Ci occupiamo di sviluppare soluzioni software altamente innovative dalla sicurezza documentale alla sicurezza della comunicazione dati. Sviluppiamo soluzioni e progetti legati allo streaming Live e VOD. Le nostre applicazioni sono state scelte da importanti gruppi industriali e bancari, italiani.
Internet es una red descentralizada de redes interconectadas que usan protocolos TCP/IP para funcionar como una red l坦gica global. Sus or鱈genes se remontan a 1969 con la creaci坦n de ARPANET que conect坦 universidades en California y Utah. Las herramientas de Internet incluyen programas para enviar correo electr坦nico, transferir archivos y acceder a p叩ginas web. Los buscadores de Internet indexan billones de p叩ginas para permitir que los usuarios busquen informaci坦n ingresando palabras clave.
The document discusses the challenges of cyber defense given the complexity of modern computer networks and constantly evolving threats. Traditional prevention and reaction approaches are no longer effective at addressing sophisticated attacks. The document argues that companies need a continuous, self-learning approach to cyber security to detect threats hiding in networks and take appropriate action. This involves gaining situational awareness and investigating anomalies to identify potential threats before they cause harm.
El documento contiene 45 preguntas sobre la anatom鱈a y fisiolog鱈a del sistema digestivo humano. Las preguntas abarcan temas como la estructura del tubo digestivo, las gl叩ndulas anexas como el h鱈gado y el p叩ncreas, los procesos de digesti坦n mec叩nica y qu鱈mica, las enzimas digestivas y los mecanismos de absorci坦n de nutrientes.
P charts and NP charts are statistical process control charts used to monitor the proportion or number of defective items in a manufacturing process. [1] The document provides an example of constructing a P chart using data on rejects and tested items over 30 days. [2] It explains how to calculate the process average, upper control limit, and lower control limit and plot them on a chart. [3] Construction of NP charts is similar except it plots the number of defects rather than the proportion defective.
El documento habla sobre c坦mo la tecnolog鱈a, especialmente Internet, se ha vuelto indispensable en todos los lugares y ha transformado la gesti坦n de las empresas. Mediante el intercambio de informaci坦n en Internet, las empresas pueden tener un mejor conocimiento de cada negocio y realizar un acceso r叩pido y confiable a la informaci坦n en menos tiempo y de manera cre鱈ble. El documento fue escrito por Cintya Jacqueline Barzallo Carri坦n para la primera clase de contabilidad nocturna en la Universidad T辿cnica de Machala.
Este documento presenta una gu鱈a para estudiantes que se presentan a las Pruebas Unificadas de Certificaci坦n de los niveles Intermedio y Avanzado en espa単ol. Incluye informaci坦n sobre el prop坦sito de las pruebas, las convocatorias, los requisitos para los candidatos, la estructura de las pruebas, los criterios de evaluaci坦n y el calendario. Tambi辿n describe los niveles de competencia requeridos en las 叩reas de comprensi坦n de lectura, comprensi坦n oral, expresi坦n e interacci坦n escrita y expresi坦n e interacci
Getting Started with IBM i Security: Event AuditingHelpSystems
Learn why event auditing is necessary and how to configure it.
This second powerpoint of the series introduces event auditing, which covers the basics and more:
- Why auditing is necessary
- Determine if IBM i auditing is currently active
- How to configure auditing with one simple command
- What audit events are recorded (and which are missed!)
- How high availability (HA) applications often make critical events disappear
- Event reporting and real-time alerting
The document outlines an advertising campaign for Ahli United Bank (AUB) to create awareness of AUB as a regional banking group. It has a presence in Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Egypt, Iraq and the UK through various subsidiary banks. The campaign aims to educate people in the region that AUB offers both global experience as a large multi-national bank combined with local knowledge and services tailored to each country. The target audience is retail and corporate banking customers. The campaign will include print, television, and local/regional media executions portraying AUB's strong local presence across countries while being part of an international banking network.
