How to get a 1st - GPDKrishnaSocThis document provides tips for getting a first class degree by outlining an approach and managing distractions. The approach involves properly selecting and scanning parts, investigating and inspecting them, then reexamining and relaying findings. It also suggests sticking to a routine, focusing, using incentives, changing topics, varying study activities, and taking regular breaks to manage distractions that could prevent achieving a 1st.
How to get a 1st - GPDKrishnaSocThis document provides tips for getting a first class degree by outlining an approach and managing distractions. The approach involves properly selecting and scanning parts, investigating and inspecting them, then reexamining and relaying findings. It also suggests sticking to a routine, focusing, using incentives, changing topics, varying study activities, and taking regular breaks to manage distractions that could prevent achieving a 1st.
Ekologi Administrasi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (Ekologi Administrasi Kelas B...Amalia MardhiasariDokumen tersebut membahas tentang Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, yang memiliki keunikan sebagai daerah otonom dengan sistem pemerintahan yang berbeda dari daerah lain di Indonesia karena pengaruh sejarah, sosial, budaya, dan yuridis.
Limitless - Habits - GPDKrishnaSocThis document appears to be a presentation about habits that discusses what habits are, how they are formed through a cycle, techniques for conditioning habits, and levers for creating change. It includes sections on the power of habits, defining what a habit is, habit formation, the cycle of habit formation, habitual mastery, awareness techniques, conditioning methods, and levers for leverage. The presentation concludes by thanking the audience and asking for any questions.
El templo, Manuel corporativo Mariangela Caruso GuillenEste manual describe la identidad corporativa de un nuevo bar de juegos llamado "El templo" dirigido a hombres mayores de 21 años. Incluye una descripción del logotipo, los colores corporativos (negro, marrón y rojo), la tipografía utilizada y versiones correctas e incorrectas del logotipo. El objetivo es estandarizar la imagen corporativa de "El templo" para ofrecer un ambiente confortable y agradable a sus clientes.
The social network - GPDKrishnaSocThe document discusses relationships and friendship in the modern world. It begins by asking the reader to consider who their closest friends are versus wealthy celebrities. It then covers topics like divorce rates, social media usage, and the story of Mark Zuckerberg. The document suggests that modern relationships are unsatisfying because they are based on material foundations rather than soul connections. It advocates focusing on spiritual relationships centered around service to others.
gpThe secretKrishnaSocThe document discusses happiness, spirituality, meditation, and human identity. It notes that spiritual practices are correlated with longer and healthier lives. Meditation is said to improve memory, problem-solving, decision-making, and reduce stress. Successful people from various fields like business, art, and military discuss how meditation has benefited them by increasing focus, performance, coping with stress, creativity, intuition, and appreciation for others.
Science & spirituality KrishnaSocThis document discusses themes around science and spirituality. It explores ways of accessing knowledge and the spiritual paradigm. It then discusses the Vedas, ancient Hindu scriptures containing vast knowledge across topics like medicine, military science, music, architecture, astrology and predictions. Several western philosophers and scientists like Thoreau, Voltaire, Maeterlinck, Gandhi and Einstein are quoted appreciating insights from Vedic texts like the Bhagavad Gita. The document then examines flaws in different ways of gaining knowledge before concluding that science and spirituality are most powerful when combined.
The truth about lying KrishnaSocThe document discusses lying and self-deception. It reports that the average person lies 3 times in 10 minutes of conversation. It also notes that 1 in 10 people have lied to their car insurance company to save money and 37% of adults think it's sometimes okay to lie about age. The document outlines different types of self-deception defenses including denial, repression, displacement, projection, reaction formation, intellectualization, and rationalization. It concludes with a Muhammad Ali quote about repeating something to convince oneself and others of it.
Leadership with personalityKrishnaSocThe document summarizes different leadership styles and qualities. It discusses the differences between managers and leaders, focusing on empowering people rather than controlling them. It also describes four different leadership styles (D, I, S, C) based on whether a person is more task-oriented or people-oriented, and outgoing or reserved. Each style has different strengths and preferences. The document concludes by discussing the four C's of leadership - character, competence, compassion, and courage - and the concept of service leadership.
Model CSR Provinsi Jawa Timur (PBK Kelas B FIA UB 2015)Amalia MardhiasariModel dan Mapping Pengelolaan Corporate Social Responsibility Provinsi Jawa Timur
Declaracion juramentada de Marisol Peñafiel mayo
Customer JourneyCarlos FreitasO documento discute mapeamento da jornada do cliente e como ele pode ser usado para melhorar a experiência do cliente. Ele explica o que é um mapa da jornada do cliente, os benefícios de seu uso e as etapas para criá-lo, incluindo a criação de personas, estágios da jornada, objetivos dos usuários e pontos de contato.
Predictably irrational vedic authorityKrishnaSocThis document discusses themes around science and spirituality. It explores ways of accessing knowledge and the spiritual paradigm. It then discusses the Vedas, ancient Hindu scriptures containing vast knowledge across topics like medicine, military science, music, architecture, astrology and more. Several western philosophers and scientists like Thoreau, Voltaire, Maeterlinck, Gandhi and Einstein are quoted appreciating the profundity and wisdom contained in Vedic texts like the Bhagavad Gita. The document goes on to discuss different means of obtaining knowledge and their flaws. It presents evidence from marine archaeology, satellite imagery and other scientific fields validating predictions and findings in ancient Indian texts.