- Types of fish, how they look, where they live, how they sleep, what they eat (why big fish eat small fish), how they breathe (if they leave water they suffocate), how they are born, and more.
- Through books, documentaries, and a visit from Nacho and his fish store, they learned about many different types of fish and sea creatures.
- They studied fish anatomy and learned fish have streamlined bodies to swim, scales for protection, and different parts like fins for movement and balance.
Barack Obama is currently the President of the United States, elected every four years by popular vote. The President lives in the White House. Technology like computers and tractors are commonly used. Many religions are practiced, and music, art, and written correspondence are part of daily life. Food is obtained through grocery stores or farming. Money and cities are integral parts of the social structure.
This document discusses the evaluation of a magazine product created by the author. It summarizes how the magazine follows conventions of real music magazines, including things like a masthead, cover lines, and professional photography. It also discusses how the magazine represents social groups like young female musicians. The author explains that the target audience is 14-18 year old pop/rock fans and that the magazine would appeal to media institutions. The document also outlines how the author used design elements and a chatty tone to attract and address the intended audience. Finally, it reflects on the technologies used and what was learned throughout the process.
1. Sweet Cider Music provides a free online resource for classical music lovers to browse information, discover sections on various topics, and join a virtual club to access benefits.
2. The website offers access to various genres of international music and a wide variety of content for entertainment.
3. Visitors can easily access hip hop music and information, as the genre has become more mainstream and popular in recent years.
Iron Mountain is the largest records and information management company, offering comprehensive physical and digital solutions to store, organize, archive, and protect physical and electronic records. They have over 140,000 corporate clients globally and 60 years of experience. Their services include records storage, management and destruction, data protection, archiving and eDiscovery, and information governance consulting.
Leonardo da Vinci, The Dream And The DreamerTon Pascal
Perfect, perfect, perfect, says Professor Carlo Pedretti of the recently discovered Horse and Rider, a bronze sculpture by Leonardo da Vinci, May 2012. This bronze was cast from a mold handcrafted by the master in beeswax over five centuries ago
Leonardos dreams seem to have surpassed the dreamer. It is amazing to see all of his lost objects popping up all over the world. It is no wonder since Leonardo lived like a nomad for the most part of his life. At times on the road, he would trade a painting or a sculpture with a farmer for the simple living necessities. So, in the end he had work scattered all over the Italian territory, but not necessarily in rich Palaces.
Barbara Shipman is seeking the position of eLearning and Instructional Technology Librarian at Oakland University's Kresge Library. She has a Master's degree in Library and Information Science from Wayne State University and over 10 years of experience working in academic libraries, including her current role as a part-time librarian and lecturer at Kresge Library. Her experience includes information literacy instruction, reference services, online tutorial creation, collection development, and management of print and electronic journal subscriptions. She is proficient in library systems and technologies such as Voyager, SubjectsPlus, and Captivate.
Vibe magazine targets a young audience interested in hip-hop and R&B music. It uses creative magazine covers frequently featuring Mary J. Blige and models to appeal to readers. The magazine includes celebrity gossip and profiles of up-and-coming artists. In contrast, NME targets an older audience interested in punk and rock music. It uses vibrant colors and names of popular bands to draw attention on its covers. Both magazines effectively use cover design and prominent artists to attract their intended target audiences.
Groeien naar een rol als volwaardig Maintenance Engineer
De deelnemer en zijn werkomgeving vormen het vertrekpunt voor onze opleiding. Alle zaken die aan bod komen zijn dan ook direct toepasbaar in de eigen organisatie.
De deelnemer krijgt inzicht in de positie die hij in de organisatie inneemt. Hij wordt zich bewust van zijn rol, speelveld en invloed. De deelnemer leert welke harde en zachte competenties nodig zijn om deze rol goed te kunnen vervullen en hoe dit te bereiken.
The document provides an overview of the Halo 3 game media features and how to access them. It describes the File Share feature which allows players to upload and download custom maps, game types, video clips and screenshots. Uploading files to the File Share makes them available for other players to download. The Theater mode allows viewing gameplay videos and screenshots.
It then provides tips for several levels in the Halo 3 campaign on Legendary difficulty, including strategies for dealing with enemies and progressing through each area. Strategies include using plasma pistols to disable enemies' shields before finishing them off, prioritizing more dangerous enemies, and taking cover from airborne reinforcements.
This document provides key information for a student film project to create a 2 minute opening scene and titles for a new thriller film. It outlines the student film crew of 4, production dates and locations, orientation at a bus depot location, necessary equipment, actors, and tasks to be completed by the end of term such as storyboarding and securing track rental. Risk assessment, weather issues, and an editing schedule are also noted as factors to consider for filming during the week of December 5th, 2011.