Curso IBM Redes SAN y Almacenamiento con Tivolicamforma
Este documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre un curso de 245 horas de duraci坦n sobre la implementaci坦n de redes SAN y la administraci坦n con Tivoli. El curso cubre temas como la planificaci坦n e implementaci坦n de SANs, SAN Volume Controller, Tivoli Storage Productivity Center, y la administraci坦n de IBM Tivoli Storage Manager. El curso consiste en seis m坦dulos y incluye tanto contenido te坦rico como pr叩ctico.
Pssst... It's Time to get Rid of Pre-Printed FormsHelpSystems
Dont let pre-printed and outdated electronic output forms hold you back any longer! View this slideshow to learn how effective electronic forms management will speed up your processes, save time, and deliver immediate ROI.
Watch the on-demand webinar on
Published quarterly, Range is Royal Haskoning\'s client magazine designed to showcase the initiatives our clients undertake and the work we do to help them realise their dreams and aspirations.
Range 2 showcases a number of our customers\' innovative projects - and some of our own - that are playing a key role in enhancing the overall development of the UK and worldwide.
Think you dont need virus protection on IBM i? Heres why you do:
- The IFS is vulnerable and most modern applications and protocols use it.
- Viruses can hide inside Java and UNIX files, and IBM i can execute them.
- Anything an administrator can do, a virus can do.
And its not just viruses in the traditional sense. Many types of malicious code can compromise your security. And as the news shows, these breaches happen all the time. Fortunately, its easy to protect your IBM Power Systems with StandGuard Anti-Virus.
Key feature include:
- McAfee Scanning Engine
- Native applications for IBM i, AIX, and Linux
- Protection for Lotus Domino
- Object Integrity Scanning
Este documento describe un proyecto de investigaci坦n que busca desarrollar un agente inteligente para brindar soporte a estudiantes en el campus virtual de la Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia de Colombia (UNAD). Actualmente, el sistema de soporte de la UNAD no puede satisfacer las necesidades de los m叩s de 15,000 estudiantes de manera eficiente. El proyecto utilizar叩 conceptos de inteligencia artificial para crear un agente que pueda responder autom叩ticamente preguntas frecuentes y brindar soporte estandarizado a los estudiantes.
Self Help Legal Software and Unauthorized Practice of LawRichard S. Granat
Presentation by Richard Granat and Marc Lauritsen to Legal Services Corporation annual conference on legal technology. Topic is how UPL rules apply to legal selfhelp software.
The IBM i is an extremely complex integrated system, and many users struggle to understand its capabilities. View this slideshow to learn how to use the features of IBM i and how to use it to access databases.
Watch the on-demand webinar on
Gu鱈a informativa de la Biblioteca lvaro Cunqueiro del Instituto Cervantes en Damasco, dirigida a todos sus usuarios, y a todos aquellos que est辿n interesados en saber toda la informaci坦n sobre los diferentes servicios que la componen. A trav辿s de esta gu鱈a se pretende mostrar los mecanismos de uso del servicio de renovaciones y reservas.
Building your Brand Center with Athento -Smart Document Management- Athento
The document discusses Athento's smart document management system and how it covers the entire content lifecycle, including capture, management, storage, preservation, and delivery of digital content. It specifically focuses on how Athento can be used to manage brand assets like images, videos, audio, and logos through the entire process from creation to publishing or archiving. Key features highlighted include organizing and securing assets, version control, online review and approval of assets, and sharing assets via extranets. The document argues that Athento is the best option for content lifecycle management due to its single application approach, smart functions, licensing model, integration capabilities, compatibility, and access to source code.
5 Things Your Security Administrator Should Tell YouHelpSystems
The IBM i operating system is lauded as one of the most secure available. Unfortunately, the truth is that many configurations result in shocking server vulnerabilities. If you have an interest in security or regulatory compliance, view this slideshow to learn about 5 important secrets that your administrator needs to be sharing with you.
