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Korean Coffee Market 1

            State of Koreas Coffee Import
            The first issue of Monthly Coffee was published in October 2001 - it has since already been 10 years and
            how much did the Korean coffee market grow by 2011? Koreans have visibly become coffeeholics unable
            to live without coffee and it is easy to find a specialized coffee shop in Korea. To grasp how much coffee was
            imported to Korea and how much was exported in the last 10 years, we have examined their growth.

            Q. How much coffee was imported to Korea in the last 10 years?
            A. Koreans drank about 48.3 billion cups of coffee in the last 10 years.
             F ro m Ja n u a r y 2 0 0 1 t o S e p t e m b e r    Amount of coffee imported to Korea
            2011, coffee imported to Korea (green                (Growing rate of coffee imported to Korea/unit: US$ 1,000, ton)
            beans +coffee beans with and without                                                                                                   102,086

            caffeine) amounted to 980,263 tons and if                                                                                                         100,576               92,040
            subtracting from it the amount of exported
            coffee (12,560 tons), Korean drank coffee                                                84,217
                                                                                                                     85,032    86,594
            amounting to about 48.3 billion cups if                             80,233
            we presume it takes 20g of coffee beans to             75,186                   75,331

            make one cup of Americano (as of 2 shots).
                The annual import of beans steadily
            increased from 75,000 tons in 2001 to                                                                                                                                 461,761

            over 110,000 tons last year, recording a 48                          weight
            percent rise. The sum of imported coffee                                                                                               289,254
            increased more dramatically by 414 percent
            from US$ 72 million to US$ 370 million                                                                             162,736
            during the same years. In 2011 also, the                                                      96,074
                                                                       72,249      71,423     78,597
            amount of imported coffee recorded 92,040
            tons until September, reaching about the                   2001       2002        2003            2004   2005      2006       2007      2008      2009       2010       2011
            same level as the previous year.                     Annual amount of imported coffee (Green beans + Roasted beans / decaffeinated coffee)

       02    www.coffeero.com

002,005-蠏碁Π觜.indd    1                                                                                                                                                                      12. 04. 10   ろ 8:36
Roasted beans                                         Roasted beans
                      Roasted beans                                      (with caffeine)                                       (with caffeine) Roasted beans                             Roasted beans
                                                                                                 Roasted beans
                      (with caffeine) Roasted beans                            4%
                                                         Green beans                           (without caffeine) Green beans                  (without caffeine)        Roasted beans (without caffeine)
          Green beans                 (without caffeine) (without caffeine)                           0.2%
                                                                                                                  (without caffeine)                                     (with caffeine)
                                                 0.1%           0.8%
          (without caffeine)                                                                                                                                    Green beans
                                                                                                                                                                (without caffeine)

                                   Total                                              Total                                                                                                   Total
                                  amount                                                                                                    Total
                                   75,186                                            111,625                                             980,263                                           2,224,528
                               Green beans
                               (with caffeine)                                   Green beans                                            Green beans                                        Green beans
                                     98%                                        (with caffeine)                                        (with caffeine)                                    (with caffeine)
                                                                                      98%                                                    98%                                                98%

                                  2001                                               2010                                       Weight of imported coffee (T)                  Value of imported coffee (US $1000)

                          Growth change of the domestic coffee imports                                                             The number of coffee status (2001 2011)

          (1) Green beans                                                                                             Amount of green bean import (with caffeine/unit: US$ 1,000, ton)

             Green beans imported to Korea over the last 10                                                      	     Period	      Weight of imported green beans	          Value of imported green beans
                                                                                                                 	      2001	                        73,516	                                63,550
          years amounted to 97 percent of the total import of                                                    	      2002	                        78,212	                                 61,142
          coffee. The import of green beans recorded steady                                                      	      2003	                        73,451	                                69,077
          growth from the change of consumption pattern                                                          	      2004	                       80,427	                                 83,443
                                                                                                                 	      2005	                       82,482	                                 126,862
          from coffee and Robusta of various producing                                                           	      2006	                       83,990	                                 143,682
          countries to Arabica and other various types due                                                       	      2007	                       83,597	                                 174,295
          to the roasting fever in Korea. However, with the                                                      	      2008	                       97,039	                                 248,731
                                                                                                                 	      2009	                       96,044	                                 230,593
          international rise in the coffee price, the cost of
                                                                                                                 	      2010	                       106,384	                                313,128
          imported coffee increased from an average of US$                                                       	      2011	                       87,502	                                 396,783
          860 per ton in 2001 to US$ 4,000 in 2011.
             In contrast, the amount of decaffeinated green                                                           Amount of imported Roasted beans (with caffeine/unit: US$ 1,000, ton)
          bean import is steadily decreasing because only a                                                      	     Period	     Weight of imported roasted beans	 Value of imported roasted beans

