El documento proporciona una guía sobre cómo usar el entorno gráfico de usuario GNOME en la computadora XO. Explica cómo acceder a GNOME desde Sugar, cambiar el escritorio, y describe las funciones principales como el panel inferior, menús de aplicaciones, lugares y sistema. También cubre cómo cambiar la configuración del escritorio, usar dispositivos extraíbles, crear archivadores y enlaces, y agregar lanzadores.
El documento proporciona una guía sobre cómo usar el entorno gráfico de usuario GNOME en la computadora XO. Explica cómo acceder a GNOME desde Sugar, cambiar el escritorio, y describe las funciones principales como el panel inferior, menús de aplicaciones, lugares y sistema. También cubre cómo cambiar la configuración del escritorio, usar dispositivos extraíbles, crear archivadores y enlaces, y agregar lanzadores.
There are four main types of sampling techniques discussed in the document:
1. Random sampling - Participants are selected randomly so each has an equal chance of being chosen. This reduces bias but a perfect sample frame is difficult to achieve.
2. Stratified sampling - The population is divided into relevant groups or strata and then a random sample is selected from each group. This ensures representation from different groups but determining all relevant groups can be impossible.
3. Volunteer sampling - Participants voluntarily opt-in to the study. This is ethical but risks self-selection bias if only certain types of people volunteer.
4. Opportunity sampling - Researchers take whoever is available or willing. This is quick but risks only sampling certain
Thermal imaging can be used for energy auditing and weatherization to locate air leaks, moisture issues, and other problems. An energy audit uses tools like a thermal imager, blower door, and other equipment to evaluate energy usage and pinpoint areas of energy loss. Weatherization involves sealing leaks and improving insulation. Thermal imaging makes inspections easier and more effective by allowing users to quickly scan areas and see problems like missing insulation or air leaks without disturbing structures. It provides visual documentation of issues found before and after repairs. Focusing the thermal imager properly and understanding parameters like level, span, and emissivity are important for capturing accurate temperature data.
The document contains 18 entries listing the names of ARCTek projects or topics and indicating they were created on January 18, 2012, with most entries showing two documents created for each project or topic except for one entry listing a single document.
130616 eng pursue god (part 3) by ps. timothy loheaglepointcf
1) Hezekiah desired to revive worship in Judah after his father Ahaz had led the people to worship other gods.
2) Hezekiah made the decision to cleanse and repair the temple. He gathered the priests and Levites to remove rubbish and sanctify the temple.
3) Hezekiah was determined to fully restore proper worship of God, offering sacrifices and leading the people in worship with music and bowing.
DNA contains the blueprint of life in the form of genes on chromosomes. It is a double-stranded molecule shaped like a twisted ladder, with phosphate and sugar molecules forming the backbone and four nitrogenous bases - adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine - forming the rungs. The two strands are held together by hydrogen bonds between the bases, with adenine always bonding with thymine and cytosine always bonding with guanine. DNA provides instructions for making proteins and its study has medical and agricultural benefits.
Modal perfect infinitives refer to past unreal situations. To express obligation in the past, "should" replaces "must" as in "You should have taken my advice seriously." To express past prohibition, "shouldn't" replaces "mustn't" as in "You shouldn't have answered in such a way." To express certainty about something that happened in the past, "must" is used as in "She must have missed her train." To express certainty about something impossible, "can't" is used as in "She can't have broken your pencil case."
This document outlines key ethical principles for experimental research involving human participants:
1. Participants must be able to withdraw from the study at any time and be fully informed of the purpose and findings of the research after completion.
2. Participants must provide informed consent, having as much information as possible about the study to understand what they are agreeing to.
3. The researcher must be competent to conduct the study ethically and truthfully without deceiving participants.
The document discusses various treatment controversies for Meniere's disease. It outlines the history and definition of the disease, as well as current understandings of physiology and pathophysiology. It then summarizes different medical, mechanical, intratympanic, surgical, and ablative treatment options and discusses evidence from studies evaluating their efficacy and side effects, finding that many options remain unproven or controversial while intratympanic gentamicin titration and vestibular nerve section/labyrinthectomy can reliably reduce vertigo.
Este documento define la planeación estratégica y sus características. La planeación estratégica es un proceso que comienza con el establecimiento de metas organizacionales, define estrategias y políticas para lograr estas metas, y desarrolla planes para asegurar la implementación de las estrategias. Algunas características clave de la planeación estratégica son que propicia el desarrollo de la empresa a través del uso racional de recursos, reduce la incertidumbre del futuro aunque no la elimina, y establece un sistema rac
La mitología egipcia gira en torno a Osiris, dios de la vegetación y la resurrección. Seth mata a Osiris pero Isis lo revive mágicamente. Su hijo Horus derrota a Seth para vengar a su padre y se convierte en el nuevo faraón. Este mito explica el ciclo de muerte y renacimiento en la naturaleza y el traspaso regular del poder real.
