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Korean Coffee Market 2

             The Size of
             the Korean Coffee Market
             Examined through Data
             After Starbucks opened its first shop in Korea in 1999, the Korean coffee shop market steadily grew
             annually reaching about 9,400 shops at the end of 2010. This is a six fold increase from 1,500 at the
             end of 2006 which in itself confirms the growth of the market. Monthly Coffee has analyzed here the
             coffee shop market trends by major cities based on materials provided in the report on ¡°Coffee Shop
             Market Trends by Regions Nationwide and Districts in Seoul¡± presented by KB Research and sales
             data of KB card affiliates.

       06    www.coffeero.com

006,008-??.indd   1                                                                                                  12. 04. 10   ?? 8:34
Size of coffee shops nationwide (as of 2010)
           	             	                                 Seoul	   Busan	   Incheon	   Daegu	   Daejeon	   Gwangju	   Ulsan	   Jeju
             	 arket size(KRW 100 million)	                4,763	    350	       241	     275	      202	       156	      42	      45
             	 verage sales per shop (KRW 1 million)	       164	      97	       116	      55	       84	        61 	     45	      45
           	 Approximate number of shops	                  2900	     360	      207	      500	      240	       255	      93	     100

           Overall trends of the Korean coffee shop                               the number of shops is rapidly increasing should be
           market                                                                 carefully considered. That is, for those planning to
               First of all, the Korean coffee market is clearly                  start a business should consider the different growth
           rapidly growing. But there are differences in the                      rates, degree of competition, and demand base of
           growth rate and degree of competition between                          each region in order to expect greater revenue in the
           regions that those preparing to start a coffee shop                    steadily growing Korean coffee shop market. In this
           business should take precaution. For example, it                       regard, the results below of our research center are
           would be easier to start a business in cities with a                   expected to be very useful.
           relatively slow sales growth rate, but a high average
           sales per shop. In addition, while starting a business                 Changing trends of the coffee shop market
           in regions where sales are growing faster than the                     compared to other businesses
           increasing number of shops is favorable, starting a                       Cosmetics shops, for example, rapidly grew and
           business in regions where the average sales growth                     held many road shops through star marketing of
           rate is lower than the market average and where                        cosmetics brands. Many shops opened based on

                                                                                                                                ?   2012     07

006,008-??.indd   2                                                                                                                        12. 04. 10   ?? 8:35
the ease of business startup and advantages of brand            Growth rate of coffee shops nationwide
                                                                             	       	        2009/06	 2009/12	      2010/06	   2010/12	   2011/06
            advertisement heating up competition between shops.              	 Total sales	    82.9%	   70.7%	        68.3%	     82.1%	    100.7%
            Then, as the industry expanded its distribution channel          	 Average sales	  29.2%	   15.6%	        10.7%	     15.3%	     24.7%
            to visit sales and online sales, many shops had to close         N
                                                                             	 umber of shops	 41.5%	   47.6%	        52.0%	     58.0%	     61.0%
            down and the industry¡¯s size stagnated.
                                                                            Growth rate of coffee shops in Seoul
                Similar to the cosmetics industry, some coffee franchise     	       	         2009/06	 2009/12	     2010/06	   2010/12	   2011/06
            companies are known to maintain their sales growth by            	 Total sales	     74.8%	   65.7%	       59.6%	     66.4%	     80.4%
            opening new shops. Although the coffee shop market is            	 Average sales	   28.2%	   16.9%	        9.7%	     10.3%	     21.2%
                                                                             	 umber of shops	 36.3%	    41.7%	       45.5%	     50.9%	     48.9%
            clearly largely growing, the rise in business startup by
            headquarters is not a good growth model because the growth
            in the number of shops established by headquarters does not     half of all in Korea. But in view of excessive
                                                                            competition in Seoul, more shops are being
            guarantee revenue for the shops.
                                                                            established in non-Seoul metropolitan cities
                                                                            and the annual growth rate of the number of
            Exacerbating regional competition between
                                                                            shops in Seoul is not high. As such, although the
            individual cafes                                                degree of competition in Seoul is not increasing,
                An individual starting a coffee shop in a city entails
                                                                            the average growth rate of sales in Seoul is not
            much risk from the start. Not only does the shop lack brand     largely increasing. The market size of Seoul was
            power, but the cost of investment is very high that it may be   about KRW 476.3 billion with estimated sales
            shoved to the outskirts from competition with large brands.     of KRW 164 million per shop in 2010. However,
            That is why most individuals wishing to start a coffee shop     because the increasing rate of shops is lower
            are concentrated in city outskirts. However, while demand       than the national average, profitability in the
            in the outskirts is low, the rapid rise in the number of        future will largely be determined by the rise in
            coffee shops there is exacerbating competition. As a result,    average sales.
            there is no reason for large franchises to leave cities where       (Reference: Data is based on an analysis of
            profitability has been verified. Large coffee chains planning   sales materials of shops using KB bank cards
            on increasing their number of shops in the future through       of all coffee shops nationwide and the share of
            aggressive marketing are most likely to focus again on the      KB cards of the entire card market. In addition,
            cities.                                                         cash sales were calculated by surveying heads of
                                                                            shops and estimated based on the average ratio
                  Sales of coffee shops in Seoul accounted for over         of cash use to card use.)

