En esta solapa tenemos los asistentes que nos ayudaran a crear objetos de forma r叩pida y
sencilla, como por ejemplo crear una base de datos, una tabla, un formulario, un informe, etc.
Estos asistentes nos gu鱈an paso a paso para crear estos objetos de forma intuitiva.
Aqu鱈 podremos agregar librer鱈as de clases externas que nos ayudaran a ahorrar tiempo de
programaci坦n, como por ejemplo librer鱈as para el manejo de gr叩ficos, librer鱈as para el manejo
de internet, librer鱈as para el
The document discusses data structures, including primitive and structured data types, linear and non-linear data structures, and static and dynamic memory representation. It specifically covers arrays, including their implementation using brackets, indexes to access elements, and use of rows and columns to organize two-dimensional data. Examples are given of declaring and accessing elements of one-dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays.
En esta solapa tenemos los asistentes que nos ayudaran a crear objetos de forma r叩pida y
sencilla, como por ejemplo crear una base de datos, una tabla, un formulario, un informe, etc.
Estos asistentes nos gu鱈an paso a paso para crear estos objetos de forma intuitiva.
Aqu鱈 podremos agregar librer鱈as de clases externas que nos ayudaran a ahorrar tiempo de
programaci坦n, como por ejemplo librer鱈as para el manejo de gr叩ficos, librer鱈as para el manejo
de internet, librer鱈as para el
The document discusses data structures, including primitive and structured data types, linear and non-linear data structures, and static and dynamic memory representation. It specifically covers arrays, including their implementation using brackets, indexes to access elements, and use of rows and columns to organize two-dimensional data. Examples are given of declaring and accessing elements of one-dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays.
This document introduces the LOGO programming language and how to download and use the MSWLogo interface. LOGO uses commands to move a turtle graphic and draw shapes on the screen. The MSWLogo interface has two main sections, the screen window to view drawings and the commander area. From the commander area, users can type LOGO commands in the input box to control the turtle graphic.
This document appears to be a presentation about habits that discusses what habits are, how they are formed through a cycle, techniques for conditioning habits, and levers for creating change. It includes sections on the power of habits, defining what a habit is, habit formation, the cycle of habit formation, habitual mastery, awareness techniques, conditioning methods, and levers for leverage. The presentation concludes by thanking the audience and asking for any questions.
Logo es un lenguaje de programaci坦n dise単ado con fines educativos basado en Lisp. Aunque no fue creado espec鱈ficamente para ense単ar programaci坦n, Logo puede usarse para ense単ar los principales conceptos de programaci坦n como manejo de listas y E/S. Logo es popular para trabajar con ni単os y j坦venes. El programa Logo incluye una "tortuga gr叩fica" que puede usarse para crear dibujos siguiendo instrucciones.
This document contains shortcuts and commands for the MSWLogo programming language. It lists basic movement commands like forward, back, right, and left. It also covers procedures to draw shapes like ellipses, circles, and arcs. Functions are presented for setting the pen and screen colors. Examples are given for repeating commands and defining simple procedures to draw a square and star.