Watch the on-demand webinar at
IT Backup & Restoration: Never Worry about a Late Backup AgainHelpSystems
The document discusses virtual tape libraries (VTLs) as an affordable and reliable solution for data protection. A VTL emulates tape storage using disk drives for faster backups and restores while still supporting existing tape-based processes. Key benefits of VTLs include improved backup performance, reduced costs from tape media management, scalability, and seamless support for backup applications. VTLs can also integrate with physical tape libraries and provide features such as data encryption, replication to remote sites, and data reduction techniques.
Internet es una red descentralizada de redes interconectadas que usan protocolos TCP/IP para funcionar como una red l坦gica global. Sus or鱈genes se remontan a 1969 con la creaci坦n de ARPANET que conect坦 universidades en California y Utah. Las herramientas de Internet incluyen programas para enviar correo electr坦nico, transferir archivos y acceder a p叩ginas web. Los buscadores de Internet indexan billones de p叩ginas para permitir que los usuarios busquen informaci坦n ingresando palabras clave.
The document discusses the challenges of cyber defense given the complexity of modern computer networks and constantly evolving threats. Traditional prevention and reaction approaches are no longer effective at addressing sophisticated attacks. The document argues that companies need a continuous, self-learning approach to cyber security to detect threats hiding in networks and take appropriate action. This involves gaining situational awareness and investigating anomalies to identify potential threats before they cause harm.
El documento contiene 45 preguntas sobre la anatom鱈a y fisiolog鱈a del sistema digestivo humano. Las preguntas abarcan temas como la estructura del tubo digestivo, las gl叩ndulas anexas como el h鱈gado y el p叩ncreas, los procesos de digesti坦n mec叩nica y qu鱈mica, las enzimas digestivas y los mecanismos de absorci坦n de nutrientes.
P charts and NP charts are statistical process control charts used to monitor the proportion or number of defective items in a manufacturing process. [1] The document provides an example of constructing a P chart using data on rejects and tested items over 30 days. [2] It explains how to calculate the process average, upper control limit, and lower control limit and plot them on a chart. [3] Construction of NP charts is similar except it plots the number of defects rather than the proportion defective.
El documento habla sobre c坦mo la tecnolog鱈a, especialmente Internet, se ha vuelto indispensable en todos los lugares y ha transformado la gesti坦n de las empresas. Mediante el intercambio de informaci坦n en Internet, las empresas pueden tener un mejor conocimiento de cada negocio y realizar un acceso r叩pido y confiable a la informaci坦n en menos tiempo y de manera cre鱈ble. El documento fue escrito por Cintya Jacqueline Barzallo Carri坦n para la primera clase de contabilidad nocturna en la Universidad T辿cnica de Machala.
Este documento presenta una gu鱈a para estudiantes que se presentan a las Pruebas Unificadas de Certificaci坦n de los niveles Intermedio y Avanzado en espa単ol. Incluye informaci坦n sobre el prop坦sito de las pruebas, las convocatorias, los requisitos para los candidatos, la estructura de las pruebas, los criterios de evaluaci坦n y el calendario. Tambi辿n describe los niveles de competencia requeridos en las 叩reas de comprensi坦n de lectura, comprensi坦n oral, expresi坦n e interacci坦n escrita y expresi坦n e interacci
Getting Started with IBM i Security: Event AuditingHelpSystems
Learn why event auditing is necessary and how to configure it.
This second powerpoint of the series introduces event auditing, which covers the basics and more:
- Why auditing is necessary
- Determine if IBM i auditing is currently active
- How to configure auditing with one simple command
- What audit events are recorded (and which are missed!)
- How high availability (HA) applications often make critical events disappear
- Event reporting and real-time alerting
The document outlines an advertising campaign for Ahli United Bank (AUB) to create awareness of AUB as a regional banking group. It has a presence in Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Egypt, Iraq and the UK through various subsidiary banks. The campaign aims to educate people in the region that AUB offers both global experience as a large multi-national bank combined with local knowledge and services tailored to each country. The target audience is retail and corporate banking customers. The campaign will include print, television, and local/regional media executions portraying AUB's strong local presence across countries while being part of an international banking network.
