Kurikulum dan pembelajarantrinoviasariMateri ini membahas tentang konsep dasar kurikulum dan pembelajaran dalam paradigma baru. Secara ringkas, kurikulum merupakan pedoman proses belajar mengajar antara guru dan siswa untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan, sedangkan pembelajaran adalah interaksi dan komunikasi antara guru dan siswa. Keduanya memiliki berbagai komponen seperti tujuan, materi, metode, dan evaluasi. Guru memainkan peran penting sebagai fasilit
GolfingChris-SA document discusses enjoying a day of golfing on a sunny day instead of working and describes the feeling of making a long shot as the greatest feeling in the world. It also states that being a business student requires being a golfer and that golfing provides good friends, good weather, and good times.
Kurikulum dan pembelajarantrinoviasariMateri ini membahas tentang konsep dasar kurikulum dan pembelajaran dalam paradigma baru. Secara ringkas, kurikulum merupakan pedoman proses belajar mengajar antara guru dan siswa untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan, sedangkan pembelajaran adalah interaksi dan komunikasi antara guru dan siswa. Keduanya memiliki berbagai komponen seperti tujuan, materi, metode, dan evaluasi. Guru memainkan peran penting sebagai fasilit
GolfingChris-SA document discusses enjoying a day of golfing on a sunny day instead of working and describes the feeling of making a long shot as the greatest feeling in the world. It also states that being a business student requires being a golfer and that golfing provides good friends, good weather, and good times.
GolfingChris-SA document discusses enjoying a day of golfing on a sunny day with good friends as it is more enjoyable than working. It describes the thrill of making long shots in golf and how it can provide the greatest feeling in the world. Finally, it suggests that being a business student requires also being a golfer to have good weather, good friends and good times.
Kurikulum dan pembelajarantrinoviasariMateri ini membahas tentang konsep dasar kurikulum dan pembelajaran dalam paradigma baru. Secara ringkas, kurikulum merupakan pedoman proses belajar mengajar antara guru dan siswa untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan, sedangkan pembelajaran adalah interaksi dan komunikasi antara guru dan siswa. Keduanya memiliki berbagai komponen seperti tujuan, materi, metode, dan evaluasi. Guru memainkan peran penting sebagai fasilit
Webbrowsing1 131212222458-phpapp01Aqša AliThe document outlines key concepts related to browsing the internet, including:
The internet is a global network that connects millions of computers, while the world wide web (WWW) is a system for accessing information over the internet using HTML documents called web pages. Web pages are stored on servers and viewed using browsers, with hyperlinks allowing users to easily navigate between pages on different servers. Other terms defined include URLs, which provide unique addresses for web pages, websites which are collections of web pages, and search engines which allow users to find websites through searchable databases.
UX Design in a Surgical EnvironmentMichelle BerrymanApplication of leading edge technology has always been associated with medical science, research, and the practice of medicine. In recent years, this has included the introduction of robotic technologies and other, computerized, interactive, screen-based technologies in the surgical environment. This is a trend that will continue for many years to come with wide sweeping implications for hospitals, patients, medical staff and manufacturers of these products.
The surgical suite is a very unique and increasingly crowded environment. The members of the surgical team, assorted technicians and manufacturer’s representatives, the patient, the tools and equipment all require adequate space to perform their functions in this highly choreographed atmosphere. Traffic flow has to be maintained in the room and around the patient and equipment, yet mobility is extremely limited. The sterile field has to be maintained at all costs. Precision, accuracy and timing are critical. The surgical team needs clear, unobstructed access to the patient, the tools, and the technology assisting in the procedure.
In many ways, the introduction of computerized, interactive, screen-based technologies and surgical robots has improved the quality of care – particularly with regard to accuracy and precision – for the patient. This leads to smaller incisions, faster healing, and lowered risk of surgical errors and medical malpractice. It has also lead to a more complex work environment for the surgical team. Every member of the surgical team is already fully committed in one way or another without the addition of computers, monitors, robots, etc. Surgeons need both hands to perform surgery, handle cutting tools and retractors, manipulate patient anatomy, etc. Nurses and anesthesiologists are equally busy doing their jobs. Interacting with a mouse and keyboard, a joystick, touch screen or a PDA often isn’t an option. Foot pedals are generally impractical as well and they offer a very limited interaction model. All of these issues have to be considered by the design team.
There’s another big consideration as well: when advanced, interactive technology is introduced into a surgical environment, who is the user? Who are we designing for? The surgeon? Another member of the surgical team? A technician trained to operate the equipment? The patient? What if the answer is all of the above? How does that impact the design of the interface and overall user experience?
Additional complexity for the design team arises in designing interfaces that appropriately guide the surgical team, document and record all associated activities (pre-op, operative and post-op) while maintaining legal compliance associated with patient privacy laws.
Echo Visualization, LLC discuss and identify many of the challenges we have encountered while working in this environment as researchers and designers.
Overview PresentationhrblackfordOsiris Hydrographic & Geophysical Projects Ltd (Osiris Projects) are an independent UK based company providing high quality marine survey services to a broad range of clients from the Oil & Gas, Renewable Energy, Utilities, Ports, Harbours and Private Sector Industries.
Presentation1Sarah SyamimiThe document discusses traditional clothing in Malaysia. It begins by describing traditional Malay attire such as the baju melayu worn by men and baju kurung worn by women. It then discusses traditional clothing of the Baba and Nyonya communities and provides details on traditional Indian clothing such as the sari. The document also describes various traditional clothing styles from the state of Sabah, including different outfits worn by ethnic groups like the Bisaya, Lundayeh, and Irranun. It concludes that the traditional attires of different races in Malaysia each have their own distinctive qualities.
Behaviorist perspectiveMaria Edralyn TenajerosThe behaviorist perspective focuses on observable and measurable behavior that is learned through conditioning and reinforcement. There are three major theories within behaviorism: classical conditioning proposed by Pavlov which involves associating an unconditioned stimulus with a conditioned stimulus to elicit a response; Thorndike's law of effect and connectionism which hold that behaviors followed by satisfying consequences will be strengthened; and Skinner's operant conditioning where behaviors are reinforced or punished to increase or decrease the likelihood of reoccurrence. Behaviorism aims to explain learning and behavior scientifically through stimuli, responses, and reinforcement schedules without reference to internal mental states.
Social exchange theoryMaria Edralyn TenajerosSocial exchange theory attempts to explain how individuals interact within reciprocal relationships. It is based on the idea that individuals aim to maximize benefits and minimize costs. Major proponents of social exchange theory include George Homans, John Thibaut, Harold Kelley, Peter Blau, and Richard Emerson. Social exchange theory has been applied to understand family relationships and interactions, with a key assumption being that individuals make rational decisions aimed at maximizing rewards and minimizing costs.