MJ AMHTS with Health3nsurance.com share the nutrition knowledge with the presentation from Taipei Medicine University Professor of Nutritional science Hsieh MJ
Speech for ITIer on 2/10/2015 to introduce scope of BIO industry, especially for pharmaceutical industry.
In the next session, a brief introduction to Drug Development and Drug Marketing.
Finally, the career opportunities which maybe suitable for a international business talents are concluded.
Speech for ITIer on 2/10/2015 to introduce scope of BIO industry, especially for pharmaceutical industry.
In the next session, a brief introduction to Drug Development and Drug Marketing.
Finally, the career opportunities which maybe suitable for a international business talents are concluded.
27. 美國 18 individuals contracted anthrax 5 individuals died 日本 Over 2000 investigations 墨西哥 Over 700 investigations 辛巴威 Over 400 investigations 法國 Over 4000 investigations 歐陸 Over 7000 investigations 智利 1 anthrax letter 炭疽攻擊遍布全球 … caused by 4 or 5 letters.