. Its long green tail feathers have
3. eye spots. Each spot is green, black, and gold. In contrast, the peahen, a female peacock, is smaller. She is brown
and green in color.
The text tells us about
A. bird B. animal C. peacock D. female bird
23. Diana is stepping on someones foot in the bus.
Diana : .
Someone: Yeah. Its OK.
A. Hallo! B. Thanks! C. See you! D. Oops, sorry
Question 24 25
My name is Regina. I am German. I live in a small town. I am not married. I (24) with mother and father,
my sister Heidi and my brother Rudolf. I (25) in a department store. I sell writing paper, envelopes,
ballpoints, pencils and colored postcards.
24. A. go B. live C. look D. take
25. A. leave B. work C. stay D. take
Question 26 28
Nancy, a housewife, is quite a busy woman. She does many things: washes clothes, cleans the house, cooks, buys
food, and plans things for her family. She is really the housekeeper and the driver for all of them. Her days are
quite long. She has got three children. Lousie and Dick, seven and nine years old, are in school now, but Tommy,
only three years old, isnt. He goes to nursery school two morning a week. These two mornings are very nice for
Nancy. Sh uses this time to read and rest a little.
26. How many children does Nancy have?
A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1
27. These two mornings are very nice for Nancy. The opposite of nice is .
A. interesting B. good C. bad D. annoying
28. The main idea of this paragraph is .
A. her days are quite long C. She has got 3 children
B. Nancy is a housewife D. Nancy is a busy woman
29. Father : Its getting hot in this room. Switch on , please.
Daughter : Sure.
A. the fan B. the light C. the heater D. the refrigerator
30. Y : Do you like to eat meat?
X : No. I it.
A. like B. love C. dislike D. enjoy
31. Lili : What are you looking for, Fatonah?
Fatonah : a .
A. fork
B. knife
C. plate
D. spoon
Questins 32 - 34
32. What does the text mainly about?
A. Restaurant C. Maya
B. Saturday D. Food
33. A bowl of cherries costs thousand rupiahs.
A. one B. five C. three D. one and half
34. *) It is only on Saturday. What does the word it refer to?
A. food B. Special offer C. Maya Restaurant D. Salads, dishes, and desserts
35. X : What time is the flag ceremony on Monday?
Y : It begins at 7 oclock.
A. usually B. seldom C. sometimes D. once in a while
36. A : I feel hungry.
B : Do you something to eat?
4. A. need B. enjoy C. dislike D. hate
37. Mother : I needtwo eggs and some frying oil.
Daughter: What do you to prepare, mom?
Mother : An omelet.
A. dislike B. want C. hate D. buy
38. Diah : Miss. Lusi speak Japanese.
Asih : You know, she has lived in Japan for years.
A. cannot B. can C. will D. will not
Questions 39 40
Look! These are our school uniforms. The hats are white and blue. The (39) is white. The belt is black.
The (40) is blue. The shoes are black. On Monday, I usually wear a blue tie.
39. A. shorts B. skirts C. shirts D. pants
40. A. shirts B. shocks C. sleeves D. trousers
41. Read the text carefully, and then fill the application form below!
My name is Wiem Gratandia. Im twenty-four. I was born on April 1st
1978 in Bandung. I live at Panjaitan
Street No. 50, Yogyakarta now. I am a shop assistant in Yogya Antique Shop. I buy and sell antique furniture.
I also write for a magazine called Antiques Monthly. I like my job very much. I dont work on Saturday or
Sunday. Every Saturday, I play badminton.
42. My name is Cathy. This is my family: my father, my mother, my brother, my sister, and me. My fathers
name is David. My mothers name is Jane. My brothers name is Philip. His (a) is Phil. And my (b)
name is Janet. Her nickname is Jan.
43. Complete the following paragraph with suitable words.
44. Complete the dialogue
Vivi : I want to send a letter. I an envelope a stamp. Do youhave any?
Her sister : Sure. Here you are.
Vivi : Thanks.
45. Complete the dialogue.
Anto : is that girl?
Aji : Shes my only sister.
Anto : Do you have any brothers?
Aji : No. There are only two in my family.