rod stewart5Gabriela Cifuentes GonzalezRod Stewart wrote a song about falling in love with someone at first sight in a room. Though they had different interests and backgrounds, he grew to accept and love everything about her. He describes her as being his soulmate, best friend, and the greatest love he has ever known.
she de franco.......bueno bueno y juan pabloGabriela Cifuentes GonzalezThis song describes a woman who has a profound impact on the singer's life and emotions. She represents different things that can make each day feel like heaven or hell. The singer will remember her until he dies and cares for her through good and bad times. While she may seem happy in public, her true emotions are private. The singer suggests she may be the love that cannot last but will always remain in his memories from the past.
Callidus Software On-Premise To On-Demand MigrationCallidus Software- The document discusses migrating from an on-premise sales performance management (SPM) system to Callidus Cloud's on-demand SPM solution, including benefits of the migration, strategies and processes for migrating data, and costs.
- Key benefits of migrating include reducing total cost of ownership, focusing internal resources on core activities, and gaining access to the latest SPM features through Callidus Cloud's software updates.
- The migration process involves moving different components like data, reports, and configuration to Callidus Cloud's platforms and tools. Sample costs for migrating different amounts of data are provided.
- Callidus Cloud can help minimize migration costs and risks through standardized approaches, lever
Alternative Design Workflows in a "PostPSD" EraJeremy FuksaPresented at SXSW Interactive 2014.
As responsive design and progressive enhancement become mainstream design practices, the decades old approach of using Adobe Photoshop to comp up page designs for clients is becoming increasingly irrelevant. A quick search online shows designers quickly clamoring for a better way to do their work.
Along with new tools to learn, there's also the challenge of acclimating a client base that has been used to seeing fully-rendered Photoshop designs for decades. How do these new practices benefit them?
This presentation looks at some "post-Photoshop" design practices and how they might fit into a designer's workflow. Additionally, Jeremy will share how a new design workflow has worked for his team at Clickfarm and how clients have received this new way of looking at their projects.
Dizzying DecimalsejboggsA decimal is a fractional number indicated by digits after a decimal point. The place value of each digit depends on its position relative to the decimal point, with the first digit being tenths, the second hundredths, third thousandths and so on. For the number 0.6495, there are six tenths, four hundredths, nine thousandths and five ten-thousandths. Decimals can be read out in words or as fractions, and are used in many math operations and real-world applications.
Document Freedom Day - Digitale Collectie Nederland in EuropeanaGeert WissinkEen overzicht van het gebruik van open standaarden zoals het EDM metadatamodel als scharnierpunt voor erfgoed collecties
Design changes with PurposeAlan DohertyNever use bullet points? Limit the number of words to seven? Always fill the frame with the image?
No. Ask the kids what works and what doesn't.
A case study of two sets of slides on the same topic but with different purposes
Creativityaula97The document appears to discuss Michelangelo freeing an angel trapped in stone, as well as mentioning Clayderman's music "All I Ask of You". It also contains a series of blank lines.
Integer Review!ejboggsIntegers are the whole numbers and their opposites on a number line, with negative integers being the opposites of positive whole numbers. Negative numbers are less than zero and have the same distance from zero as their positive opposites. Integers can represent situations involving steps, temperature, and elevation and use positive and negative values. Absolute value is the distance of a number from zero on the number line, shown by bars on either side of an integer.
rod stewart1Gabriela Cifuentes GonzalezThis document lists the names of three people: Rod Stewart, Jennifer Valdenegro, and Antonela Galati. No other context or information is provided about these individuals or what they may be related to. The document simply lists three names with no other details.
sheGabriela Cifuentes GonzalezShe represents different things that can influence a person's life. She may bring pleasure or regret, treasure or a price to pay. She can be compared to the changing seasons that mark the passage of time. She has the potential to turn each day into heaven or hell. She may be the mirror reflecting one's dreams, or the smile seen in a stream. She seems happy in a crowd but can be proud and private when alone. She may be the love that cannot last or the memory that one will die for. She is the reason for survival and purpose in life. Her laughter and tears will be cherished as souvenirs. She is represented as the morning of life itself.
sheNatiGabriela Cifuentes GonzalezThis poem explores the different facets of a woman and how she can represent many things. In 3 sentences, the poem discusses how she may embody beauty or beast, famine or feast, heaven or hell. She represents the dreams, smiles, and shell of the subject. She is also the reason for survival, the why and wherefore of being alive, and the one cared for through the years.
Transforming Your Business in the "Cloud" with Callidus Software and Salesfor...Callidus Softwarepresented by and Callidus Software at the TrueConnection 2008 Sales Performance Management Conference, hosted by Callidus Software
María josé martín riosdiparojasMaría José Martín Ríos pasó sus primeros dos años de vida en Madrid. Durante este tiempo, aprendió a caminar y hablar, y disfrutó jugando con sus padres y hermanos mayores.
