The fourteenth Cambridge International Conference on Open, Distance and E-Learning 2011: Internationalisation and social justice: the role of open, distance and e-learing
1) The document summarizes findings from a study on the development and use of distance learning and learning management systems (LMS) at the upper secondary level in Iceland from 2005-2009.
2) Interviews with teachers in 2007 found benefits like increased opportunities for rural schools but also drawbacks like increased workload. Teachers were beginning to use LMS and move to blended learning.
3) Interviews with administrators from 2005-2009 found increased use of LMS improved information flow. The financial crisis led schools to choose less expensive open source LMS like Moodle.
Sólveig Jakobsdóttir. (2010, 9. febrúar 2010). Félagsnet í fr??ilegu samhengi: rafr?n tengsl og persónusk?pun ungs fólks á netinu. Erindi var flutt á mál?ingi SAFT Reykjavík.
This document summarizes an international collaboration between Athabasca University in Canada and Iceland University of Education on an online distance education course. It describes the history and preparation for the collaboration, the activities students engaged in like introductions and collaborative assignments, and conclusions. Students found value in interacting with those from another culture and country. They felt it expanded their perspectives and supported distance learning. Most felt the collaboration should continue but could be improved by giving it more weight in grading and grouping students by interest area for interactions. Place and culture played an important role in connecting students across distances.
This document summarizes the findings of a research project on teaching and learning in Icelandic schools from 2009-2011. Key findings include:
- ICT was found to have positive effects when integrated into learning, though economic challenges limited equipment purchases.
- A new assessment tool in the InfoMentor system was found to increase teacher oversight and consistency, though initiation needed improvement.
- Interviews showed principals play an important role in ICT integration, but economic pressures caused uncertainty about technology development.
- Observations found most classrooms had basic ICT, though dedicated ICT classes allowed more advanced uses like social media and multimedia.
Este documento apresenta a estrutura organizacional da agência DGAZ, incluindo os nomes e experiências anteriores dos principais membros da equipe, como o Diretor de Marketing, Dire??o de Arte, Programador Sênior e Ilustrador. Também lista os principais clientes da agência e alguns dos projetos desenvolvidos para cada um.
Columbia Leisure (CLS) -
Your Connection to Medical & Travel Experience
With over 28 years of travel & leisure experience, Columbia Leisure ensures you a seamless medical travel experience. We work closely with hospitals to coordinate and support patient’s passage to receive timely clinical treatment in Malaysian healthcare facilities and to ensure end-to-end patient facilitation is provided.
We are one of the leading inbound travel agency based in Kuala Lumpur. We have brought in minimum of 60,000 tourists into Malaysia every year. The main markets are from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Eastern and Western Europe, Oceania and so on.
This is to introduce the evolution of Hyperlipidemia Guideline in the US and Taiwan. SInce low dose Crestor threapy is common in Taiwan, we survey the efficacy of Crestor therapy at the dose lower than 5mg per day. Meanwhile, we compare the effect of daily and alternative day dosing of Crestor.
Sólveig Jakobsdóttir. (2010, 9. febrúar 2010). Félagsnet í fr??ilegu samhengi: rafr?n tengsl og persónusk?pun ungs fólks á netinu. Erindi var flutt á mál?ingi SAFT Reykjavík.
This document summarizes an international collaboration between Athabasca University in Canada and Iceland University of Education on an online distance education course. It describes the history and preparation for the collaboration, the activities students engaged in like introductions and collaborative assignments, and conclusions. Students found value in interacting with those from another culture and country. They felt it expanded their perspectives and supported distance learning. Most felt the collaboration should continue but could be improved by giving it more weight in grading and grouping students by interest area for interactions. Place and culture played an important role in connecting students across distances.
This document summarizes the findings of a research project on teaching and learning in Icelandic schools from 2009-2011. Key findings include:
- ICT was found to have positive effects when integrated into learning, though economic challenges limited equipment purchases.
- A new assessment tool in the InfoMentor system was found to increase teacher oversight and consistency, though initiation needed improvement.
- Interviews showed principals play an important role in ICT integration, but economic pressures caused uncertainty about technology development.
- Observations found most classrooms had basic ICT, though dedicated ICT classes allowed more advanced uses like social media and multimedia.
Este documento apresenta a estrutura organizacional da agência DGAZ, incluindo os nomes e experiências anteriores dos principais membros da equipe, como o Diretor de Marketing, Dire??o de Arte, Programador Sênior e Ilustrador. Também lista os principais clientes da agência e alguns dos projetos desenvolvidos para cada um.
Columbia Leisure (CLS) -
Your Connection to Medical & Travel Experience
With over 28 years of travel & leisure experience, Columbia Leisure ensures you a seamless medical travel experience. We work closely with hospitals to coordinate and support patient’s passage to receive timely clinical treatment in Malaysian healthcare facilities and to ensure end-to-end patient facilitation is provided.
We are one of the leading inbound travel agency based in Kuala Lumpur. We have brought in minimum of 60,000 tourists into Malaysia every year. The main markets are from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Eastern and Western Europe, Oceania and so on.
This is to introduce the evolution of Hyperlipidemia Guideline in the US and Taiwan. SInce low dose Crestor threapy is common in Taiwan, we survey the efficacy of Crestor therapy at the dose lower than 5mg per day. Meanwhile, we compare the effect of daily and alternative day dosing of Crestor.