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Big Book
Big Book
Edición especial para el Ministerio de Educación.
Prohibida su comercialización.
1º básico Inglés - Big Book.pdf
Big Book
Big_book_1B.indd 1 17-12-19 15:27
Big Book 1 is a compilation of adapted materials from the Gumdrops and Tippy Toes series, levels 1, 2 and 3.
It has been adapted by Richmond Publishing Department of Education, commissioned by
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© 2019, by Santillana del Pacífico S. A. de Ediciones.
Avda. Andrés Bello 2299, piso 10, Providencia, Santiago (Chile).
PRINTED IN CHILE. Impreso en Chile por Quilicura Impresores.
ISBN: 978-956-15-3470-4 – Inscripción nº 310.673
Se terminó de imprimir esta 2ª edición de 7.626 ejemplares, en el mes de septiembre del año 2020.
www.santillana.cl infochile@santillana.com
es una marca registrada de Grupo Santillana de Ediciones, S. L.
Todos los derechos reservados.
Gumdrops Big book Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3
Author: Rebecca Lee Williams
Publisher: Justine Piekarowicz
Editorial Manager: Jacaranda Ruiz
Technical Coordinator: Daniel Santillán
Illustrations: Mónica Cáhue, A Corazón Abierto, Claudia Navarro,
Natalia Velázquez, David Peón
Tippy Toes Big book level 1
Author: Rebecca Williams Salvador
Publisher: Justine Piekarowicz
Editorial Manager: Jacaranda Ruiz
Technical Coordinator: Daniel Santillán
Illustrations: Gerardo Baró, Mariana Inés Díaz, Humberto García, Maya
García, Marcela Gómez, Inés Huni, Teresa Martínez, Eugenia Nobati, David
Peón, Soledad Sebastían, Analia Testone, Jaqueline Velásquez
Big Book 1
Editor: Manoli Camacho Ángeles
Head of design department: Verónica Román Soto
Design and layout: Sergio Pérez Jara
Recordings: Sonia Ortiz Finch
Big_book_1B.indd 2 27-12-19 18:15
Story	 Pages	 Track CD 3
1 Inside my schoolbag.....................................................................4 – 7.....................................................11
2 I'm a superhero!.................................................................................. 8 – 13.....................................................12
3 The chocolate cake..............................................................14 – 19.....................................................13
4 I love my pet...........................................................................................20 – 23.....................................................14
5 Little Monster's birthday cake......................24 – 29.....................................................15
6 Where's Teddy?.............................................................................30 – 35.....................................................16
7 Where is Nina Mouse?..................................................36 – 41.....................................................17
8 Let's go to the beach!.....................................................42 – 47.....................................................18
Big_book_1B.indd 3 26-12-19 13:57
Peek inside my schoolbag,
What do you see?
A pencil for you,
And a pencil for me.
Unit 1 Inside my
Big_book_1B.indd 4 17-12-19 15:27
Peek inside my schoolbag,
What do you see?
A glue stick for you,
And a glue stick for me.
Big_book_1B.indd 5 17-12-19 15:27
Peek inside my schoolbag,
What do you see?
Some scissors for you,
And some scissors for me.
Big_book_1B.indd 6 17-12-19 15:27
We have our school things,
We’re ready as can be.
It’s time for school,
So follow me!
Big_book_1B.indd 7 17-12-19 15:27
Unit 2
I have ten strong fingers and ten strong toes.
Big_book_1B.indd 8 17-12-19 15:27
I have two big eyes and one small nose.
Big_book_1B.indd 9 17-12-19 15:27
One mouth to grin, two ears, one chin.
Big_book_1B.indd 10 17-12-19 15:27
My legs are long.
Big_book_1B.indd 11 17-12-19 15:27
And my arms are strong!
Big_book_1B.indd 12 17-12-19 15:27
But that’s not all, because you see...
I’m a superhero!
Yes! That’s me!