Overview of Charlotte Danielson's book, Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching (2nd ed.). Presentation was given to a group of new teachers.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh luas kandang dan pemberian beberapa level protein terhadap gambaran darah itik Kamang betina fase starter. Tidak ditemukan interaksi antara luas kandang dan level protein, namun peningkatan luas kandang dan level protein meningkatkan jumlah eritrosit, kadar hemoglobin, dan nilai hematokrit. Luas kandang terbaik adalah 0,05 m2/ekor dengan level protein 18% untuk mendapatkan gambaran dar
This document provides information on the diagnosis and treatment of malaria. It discusses the history of malaria, including its earliest documentation and the discovery of the parasitic cause. Key points include:
- Malaria is transmitted through the bites of infected Anopheles mosquitoes.
- There are four Plasmodium species that cause malaria in humans. Each species has distinct characteristics such as incubation period and periodicity of fevers.
- Diagnosis is made through microscopic examination of blood smears to identify the parasitic species.
- Complications of malaria include cerebral malaria, severe anemia, hypoglycemia, and acute renal failure.
- Treatment depends on the parasitic species and includes chloroquine, artemether-
The document provides information for participants of the World Coffee Leaders Forum being held on November 23, 2012 in Seoul, Korea. The forum will include sessions on global coffee industry trends, the challenge of Asian markets, climate change's effects on coffee production, and sustainability. It will feature speakers from coffee organizations around the world and cover topics like market trends, environmental issues, and the relationship between producers and consumers. The event aims to discuss emerging trends and responsibilities in the global coffee industry, with a focus on opportunities in the Asian market.
- A survey of 100 roastery coffee shop owners found that most shops (47%) were located in residential areas, followed by commercial areas (13%).
- When asked about difficulties running their shops, the most common issues reported were heavy workload (23%) and managing coffee bean stock (30%).
- On average, shops sold 50-100 cups of coffee per day, with coffee drinks making up about half of total beverage sales. However, only a third promoted their identity as a roastery shop.
1) After Starbucks entered the Korean market in 1999, the number of coffee shops grew rapidly from 1,500 in 2006 to around 9,400 by the end of 2010, representing a six-fold increase.
2) While the overall Korean coffee market is growing, there are differences in growth rates and competition levels between regions. Those starting coffee businesses should consider these factors to find areas of lower competition and higher expected revenues.
3) Similar to the cosmetics industry, some coffee franchises focus on opening new shops for sales growth, but this model does not guarantee revenue for individual shops and risks oversaturation in markets like Seoul with over 2,900 shops already.
(1) Korea imported over 980,000 tons of coffee over the past 10 years, which equals approximately 48.3 billion cups.
(2) For green beans, the top importing countries were Vietnam, Brazil, Colombia, Honduras, Indonesia and Peru. For coffee beans, the United States, Italy, Japan and Switzerland exported the most.
(3) In the past three years, Brazil, Colombia, Honduras, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Tanzania, Nicaragua, Nepal and Uganda exported the most green beans to Korea.
Iron Mountain is the largest records and information management company, offering comprehensive physical and digital solutions to store, organize, archive, and protect physical and electronic records. They have over 140,000 corporate clients globally and 60 years of experience. Their services include records storage, management and destruction, data protection, archiving and eDiscovery, and information governance consulting.
Leonardo da Vinci, The Dream And The DreamerTon Pascal
Perfect, perfect, perfect, says Professor Carlo Pedretti of the recently discovered Horse and Rider, a bronze sculpture by Leonardo da Vinci, May 2012. This bronze was cast from a mold handcrafted by the master in beeswax over five centuries ago
Leonardos dreams seem to have surpassed the dreamer. It is amazing to see all of his lost objects popping up all over the world. It is no wonder since Leonardo lived like a nomad for the most part of his life. At times on the road, he would trade a painting or a sculpture with a farmer for the simple living necessities. So, in the end he had work scattered all over the Italian territory, but not necessarily in rich Palaces.
Barbara Shipman is seeking the position of eLearning and Instructional Technology Librarian at Oakland University's Kresge Library. She has a Master's degree in Library and Information Science from Wayne State University and over 10 years of experience working in academic libraries, including her current role as a part-time librarian and lecturer at Kresge Library. Her experience includes information literacy instruction, reference services, online tutorial creation, collection development, and management of print and electronic journal subscriptions. She is proficient in library systems and technologies such as Voyager, SubjectsPlus, and Captivate.