Curso IBM Redes SAN y Almacenamiento con Tivolicamforma
Este documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre un curso de 245 horas de duraci坦n sobre la implementaci坦n de redes SAN y la administraci坦n con Tivoli. El curso cubre temas como la planificaci坦n e implementaci坦n de SANs, SAN Volume Controller, Tivoli Storage Productivity Center, y la administraci坦n de IBM Tivoli Storage Manager. El curso consiste en seis m坦dulos y incluye tanto contenido te坦rico como pr叩ctico.
Pssst... It's Time to get Rid of Pre-Printed FormsHelpSystems
Dont let pre-printed and outdated electronic output forms hold you back any longer! View this slideshow to learn how effective electronic forms management will speed up your processes, save time, and deliver immediate ROI.
Watch the on-demand webinar on
Published quarterly, Range is Royal Haskoning\'s client magazine designed to showcase the initiatives our clients undertake and the work we do to help them realise their dreams and aspirations.
Range 2 showcases a number of our customers\' innovative projects - and some of our own - that are playing a key role in enhancing the overall development of the UK and worldwide.
Think you dont need virus protection on IBM i? Heres why you do:
- The IFS is vulnerable and most modern applications and protocols use it.
- Viruses can hide inside Java and UNIX files, and IBM i can execute them.
- Anything an administrator can do, a virus can do.
And its not just viruses in the traditional sense. Many types of malicious code can compromise your security. And as the news shows, these breaches happen all the time. Fortunately, its easy to protect your IBM Power Systems with StandGuard Anti-Virus.
Key feature include:
- McAfee Scanning Engine
- Native applications for IBM i, AIX, and Linux
- Protection for Lotus Domino
- Object Integrity Scanning
Este documento describe un proyecto de investigaci坦n que busca desarrollar un agente inteligente para brindar soporte a estudiantes en el campus virtual de la Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia de Colombia (UNAD). Actualmente, el sistema de soporte de la UNAD no puede satisfacer las necesidades de los m叩s de 15,000 estudiantes de manera eficiente. El proyecto utilizar叩 conceptos de inteligencia artificial para crear un agente que pueda responder autom叩ticamente preguntas frecuentes y brindar soporte estandarizado a los estudiantes.
Self Help Legal Software and Unauthorized Practice of LawRichard S. Granat
Presentation by Richard Granat and Marc Lauritsen to Legal Services Corporation annual conference on legal technology. Topic is how UPL rules apply to legal selfhelp software.
The IBM i is an extremely complex integrated system, and many users struggle to understand its capabilities. View this slideshow to learn how to use the features of IBM i and how to use it to access databases.
Watch the on-demand webinar on
Gu鱈a informativa de la Biblioteca lvaro Cunqueiro del Instituto Cervantes en Damasco, dirigida a todos sus usuarios, y a todos aquellos que est辿n interesados en saber toda la informaci坦n sobre los diferentes servicios que la componen. A trav辿s de esta gu鱈a se pretende mostrar los mecanismos de uso del servicio de renovaciones y reservas.
Building your Brand Center with Athento -Smart Document Management- Athento
The document discusses Athento's smart document management system and how it covers the entire content lifecycle, including capture, management, storage, preservation, and delivery of digital content. It specifically focuses on how Athento can be used to manage brand assets like images, videos, audio, and logos through the entire process from creation to publishing or archiving. Key features highlighted include organizing and securing assets, version control, online review and approval of assets, and sharing assets via extranets. The document argues that Athento is the best option for content lifecycle management due to its single application approach, smart functions, licensing model, integration capabilities, compatibility, and access to source code.
5 Things Your Security Administrator Should Tell YouHelpSystems
The IBM i operating system is lauded as one of the most secure available. Unfortunately, the truth is that many configurations result in shocking server vulnerabilities. If you have an interest in security or regulatory compliance, view this slideshow to learn about 5 important secrets that your administrator needs to be sharing with you.
Watch the on-demand webinar at
IT Backup & Restoration: Never Worry about a Late Backup AgainHelpSystems
The document discusses virtual tape libraries (VTLs) as an affordable and reliable solution for data protection. A VTL emulates tape storage using disk drives for faster backups and restores while still supporting existing tape-based processes. Key benefits of VTLs include improved backup performance, reduced costs from tape media management, scalability, and seamless support for backup applications. VTLs can also integrate with physical tape libraries and provide features such as data encryption, replication to remote sites, and data reduction techniques.