Big_book_1B.indd 13 17-12-19 15:27
Unit 3
Oh no! Someone ate the chocolate cake!
Who could it be?
Chocolate cake on a plate.
It looks good. It tastes great!
I love chocolate cake!
Big_book_1B.indd 14 17-12-19 15:27
Then who ate the chocolate cake?
Who could it be?
Mummy, Mummy, was it Mummy?
“No, it wasn’t me.”
Big_book_1B.indd 15 17-12-19 15:27
Then who ate the chocolate cake?
Who could it be?
Daddy, Daddy, was it Daddy?
“No, it wasn’t me.”
Big_book_1B.indd 16 17-12-19 15:27
Then who ate the chocolate cake?
Who could it be?
Sister, Sister, was it Sister?
“No, it wasn’t me.”
Big_book_1B.indd 17 17-12-19 15:28
So who ate the chocolate cake?
Who could it be?
It wasn’t Mummy.
It wasn’t Daddy.
It wasn’t Sister.
Big_book_1B.indd 18 17-12-19 15:28
Oh… It must have been me!
Big_book_1B.indd 19 17-12-19 15:28
Unit 4
my pet
I love
I love my cat and my cat loves me.
I take care of my cat as you can see.
My cat says, “Meow, meow.
And she drinks her milk, one, two, three.
Big_book_1B.indd 20 17-12-19 15:28
I love my dog and my dog loves me.
I take care of my dog as you can see.
My dog says, “Bow-wow, bow-wow.
And we go for a walk, one, two, three.
Big_book_1B.indd 21 17-12-19 15:28
I love my fish and my fish loves me.
I take care of my fish as you can see.
My fish says, “Blurp, blurp, blurp, blurp.
And he swims around, one, two, three.
Big_book_1B.indd 22 17-12-19 15:28
I love my bird and my bird loves me.
I take care of my bird as you can see.
My bird says, “Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp.
And she flies around one, two, three.
Big_book_1B.indd 23 17-12-19 15:28
Unit 5
birthday cake
But I do like snails.
I don’t like sugar…
Big_book_1B.indd 24 17-12-19 15:28
But I do like nails.
I don’t like chocolate…
Big_book_1B.indd 25 17-12-19 15:28
But I do like slugs.
I don’t like eggs…
Big_book_1B.indd 26 17-12-19 15:28
But I do like bugs.
I don’t like milk…
Big_book_1B.indd 27 17-12-19 15:28
Mix it, bash it, give it a shake…
Big_book_1B.indd 28 17-12-19 15:28
And here it is, the perfect birthday cake!
Big_book_1B.indd 29 17-12-19 15:28
Unit 6
Lucia has lost her teddy bear.
Oh, where can her teddy be?
Let’s help her look around her room.
Let’s look around and see.
Big_book_1B.indd 30 17-12-19 15:28
Is her teddy bear in her big toy box?
Is that where her teddy can be?
No, that’s not Lucia’s teddy bear.
It’s her yellow car we see.
Big_book_1B.indd 31 17-12-19 15:28
Is her teddy bear on her rocking chair?
Is that where her teddy can be?
No, that’s not Lucia’s teddy bear.
It’s her baby doll we see.
Big_book_1B.indd 32 17-12-19 15:28
Is her teddy bear under her toy shelf?
Is that where her teddy can be?
No, that’s not Lucia’s teddy bear.
It’s her purple ball we see.
Big_book_1B.indd 33 17-12-19 15:28
Is her teddy bear in her cozy pink bed?
Let’s take a peek and see...
Yes, that’s Lucia’s teddy bear.
He was there for all to see!
Big_book_1B.indd 34 17-12-19 15:28
We’ve helped Lucia find her bear.
She’s as happy as can be.
Now she’s ready to go to sleep.
“Good night, Lucia, sweet dreams!”
Big_book_1B.indd 35 17-12-19 15:28
Unit 7
Where is Nina Mouse? Where is Nina Mouse?