          limited number of shops in Korea sell decaffeinated                                                    	      2001	                            598	                                5,357
                                                                                                                 	      2002	                            721	                                6,784
          coffee and those selling the coffee import and use                                                     	      2003	                            775	                                6,849
          beans roasted abroad instead of roasting them in                                                       	      2004	                            870	                                8,203
          Korea.                                                                                                 	      2005	                         1,148	                                 10,797
                                                                                                                 	      2006	                         1,567	                                 15,427
                                                                                                                 	      2007	                         2,443	                                24,897
          (2) Roasted beans                                   	 2008	          3,012	               35,477
             If we look at the amount of roasted coffee beans 	 2009	          3,462	               40,738
                                                              	 2010	          4,323	               52,968
          imported to Korea last year, it grew sevenfold 	 2011	               3,897	               59,598
          from 2001 reaching about 4,300 tons in 2010. The
          growth of coffee shops in Korea has supported this increase of which the steady growth of global coffee
          chain shops played an important part. However, this is very little compared to the amount of imported
          green beans because of own roasting by Korean coffee franchise shops and the fever of roastery business
          startups in Korea.

                                                                                                                                                                                                               2012     03

002,005-蠏碁Π觜.indd         2                                                                                                                                                                                           12. 04. 10   ろ 8:36
 2001~2011 State of total import of green beans by country
                                                               (Countries from which more than 100 tons of green beans were
                                                               imported to Korea /unit: US$ 1,000, ton)

                                                                                     Weight of imported    Value of imported        Year with the largest
                                                                                       green beans           green beans          amount of import (weight)
                                                              	       Vietnam	           387,062	                 487,860	               2008 (47,055)
                                                              	        Brazil	           143,320	                   355,122	             2010 (19,849)
                                                              	       Colombia	           117,518	                370,649	               2010 (14,361)
                                                              	      Honduras	            95,678	                   256,511	             2010 (12,172)
                                                              	      Indonesia	           63,249	                   64,937	              2002 (16,606)
                                                              	         Peru	             54,536	                   148,246	             2008 (8,011)
                                                              	        Mexico	            12,917	                   23,570	              2004 (2,491)
                                                              	       Ethiopia	           12,208	                   40,324	              2010 (2,908)
                                                              	      Guatemala	           10,056	                   39,287	              2010 (5,096)
                                                              	       Thailand	           8,921	                     4,116	              2001 (8,629)
                                                              	   PapuaNew Guinea	        7,474	                    19,400	              2008 (1,766)
                                                              	      Costa Rica	          7,205	                    23,643	              2001 (1,546)
                                                              	        China	             6,554	                    21,193	              2009 (2,017)
                                                              	      El Salvador	         4,636	                    10,011	              2003 (1,403)
                                                              	         India	            4,466	                    14,223	               2011 (1,475)
                                                              	        Kenya	              1,742	                   10,755	               2009 (433)
                                                              	       Tanzania	            1,632	                    5,661	               2011 (385)
                                                              	        Japan	              688	                      1,786	               2007 (303)
                                                              	      Nicaragua	            658	                      2,673	               2010 (299)
                                                              	        Spain	                 338	                    821	                2001 (218)
                                                              	     United States	            310	                   1,905	                2001 (131)
                                                              	        Nepal	              204	                      1,043	                2011 (124)
                                                              	        Timor	                 180	                   546	                 2009 (46)
                                                              	       Uganda	                 176	                   782	                  2011 (97)

                                                               Import trends of green beans in the last three years
                                                               (Countries from which more than 100 tons of green beans were
                                                                 imported to Korea/unit: US$ 1,000, ton)

            Q. From which country did Korea
                                                                                       2009                2010                2011            Total Weight
                                                                  imported from

            import coffee the most in the last 10             	      Vietnam	          33,349	            33,632	              28,776	            95,757

