Bipin Kumar_Pal_Pharmaceuticals_Assistant Manager_10+_CVBipinKumar Pal
The document provides contact and background information for Bipinkumar Pal, an Assistant Manager in Commercial Operations for a pharmaceutical company in Mumbai, India. It summarizes his over 10 years of experience in quality assurance and quality control roles, including conducting cGMP audits, vendor qualification, change control management, and microbiological testing. His objective is seeking a suitable position utilizing his skills in quality assurance, quality control, and R&D for the pharmaceutical sector.
While obesity has been called a disease and an epidemic, its becoming more obvious that
it will take a multi-factorial effort to address the challenge of the overweight around the globe. And just as no one wakes up one morning 100 pounds overweightit happens incrementally, day by day and year by yearthere is no magic solution that will
suddenly stem the tide.
Este documento presenta una conversaci坦n entre Popeye y Manuel Ventura sobre los desaf鱈os de ser un influencer que promociona marcas. Popeye pregunta qu辿 ser鱈a lo m叩s dif鱈cil de promocionar como influencer, a lo que Manuel responde que lo m叩s dif鱈cil ser鱈a promocionar una marca que no crees en sus valores o productos. Manuel tambi辿n comparte un enlace de video y sugiere que ser un influencer para una marca como Nimbus 2000 podr鱈a alinearse con sus propios valores de proteger el planeta.
Este documento critica el sistema educativo actual por centrarse demasiado en los resultados acad辿micos y la obediencia, en lugar de fomentar el aprendizaje significativo y la transformaci坦n social. Propone una "escuela que queremos" que sea m叩s inclusiva, colaborativa y orientada a la comunidad, donde los estudiantes aprendan a cambiar la sociedad en lugar de encajar en el statu quo. Finalmente, anima a los lectores a imaginar alternativas y trabajar para superar las limitaciones del sistema actual.
Panache Recruit is a leading recruitment firm established in 2009 that specializes in middle and senior management positions. They recruit for multinational corporations across various industries in India and globally. Panache Recruit offers a range of services including staffing solutions, reference checks, HR planning, and outsourced HR activities. Their goal is to exceed client expectations and make the talent search a pleasant experience through honesty, transparency, and on-time fulfillment of commitments.
Necesitamos un cambio,un nuevo paradigma que humanice la educaci坦n y que est辿 al servicio de la gente no del dinero. Y para eso necesitamos gente con sensibilidad que quiera ser parte del cambio.
Teaching and learning together csun 2012maurastriano
Presentation of the project Rete@ccessibile at CSUN 2012 .. Maura Striano, Corinna Freda, Stefania Fiorentino
Presentacion juventud y redes sociales centro juvenil scjManuel Ventura
Este documento habla sobre las redes sociales y su impacto en la juventud. Explica c坦mo las redes sociales nacieron de la necesidad humana de comunicarse y evolucionar con la tecnolog鱈a. Tambi辿n describe algunas de las redes sociales m叩s populares como Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest y LinkedIn, y c坦mo estas han revolucionado la forma en que las personas se comunican, aprenden y viven. Finalmente, ofrece algunos consejos sobre c坦mo destacarse en las redes sociales a trav辿s de objetivos claros, contenido de valor y m辿tricas
- The document is a skills profile summary and resume for an individual with over 5 years of experience in human resource management functions such as recruitment, training and development, employee engagement, and administration.
- The individual's experience includes planning, directing, and coordinating compensation and benefits activities as well as managing an organization's staff.
- The resume highlights experience with recruitment processes, managing HR systems, maintaining industrial relations, communication skills, and education including an MBA in HR and marketing.
Key challenges and opportunities for the European agri-food sector
The combined agricultural and food sector accounts today for 30 million jobs (13.4% of total employment)
and for 3.5% of total Gross Value Added in the EU-28.
To meet the challenges of the coming years, the EU and Member States will require ambitious policies
policies that unlock the great potential of the European agri-food chain and maintain its place as a world
leader; the challenges:
The document summarizes a student trip to Costa Rica to learn about ecotourism and sustainable development. It describes visiting Earth University to learn about sustainable agriculture projects involving banana and composting. It also discusses staying at Rios Tropicals and participating in their reforestation and community projects. The trip involved learning about Costa Rica's ecosystems by visiting a serpentarium and butterfly garden, as well as examining local streams.
