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DRAW A LINE SEPARATING TODAY & YESTERDAY 1) Write:   Date:  08/24/10 , Topic:  Conflict Resolution 2) Next line, write  Opener #1  and then:  1) Write  1 high + 1   low   in last 24 hours 2) Give a unit progress update  (include what Chiang can do to help) 3) One news/research item to share. 4) Take a side and prepare opening arguments (30 seconds) to:  People should or shouldnt have the right to protest/counter protest the Mosque? Announcements: None
DRAW A LINE SEPARATING TODAY & YESTERDAY 1) Write:   Date:  08/25/10 , Topic:  Mediation 2) Next line, write  Opener #2  and then:  1) Write  1 high + 1   low   in last 24 hours 2) Give a unit progress update  (include what Chiang can do to help) 3) One news/research item to share. 4) Describe one conflict you have had in the past. Announcements: None
Agenda 1)  Unit Norm Setting 2)  Question Setup Guidelines 3)  Video of Amador Valley Primary Objective 1)  To learn to be effective teams Reminder 1)   Start meeting to work on your regional speeches
Notes #1a , Title:  Conflict Resolution Notes    1)   Conflict is Good : Group think leads to low quality ideas (common if 1 vs all, seek alt. pov) 2)   Team Stages : Forming (watching), Storming (fighting), Norming (routine), Performing  3)   Red Red, Green Green : Cooperation elicits cooperation (Deutsch, 2006) 4)   Acknowledgement : Ppl care more about being heard than correct, so listen 1st, not judge 1 st . 5)   World View : How you process things. Learn, not assume about other ppls world view. 6)   Dialogue/Mediation : Listening to find uncover the needs that drive positions, and seek common ground among needs (Ury 1991)
Notes #2a , Title:  Conflict Resolution Notes    1)   Dialogue/Mediation : Listening to find uncover the needs that drive positions, and seek common ground among needs (Ury 1991) a)  Set rules b)  Listening to each side c)  Affirm each side was understood correctly d)  Discuss your needs e)  Discussion possible win-win solutions f)  Affirm possible solution (apologies + pledges)
Notes #3a , Title:  Conflict Resolution Notes    1)   Group Process Norms :  1)  Group mental/physical check-in 2)  Set/Review Norms (rules) 3)  Pick Roles: facilitator, recorder/timekeeper 4)  Set/Follow Agenda 5)  Consensus: 100% (not like), but can live with it  6)  Acknowledge others, pick your battles 7)  Group complimentary/celebratory closing Everyone hold on to copies of the timesheet, time sheet due for each meeting you have.
Speech Process A-Assign Sections : - Open up discussion of big Q (1 ppl) - Bullet 1 (1-2 ppl) - Bullet 2 (1-2 ppl) - Close  discussion of big Q (1-2 ppl) S-Sign Post : Be verbally obvious which part of Q you are addressing A - Authenticate : Is it true to you? P - Proof : Verify you prove what you say (Whole speech target: 3:30-3:45min)
Followup Process A - Answer :  Quick answer to their question S - Story :  Background on the issue A - Analysis :  Detailed answer to their question (including other POVs) P - Proposal :  Recommendation on what should be done (All responses need to be short and spoken slowly. Try to get 3 people on a question, but never all 5).
Tomorrows Agenda 1)  Political Philosophy Tomorrows Primary Objective 1)  Why do we have government? Reminder 1)   Start meeting to work on your regional speeches

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082410 gov team conflict resolution 50m

  • 1. DRAW A LINE SEPARATING TODAY & YESTERDAY 1) Write: Date: 08/24/10 , Topic: Conflict Resolution 2) Next line, write Opener #1 and then: 1) Write 1 high + 1 low in last 24 hours 2) Give a unit progress update (include what Chiang can do to help) 3) One news/research item to share. 4) Take a side and prepare opening arguments (30 seconds) to: People should or shouldnt have the right to protest/counter protest the Mosque? Announcements: None
  • 2. DRAW A LINE SEPARATING TODAY & YESTERDAY 1) Write: Date: 08/25/10 , Topic: Mediation 2) Next line, write Opener #2 and then: 1) Write 1 high + 1 low in last 24 hours 2) Give a unit progress update (include what Chiang can do to help) 3) One news/research item to share. 4) Describe one conflict you have had in the past. Announcements: None
  • 3. Agenda 1) Unit Norm Setting 2) Question Setup Guidelines 3) Video of Amador Valley Primary Objective 1) To learn to be effective teams Reminder 1) Start meeting to work on your regional speeches
  • 4. Notes #1a , Title: Conflict Resolution Notes 1) Conflict is Good : Group think leads to low quality ideas (common if 1 vs all, seek alt. pov) 2) Team Stages : Forming (watching), Storming (fighting), Norming (routine), Performing 3) Red Red, Green Green : Cooperation elicits cooperation (Deutsch, 2006) 4) Acknowledgement : Ppl care more about being heard than correct, so listen 1st, not judge 1 st . 5) World View : How you process things. Learn, not assume about other ppls world view. 6) Dialogue/Mediation : Listening to find uncover the needs that drive positions, and seek common ground among needs (Ury 1991)
  • 5. Notes #2a , Title: Conflict Resolution Notes 1) Dialogue/Mediation : Listening to find uncover the needs that drive positions, and seek common ground among needs (Ury 1991) a) Set rules b) Listening to each side c) Affirm each side was understood correctly d) Discuss your needs e) Discussion possible win-win solutions f) Affirm possible solution (apologies + pledges)
  • 6. Notes #3a , Title: Conflict Resolution Notes 1) Group Process Norms : 1) Group mental/physical check-in 2) Set/Review Norms (rules) 3) Pick Roles: facilitator, recorder/timekeeper 4) Set/Follow Agenda 5) Consensus: 100% (not like), but can live with it 6) Acknowledge others, pick your battles 7) Group complimentary/celebratory closing Everyone hold on to copies of the timesheet, time sheet due for each meeting you have.
  • 7. Speech Process A-Assign Sections : - Open up discussion of big Q (1 ppl) - Bullet 1 (1-2 ppl) - Bullet 2 (1-2 ppl) - Close discussion of big Q (1-2 ppl) S-Sign Post : Be verbally obvious which part of Q you are addressing A - Authenticate : Is it true to you? P - Proof : Verify you prove what you say (Whole speech target: 3:30-3:45min)
  • 8. Followup Process A - Answer : Quick answer to their question S - Story : Background on the issue A - Analysis : Detailed answer to their question (including other POVs) P - Proposal : Recommendation on what should be done (All responses need to be short and spoken slowly. Try to get 3 people on a question, but never all 5).
  • 9. Tomorrows Agenda 1) Political Philosophy Tomorrows Primary Objective 1) Why do we have government? Reminder 1) Start meeting to work on your regional speeches