                                                              	       Brazil	          17,333	            19,849	              18,230	            55,412
                                                              	     Colombia	          13,733	            14,361	              13,214	            41,308
            A. For green beans, Vietnam, Brazil,              	     Honduras	          11,116	            12,172	              10,746	            34,034
            Colombia, Honduras, Indonesia and                 	       Peru	            6,538	             7,333	               4,195	             18,066

            Peru, for coffee beans, the United                	     Indonesia	         6,272	             5,972	               1,090	             13,334

            States, Italy, Japan and Switzerland
                                                              	     Guatemala	          919	              5,096	               1,988	             8,003
                                                              	      Ethiopia	         1,886	             2,908	               2,659	              7,453
                                                              	       China	           2,017	              578	                1,562	              4,157

            State of coffee import by country                 	     Costa Rica	         914	               808	                1,227	             2,949
                                                              	       India	             6	                683	                1,475	              2,164
                (1) Green beans                               	 PapuaNew Guinea	        750	               1,174	               129	              2,053
                (except for decaffeinated)                    	       Kenya	            433	               390	                 414	               1,237
                Countries that exported the largest amount    	      Mexico	            305	               284	                 258	               847
                                                              	     Tanzania	           175	               187	                 385	                747
            of green beans to Korea in the last 10 years      	     Nicaragua	           61	               299	                 238	               598
            were in the order of Vietnam, Brazil, Colombia,   	    El Salvador	          14	               405	                 428	               428
            Honduras, Indonesia and Peru. These six           	       Nepal	             38	                19	                 124	                181
                                                              	      Uganda	             19	                60	                 97	                 176
            countries accounted for about 91 percent of
            all imported green beans to Korea in the last
            10 years. In particular, imported green beans     not on the top list, Korean consumers have also shown
            from Vietnam in 2008 alone was twice the total    great interest in coffee from Nicaragua, El Salvador, India,
            amount of imported coffee beans in the last       Ethiopia, Kenya, Costa Rica, and Tanzania, which showed
            10 years, showing amazing growth. Although        large growth rates. Though not in large amounts, coffee

       04    www.coffeero.com

002,005-蠏碁Π觜.indd   3                                                                                                                                        12. 04. 10   ろ 8:36
import from El Salvador, Uganda, Rwanda,                              2001~2011 State of total import of coffee beans by country
                                                                                (Countries from which over 50 tons of coffee beans were
          Laos, Dominican Republic, Bolivia, Myanmar,                           imported to Korea/unit: US$ 1,000, ton)
          and Panama also recently visibly increased.                                                 Weight of imported   Value of imported       Year with the largest
          Countries that exported the most green beans                                                  coffee beans         coffee beans        amount of import (weight)

          to Korea last year or until September 2011                           	     United States	        12,643	                  128,522	            2010 (2,214)
                                                                               	          Italy	           4,133	                   52,537	             2010 (773)
          were Brazil, Colombia, Honduras, Ethiopia,
                                                                               	         Japan	            1,593	                   15,194	             2010 (554)
          Guatemala, Tanzania, Nicaragua, Nepal and                            	      Switzerland	         1,334	                   35,958	              2011 (373)
          Uganda.                                                              	         Brazil	               634	                 5,989	              2011 (404)
                                                                               	       Germany	                 577	                6,074	               2011 (88)
                                                                               	        Canada	                326	                  3,142	              2010 (41)
              (2) Roasted beans                                                	       Australia	               319	                3,629	               2010 (59)
              (except for decaffeinated)                                       	    United Kingdom	            295	                  5,227	              2011 (194)
              Countries which expor ted the largest                            	      Guatemala	                134	                 1,899	              2011 (134)

          amount of coffee beans to Korea in the last                          	       Colombia	                127	                 1,263	              2011 (83)
                                                                               	        France	                 115	                 1,319	              2011 (22)
          10 years were in the order of the United                             	       Indonesia	               92	                  726	                2011 (54)
          States, Italy, Japan, and Switzerland. Coffee                        	        Vietnam	                68	                  396	                2008 (34)
          beans exported from these four countries                             	      Netherlands	              62	                  763	                2002 (12)
                                                                               	        Poland	                 54	                  488	                2008 (19)
          to Korea accounted for about 86 percent
          of total import. In particular, the amount
                                                                                Import trends of coffee beans in the last three years
          of coffee beans imported from the United                              (Of countries from which more than 30 tons of coffee beans
          States in 2010 alone was three times that of                          were imported to Korea)
          Italy, the hometown of espresso, showing
          the popularity of coffee chain shops from the                             imported from
                                                                                                        2009               2010                2011          Total Weight

