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Seoul National University
覦 譴蟲
碁蟲 蠍郁概覿 覦
NSI_NCRC, Seoul National University
www. nsi.snu.ac.kr
Where the nanoscience and nanotechnology become reality
危,  蠏碁Μ螻 瑚骸蠍一
讌 AMP 2013
Seoul National University
-危(讌, 覓殊, 覲) 
-, 覿, 覦豌 蠏碁Μ螻 
Seoul National University
語危(一 覯豺)
F = E TS
- Free energy:    讌
-E:  螻 豌 讌 覿覲
- S: 碁 豕螳 襦 覲(Uni direction)
讌蟲 螻螳 
- 讌螳 螻糾, F螳 讀螳(覈 豢)
Seoul National University
Energy and Power(讌 覲語危)
Power consumption():
蠍壱 ; 1eV
: 1 Calorie =4200 J =1.167 W-h
蠍郁, 覓朱Μ :
1J= 0.000277778 W-h
(1kg 1m 讌蟲 伎襴  讌 =9.8J)
1 watt is approximately 3.41214 BTU/h;
Seoul National University
Human( Life )
Number of Cells: 10 trillion and 100 trillion (10-100譟)
Daily calorie consumption per day:1200 calories for women, and
1800 calories for men =2.1kW-h
1 pW : average power consumption of a human cell
But your brain power =20W/1000cm**2
~2% of weight, consumes 20% of energy
0.4-4 nW :roughly 1010 chemical reactions per second
Pentium =100W /1cm**2
100W/1G ~ 100 nW
Seoul National University
 10n Prefix
 1024 Yotta
 1021 Zetta
 1018 Exa
 1015 Peta
 1012 Tera
 109 Giga
 106 Mega
 103 Kilo
 102 Hector
 101 Deca, Deka
 100 (none)
 1024 Yocto
 1021 Zepto
 1018 Atto
 1015 Femto
 1012 Pico
 109 Nano
 106 Micro
 103 Milli
 102 Centi
 101 Deci
 100 (none)
- Magic number 3 vs. 4( 蠏碁Μ螻  0.33333)
Seoul National University
Energy and Power
 讌蟲襦 る 讌: 180,000T W
瑚  讌 (15 TW)
瑚 覈語  讌(0.7TW)
蟲 覦~0.1TW
Human is Energy Amplifier x20
Seoul National University
覓手骸 覓 危(覓殊)
60 GaJ hectare/1 year (600 kJ m)=> 540% energy return
Fast process
Seoul National University
語危伎 襯 蟆一 蟆: 
- 覲 朱 觜襴 殊企螳? : れ 伎 蟆一
-, 覈 : (Enzyme), Catalyst
-覲企 : MOSFET Transistor 蟆危
Seoul National University
覲 語危
1 語危 る 覲企
 5 Exabytes (billion gigabytes) to 2000AD + 487 Exabytes 2000-2009AD
+ 2500 Exabytes/yr by 2012
Cycle of the big data is the challenge of the IT industry in 10 years
Seoul National University
- , 覿, 螻豌 蠏碁Μ螻 
Seoul National University
 るΜ貊  螳 螳 4螳
-  瑚浬 襯 4螳.. 螳 煙 覓殊
- 瑚浬 螳 蟲
Seoul National University
 覈 るΜ貊 覲危襯 蟲
 れ伎 覈襯 るΜ貊 るΜ貊 危朱ゼ
-るΜ貊  蟲譟, 蠏碁Μ螻 , 襦 覲危 襯 蟇伎
-Carbon るΜ貊 覲企 れ  蟲譟磯ゼ 螳讌.
=> れ 煙, 覈 豢(H, N, O, P炎骸 蟆壱)
Seoul National University
覦豌企 蟲譟磯 るΜ貊, 蠍磯レ /
Seoul National University 15Seoul National University
-豺: 襯 譬 (轟 讌螳  )
(H2  O: O 朱 襯 譬 )
-螳讌 覓殊企 (H2, O)
- 螳讌 るジ 覓殊 襷覃  瑚(H2, O)襯 襷
 瑚: 螳 覓殊 企ゼ 讌
Seoul National University 16Seoul National University
Recent work from Richard SayKally's laboratory show
s that the hydrogen bonds in liquid water break and r
e-form so rapidly (often in distorted configurations) t
hat the liquid can be regarded as a continuous netw
ork of hydrogen-bonded molecules
覓: 一  蟆壱
Seoul National University
Seoul National University
覓殊 れ企覩語 蟆郁記 /一  觜豺
Seoul National University
蠍螻 覓殊 襷: 壱 , 
More anodic
More cathodic
Seoul National University 19Seoul National University
蠍螻 覓殊 襷: 壱 ,  蠏碁Μ螻 覦壱磯Μ 
Cu Zn
Mesophase carbon
microbeads (MCMB)
Seoul National University
60  豌朱  危
Seoul National University 21Seoul National University
- 伎,  豺襯 るゴ蟆 襷.
