Solar PowerAlan DohertyPdf version (no notes). The great white hope? The white hot hope? TREC\'s DESERTEC is a promising model, endorsed by Gordon Brown, I believe. Get on with it chaps! We\'re running out of time.
my portfologuesta45bb3This document contains 18 short passages summarizing or describing various photographs. Each passage includes a single word title and 2-3 sentences of text describing the photo's subject, context, and/or creative process. The photos cover a range of subjects including teamwork, restraint, advancement, salvation, love, truth, illumination, dualism, contact, unification, and mystery.
Is On-Demand SPM Right For Your Company?Callidus Softwarepresented by Jeffrey Saling, Vice President of Callidus Software On-Demand, at TrueConnection: Sales Performance Mangement Conference 2007
Davor Samu Ayoub Marc CmarblocsThis document summarizes information about three living things: grass, rabbits, and tigers. It describes their physical appearances, habitats, diets, predators, and an interesting fact about each. Grass is described as green with long thin leaves that lives in gardens and eats water and nutrients. Rabbits are described as small and fluffy with long ears and large back feet that live in forests, eat carrots, and are preyed on by foxes. Tigers are described as covered in black and orange stripes with a long tail and moustache that live in jungles and forests, eat meat, are carnivores, and are sometimes killed by humans.
Regional DevelopmentjexxonThe document discusses the role of living labs in regional development strategies. Living labs aim to promote research and development in regions by fostering open innovation, attracting investment, and applying information and communication technologies to address local issues. They stimulate social innovation by involving citizen user groups. The document recommends that regional policies shift from a sectoral to a transversal innovation approach using living labs, with coordination and pilot projects to integrate research with regional development actors.
MultiMediaMedins Bagheria: Primo Incontro OperativojexxonPresentazione al primo workshop di Bagheria (PA) dei laboratori multimediali all'interno del progetto MEDINS (patrimonio culturale immateriale nel Mediterraneo)
Argentina - A daunder with the geographerAlan DohertyTravelogue of three different areas in Argentina. The southern Andes, the Lake District and the capital, Buenos Aires.
Workstyles e Netstyles Sostenibili e CompetitivijexxonModi di organizzare il lavoro e di partecipare in rete per le PMI, Docenza al ciclo "Seminari su General Management: Strategie", Trapani (IT), 30 giugno 2007
Digital Divide Group PresentationJeff12982The document discusses the digital divide between older and younger generations regarding technology use. Younger generations are more comfortable with technology due to growing up with it, while it remains foreign to many older adults. The study found computer use among older adults increased 47% from 2000-2004, but only 20% of older adults went online in 2003 compared to 65% of younger adults. Barriers to technology use among older adults included lack of confidence, education, and interest in learning new skills, as well as fear of the unknown.
52 Logo DesignsbrandbloggerThis document promotes logo design services from a company, stating that they have designed 52 logos and that branding can profit businesses. It provides a phone number and email to contact the company for logo design services.
Fantastic FractionsejboggsThe document introduces fractions and their key components. It explains that a fraction represents a part of a whole and is written with a numerator over a denominator. The numerator indicates the part being used, and the denominator indicates how many equal parts make up the whole. Examples of fractions represented on number lines and circles are provided, including 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 6/7, and 5/9. Mixed numbers containing both a whole number and fractional part are also introduced, with the example given of 1 1/5.
Making Lemonade out of Lemons: Squeezing utility from a proof-of-work experimentTim Swanson[Note: references and citations can be found in the notes section of the slides]
First presented at the R3 Cryptocurrency Round Table on December 11, 2014 in Palo Alto. Covers "Bitcoin 2.0" ideas including alternative consensus mechanisms, costs of operating decentralized ledgers, use-cases for these new ledgers within existing financial institutions and potential hurdles including disproportional rewards.
Class Actguest5144a4This very short document appears to be a title that is repeated multiple times without any further context or body. It mentions "Images from class" but does not provide any images or additional details about a class.
Regional DevelopmentjexxonThe document discusses the role of living labs in regional development strategies. Living labs aim to promote research and development in regions by fostering open innovation, attracting investment, and applying information and communication technologies to address local issues. They stimulate social innovation by involving citizen user groups. The document recommends that regional policies shift from a sectoral to a transversal innovation approach using living labs, with coordination and pilot projects to integrate research with regional development actors.
MultiMediaMedins Bagheria: Primo Incontro OperativojexxonPresentazione al primo workshop di Bagheria (PA) dei laboratori multimediali all'interno del progetto MEDINS (patrimonio culturale immateriale nel Mediterraneo)
Argentina - A daunder with the geographerAlan DohertyTravelogue of three different areas in Argentina. The southern Andes, the Lake District and the capital, Buenos Aires.
Workstyles e Netstyles Sostenibili e CompetitivijexxonModi di organizzare il lavoro e di partecipare in rete per le PMI, Docenza al ciclo "Seminari su General Management: Strategie", Trapani (IT), 30 giugno 2007
Digital Divide Group PresentationJeff12982The document discusses the digital divide between older and younger generations regarding technology use. Younger generations are more comfortable with technology due to growing up with it, while it remains foreign to many older adults. The study found computer use among older adults increased 47% from 2000-2004, but only 20% of older adults went online in 2003 compared to 65% of younger adults. Barriers to technology use among older adults included lack of confidence, education, and interest in learning new skills, as well as fear of the unknown.
52 Logo DesignsbrandbloggerThis document promotes logo design services from a company, stating that they have designed 52 logos and that branding can profit businesses. It provides a phone number and email to contact the company for logo design services.
Fantastic FractionsejboggsThe document introduces fractions and their key components. It explains that a fraction represents a part of a whole and is written with a numerator over a denominator. The numerator indicates the part being used, and the denominator indicates how many equal parts make up the whole. Examples of fractions represented on number lines and circles are provided, including 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 6/7, and 5/9. Mixed numbers containing both a whole number and fractional part are also introduced, with the example given of 1 1/5.
Making Lemonade out of Lemons: Squeezing utility from a proof-of-work experimentTim Swanson[Note: references and citations can be found in the notes section of the slides]
First presented at the R3 Cryptocurrency Round Table on December 11, 2014 in Palo Alto. Covers "Bitcoin 2.0" ideas including alternative consensus mechanisms, costs of operating decentralized ledgers, use-cases for these new ledgers within existing financial institutions and potential hurdles including disproportional rewards.
Class Actguest5144a4This very short document appears to be a title that is repeated multiple times without any further context or body. It mentions "Images from class" but does not provide any images or additional details about a class.