University InvolvementTabitha BemisThis document summarizes the academic and athletic achievements of an intercollegiate track and field athlete from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania from 2010 to 2014. They were a six-time NCAA All American and three-time Academic All American who received numerous conference awards and championships. Professionally, they have participated in leadership seminars and been certified in gymnastics instruction and first aid. They have also been involved in their university and local community through organizations, coaching, and volunteering.
McCormick DA - WSP CV - Feb 2015Dave McCormickDavid McCormick has over 21 years of experience in road engineering and rehabilitation projects in South Africa and Lesotho. He currently works as a senior associate for WSP Group Africa, where he applies his expertise in contract administration, report writing, and quality control. Some of his roles on projects include design engineer, rehabilitation designer and coordinator, contracts manager, and engineer's representative. He has extensive experience managing construction contracts and supervising road, water, and fiber optic infrastructure projects.
Feria selección colombiaJuan Fernando Moreno JimenezLa Feria Selección Colombia tiene como objetivo trabajar la responsabilidad social y las tendencias de consumo de los hinchas de la Selección Nacional a través de eventos como un concurso de bandas musicales con temática de fútbol, clínicas de formación en fútbol para niños y jóvenes, un club de lectores sobre fútbol y donaciones para personas de bajos recursos. El desafío es posicionar la feria a nivel local y la oportunidad es expandir la marca.
Reggaetón 1leninelreyEl documento describe brevemente la historia y orígenes del reggaetón en Latinoamérica en los años 70 y 80. Luego presenta información sobre algunos de los exponentes más conocidos del género como Daddy Yankee, reconocido como el "Rey del Reggaetón", Kendo Kaponi, Baby Rasta y Gringo y sus disputas con otros artistas, y Arcángel quien se mudó a Puerto Rico para dedicarse a la música reggaetón y formó parte del dúo Arcángel & De la Ghetto.
Kawah Ijen volcano - IndonesiaNubia **you can find the link to download this presentation on my blog here :
Tieteen päivät 2015: Jussi Semi (UEF) - Riippuuko onni ja hyvinvointi siitä, ...UEFviestintaJussi Semi: Riippuuko onni ja hyvinvointi siitä, missä sattuu asumaan?
Psykologi Daniel Gilbert on todennut elämässä olevan kolme suurta päätöstä: missä asua, mitä tehdä ja kenen kanssa. Näin ollen onnellisuus ei näyttäydy yksinomaan kysymyksenä tulotasosta, sosiaalisista suhteista tai terveydestä vaan myös paikkasidonnaisilla tekijöillä on keskeinen rooli yksilöiden kokemuksellisen hyvinvoinnin muotoutumisessa. Tämä siis antaa ymmärtää, että onni ja hyvinvointi olisivat vahvasti sidoksissa ihmisen asuinpaikkaan ja elämänpiiriin. Voidaanko siis otsikkoa mukaillen väittää, että maantiede, siis ihmisen oleminen maailmassa, vaikuttaisi ihmisten onneen ja hyvinvointiin? Onko hyvä elämä paikkasidonnainen asia?
Tarkastelen esityksessäni onnea ja hyvinvointia alueellisesta näkökulmasta. Käsittelen aihetta aluksi lyhyesti globaalista näkökulmasta. Missä asuvat maailman onnellisimmat ihmiset ja kuinka Suomi sijoittuu tälle listalle. Sen jälkeen tarkastelen onnellisuutta Suomessa. Tässä yhteydessä käyn läpi tutkimusesimerkkien kautta, miten onnellisuus määrittyy alueellisesti Suomessa ja mitkä alueelliset tekijät vaikuttavat onnellisuuteen. Esitykseni lopussa pohdin, missä määrin asuinpaikka lopulta vaikuttaa onneen ja hyvinvointiin. Vai onko lopulta niin, että kyse on paljon laajemmista yhteiskunnallisista kysymyksistä? Tämä johdattaa lopulta kysymykseen siitä, mitä onni on.
Melioidosis an overviewGazanfarAbass0966Melioidosis- An overview, covers the Aetiology, Epidemiology, World as well as Indian Scenario of Meliodosis, Its public health impact, control strategy and Indian Research prospects of the disease.