Este documento critica el sistema educativo actual por centrarse demasiado en los resultados acad辿micos y la obediencia, en lugar de fomentar el aprendizaje significativo y la transformaci坦n social. Propone una "escuela que queremos" que sea m叩s inclusiva, colaborativa y orientada a la comunidad, donde los estudiantes aprendan a cambiar la sociedad en lugar de encajar en el statu quo. Finalmente, anima a los lectores a imaginar alternativas y trabajar para superar las limitaciones del sistema actual.
Panache Recruit is a leading recruitment firm established in 2009 that specializes in middle and senior management positions. They recruit for multinational corporations across various industries in India and globally. Panache Recruit offers a range of services including staffing solutions, reference checks, HR planning, and outsourced HR activities. Their goal is to exceed client expectations and make the talent search a pleasant experience through honesty, transparency, and on-time fulfillment of commitments.
Necesitamos un cambio,un nuevo paradigma que humanice la educaci坦n y que est辿 al servicio de la gente no del dinero. Y para eso necesitamos gente con sensibilidad que quiera ser parte del cambio.
Teaching and learning together csun 2012maurastriano
Presentation of the project Rete@ccessibile at CSUN 2012 .. Maura Striano, Corinna Freda, Stefania Fiorentino
Presentacion juventud y redes sociales centro juvenil scjManuel Ventura
Este documento habla sobre las redes sociales y su impacto en la juventud. Explica c坦mo las redes sociales nacieron de la necesidad humana de comunicarse y evolucionar con la tecnolog鱈a. Tambi辿n describe algunas de las redes sociales m叩s populares como Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest y LinkedIn, y c坦mo estas han revolucionado la forma en que las personas se comunican, aprenden y viven. Finalmente, ofrece algunos consejos sobre c坦mo destacarse en las redes sociales a trav辿s de objetivos claros, contenido de valor y m辿tricas
- The document is a skills profile summary and resume for an individual with over 5 years of experience in human resource management functions such as recruitment, training and development, employee engagement, and administration.
- The individual's experience includes planning, directing, and coordinating compensation and benefits activities as well as managing an organization's staff.
- The resume highlights experience with recruitment processes, managing HR systems, maintaining industrial relations, communication skills, and education including an MBA in HR and marketing.
Key challenges and opportunities for the European agri-food sector
The combined agricultural and food sector accounts today for 30 million jobs (13.4% of total employment)
and for 3.5% of total Gross Value Added in the EU-28.
To meet the challenges of the coming years, the EU and Member States will require ambitious policies
policies that unlock the great potential of the European agri-food chain and maintain its place as a world
leader; the challenges:
The document summarizes a student trip to Costa Rica to learn about ecotourism and sustainable development. It describes visiting Earth University to learn about sustainable agriculture projects involving banana and composting. It also discusses staying at Rios Tropicals and participating in their reforestation and community projects. The trip involved learning about Costa Rica's ecosystems by visiting a serpentarium and butterfly garden, as well as examining local streams.
Presenting, on behalf of the Moldova eGovernment Center, the Central Whole-of-Govt. eGovernance Infrastructure & Initiatives available for reuse by Local Public Authorities. The first workshop on ICT for Local Development organized under the DISCUS Project brought experts from the Visegrad countries and local public administration authorities from Moldova to share experiences in implementing local e-services. Moldova, Chisinau, March 16-17, 2015
SPOCS - A doua generaie de Puncte de Contacte UnicMonica ANGHEL
10servicii elcetronice
1. E-Servicii
n Programul su de activitate LIBERTATE, DEMOCRA鄭IE, BUNSTARE, Guvernul
Republicii Moldova 樽i propune s dezvolte platforma na釘ional de e-Guvernare i sistemul
electronic na釘ional prin crearea serviciilor electronice. De asemenea, Guvernul urmrete
extinderea accesului cet釘enilor la servicii publice on-line prin intermediul Internetului, dar i 樽n
regim mobil pentru to釘i cet釘enii, inclusiv pentru persoanele de v但rsta a treia i persoanele cu
dizabilit釘i. Guvernul 樽i propune, de asemenea, s realizeze achizi釘ii publice 樽n regim on-line.
n 2012, Centrul de Guvernare Electronic va lansa 4 servicii electronice:
aplicarea online pentru cazierul judiciar
raportarea electronic la Casa Na釘ional de Asigurri Medicale
2. digitizarea actelor din domeniul construc iei i aplicarea online pentru acestea.