Nellintervento Stefano Olivotto di Cr辿dit Agricole Italia ha illustrato la sua esperienza nelladozione di uno strumento di API management e di un processo di gestione delle API, con una particolare focalizzazione su metodologia di adozione, sulle principali sfide indirizzate e un verticale sul livello di automazione raggiunto mediante ladozione di tecniche di DevOps.
Per maggiori informazioni scrivi a
MySQL Day Milano 2017 - Dalla replica a InnoDB Cluster: lHA secondo MySQLPar-Tec S.p.A.
In occasione del MySQL Day 2017 di Milano il TechAdvisor Michelangelo Uberti ha fornito una panoramica delle soluzioni native di alta disponibilit di MySQL.
I punti trattati durante la presentazione sono:
- Presentazione dellofferta Par-Tec dedicata a MySQL Enterprise
- High Availability: cause, esigenze, aspettative
- Funzionamento, benefici e limiti dei principali approcci:
- Replica tradizionale
- MySQL Cluster
- MySQL Group Replication
- La novit: MySQL InnoDB Cluster
Per saperne di pi湛, scaricate le slide e guardate il video della presentazione del nostro TechAdvisor su
AskQ Call Management System: uno strumento completo per la gestione delle chiamate e delle richieste di servizio.
Disegnato per una gestione remota e centralizzata, risponde perfettamente alla crescente richiesta di utilizzo di strumenti e servizi professionali senza acquisirne linfrastruttura. Tutte le operazioni di mantenimento, backup e aggiornamento tecnologico sia hardware che software sono gestite centralmente dal team di supporto e sviluppo.
La collaborazione IBM CRUI
Il Cloud IBM: caratteristiche e punti di forza
Cloud First e la soluzione per qualunque necessit: IBM IaaS, IBM e VMWare, IBM e Skytap, Cloud Object Storage
Modernizzazione applicativa e Cloud Native: IBM PaaS
Soluzioni Cognitive con IBM Watson
IBM: il primo fornitore a qualificare i propri servizi sul MarketPlace di AGID
IBM Garage
Visita al DataCenter Cloud a Cornaredo
Centro Computer Spa - Gruppo Project - Presentazione Azienda - Digital Transf...Centro Computer Spa
Presentazione generale e sintetica delle soluzioni e dei servizi innovativi di Centro Computer Spa (
Digital Transformation.
La presentazione 竪 divisa in queste aree:
# Chi siamo
# Cosa facciamo
# Come lo facciamo
# Cosa faremo domani
Servizi OnSite, OnLine e in Cloud.
Innovare per Crescere. Soluzione per Passione.
Centro Computer fa parte del Gruppo Project.
Sesto San Giovanni (MI), 25/11/2015; Colombaro di Corte Franca (BS), 26/11/2015Socialmailer
際際滷s utilizzate durante la presentazione all'evento Sme.UP "Power ERP" di Sesto San Giovanni (MI) del 25/11/2015 e di Colombaro di Corte Franca (BS) del 26/11/2015
This document summarizes an Italian presentation about business continuity solutions for IBM i systems. It discusses various replication technologies for IBM i, including remote journaling, system-based replication, and storage-based replication. It provides examples of how independent auxiliary storage pools (IASPs) can be used to implement replication with PowerHA SystemMirror. The presentation evaluates the functional differences between storage-based and journal-based replication. Customer testimonials are provided that discuss their choices between replication solutions. Contact information is provided at the end for any questions.
This document discusses the advantages of integrating BPM and CRM systems, including having a web-based HTML5 interface, Google-like search and drag-and-drop email capabilities, powerful workflows, and an integrated CRM system. It also mentions that the CRM system is powered by BCD WebSmart, which is a leading web generator for IBMi systems. Finally, it discusses automatically generating graphics, mobile features, maps, and contacts.