All credit goes to Dr. Gazanfar Abass, MVSc Scholar at Division of Veterinary Public Health, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, izatnagar UP, India
Willis CVwillis wanyonyiThis curriculum vitae is for Willis Wekesa Wanyonyi, who has over 20 years of experience in tyre management and vehicle maintenance. He has held roles such as tyre manager, technical executive, and supervisor at various companies. He has extensive experience managing fleets of trucks, trailers, and other vehicles. He also has qualifications in plant and vehicle mechanics, computer applications, and computer engineering.
Mahanand DairyVaibhav DaphalapureThis industrial training report provides details of the training completed at Mahanand Dairy in Mumbai, India. It includes an introduction to the dairy, descriptions of the various processing sections including milk reception, processing, product manufacturing, and quality control. Products manufactured include shrikhand, dahi, lassi, paneer, and flavored milks. The report also includes the plant layout, organization chart, and standard operating procedures for key processing steps. The objective was to gain practical experience in a commercial dairy production environment.
Apps that are Social by DesignBoris ChanApps that are Social by Design - Boris Chan, Xtreme Labs - Extreme Startups & General Assembly Toronto
Presentacion emprendimientojessicamena95El documento presenta varias ideas de negocios para recaudar fondos para el baile de graduación, ayudar a niños en situación de calle en Medellín, y brindar más oportunidades educativas y laborales a los jóvenes en Colombia. También propone campañas contra la violencia y a favor de la solidaridad, así como capacitaciones para madres cabeza de familia y estudiantes.
A child’s eye view of the local environment - Paskins and BrownUCLPresentation for the Conference on Emerging Issues in the Geographies of Children and Youth held at Brunel University, 23-24 June 2005.
It was a joint presentation by James Paskins and Belinda Brown
Методическое сопровождение построения игровой предметно-пространственная сред...mdou38Представлен опыт работы МБДОУ "Детского сада №38" по организации игрового пространства в ДОУ
Образовательный маршрутmdou38Образовательный маршрут
для совместной деятельности родителей с детьми в сети Интернет
«Путешествие в страну здоровых зубов».
Melioidosis an overviewGazanfarAbass0966Melioidosis- An overview, covers the Aetiology, Epidemiology, World as well as Indian Scenario of Meliodosis, Its public health impact, control strategy and Indian Research prospects of the disease.
All credit goes to Dr. Gazanfar Abass, MVSc Scholar at Division of Veterinary Public Health, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, izatnagar UP, India
Willis CVwillis wanyonyiThis curriculum vitae is for Willis Wekesa Wanyonyi, who has over 20 years of experience in tyre management and vehicle maintenance. He has held roles such as tyre manager, technical executive, and supervisor at various companies. He has extensive experience managing fleets of trucks, trailers, and other vehicles. He also has qualifications in plant and vehicle mechanics, computer applications, and computer engineering.
Mahanand DairyVaibhav DaphalapureThis industrial training report provides details of the training completed at Mahanand Dairy in Mumbai, India. It includes an introduction to the dairy, descriptions of the various processing sections including milk reception, processing, product manufacturing, and quality control. Products manufactured include shrikhand, dahi, lassi, paneer, and flavored milks. The report also includes the plant layout, organization chart, and standard operating procedures for key processing steps. The objective was to gain practical experience in a commercial dairy production environment.
Apps that are Social by DesignBoris ChanApps that are Social by Design - Boris Chan, Xtreme Labs - Extreme Startups & General Assembly Toronto
Presentacion emprendimientojessicamena95El documento presenta varias ideas de negocios para recaudar fondos para el baile de graduación, ayudar a niños en situación de calle en Medellín, y brindar más oportunidades educativas y laborales a los jóvenes en Colombia. También propone campañas contra la violencia y a favor de la solidaridad, así como capacitaciones para madres cabeza de familia y estudiantes.
A child’s eye view of the local environment - Paskins and BrownUCLPresentation for the Conference on Emerging Issues in the Geographies of Children and Youth held at Brunel University, 23-24 June 2005.
It was a joint presentation by James Paskins and Belinda Brown
Методическое сопровождение построения игровой предметно-пространственная сред...mdou38Представлен опыт работы МБДОУ "Детского сада №38" по организации игрового пространства в ДОУ
Образовательный маршрутmdou38Образовательный маршрут
для совместной деятельности родителей с детьми в сети Интернет
«Путешествие в страну здоровых зубов».