N region P region
N 襯 襷, P  襷
Seoul National University 22
-PN diode
Seoul National University
N region P region
るジ  覓殊(P, N) 伎, 豺 るゴ蟆
Seoul National University
Solar Cell and LED
=Light observed
* # of e h pairs
* e h to electrodes safely
=e h from electrodes
* # of e h pairs
* light safely out
Seoul National University
- , 覿, 螻豌 蠏碁Μ螻 
-瑚骸蠍一螻 覦伎
Seoul National University
Red blood cells
(~7-8 mm)
Head of a pin
1-2 mm
Human hair
~ 60-120 mm wide
~ 5 mm
Dust mite
200 mm
~10 nm diameter
Nanotube electrode
Carbon nanotube
~1.3 nm diameter
0.1 nm
1 nanometer (nm)
0.01 mm
10 nm
0.1 mm
100 nm
1 micrometer (mm)
0.01 mm
10 mm
0.1 mm
100 mm
1 millimeter
1 cm
10 mm
Nanoworld 1,000 nanometers =
1,000,000 nanometers =
Zone plate x-ray lens
Outer ring spacing ~35 nm
l (MEMS) devices
10 -100 mm wide
Red blood
Pollen grain
~1 nm
~2-1/2 nm diameter
Modified from Source: DOE, USA
一 襯 伎; m 覿 nano蟾讌襯 蟲
Seoul National University
CELL C襯 伎伎 一 襷 襷危襦 瑚
Seoul National University
覈 蠍一 Junction襯 襷 一 蠍一
Seoul National University
Central Dogma
Seoul National University
-誤襷 Antenna Radar螳 れ.
- Receptor手 覿襴 (譯朱 覦煙) 螳 碁 覿襯 語
Molecular Antenna
Seoul National University
DNA ( Deoxyribonucleic acid)
Rosalind Franklin
(25 July 1920  16 April 1958) was a British
Seoul National University
DNA 蟲譟一 蠍磯
Seoul National University 32
覈 觜:  蟆壱(Hydrogen bonding)
A hydrogen bond is the electromagnetic attractive interaction between polar molecules in
which hydrogen (H) is bound to a highly electronegative atom, such as nitrogen (N), oxygen
(O) or fluorine (F). The name hydrogen bond is something of a misnomer, as it should not be
confused with a covalent bond. It is not a true bond but a particularly strong dipole-dipole
Seoul National University
覩碁語一 企至 蟆壱螳 磯殊, 覦煙 襷れ伎
Protein(覦煙) 語危 願鍵
Seoul National University
覦煙   襷覯
The 留-Subunit of the Stimulatory G-Protein (Gs) Activates Adenylate
Seoul National University
覦煙   襷覯
Adenylate Cyclase螳 G-Protein Subunits  碁ゼ 伎伎
ル,  覓殊 覲
硫 留
Seoul National University 36Seoul National University
一 襷
覦煙 瑚規譟磯 襷り鍵 襷覯
Seoul National University
覦煙  蟲譟 襷覯
Seoul National University
 襷 蟲譟磯:CNT( 誤觚) 蠏碁
CNT( 誤觚) 蠏碁
Seoul National University
 壱/語伎/ 襴/ 蟲譟一牡
蟲, 碁
Seoul National University
襦 覦伎 覦豌  (覦譴蟲)
-覦豌 豺 所 覦伎 殊  弰 
- 覦伎 蠏碁 IT 誤朱 所=> 襦 讌
Seoul National University
Suspension Solution :
 Wafer Level Dip Coating
ELP for Self Aligned Contact
Seoul National University
襦 覦伎 覦豌  (覦譴蟲)
-覦伎 覿 螳覦, ル 螳覦 , 郁規蟆 螻牛 觜讀
Seoul National University
一 襷  蟲譟
襯 覈蟇磯
瑚 襷 瑚規譟一
瑚 蟆曙, 襴ろ 襴, 襦
瑚襯 襷 
 螻狩 蠍一 觜
-: 貉危 => 誤磯=>蟆=> 覈觜襴
-: 讀蠍郁鍵蟯 => 豌 => 
- CO2 語危

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130423 nano

  • 1. Seoul National University 覦 譴蟲 碁蟲 蠍郁概覿 覦 NSI_NCRC, Seoul National University www. nsi.snu.ac.kr Where the nanoscience and nanotechnology become reality 危, 蠏碁Μ螻 瑚骸蠍一 讌 AMP 2013
  • 2. Seoul National University 螳 -危(讌, 覓殊, 覲) -, 覿, 覦豌 蠏碁Μ螻 -瑚骸蠍一
  • 3. Seoul National University 語危(一 覯豺) F = E TS - Free energy: 讌 -E: 螻 豌 讌 覿覲 - S: 碁 豕螳 襦 覲(Uni direction) 讌蟲 螻螳 - 讌螳 螻糾, F螳 讀螳(覈 豢)