This document provides instructions for using watercolor paints and creating color blends. It discusses the basics of watercolor painting, including having a set of primary colors in the paint palette, keeping brushes clean and pointed, and keeping paint moist while working. The key technique taught is wet-on-wet color blending to create a full spectrum of colors by starting with yellow paint on wet paper and then adding red and blue to blend orange, green, and violet in the color triangle relationships. Practice is done using a radial design drawn with a Sharpie to see the blended colors over the original lines.
Still life paintings traditionally depicted everyday natural or man-made objects and often contained religious or allegorical symbolism related to the items shown. According to Wikipedia, still lifes most commonly feature food, flowers, or household goods. Some modern still lifes break from tradition by using three-dimensional mixed media, found objects, photography, and video or sound to represent their subjects.
Ionic bonds form when atoms gain or lose electrons to become ions that bond together in a crystalline lattice. Ionic compounds have chemical formulas that show the ratio of ions that combine to be electrically neutral. Ionic compounds have properties like being hard, brittle crystals with high melting and boiling points due to the strong ionic attractions in the 3D lattice structure.
150405 eng wealth in the bible by steve millereaglepointcf
This document provides an introduction and overview of Steve Miller's background and experience working in business banking in Malaysia. It discusses what he has learned about Chinese business culture and wealth compared to other cultures, focusing on long-term thinking, diligent saving, conservatism, and common financial weaknesses. The document then covers biblical perspectives on wealth, including that God is not against wealth if pursued with wisdom, the importance of hope in God over wealth, and using wealth to help advance God's kingdom.
150329 eng live like this (part 4) by ps. shawn kongeaglepointcf
God's love for humanity is described as a covenant - a binding agreement where God makes promises to his people. This covenantal love from God is unconditional, unfathomable, unchanging, unceasing, and unstoppable. It is motivated by God's very nature, which is love. The document urges responding to God's covenantal love with both fear of God and love of God, as fearing God without loving him can lead to legalism, while loving him without fearing can lead to disobedience. Jesus is the fulfillment as both Lord and Messiah, holding many roles to redeem and rule over his people.
150321 five live like this (part 3) by ps. timothy loheaglepointcf
This document discusses owning the Great Commission by focusing on including others, investing in them, and inviting them. It references Bible passages about the Great Commission and empowerment through God's spirit. Key figures in modern missions history are mentioned like William Carey, Reinhard Bonnke, and Bill Bright. The document encourages renewing one's spirit through God to help teach and convert others.
150315 eng live like this (part 2) by ps. timothy loheaglepointcf
This document discusses the importance of belonging to a Christian community. It argues that Christianity is meant to be lived out personally but not privately, and that believers should serve others and participate in life groups based on biblical principles. The Bible shows that God exists in community and created people for community. The early church demonstrated community through Paul's letters encouraging togetherness. Life groups today can emulate this community model by focusing on mutual care, support, and spiritual growth for members.
150301 eng contagious discipleship by jonathan balan solomoneaglepointcf
This document discusses the topic of discipleship. It defines a disciple as a learner, student, or follower. It emphasizes that discipleship is a journey of following Jesus that involves knowing, loving, obeying, and becoming like him. The document also states that contagious discipleship is personal, intentional, and relational, involving suffering for Christ, intentionally passing on what you have learned, and being motivated by love. God modeled perfect discipleship by humbling himself through his incarnation and death on the cross. The greatest invention is described as the church, through which God's wisdom is made known.
150215 eng love is (part 2) by ps. timothy loheaglepointcf
The document discusses different cultural perspectives on love, including love as an emotion, sex, and self-gratification. It then contrasts these views with biblical perspectives on love from passages like Ephesians 5:1-5 and 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. These passages describe love as self-sacrificial and defining characteristics like patience, kindness, and protection. The document argues love was missing from the church in Corinth due to issues like division, immorality, and pride, and concludes love is the most important ingredient for living rightly.
150208 eng love is (part 1) by ps. timothy loheaglepointcf
The document discusses the definition and characteristics of love according to biblical passages. It provides background on the city of Corinth where Paul planted a church that faced various challenges. Love is defined as being patient, kind, not envious or boastful, and always protecting, hoping and persevering. In contrast, love is not selfish, rude, prideful, angry or finding joy in evil. The church in Corinth struggled with divisions, immorality and selfishness, which went against the definition of love presented in the document.
150201 eng presence (part 4) by kelvin limeaglepointcf
This document discusses different ways to practice being sensitive, effective, and expressive in praise and worship of God. It provides definitions and Bible verses for different Hebrew words related to praise, such as yadah (extending hands in sacrifice), towdah (showing agreement by extending the right hand), and barak (bowing in adoration). It encourages the reader to keep practicing different forms of praise, which involve singing, dancing, shouting, and prostrating oneself before God. The overall message is that believers should cultivate various expressions of heartfelt praise through continued practice.
150125 eng presence (part 3) by ps. timothy loheaglepointcf
The document discusses the presence of God and how it provides power, providence, peace, and perspective. It presents several Bible passages describing God's presence with Moses, Jacob, Isaiah and others and how God promises to always be with believers. God's presence allows believers to experience his fullness of joy and blessings.