Vibe magazine targets a young audience interested in hip-hop and R&B music. It uses creative magazine covers frequently featuring Mary J. Blige and models to appeal to readers. The magazine includes celebrity gossip and profiles of up-and-coming artists. In contrast, NME targets an older audience interested in punk and rock music. It uses vibrant colors and names of popular bands to draw attention on its covers. Both magazines effectively use cover design and prominent artists to attract their intended target audiences.
Groeien naar een rol als volwaardig Maintenance Engineer
De deelnemer en zijn werkomgeving vormen het vertrekpunt voor onze opleiding. Alle zaken die aan bod komen zijn dan ook direct toepasbaar in de eigen organisatie.
De deelnemer krijgt inzicht in de positie die hij in de organisatie inneemt. Hij wordt zich bewust van zijn rol, speelveld en invloed. De deelnemer leert welke harde en zachte competenties nodig zijn om deze rol goed te kunnen vervullen en hoe dit te bereiken.
The document provides an overview of the Halo 3 game media features and how to access them. It describes the File Share feature which allows players to upload and download custom maps, game types, video clips and screenshots. Uploading files to the File Share makes them available for other players to download. The Theater mode allows viewing gameplay videos and screenshots.
It then provides tips for several levels in the Halo 3 campaign on Legendary difficulty, including strategies for dealing with enemies and progressing through each area. Strategies include using plasma pistols to disable enemies' shields before finishing them off, prioritizing more dangerous enemies, and taking cover from airborne reinforcements.
This document provides key information for a student film project to create a 2 minute opening scene and titles for a new thriller film. It outlines the student film crew of 4, production dates and locations, orientation at a bus depot location, necessary equipment, actors, and tasks to be completed by the end of term such as storyboarding and securing track rental. Risk assessment, weather issues, and an editing schedule are also noted as factors to consider for filming during the week of December 5th, 2011.
Overview of Charlotte Danielson's book, Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching (2nd ed.). Presentation was given to a group of new teachers.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh luas kandang dan pemberian beberapa level protein terhadap gambaran darah itik Kamang betina fase starter. Tidak ditemukan interaksi antara luas kandang dan level protein, namun peningkatan luas kandang dan level protein meningkatkan jumlah eritrosit, kadar hemoglobin, dan nilai hematokrit. Luas kandang terbaik adalah 0,05 m2/ekor dengan level protein 18% untuk mendapatkan gambaran dar
This document provides information on the diagnosis and treatment of malaria. It discusses the history of malaria, including its earliest documentation and the discovery of the parasitic cause. Key points include:
- Malaria is transmitted through the bites of infected Anopheles mosquitoes.
- There are four Plasmodium species that cause malaria in humans. Each species has distinct characteristics such as incubation period and periodicity of fevers.
- Diagnosis is made through microscopic examination of blood smears to identify the parasitic species.
- Complications of malaria include cerebral malaria, severe anemia, hypoglycemia, and acute renal failure.
- Treatment depends on the parasitic species and includes chloroquine, artemether-
The document provides information for participants of the World Coffee Leaders Forum being held on November 23, 2012 in Seoul, Korea. The forum will include sessions on global coffee industry trends, the challenge of Asian markets, climate change's effects on coffee production, and sustainability. It will feature speakers from coffee organizations around the world and cover topics like market trends, environmental issues, and the relationship between producers and consumers. The event aims to discuss emerging trends and responsibilities in the global coffee industry, with a focus on opportunities in the Asian market.
- A survey of 100 roastery coffee shop owners found that most shops (47%) were located in residential areas, followed by commercial areas (13%).
- When asked about difficulties running their shops, the most common issues reported were heavy workload (23%) and managing coffee bean stock (30%).
- On average, shops sold 50-100 cups of coffee per day, with coffee drinks making up about half of total beverage sales. However, only a third promoted their identity as a roastery shop.
1) After Starbucks entered the Korean market in 1999, the number of coffee shops grew rapidly from 1,500 in 2006 to around 9,400 by the end of 2010, representing a six-fold increase.
2) While the overall Korean coffee market is growing, there are differences in growth rates and competition levels between regions. Those starting coffee businesses should consider these factors to find areas of lower competition and higher expected revenues.
3) Similar to the cosmetics industry, some coffee franchises focus on opening new shops for sales growth, but this model does not guarantee revenue for individual shops and risks oversaturation in markets like Seoul with over 2,900 shops already.
(1) Korea imported over 980,000 tons of coffee over the past 10 years, which equals approximately 48.3 billion cups.
(2) For green beans, the top importing countries were Vietnam, Brazil, Colombia, Honduras, Indonesia and Peru. For coffee beans, the United States, Italy, Japan and Switzerland exported the most.
(3) In the past three years, Brazil, Colombia, Honduras, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Tanzania, Nicaragua, Nepal and Uganda exported the most green beans to Korea.