  • 4. Seoul National University Energy and Power(讌 覲語危) Power consumption(): Energy: 蠍壱 ; 1eV : 1 Calorie =4200 J =1.167 W-h 蠍郁, 覓朱Μ : 1J= 0.000277778 W-h (1kg 1m 讌蟲 伎襴 讌 =9.8J) 1 watt is approximately 3.41214 BTU/h; 4
  • 5. Seoul National University Human( Life ) Number of Cells: 10 trillion and 100 trillion (10-100譟) Daily calorie consumption per day:1200 calories for women, and 1800 calories for men =2.1kW-h ~0.1kW 1 pW : average power consumption of a human cell But your brain power =20W/1000cm**2 ~2% of weight, consumes 20% of energy 0.4-4 nW :roughly 1010 chemical reactions per second Pentium =100W /1cm**2 100W/1G ~ 100 nW 5
  • 6. Seoul National University 10n Prefix 1024 Yotta 1021 Zetta 1018 Exa 1015 Peta 1012 Tera 109 Giga 106 Mega 103 Kilo 102 Hector 101 Deca, Deka 100 (none) 1024 Yocto 1021 Zepto 1018 Atto 1015 Femto 1012 Pico 109 Nano 106 Micro 103 Milli 102 Centi 101 Deci 100 (none) 6 10讌覯 - Magic number 3 vs. 4( 蠏碁Μ螻 0.33333)
  • 7. Seoul National University Energy and Power 讌蟲襦 る 讌: 180,000T W 瑚 讌 (15 TW) 瑚 覈語 讌(0.7TW) 蟲 覦~0.1TW 7 X(1/10000) X(1/20) X(1/10) Human is Energy Amplifier x20
  • 8. Seoul National University 覓手骸 覓 危(覓殊) 60 GaJ hectare/1 year (600 kJ m)=> 540% energy return 8 (CH2O) n CO2 讌 Fast process Slow process
  • 9. Seoul National University 語危伎 襯 蟆一 蟆: - 覲 朱 觜襴 殊企螳? : れ 伎 蟆一 -, 覈 : (Enzyme), Catalyst -覲企 : MOSFET Transistor 蟆危
  • 10. Seoul National University 覲 語危 1 語危 る 覲企 5 Exabytes (billion gigabytes) to 2000AD + 487 Exabytes 2000-2009AD + 2500 Exabytes/yr by 2012 Cycle of the big data is the challenge of the IT industry in 10 years
  • 11. Seoul National University 螳 -危 - , 覿, 螻豌 蠏碁Μ螻 -瑚骸蠍一
  • 12. Seoul National University るΜ貊 螳 螳 4螳 - 瑚浬 襯 4螳.. 螳 煙 覓殊 - 瑚浬 螳 蟲
  • 13. Seoul National University 覈 るΜ貊 覲危襯 蟲 れ伎 覈襯 るΜ貊 るΜ貊 危朱ゼ -るΜ貊 蟲譟, 蠏碁Μ螻 , 襦 覲危 襯 蟇伎 -Carbon るΜ貊 覲企 れ 蟲譟磯ゼ 螳讌. => れ 煙, 覈 豢(H, N, O, P炎骸 蟆壱)
  • 14. Seoul National University 覦豌企 蟲譟磯 るΜ貊, 蠍磯レ / Energy
  • 15. Seoul National University 15Seoul National University -豺: 襯 譬 (轟 讌螳 ) (H2 O: O 朱 襯 譬 ) -螳讌 覓殊企 (H2, O) - 螳讌 るジ 覓殊 襷覃 瑚(H2, O)襯 襷 瑚: 螳 覓殊 企ゼ 讌
  • 16. Seoul National University 16Seoul National University Recent work from Richard SayKally's laboratory show s that the hydrogen bonds in liquid water break and r e-form so rapidly (often in distorted configurations) t hat the liquid can be regarded as a continuous netw ork of hydrogen-bonded molecules 覓: 一 蟆壱 - +
  • 17. Seoul National University Seoul National University 覓殊 れ企覩語 蟆郁記 /一 觜豺
  • 18. Seoul National University 蠍螻 覓殊 襷: 壱 , Au AlZn Ag Fe Workfunction(讌) More anodic Pb Cu More cathodic 壱
  • 19. Seoul National University 19Seoul National University Cu+ ZnCu 蠍螻 覓殊 襷: 壱 , 蠏碁Μ螻 覦壱磯Μ Cu Zn Mesophase carbon microbeads (MCMB)
  • 21. Seoul National University 21Seoul National University - 伎, 豺襯 るゴ蟆 襷. N region P region N 襯 襷, P 襷