In februarie 2012, Comisia Na ional pentru e-Transformare a aprobat lista serviciilor,
registrelor i arhivelor electronice care vor fi implementate 樽n 2012-2013. Lista con ine patru
e-Servicii de platform i apte e-Servicii sectoriale.
Serviciile au fost selectate 樽n baza criteriilor de prioritate pentru cet釘eni, propunerilor din partea
autorit釘ilor publice centrale, obiectivelor stabilite de Programul Strategic pentru Modernizare
Tehnologic a Guvernrii i listei de servicii electronice prioritare 樽n Uniunea European.
Serviciile electronice vor fi finan ate din fondurile proiectului e-Transformarea Guvernrii al
Bncii Mondiale, gestionat de Centrul de Guvernare Electronic.
e-Servicii de Platform:
1. Programri on-line:
o Sistemul de e-Programare la medicii specialiti 樽n cadrul Centrului Republican de
Diagnosticare Medical
o Programare la Serviciul Stare Civil
o Programare la serviciile prestate de Agen釘ia Rela釘ii Funciare i Cadastru
o Programare 樽n audien釘 la Primul Ministru, Minitri
2. Sistemul de gestiune a documentelor i 樽nregistrrilor pentru autorit釘ile APC
3. Eliberri de acte, certificate i autoriza ii:
o Eliberarea documentelor din cadastrul bunurilor imobile 樽n format digital prin
integrarea serviciului existent in platforma
o Sistem online de avizare/ coordonare a activit ilor de IMPEX, MAIA
o Eliberarea actelor permisive necesare lansrii activit ii de comer i prestri
servicii 樽n baza ghi eului unic
o Automatizarea procesului de eliberare a autoriza釘iilor pentru executarea lucrrilor
樽n domeniul geodeziei cartografiei i geoinformaticii
o Autentificarea i recunoaterea actelor de studii
o Certificat electronic (etapa pilot). Aceste certificate vor putea fi solicitate
online de contribuabili (persoane fizice si juridice) pentru prezentare la cerere, i
de ctre autorit釘ile publice 樽n cadrul proceselor organizatorice de licen釘iere,
樽nregistrare companie, achizi釘ii publice
o Avizul Electronic fiscal
o Comandarea on-line a duplicatelor, extraselor, avize de orce tip, certificate
privind starea civil i certificate explicative acces樽nd site-ul serviciului stare
o Monitorizarea eliberrii avizelor de mediu de ctre IES, Ministerul Mediului
o Solicitarea online a datelor i certificatelor cu privire la date, Ministerul Mediului
4. E-Raportare
o Reingineria procesului de raportare de ctre mediul de afaceri i optimizarea i
extinderea platformei tehnologice de e-raportare
3. e-Serviciile de platform vor fi utilizate de ctre toate autorit ile administra iei publice
centrale, i urmeaz a fi implementate 樽n mod prioritar 樽n perioada 2012-2015.
e-Servicii Sectoriale:
1. Registrul Comercial (Camera nregsitrrii de Stat)
2. Acces Activ la Registrul Bunurilor Imobile
3. E-Viza
4. Factura Fiscala Electronic (Etapa Pilot)
5. Sistemul Informa ional Medical Integrat Spitalicesc
6. Sistem Informa ional Automatizat de Asisten Medical Primar
7. Sistem Informa ional de Admitere online (gradini i universit i).
Semntura electronic
Cu scopul ca cet enii s poat beneficia de serviciile electronice, din luna iulie 2012,
identitatea electronic va fi incorporat pe cartela SIM a telefonului mobil. Astfel cet enii
moldoveni vor putea fi autentifica i 樽n sistemele informatice, iar semntura electronic va
deveni mai accesibil. n acest scop, Cancelaria de stat, Centrul de Guvernare Electronic,
ntreprinderea de Stat Centrul de Telecomunica ii Speciale i operatorii de telefonie mobil,
Moldcell, Orange i Moldtelecom, au semnat acorduri de inten ie i colaborare. Pr釘ile vor
colabora 樽n vederea implementrii serviciului de identitate electronic mobil (Mobile eID) 樽n
scopul utilizrii tehnologiilor moderne pentru prestarea serviciilor electronice. Prin eforturi
comune, pr釘ile vor contribui la realizarea obiectivelor Programului strategic de modernizare
tehnologic a guvernrii, promovarea implementrii serviciilor publice 樽n format electronic i
accesibilit ii lor 樽n baza identit ii electronice mobile.