Where can she be? Where can she be?
Is she in the bedroom, hiding under her bed?
Let’s go see!
Nina Mouse?
Where is
No, it's me!
Big_book_1B.indd 36 17-12-19 15:28
No, it's me!
Where is Nina Mouse? Where is Nina Mouse?
Where can she be? Where can she be?
Is she in the kitchen, hiding in the cupboard?
Let’s go see!
Big_book_1B.indd 37 17-12-19 15:28
Where is Nina Mouse? Where is Nina Mouse?
Where can she be? Where can she be?
Is she in the living room, hiding behind the sofa?
Let’s go see!
No, it's me!
Big_book_1B.indd 38 17-12-19 15:29
No, it's me!
Where is Nina Mouse? Where is Nina Mouse?
Where can she be? Where can she be?
Is she in the bathroom, hiding in the shower?
Let’s go see!
Big_book_1B.indd 39 17-12-19 15:29
Where is Nina Mouse? Where is Nina Mouse?
Where can she be? Where can she be?
Is she in the dining room, hiding in the teacup?
Let’s go see!
No, it's me!
Big_book_1B.indd 40 17-12-19 15:29
Where is Nina Mouse? Where is Nina Mouse?
Where can she be? Where can she be?
Is she in the playroom, hiding in the dollhouse?
Yes, it's me!
Come to tea!
Big_book_1B.indd 41 17-12-19 15:29
Unit 8
We’re going on a shell hunt. We’re going to a big beach.
It’s a sunny day. Come on! Let’s go!
Let's go
to the
Big_book_1B.indd 42 17-12-19 15:29
Look! A car, a big yellow car.
Brrrmmm, brrrmmm, brrrmmm, brrrmmm…
Get in! Let’s go!
Uh–oh! A road, a big black road.
We can’t go over it. We can’t go
under it. We’ll have to go on it!
Oh, no! What are we going to do?
Big_book_1B.indd 43 17-12-19 15:29
Look! A plane, a big white plane. Zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom…
Get on! Let’s go!
Uh–oh! A mountain, a big brown mountain.
We can’t go over it. We can’t go under it. We’ll have to fly around it!
Oh, no! What are we going to do?
Big_book_1B.indd 44 17-12-19 15:29
Look! A boat, a big purple boat.
Row, row, row, row…
Get on! Let’s go!
Oh-oh! A river, a deep blue river.
We can’t go over it. We can’t go
under it. We’ll have to sail on it!
Oh, no! What are we going to do?
Big_book_1B.indd 45 17-12-19 15:29
Uh–oh! A track, a long dusty track.
We can’t go over it. We can’t go under
it. We’ll have to go on it!
Oh, no! What are we going to do?
Look! A train, a long red train.
Chug, chug, chug, chug…
Get on! Let’s go!
Big_book_1B.indd 46 17-12-19 15:29
We’re going on a shell hunt. We’re going to a big beach.
It’s a sunny day. Come on! Let’s go!
Look! A beach, a big beautiful beach.
Hurray! We made it! Let’s go and look for shells!
Big_book_1B.indd 47 17-12-19 15:29
This is the end of our book.
It was created by people who love books.
And now that you’ve read this book, you see,
it has become a part of you!
Big_book_1B.indd 48 17-12-19 15:29
1º básico Inglés - Big Book.pdf
1º básico Inglés - Big Book.pdf

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1º básico Inglés - Big Book.pdf

  • 1. 1 1 Big Book Big Book Edición especial para el Ministerio de Educación. Prohibida su comercialización.
