El documento trata sobre un estudio para introducir un sistema de autobuses de transporte masivo en una ciudad con el objetivo de reducir el problema del smog. Se busca determinar el n炭mero m鱈nimo de autobuses necesarios para satisfacer la demanda de transporte, la cual var鱈a seg炭n la hora del d鱈a. Los datos muestran que la demanda se puede considerar constante en intervalos de 4 horas. Cada autob炭s solo puede operar 8 horas por d鱈a para realizar mantenimiento.
TEA S.p.A. is an electrical equipment and electronic control systems company based in Gualdicciolo, San Marino. They design, produce, install, maintain, and upgrade electrical equipment and electronic control systems to help clients efficiently operate their production and distribution operations. Their mission is to deliver high-quality control solutions on time and on budget using their expertise and state-of-the-art applications.
TEA S.p.A. is an electrical equipment and electronic control systems company based in Gualdicciolo, San Marino. They design, produce, install, maintain, and upgrade electrical equipment and electronic control systems to help clients efficiently operate their production and distribution operations. Their mission is to deliver high-quality control solutions on time and on budget using their expertise and state-of-the-art applications.
El documento trata sobre un estudio para introducir un sistema de autobuses de transporte masivo en una ciudad con el objetivo de reducir el problema del smog. Se busca determinar el n炭mero m鱈nimo de autobuses necesarios para satisfacer la demanda de transporte, la cual var鱈a seg炭n la hora del d鱈a. Los datos muestran que la demanda se puede considerar constante en intervalos de 4 horas. Cada autob炭s solo puede operar 8 horas por d鱈a para realizar mantenimiento.
TEA S.p.A. is an electrical equipment and electronic control systems company based in Gualdicciolo, San Marino. They design, produce, install, maintain, and upgrade electrical equipment and electronic control systems to help clients efficiently operate their production and distribution operations. Their mission is to deliver high-quality control solutions on time and on budget using their expertise and state-of-the-art applications.
TEA S.p.A. is an electrical equipment and electronic control systems company based in Gualdicciolo, San Marino. They design, produce, install, maintain, and upgrade electrical equipment and electronic control systems to help clients efficiently operate their production and distribution operations. Their mission is to deliver high-quality control solutions on time and on budget using their expertise and state-of-the-art applications.
TEA S.p.A. is an electrical equipment and electronic control systems company based in Gualdicciolo, San Marino. The company designs, produces, installs, maintains and upgrades electrical equipment and electronic control systems to enable efficient production and distribution operations for clients. TEA S.p.A. aims to provide competitive advantage and meet high quality standards for clients in a timely and budget-friendly manner.
Serenity BDD - from executable specifications to living documentationAlex Soto
Learn how to write clean, clear, maintainable automated acceptance tests for both web applications and web services using Serenity BDD (http://serenity-bdd.info). Serenity BDD is an open source library that helps you write better, more effective automated acceptance tests, and use these acceptance tests to produce world-class test reports and living documentation.
CEMflex VB is an active steel plate waterstop that seals concrete construction joints through crystallization. It has a special coating on both sides that prevents water from passing through the joint. When the coating comes into contact with water or concrete, it undergoes chemical reactions like swelling, crystallization, and self-healing of cracks. This forms limestone and permanently seals the joint. CEMflex VB supports natural sintering and crystallization processes to waterproof joints up to 5 bar pressure. It is installed with overlapping elements fixed with steel holders and seals joints horizontally or vertically in foundations, basements, tunnels and other underground structures.
The document discusses two waterproofing solutions: EasySeal and SilverSeal. SilverSeal is a swelling nonwoven membrane made of hydrophilic polymers that self-heal when damaged. It is easy to install and can replace traditional waterproofing methods. SilverSeal is placed shiny side down with overlaps sealed using an adhesive. It swells into cracks to prevent water circulation and protect structures.
Develop and Deploy your JavaEE micro service in less than 5 minutes with Apac...Alex Soto
Do you know that Java EE is not heavy anymore? Do you know that in Java EE with two simple annotations you can create a REST endpoint that it is secured, transaction-aware and with concurrent control? And even more important, the era of heavy application servers is over. Apache TomEE has fixed this.
Come to this session to learn how you can develop a micro service and deploy it with only 5 minutes.
The document provides an introduction to SAP, an ERP system that integrates all aspects of an organization. It discusses how the general ledger is reconciled with subsidiary ledgers when items are posted. It also describes features like alternate payees, clearing open items between vendors and customers, and special general ledger transactions that post to alternative reconciliation accounts. Finally, it discusses document types, headers, line items, and posting keys that control which side of an account can be posted to and which account types.
Updates to the java api for json processing for java ee 8Alex Soto
One of the additions of Java EE 7 was the JSON-P specification for processing JSON documents. But JSON-P spec is moving forward and for Java EE 8 it will come with a lot of new features like support for JSON Pointer (RFC6901), JSON Patch (RFC6902) or JSON Merge Patch (RFC7386). But also improvements on performance, Java 8 integration and how to process big JSON data.
The first part of this session presents the JSON Processing API that comes with Java EE 7 to understand the basis for improvements of next version. The second part of the session presents the updates that are coming on the Java API for JSON Processing that they will be added inside Java EE 8.
caso practico de laboratorio de gerencia iiKaty Gimenez
El documento describe un estudio realizado por Transporte y Tr叩nsito del Tolima para introducir un sistema de autobuses de transporte masivo que reduzca el problema del smog. El estudio busca determinar el n炭mero m鱈nimo de autobuses necesarios para satisfacer la demanda, la cual var鱈a seg炭n la hora del d鱈a. Despu辿s de analizar los datos, se recomienda asignar 26 autobuses operando durante intervalos de 4 horas para cubrir la demanda de manera 坦ptima.
This document provides an overview of performing vendor account inquiries in SAP. It covers how to view vendor account balances and line items, the transaction codes used, and key functions for navigating and filtering inquiry results. The objectives are to learn how to perform vendor account balance inquiries and line item inquiries in SAP. Transaction codes FK10N and FBL1N/ZFBL1N are used to display account balances and line items respectively.
This document provides an overview of invoice and credit note processing in SAP Accounts Payable. It discusses the key differences between processing purchase order (PO) related and non-PO related invoices and credit memos. For PO related documents, it describes the 3-way matching process known as logistics invoice verification. It also reviews functions for reversing documents, changing documents, and displaying posted documents.
El documento presenta dos ejercicios de programaci坦n lineal. El primero busca determinar el n炭mero m鱈nimo de autobuses necesarios para satisfacer la demanda de transporte p炭blico en la ciudad, fluctuando esta seg炭n la hora del d鱈a. El segundo ejercicio busca minimizar los costos de producci坦n trimestral de una empresa de esqu鱈 acu叩tico mediante el uso de fuerza laboral regular, horas extras y subcontrataci坦n, sujeto a restricciones de capacidad y demanda.
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