       08    www.coffeero.com

006,008-??.indd    3                                                                                                                                 12. 04. 10   ?? 8:35

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2. Size Of Korean Market

  • 1. Korean Coffee Market 2 The Size of the Korean Coffee Market Examined through Data After Starbucks opened its first shop in Korea in 1999, the Korean coffee shop market steadily grew annually reaching about 9,400 shops at the end of 2010. This is a six fold increase from 1,500 at the end of 2006 which in itself confirms the growth of the market. Monthly Coffee has analyzed here the coffee shop market trends by major cities based on materials provided in the report on ¡°Coffee Shop Market Trends by Regions Nationwide and Districts in Seoul¡± presented by KB Research and sales data of KB card affiliates. 06 www.coffeero.com 006,008-??.indd 1 12. 04. 10 ?? 8:34
  • 2. Size of coffee shops nationwide (as of 2010) Seoul Busan Incheon Daegu Daejeon Gwangju Ulsan Jeju M arket size(KRW 100 million) 4,763 350 241 275 202 156 42 45 A verage sales per shop (KRW 1 million) 164 97 116 55 84 61 45 45 Approximate number of shops 2900 360 207 500 240 255 93 100 Overall trends of the Korean coffee shop the number of shops is rapidly increasing should be market carefully considered. That is, for those planning to First of all, the Korean coffee market is clearly start a business should consider the different growth rapidly growing. But there are differences in the rates, degree of competition, and demand base of growth rate and degree of competition between each region in order to expect greater revenue in the regions that those preparing to start a coffee shop steadily growing Korean coffee shop market. In this business should take precaution. For example, it regard, the results below of our research center are would be easier to start a business in cities with a expected to be very useful. relatively slow sales growth rate, but a high average sales per shop. In addition, while starting a business Changing trends of the coffee shop market in regions where sales are growing faster than the compared to other businesses increasing number of shops is favorable, starting a Cosmetics shops, for example, rapidly grew and business in regions where the average sales growth held many road shops through star marketing of rate is lower than the market average and where cosmetics brands. Many shops opened based on ? 2012 07 006,008-??.indd 2 12. 04. 10 ?? 8:35
  • 3. the ease of business startup and advantages of brand Growth rate of coffee shops nationwide 2009/06 2009/12 2010/06 2010/12 2011/06 advertisement heating up competition between shops. Total sales 82.9% 70.7% 68.3% 82.1% 100.7% Then, as the industry expanded its distribution channel Average sales 29.2% 15.6% 10.7% 15.3% 24.7% to visit sales and online sales, many shops had to close N umber of shops 41.5% 47.6% 52.0% 58.0% 61.0% down and the industry¡¯s size stagnated. Growth rate of coffee shops in Seoul Similar to the cosmetics industry, some coffee franchise 2009/06 2009/12 2010/06 2010/12 2011/06 companies are known to maintain their sales growth by Total sales 74.8% 65.7% 59.6% 66.4% 80.4% opening new shops. Although the coffee shop market is Average sales 28.2% 16.9% 9.7% 10.3% 21.2% N umber of shops 36.3% 41.7% 45.5% 50.9% 48.9% clearly largely growing, the rise in business startup by headquarters is not a good growth model because the growth in the number of shops established by headquarters does not half of all in Korea. But in view of excessive competition in Seoul, more shops are being guarantee revenue for the shops. established in non-Seoul metropolitan cities and the annual growth rate of the number of Exacerbating regional competition between shops in Seoul is not high. As such, although the individual cafes degree of competition in Seoul is not increasing, An individual starting a coffee shop in a city entails the average growth rate of sales in Seoul is not much risk from the start. Not only does the shop lack brand largely increasing. The market size of Seoul was power, but the cost of investment is very high that it may be about KRW 476.3 billion with estimated sales shoved to the outskirts from competition with large brands. of KRW 164 million per shop in 2010. However, That is why most individuals wishing to start a coffee shop because the increasing rate of shops is lower are concentrated in city outskirts. However, while demand than the national average, profitability in the in the outskirts is low, the rapid rise in the number of future will largely be determined by the rise in coffee shops there is exacerbating competition. As a result, average sales. there is no reason for large franchises to leave cities where (Reference: Data is based on an analysis of profitability has been verified. Large coffee chains planning sales materials of shops using KB bank cards on increasing their number of shops in the future through of all coffee shops nationwide and the share of aggressive marketing are most likely to focus again on the KB cards of the entire card market. In addition, cities. cash sales were calculated by surveying heads of shops and estimated based on the average ratio Sales of coffee shops in Seoul accounted for over of cash use to card use.) 08 www.coffeero.com 006,008-??.indd 3 12. 04. 10 ?? 8:35