  • 4. Big Book 1 is a compilation of adapted materials from the Gumdrops and Tippy Toes series, levels 1, 2 and 3. It has been adapted by Richmond Publishing Department of Education, commissioned by RODOLFO HIDALGO CAPRILE Quedan rigurosamente prohibidas, sin la autorización escrita de los titulares del derecho de autor, bajo las sanciones establecidas en las leyes, la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra por cualquier medio o procedimiento, comprendidos la reprografía y el tratamiento informático, y la distribución en ejemplares de ella mediante alquiler o préstamo público. La editorial ha hecho todo lo posible por conseguir los permisos correspondientes para las obras con derecho de autor que aparecen en el presente texto. Cualquier error u omisión será rectificado en futuras impresiones a medida que la información esté disponible © 2019, by Santillana del Pacífico S. A. de Ediciones. Avda. Andrés Bello 2299, piso 10, Providencia, Santiago (Chile). PRINTED IN CHILE. Impreso en Chile por Quilicura Impresores. ISBN: 978-956-15-3470-4 – Inscripción nº 310.673 Se terminó de imprimir esta 2ª edición de 7.626 ejemplares, en el mes de septiembre del año 2020. www.santillana.cl infochile@santillana.com Santillana® es una marca registrada de Grupo Santillana de Ediciones, S. L. Todos los derechos reservados. Gumdrops Big book Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 Author: Rebecca Lee Williams Publisher: Justine Piekarowicz Editorial Manager: Jacaranda Ruiz Technical Coordinator: Daniel Santillán Illustrations: Mónica Cáhue, A Corazón Abierto, Claudia Navarro, Natalia Velázquez, David Peón Tippy Toes Big book level 1 Author: Rebecca Williams Salvador Publisher: Justine Piekarowicz Editorial Manager: Jacaranda Ruiz Technical Coordinator: Daniel Santillán Illustrations: Gerardo Baró, Mariana Inés Díaz, Humberto García, Maya García, Marcela Gómez, Inés Huni, Teresa Martínez, Eugenia Nobati, David Peón, Soledad Sebastían, Analia Testone, Jaqueline Velásquez Big Book 1 Editor: Manoli Camacho Ángeles Head of design department: Verónica Román Soto Design and layout: Sergio Pérez Jara Recordings: Sonia Ortiz Finch Big_book_1B.indd 2 27-12-19 18:15
  • 5. Contents Story Pages Track CD 3 1 Inside my schoolbag.....................................................................4 – 7.....................................................11 2 I'm a superhero!.................................................................................. 8 – 13.....................................................12 3 The chocolate cake..............................................................14 – 19.....................................................13 4 I love my pet...........................................................................................20 – 23.....................................................14 5 Little Monster's birthday cake......................24 – 29.....................................................15 6 Where's Teddy?.............................................................................30 – 35.....................................................16 7 Where is Nina Mouse?..................................................36 – 41.....................................................17 8 Let's go to the beach!.....................................................42 – 47.....................................................18 Big_book_1B.indd 3 26-12-19 13:57
  • 6. Peek inside my schoolbag, What do you see? A pencil for you, And a pencil for me. schoolbag Unit 1 Inside my 4 Big_book_1B.indd 4 17-12-19 15:27