The Theory of Constraints is a holistic management philosophy that views any complex system as being limited in achieving its goals by a small number of constraints. It involves five focusing steps: 1) identify the system's constraint, 2) exploit the constraint, 3) subordinate everything else to the previous decisions, 4) elevate the system's constraint, and 5) if a constraint is broken, repeat the process to identify a new one. It uses thinking processes like cause-and-effect tools to identify and resolve constraints in order to increase throughput in the system.
1. Business Continuity Sicurezza Sviluppo Applicativo
IBM i: un cuore IT che batte sempre, sicuramente.
Lesperienza di bonprix Italia.
Marco Allera
Head of IT Department
bonprix Italia Srl
Antonio Assandri
Sales & Marekting Director
SSI Sviluppo Sistemi Informativi Srl
2. bonprix Italia, parte del Gruppo Otto di Amburgo, 竪 la societ specializzata nella vendita a distanza di
abbigliamento per donna, uomo, bambino e tessile per la casa. Ha sede a Valdengo (Bi), nelleccellenza
del tessile mondiale. E leader di mercato nel suo settore ed 竪 tra le poche imprese ad avere una
vera offerta multicanale: lo storico catalogo per vendita a distanza e internet
con una quota in costante crescita. Negli ultimi anni ha rafforzato notevolmente la sua
presenza in Italia, merito della sua offerta che concilia stile e convenienza, servizio al cliente e
professionalit delle risorse umane. Il motto del Gruppo 竪 Leading through passion, ovvero essere uno
dei principali attori del mercato lavorando con grande entusiasmo.
Chi 竪 bonprix
324 dipendenti
19 anni di presenza in Italia
2 milioni di clienti
11.000 mq di magazzino
Certificazione Integrata ISO 9001 TUV
2属 posto negli "Awards for Excellence" di Confidustria
10属 posto nel reanking di "The Great Place to Work Institute 2016"
3. Schema sistema informativo bonprix
e commerce
IBM i: un cuore IT che batte sempre, sicuramente.
4. Lesigenza di bonprix
Continuit operativa
Minimizzare i tempi di indisponibilit del sistema
Proteggere da fermi non pianificati
Ripartenze rapide
Nessuna perdita di dati
Migliorare la gestione dei fermi pianificati
In maniera semplice
Sicurezza per dati e sistema
Controllare chi fa cosa e bloccare
attivit potenzialmente dannose
Registrare tutti gli accessi
Bloccare accessi non autorizzati
Modifiche a file
Estrazioni ed esportazioni di file
Controllo del QAUDJRN
Log accessi amministratori
Modifiche di SYSVAL
5. Continuit operativa 2010 La scelta
IBM Power 525
IBM Power 525
IBM DS6000
Analisi delle soluzioni sul mercato
Confronto funzionale
Scelta per SSI e MIMIX
Gestione del progetto
Minimizzare i tempi di indisponibilit del sistema
6. Business Continuity
Data sharing
System management
Progetti di sicurezza e
auditing per IBM Power i
Servizi sistemistici
Sviluppo applicativo RPG
Dal 1997 gestiamo progetti di Business Continuity. Ma non solo.
Le scelte di bonprix. SSI
Esperienza. 20 anni e circa 730 sistemi configurati
Competenza. Clienti di tutti i settori e di tutte le dimensioni
Capacit progettuale. Non limitata al solo ambiente di replica
7. Vision Solutions Portfolio
High Availability and DR
Over any distance
Support physical and virtual environments
Optimal RPO and RTO
Improves profit margin optimizing resources
Data sharing and management
Increase business agility
Share, integrate and transform data
Hardware, OS, platform and Database independent
Greater productivity, higher profitability
Migration Solutions
Real-Time data migration without downtime
Monitor, manage and optimize resources
Reduce migration risks
Hardware-Platform independent
Cloud and DR Solutions
Real-time replication local or remote
Any point in time recovery with CDP
DRaaS with SLAs and RTO/RPO
Quick Return On Investment (ROI) Metered Usage Metered Usage Metered Usage
Le scelte di bonprix. Vision Solutions
8. Dynamic Apply
Machine Interface
*(1) Zero seconds with synchronous RJ and <1 second typical for asynchronous RJ
*(2) Depends on customers business applications and environment
IBM i System
Consistent, reliable &
switch times (minutes)
IBM i System
Maximum hardware
flexibility, servers can
be different models,
different storage and
different OS release.