  • 22. Seoul National University 22 -PN diode Seoul National University N region P region るジ 覓殊(P, N) 伎, 豺 るゴ蟆
  • 23. Seoul National University Solar Cell and LED Efficiency =Light observed * # of e h pairs * e h to electrodes safely Efficiency =e h from electrodes * # of e h pairs recombined * light safely out
  • 24. Seoul National University 螳 -危 - , 覿, 螻豌 蠏碁Μ螻 -瑚骸蠍一螻 覦伎
  • 25. Seoul National University Red blood cells (~7-8 mm) Head of a pin 1-2 mm Human hair ~ 60-120 mm wide Ant ~ 5 mm Dust mite 200 mm ~10 nm diameter Nanotube electrode Carbon nanotube ~1.3 nm diameter Microworld 0.1 nm 1 nanometer (nm) 0.01 mm 10 nm 0.1 mm 100 nm 1 micrometer (mm) 0.01 mm 10 mm 0.1 mm 100 mm 1 millimeter (mm) 1 cm 10 mm 10-2 m 10-3 m 10-4 m 10-5 m 10-6 m 10-7 m 10-8 m 10-9 m 10-10 m Visible Nanoworld 1,000 nanometers = InfraredUltravioletMicrowaveSoftx-ray 1,000,000 nanometers = Zone plate x-ray lens Outer ring spacing ~35 nm MicroElectroMechanica l (MEMS) devices 10 -100 mm wide Red blood cells Pollen grain Carbon buckyball ~1 nm diameter DNA ~2-1/2 nm diameter Modified from Source: DOE, USA Top Down Bottom up 25 一 襯 伎; m 覿 nano蟾讌襯 蟲
  • 26. Seoul National University CELL C襯 伎伎 一 襷 襷危襦 瑚
  • 27. Seoul National University 覈 蠍一 Junction襯 襷 一 蠍一
  • 29. Seoul National University -誤襷 Antenna Radar螳 れ. - Receptor手 覿襴 (譯朱 覦煙) 螳 碁 覿襯 語 Molecular Antenna
  • 30. Seoul National University DNA ( Deoxyribonucleic acid) Rosalind Franklin (25 July 1920 16 April 1958) was a British biophysicist
  • 31. Seoul National University DNA 蟲譟一 蠍磯
  • 32. Seoul National University 32 覈 觜: 蟆壱(Hydrogen bonding) A hydrogen bond is the electromagnetic attractive interaction between polar molecules in which hydrogen (H) is bound to a highly electronegative atom, such as nitrogen (N), oxygen (O) or fluorine (F). The name hydrogen bond is something of a misnomer, as it should not be confused with a covalent bond. It is not a true bond but a particularly strong dipole-dipole force.(Wikipedia)
  • 33. Seoul National University 覩碁語一 企至 蟆壱螳 磯殊, 覦煙 襷れ伎 Protein(覦煙) 語危 願鍵
  • 34. Seoul National University 覦煙 襷覯 The 留-Subunit of the Stimulatory G-Protein (Gs) Activates Adenylate Cyclase Neurotransmitter,Response,Sleep,Pain/Addiction,Reward
  • 35. Seoul National University 覦煙 襷覯 Adenylate Cyclase螳 G-Protein Subunits 碁ゼ 伎伎 ル, 覓殊 覲 Cyclase 硫 留
  • 36. Seoul National University 36Seoul National University 一 襷 蟲譟 覦煙 瑚規譟磯 襷り鍵 襷覯
  • 38. Seoul National University 襷 蟲譟磯:CNT( 誤觚) 蠏碁 CNT( 誤觚) 蠏碁
  • 39. Seoul National University 壱/語伎/ 襴/ 蟲譟一牡 蟲, 碁
  • 40. Seoul National University 襦 覦伎 覦豌 (覦譴蟲) -覦豌 豺 所 覦伎 殊 弰 - 覦伎 蠏碁 IT 誤朱 所=> 襦 讌
  • 41. Seoul National University Wafer Suspension Solution : 1,2-Dichlorobenzene Stage Wafer Level Dip Coating Dip Coater ELP for Self Aligned Contact
  • 42. Seoul National University 襦 覦伎 覦豌 (覦譴蟲) -覦伎 覿 螳覦, ル 螳覦 , 郁規蟆 螻牛 觜讀
  • 43. Seoul National University 一 襷 蟲譟 襯 覈蟇磯 瑚 襷 瑚規譟一 牛伎 瑚 蟆曙, 襴ろ 襴, 襦 瑚襯 襷 螻狩 蠍一 觜 -: 貉危 => 誤磯=>蟆=> 覈觜襴 -: 讀蠍郁鍵蟯 => 豌 => - CO2 語危