LODチャレンジ実行委員会 関西支部長 古崎晃司
LODチャレンジ実行委員会/Linked Open Data Initiative理事 松村冬子
Linked Open Dataの基本的な技術の解説,利用事例の紹介に加え,簡単なサンプルプログラムの紹介など,ハッカソンに活用できるLOD技術や情報ソースについて解説します.
第3回Linked Open Dataハッカソン関西(1日目)アイデアソン
State of Drupal keynote, DrupalCon New OrleansDries Buytaert
Dries Buytaert presented several initiatives at DrupalCon New Orleans to improve Drupal based on community feedback. He proposed initiatives to enhance media handling for content authors, improve content workflows, enhance blocks and layout tools for site builders, and create better data modeling tools. These initiatives were designed to address key areas for improvement identified in a community survey and align with Drupal's vision of building the leading platform for digital experiences. Dries outlined mockups and teams for each initiative and called for community participation.