Multi-node and hybrid
HA clusters
Low overhead remote
journaling captures all data &
object changes in real time
below MI interface and
provides efficient transport
over any distance. Async and
Sync modes
Backup database is
always on-line,
consistent and
ready (no vary-on
Multiple dynamic
apply jobs
cooperate to
maximize apply
in autonomic
very low
Consistent tape
backups take place
on the backup
system with zero
multi-node graphical
Le scelte di bonprix. MIMIX Availability
10. Continuit operativa 2014 La conferma
IBM Power 720
IBM V7000
IBM Power 720
IBM V7000
Aggiornamento di sistemi e storage
Proposte tecnologie di replica alternative
Conferma della scelta per MIMIX
Garanzie di RPO
Garanzia di RTO certo e
Nuove funzionalit
11. What it is
Application Group level procedure for HA testing
on backup server
Changes to backup server tracked so they can
be backed out at completion of the test
Production changes buffered at the target and applied
after test is completed
Virtual switch activity window shows change activity during
the test and actions performed to recover to normal
How it adds value
Enables validation of switch readiness without the business
impact of a full switch
Allows switch testing without server downtime
Virtual Switch. Il test dellambiente di HA senza impatti sugli utenti
Concurrent testingBusiness as usual
Production Server Backup Server
12. I numeri di un successo globale
Vision Solutions 28 Resto del mondo 25
Fonte: Help Systems - 2016 IBM i Marketplace Survey
Sicurezza e auditing 2014
Audit e Sicurezza per dati e sistema
Controllare chi fa cosa e bloccare attivit
potenzialmente dannose
Analisi congiunta necessit
Fiducia nelle proposizioni SSI
Scelta di Cilasoft
Gestione del progetto
Installazione in try & buy
14. About Us
Cilasoft is a software developer specializing in Compliance and Security software for
the IBM i platform.
Cilasoft is a Member of IBM i ISV Advisory Council and is a certified
IBM Advanced Business Partner
Ready For PureSystems
Ready For Security Intelligence
And is recognized as a leader on the IBM i platform
Cilasoft solutions are referenced in the IBM Global Solutions Directory
and in the IBM i Solution Editions
+ 27 YEARS of EXPERIENCE on IBM i (AS/400, iSeries)
Le scelte di bonprix. Cilasoft
Cilasoft Compliance Suite
Le scelte di bonprix. Cilasoft
Uses IBM i exit points to block, log, alert on
both external and internal activities
Secures any type of access to the IBM i
Data-Centric approach
Complements internal security, either in
classic or adopted authority modes
Standard configuration for straight forward
Advanced Features for complex
Uses IBM i journaling to track System Events and
Database Changes
Produces accurate, relevant and readable
reports and alerts
Large choice of automations: scheduling, on
demand, real time
Audit models, used as is or fully customizable
Extraction independent from reporting
Compatible with all HA products (journaling and
hardware based)
Interfaced with leading SIEM solutions: Qradar,
LogRhythm, ArcSight, Splunk,.. Formats: LEEF,
CEF, RFC3164, RFC5424
Le scelte di bonprix. I moduli Cilasoft
Uses IBM i file-centric technology to
detect, log, alert on read access of
sensitive data down at the record level
Identifies records read in critical files
Collects context information
Reports and alerts under conditions
Impact on performance minimized
Blocking mode possible
Uses several IBM i methods to grant additional
authority to users: SWAP, ADOPT, LOG
Manages Powerful Profile Activity
Provides additional authorities on an as needed
Significantly reduces security exposures caused
by human error
Limit access to sensitive data
Full logging and alerting capabilities
Le scelte di bonprix. I moduli Cilasoft