          United States.                                                       	    United States	      2,050	             2,214	              1,558	           5,822

              Data o f many co ffe e b ean ex p or ting                        	        Italy	           620	              773	                622	              2,015
                                                                               	       Japan	            306	              554	                190	             1,050
          c o u n t r i e s s u c h a s S w i t z e r l a n d , B ra z i l ,   	     Switzerland	        215	              340	                373	              928
          Germany and the United Kingdom, have                                 	       Brazil	            9	                118	               404	               531
          not been calculated yet for 2011, but they                           	   United Kingdom	        26	               41	                194	               261

          have already recorded the highest amount                             	      Germany	            69	               86	                 88	              243
                                                                               	      Australia	          49	               59	                 39	               147
          of export to Korea until September 2011. If                          	     Guatemala	           0	                0	                 134	               134
          during the left months of 2011, import of                            	      Colombia	           11	               24	                 83	               118
          coffee beans from the United States, Italy and                       	      Canada	             26	               41	                 30	                  97
                                                                               	     Indonesia	           5	                6	                  54	                  65
          Japan recovers the level of 2010, the amount
                                                                               	       France	            12	               22	                 22	                  56
          of coffee bean import to Korea is expected to                        	       Mexico	            0	                0	                  32	                  32
          break the record of 2010 in 2011.                                    	        Peru	             0	                0	                  30	                  30

                                                                                                                                                                     2012     05

002,005-蠏碁Π觜.indd    4                                                                                                                                                      12. 04. 10   ろ 8:36