Plattformen vs lineares ProgrammBertram GugelDie drei großen Trends rund um das Fernsehen:
1) Broadcast als Service
2) TV als Bildschirm
3) Das neue Fernsehen
Folien zu meinem Vortrag auf der ALM Tagung: Plattformregulierung in Zeiten von Google TV, Apple TV und Co.
Raised PeatbogsAlan DohertyBlanket peat in the Highlands has survived quite well but exploitation in the Central Lowlands has seen about 70% of the peat removed for exploitation. SNH has designated Flanders Moss and Blawhorn Moss as National Nature Reserves and SSSIs. Additional slides will be added to this presentation over time but it is usable in its present form. Individual slides can be downloaded from Flickr.
Image & Graphic Filesbs07d3pVector images are scalable as they are based on mathematical formulas, while bitmap images map colors to grids so they are not easily scalable and enlarging distorts lines. Vector files like EPS and AI contain shapes while bitmap files like JPG and PNG are for photos. Embedded images are stored inside documents while linked images remain outside but linked. GIF limits colors to 256 so is best for simple images, while JPEG can show complex color ranges for photos. Lossless compression like ZIP reversibly compresses files without quality loss, unlike JPEG which can lose excess data imperceptibly. PNG overcomes issues with JPEG blurring text and GIF lower quality at high resolutions.
Document Freedom Day - Digitale Collectie Nederland in EuropeanaGeert WissinkEen overzicht van het gebruik van open standaarden zoals het EDM metadatamodel als scharnierpunt voor erfgoed collecties
Design changes with PurposeAlan DohertyNever use bullet points? Limit the number of words to seven? Always fill the frame with the image?
No. Ask the kids what works and what doesn't.
A case study of two sets of slides on the same topic but with different purposes
Creativityaula97The document appears to discuss Michelangelo freeing an angel trapped in stone, as well as mentioning Clayderman's music "All I Ask of You". It also contains a series of blank lines.
Integer Review!ejboggsIntegers are the whole numbers and their opposites on a number line, with negative integers being the opposites of positive whole numbers. Negative numbers are less than zero and have the same distance from zero as their positive opposites. Integers can represent situations involving steps, temperature, and elevation and use positive and negative values. Absolute value is the distance of a number from zero on the number line, shown by bars on either side of an integer.
rod stewart1Gabriela Cifuentes GonzalezThis document lists the names of three people: Rod Stewart, Jennifer Valdenegro, and Antonela Galati. No other context or information is provided about these individuals or what they may be related to. The document simply lists three names with no other details.
sheGabriela Cifuentes GonzalezShe represents different things that can influence a person's life. She may bring pleasure or regret, treasure or a price to pay. She can be compared to the changing seasons that mark the passage of time. She has the potential to turn each day into heaven or hell. She may be the mirror reflecting one's dreams, or the smile seen in a stream. She seems happy in a crowd but can be proud and private when alone. She may be the love that cannot last or the memory that one will die for. She is the reason for survival and purpose in life. Her laughter and tears will be cherished as souvenirs. She is represented as the morning of life itself.
sheNatiGabriela Cifuentes GonzalezThis poem explores the different facets of a woman and how she can represent many things. In 3 sentences, the poem discusses how she may embody beauty or beast, famine or feast, heaven or hell. She represents the dreams, smiles, and shell of the subject. She is also the reason for survival, the why and wherefore of being alive, and the one cared for through the years.
Transforming Your Business in the "Cloud" with Callidus Software and Salesfor...Callidus Softwarepresented by and Callidus Software at the TrueConnection 2008 Sales Performance Management Conference, hosted by Callidus Software
María josé martín riosdiparojasMaría José Martín Ríos pasó sus primeros dos años de vida en Madrid. Durante este tiempo, aprendió a caminar y hablar, y disfrutó jugando con sus padres y hermanos mayores.
Plattformen vs lineares ProgrammBertram GugelDie drei großen Trends rund um das Fernsehen:
1) Broadcast als Service
2) TV als Bildschirm
3) Das neue Fernsehen
Folien zu meinem Vortrag auf der ALM Tagung: Plattformregulierung in Zeiten von Google TV, Apple TV und Co.
Raised PeatbogsAlan DohertyBlanket peat in the Highlands has survived quite well but exploitation in the Central Lowlands has seen about 70% of the peat removed for exploitation. SNH has designated Flanders Moss and Blawhorn Moss as National Nature Reserves and SSSIs. Additional slides will be added to this presentation over time but it is usable in its present form. Individual slides can be downloaded from Flickr.
Image & Graphic Filesbs07d3pVector images are scalable as they are based on mathematical formulas, while bitmap images map colors to grids so they are not easily scalable and enlarging distorts lines. Vector files like EPS and AI contain shapes while bitmap files like JPG and PNG are for photos. Embedded images are stored inside documents while linked images remain outside but linked. GIF limits colors to 256 so is best for simple images, while JPEG can show complex color ranges for photos. Lossless compression like ZIP reversibly compresses files without quality loss, unlike JPEG which can lose excess data imperceptibly. PNG overcomes issues with JPEG blurring text and GIF lower quality at high resolutions.