  • 7. Peek inside my schoolbag, What do you see? A glue stick for you, And a glue stick for me. 5 Big_book_1B.indd 5 17-12-19 15:27
  • 8. Peek inside my schoolbag, What do you see? Some scissors for you, And some scissors for me. 6 Big_book_1B.indd 6 17-12-19 15:27
  • 9. We have our school things, We’re ready as can be. It’s time for school, So follow me! 7 Big_book_1B.indd 7 17-12-19 15:27
  • 10. Unit 2 I have ten strong fingers and ten strong toes. 8 superhero! a I'm Big_book_1B.indd 8 17-12-19 15:27
  • 11. I have two big eyes and one small nose. 9 Big_book_1B.indd 9 17-12-19 15:27
  • 12. One mouth to grin, two ears, one chin. 10 Big_book_1B.indd 10 17-12-19 15:27
  • 13. My legs are long. 11 Big_book_1B.indd 11 17-12-19 15:27
  • 14. And my arms are strong! 12 Big_book_1B.indd 12 17-12-19 15:27
  • 15. But that’s not all, because you see... I’m a superhero! Yes! That’s me! 13 Big_book_1B.indd 13 17-12-19 15:27
  • 16. Unit 3 Oh no! Someone ate the chocolate cake! Who could it be? Chocolate cake on a plate. It looks good. It tastes great! I love chocolate cake! chocolate cake The 14 Big_book_1B.indd 14 17-12-19 15:27
  • 17. Then who ate the chocolate cake? Who could it be? Mummy! Mummy, Mummy, was it Mummy? “No, it wasn’t me.” 15 Big_book_1B.indd 15 17-12-19 15:27
  • 18. Then who ate the chocolate cake? Who could it be? Daddy! Daddy, Daddy, was it Daddy? “No, it wasn’t me.” 16 Big_book_1B.indd 16 17-12-19 15:27
  • 19. Then who ate the chocolate cake? Who could it be? Sister! Sister, Sister, was it Sister? “No, it wasn’t me.” 17 Big_book_1B.indd 17 17-12-19 15:28
  • 20. So who ate the chocolate cake? Who could it be? It wasn’t Mummy. It wasn’t Daddy. It wasn’t Sister. 18 Big_book_1B.indd 18 17-12-19 15:28
  • 21. Oh… It must have been me! 19 Big_book_1B.indd 19 17-12-19 15:28
  • 22. Unit 4 my pet I love I love my cat and my cat loves me. I take care of my cat as you can see. My cat says, “Meow, meow. Fiddle-dee-dee.” And she drinks her milk, one, two, three. 20 Big_book_1B.indd 20 17-12-19 15:28
  • 23. I love my dog and my dog loves me. I take care of my dog as you can see. My dog says, “Bow-wow, bow-wow. Fiddle-dee-dee.” And we go for a walk, one, two, three. 21 Big_book_1B.indd 21 17-12-19 15:28
  • 24. I love my fish and my fish loves me. I take care of my fish as you can see. My fish says, “Blurp, blurp, blurp, blurp. Fiddle-dee-dee.” And he swims around, one, two, three. 22 Big_book_1B.indd 22 17-12-19 15:28
  • 25. I love my bird and my bird loves me. I take care of my bird as you can see. My bird says, “Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp. Fiddle-dee-dee.” And she flies around one, two, three. 23 Big_book_1B.indd 23 17-12-19 15:28
  • 26. Unit 5 birthday cake Monster's Little But I do like snails. I don’t like sugar… 24 Big_book_1B.indd 24 17-12-19 15:28
  • 27. But I do like nails. I don’t like chocolate… 25 Big_book_1B.indd 25 17-12-19 15:28
  • 28. But I do like slugs. I don’t like eggs… 26 Big_book_1B.indd 26 17-12-19 15:28
  • 29. But I do like bugs. I don’t like milk… 27 Big_book_1B.indd 27 17-12-19 15:28
  • 30. Mix it, bash it, give it a shake… 28 Big_book_1B.indd 28 17-12-19 15:28
  • 31. And here it is, the perfect birthday cake! 29 Big_book_1B.indd 29 17-12-19 15:28
  • 32. Unit 6 Lucia has lost her teddy bear. Oh, where can her teddy be? Let’s help her look around her room. Let’s look around and see. Teddy? Where's 30 Big_book_1B.indd 30 17-12-19 15:28
  • 33. Is her teddy bear in her big toy box? Is that where her teddy can be? No, that’s not Lucia’s teddy bear. It’s her yellow car we see. 31 Big_book_1B.indd 31 17-12-19 15:28