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1. Korean Coffee Imports

  • 1. Korean Coffee Market 1 2001-2011 State of Koreas Coffee Import The first issue of Monthly Coffee was published in October 2001 - it has since already been 10 years and how much did the Korean coffee market grow by 2011? Koreans have visibly become coffeeholics unable to live without coffee and it is easy to find a specialized coffee shop in Korea. To grasp how much coffee was imported to Korea and how much was exported in the last 10 years, we have examined their growth. Q. How much coffee was imported to Korea in the last 10 years? A. Koreans drank about 48.3 billion cups of coffee in the last 10 years. F ro m Ja n u a r y 2 0 0 1 t o S e p t e m b e r Amount of coffee imported to Korea 2011, coffee imported to Korea (green (Growing rate of coffee imported to Korea/unit: US$ 1,000, ton) 111,625 beans +coffee beans with and without 102,086 caffeine) amounted to 980,263 tons and if 100,576 92,040 subtracting from it the amount of exported coffee (12,560 tons), Korean drank coffee 84,217 87,345 85,032 86,594 amounting to about 48.3 billion cups if 80,233 we presume it takes 20g of coffee beans to 75,186 75,331 make one cup of Americano (as of 2 shots). The annual import of beans steadily increased from 75,000 tons in 2001 to 461,761 over 110,000 tons last year, recording a 48 weight 371,612 price percent rise. The sum of imported coffee 289,254 276,284 increased more dramatically by 414 percent 203,934 from US$ 72 million to US$ 370 million 162,736 140,604 during the same years. In 2011 also, the 96,074 72,249 71,423 78,597 amount of imported coffee recorded 92,040 tons until September, reaching about the 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 same level as the previous year. Annual amount of imported coffee (Green beans + Roasted beans / decaffeinated coffee) 02 www.coffeero.com 002,005-蠏碁Π觜.indd 1 12. 04. 10 ろ 8:36
  • 2. Roasted beans Roasted beans Roasted beans (with caffeine) (with caffeine) Roasted beans Roasted beans Roasted beans (with caffeine) Roasted beans 4% 0.8% Green beans (without caffeine) Green beans (without caffeine) Roasted beans (without caffeine) Green beans (without caffeine) (without caffeine) 0.2% (without caffeine) (with caffeine) 0.1% 0.8% (without caffeine) Green beans 1.1% (without caffeine) Total Total Total amount Total amount 75,186 111,625 980,263 2,224,528 Green beans (with caffeine) Green beans Green beans Green beans 98% (with caffeine) (with caffeine) (with caffeine) 98% 98% 98% 2001 2010 Weight of imported coffee (T) Value of imported coffee (US $1000) Growth change of the domestic coffee imports The number of coffee status (2001 2011) (1) Green beans Amount of green bean import (with caffeine/unit: US$ 1,000, ton) Green beans imported to Korea over the last 10 Period Weight of imported green beans Value of imported green beans 2001 73,516 63,550 years amounted to 97 percent of the total import of 2002 78,212 61,142 coffee. The import of green beans recorded steady 2003 73,451 69,077 growth from the change of consumption pattern 2004 80,427 83,443 2005 82,482 126,862 from coffee and Robusta of various producing 2006 83,990 143,682 countries to Arabica and other various types due 2007 83,597 174,295 to the roasting fever in Korea. However, with the 2008 97,039 248,731 2009 96,044 230,593 international rise in the coffee price, the cost of 2010 106,384 313,128 imported coffee increased from an average of US$ 2011 87,502 396,783 860 per ton in 2001 to US$ 4,000 in 2011. In contrast, the amount of decaffeinated green Amount of imported Roasted beans (with caffeine/unit: US$ 1,000, ton) bean import is steadily decreasing because only a Period Weight of imported roasted beans Value of imported roasted beans limited number of shops in Korea sell decaffeinated 2001 598 5,357 2002 721 6,784 coffee and those selling the coffee import and use 2003 775 6,849 beans roasted abroad instead of roasting them in 2004 870 8,203 Korea. 2005 1,148 10,797 2006 1,567 15,427 2007 2,443 24,897 (2) Roasted beans 2008 3,012 35,477 If we look at the amount of roasted coffee beans 2009 3,462 40,738 2010 4,323 52,968 imported to Korea last year, it grew sevenfold 2011 3,897 59,598 from 2001 reaching about 4,300 tons in 2010. The growth of coffee shops in Korea has supported this increase of which the steady growth of global coffee chain shops played an important part. However, this is very little compared to the amount of imported green beans because of own roasting by Korean coffee franchise shops and the fever of roastery business startups in Korea. 2012 03 002,005-蠏碁Π觜.indd 2 12. 04. 10 ろ 8:36