  • 34. Is her teddy bear on her rocking chair? Is that where her teddy can be? No, that’s not Lucia’s teddy bear. It’s her baby doll we see. 32 Big_book_1B.indd 32 17-12-19 15:28
  • 35. Is her teddy bear under her toy shelf? Is that where her teddy can be? No, that’s not Lucia’s teddy bear. It’s her purple ball we see. 33 Big_book_1B.indd 33 17-12-19 15:28
  • 36. Is her teddy bear in her cozy pink bed? Let’s take a peek and see... Yes, that’s Lucia’s teddy bear. He was there for all to see! 34 Big_book_1B.indd 34 17-12-19 15:28
  • 37. We’ve helped Lucia find her bear. She’s as happy as can be. Now she’s ready to go to sleep. “Good night, Lucia, sweet dreams!” 35 Big_book_1B.indd 35 17-12-19 15:28
  • 38. Unit 7 36 Where is Nina Mouse? Where is Nina Mouse? Where can she be? Where can she be? Is she in the bedroom, hiding under her bed? Let’s go see! Nina Mouse? Where is No, it's me! Big_book_1B.indd 36 17-12-19 15:28
  • 39. 37 No, it's me! Where is Nina Mouse? Where is Nina Mouse? Where can she be? Where can she be? Is she in the kitchen, hiding in the cupboard? Let’s go see! Big_book_1B.indd 37 17-12-19 15:28
  • 40. 38 Where is Nina Mouse? Where is Nina Mouse? Where can she be? Where can she be? Is she in the living room, hiding behind the sofa? Let’s go see! No, it's me! Big_book_1B.indd 38 17-12-19 15:29
  • 41. 39 No, it's me! Where is Nina Mouse? Where is Nina Mouse? Where can she be? Where can she be? Is she in the bathroom, hiding in the shower? Let’s go see! Big_book_1B.indd 39 17-12-19 15:29
  • 42. 40 Where is Nina Mouse? Where is Nina Mouse? Where can she be? Where can she be? Is she in the dining room, hiding in the teacup? Let’s go see! No, it's me! Big_book_1B.indd 40 17-12-19 15:29
  • 43. 41 Where is Nina Mouse? Where is Nina Mouse? Where can she be? Where can she be? Is she in the playroom, hiding in the dollhouse? Yes, it's me! Come to tea! Big_book_1B.indd 41 17-12-19 15:29
  • 44. Unit 8 We’re going on a shell hunt. We’re going to a big beach. It’s a sunny day. Come on! Let’s go! Let's go to the beach! 42 Big_book_1B.indd 42 17-12-19 15:29
  • 45. Look! A car, a big yellow car. Brrrmmm, brrrmmm, brrrmmm, brrrmmm… Get in! Let’s go! Uh–oh! A road, a big black road. We can’t go over it. We can’t go under it. We’ll have to go on it! Oh, no! What are we going to do? 43 Big_book_1B.indd 43 17-12-19 15:29
  • 46. Look! A plane, a big white plane. Zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom… Get on! Let’s go! Uh–oh! A mountain, a big brown mountain. We can’t go over it. We can’t go under it. We’ll have to fly around it! Oh, no! What are we going to do? 44 Big_book_1B.indd 44 17-12-19 15:29
  • 47. Look! A boat, a big purple boat. Row, row, row, row… Get on! Let’s go! Oh-oh! A river, a deep blue river. We can’t go over it. We can’t go under it. We’ll have to sail on it! Oh, no! What are we going to do? 45 Big_book_1B.indd 45 17-12-19 15:29
  • 48. Uh–oh! A track, a long dusty track. We can’t go over it. We can’t go under it. We’ll have to go on it! Oh, no! What are we going to do? Look! A train, a long red train. Chug, chug, chug, chug… Get on! Let’s go! 46 Big_book_1B.indd 46 17-12-19 15:29
  • 49. We’re going on a shell hunt. We’re going to a big beach. It’s a sunny day. Come on! Let’s go! Look! A beach, a big beautiful beach. Hurray! We made it! Let’s go and look for shells! 47 Big_book_1B.indd 47 17-12-19 15:29
  • 50. This is the end of our book. It was created by people who love books. And now that you’ve read this book, you see, it has become a part of you! Big_book_1B.indd 48 17-12-19 15:29