  • 3. 2001~2011 State of total import of green beans by country (Countries from which more than 100 tons of green beans were imported to Korea /unit: US$ 1,000, ton) Weight of imported Value of imported Year with the largest green beans green beans amount of import (weight) Vietnam 387,062 487,860 2008 (47,055) Brazil 143,320 355,122 2010 (19,849) Colombia 117,518 370,649 2010 (14,361) Honduras 95,678 256,511 2010 (12,172) Indonesia 63,249 64,937 2002 (16,606) Peru 54,536 148,246 2008 (8,011) Mexico 12,917 23,570 2004 (2,491) Ethiopia 12,208 40,324 2010 (2,908) Guatemala 10,056 39,287 2010 (5,096) Thailand 8,921 4,116 2001 (8,629) PapuaNew Guinea 7,474 19,400 2008 (1,766) Costa Rica 7,205 23,643 2001 (1,546) China 6,554 21,193 2009 (2,017) El Salvador 4,636 10,011 2003 (1,403) India 4,466 14,223 2011 (1,475) Kenya 1,742 10,755 2009 (433) Tanzania 1,632 5,661 2011 (385) Japan 688 1,786 2007 (303) Nicaragua 658 2,673 2010 (299) Spain 338 821 2001 (218) United States 310 1,905 2001 (131) Nepal 204 1,043 2011 (124) Timor 180 546 2009 (46) Uganda 176 782 2011 (97) Import trends of green beans in the last three years (Countries from which more than 100 tons of green beans were imported to Korea/unit: US$ 1,000, ton) Country Q. From which country did Korea 2009 2010 2011 Total Weight imported from import coffee the most in the last 10 Vietnam 33,349 33,632 28,776 95,757 years? Brazil 17,333 19,849 18,230 55,412 Colombia 13,733 14,361 13,214 41,308 A. For green beans, Vietnam, Brazil, Honduras 11,116 12,172 10,746 34,034 Colombia, Honduras, Indonesia and Peru 6,538 7,333 4,195 18,066 Peru, for coffee beans, the United Indonesia 6,272 5,972 1,090 13,334 States, Italy, Japan and Switzerland Guatemala 919 5,096 1,988 8,003 Ethiopia 1,886 2,908 2,659 7,453 China 2,017 578 1,562 4,157 State of coffee import by country Costa Rica 914 808 1,227 2,949 India 6 683 1,475 2,164 (1) Green beans PapuaNew Guinea 750 1,174 129 2,053 (except for decaffeinated) Kenya 433 390 414 1,237 Countries that exported the largest amount Mexico 305 284 258 847 Tanzania 175 187 385 747 of green beans to Korea in the last 10 years Nicaragua 61 299 238 598 were in the order of Vietnam, Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador 14 405 428 428 Honduras, Indonesia and Peru. These six Nepal 38 19 124 181 Uganda 19 60 97 176 countries accounted for about 91 percent of all imported green beans to Korea in the last 10 years. In particular, imported green beans not on the top list, Korean consumers have also shown from Vietnam in 2008 alone was twice the total great interest in coffee from Nicaragua, El Salvador, India, amount of imported coffee beans in the last Ethiopia, Kenya, Costa Rica, and Tanzania, which showed 10 years, showing amazing growth. Although large growth rates. Though not in large amounts, coffee 04 www.coffeero.com 002,005-蠏碁Π觜.indd 3 12. 04. 10 ろ 8:36
  • 4. import from El Salvador, Uganda, Rwanda, 2001~2011 State of total import of coffee beans by country (Countries from which over 50 tons of coffee beans were Laos, Dominican Republic, Bolivia, Myanmar, imported to Korea/unit: US$ 1,000, ton) and Panama also recently visibly increased. Weight of imported Value of imported Year with the largest Countries that exported the most green beans coffee beans coffee beans amount of import (weight) to Korea last year or until September 2011 United States 12,643 128,522 2010 (2,214) Italy 4,133 52,537 2010 (773) were Brazil, Colombia, Honduras, Ethiopia, Japan 1,593 15,194 2010 (554) Guatemala, Tanzania, Nicaragua, Nepal and Switzerland 1,334 35,958 2011 (373) Uganda. Brazil 634 5,989 2011 (404) Germany 577 6,074 2011 (88) Canada 326 3,142 2010 (41) (2) Roasted beans Australia 319 3,629 2010 (59) (except for decaffeinated) United Kingdom 295 5,227 2011 (194) Countries which expor ted the largest Guatemala 134 1,899 2011 (134) amount of coffee beans to Korea in the last Colombia 127 1,263 2011 (83) France 115 1,319 2011 (22) 10 years were in the order of the United Indonesia 92 726 2011 (54) States, Italy, Japan, and Switzerland. Coffee Vietnam 68 396 2008 (34) beans exported from these four countries Netherlands 62 763 2002 (12) Poland 54 488 2008 (19) to Korea accounted for about 86 percent of total import. In particular, the amount Import trends of coffee beans in the last three years of coffee beans imported from the United (Of countries from which more than 30 tons of coffee beans States in 2010 alone was three times that of were imported to Korea) Italy, the hometown of espresso, showing Country the popularity of coffee chain shops from the imported from 2009 2010 2011 Total Weight United States. United States 2,050 2,214 1,558 5,822 Data o f many co ffe e b ean ex p or ting Italy 620 773 622 2,015 Japan 306 554 190 1,050 c o u n t r i e s s u c h a s S w i t z e r l a n d , B ra z i l , Switzerland 215 340 373 928 Germany and the United Kingdom, have Brazil 9 118 404 531 not been calculated yet for 2011, but they United Kingdom 26 41 194 261 have already recorded the highest amount Germany 69 86 88 243 Australia 49 59 39 147 of export to Korea until September 2011. If Guatemala 0 0 134 134 during the left months of 2011, import of Colombia 11 24 83 118 coffee beans from the United States, Italy and Canada 26 41 30 97 Indonesia 5 6 54 65 Japan recovers the level of 2010, the amount France 12 22 22 56 of coffee bean import to Korea is expected to Mexico 0 0 32 32 break the record of 2010 in 2011. Peru 0 0 30 30 2012 05 002,005-蠏碁Π觜.indd 4 12. 04. 10 ろ 8:36