16회 오픈업/게임스타트업을 위한 마케팅 전략과 노하우_IGA웍스마국성대표VentureSquareIGAWorks is a one-stop solution for app marketing and monetization in Korea that provides user acquisition, monetization, analytics, and engagement services. It works with over 500 client apps with 10 million daily users. IGAWorks is capable of boosting apps to top rankings on app stores and has partnerships with major Korean app developers. The document promotes IGAWorks' integrated platform for app growth and monetization.
에어헌터 for kakao 포스트모템(공개용)Woo Yeong Choi메인 개발자로 참여한 모바일게임 에어헌터 for kakao의 개인적 회고 목적의 포스트모템
2013.07.15 온라인서버개발자모임에서 발표
[파더메이드] 블루홀 10년차 개발자의 1인개발 이야기: [Father made]From major game company to indie...찬수 이블루홀 10년차 개발자의 1인 개발 이야기
블루홀에서 나와 인디게임 개발을 시작하게 된 사연.
2년간의 경험담.
그리고 약간의 팁 과 노하우
GSC in HUB_Teppei Nakano / CEO, NamcoinVentureSquare1. NAM aims to become the biggest healthcare company through innovations in AI, blockchain, and genome sequencing technology.
2. NAM has developed AI systems to assist doctors by summarizing medical notes, asking relevant questions, and automatically supplementing patient data.
3. NAM's blockchain-based NAM Chain collects and shares health data from patients to provide clean raw data for hospitals and patients while ensuring security and immutability of records.
GSC in HUB_Nathan Sun /COO, QBAO VentureSquareCryptocurrency wallets provide access to blockchain networks and the cryptocurrency market is growing rapidly. By 2022, the total market value of cryptocurrencies is estimated to reach $7.5 trillion USD. The number of cryptocurrency users and wallets has increased sharply in recent years, from 10.98 million in 2016 to 21.51 million in 2017. The blockchain industry is also growing, with revenue projected to be between $80-110 billion USD in 2020.
GSC in HUB_Kaikai Yang / COO, Energo LabsVentureSquare1) Energo Labs is developing a blockchain-enabled smart grid called Energo that uses distributed energy storage and a digital token (Watt) representing units of stored energy.
2) Their current project in the Philippines involves a campus microgrid connecting 3 buildings, with 1 having solar panels and the other 2 purchasing energy via an auction on Energo's platform.
3) Energo aims to expand their energy trading and distributed energy resource platforms to additional Asian and European markets between 2017-2018.
05 북이오VentureSquareMinsu Kang founded a cloud computing company in 2010 that offered IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS services but was expensive and had limited database support with some latency issues in Korea. By 2017, the company had transitioned to a serverless computing model using a reverse proxy server, CDNs for static files, and APIs and SaaS for other services like emails and analytics. This allows fully client-side HTML5 web apps to make REST API calls for data without server rendering.
02 오라클VentureSquareThe document discusses Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, which provides modern cloud computing technology including availability domains, non-blocking networks, off-box IO virtualization, and direct-attached NVMe storage. This infrastructure delivers high availability, high performance, and high scalability. The cloud infrastructure offers flexible compute options from VMs to bare metal servers, NVMe-based storage, and virtual private networks. Case studies show it can accelerate rendering workloads by 2-10x and support high performance computing for financial firms.
에어헌터 for kakao 포스트모템(공개용)Woo Yeong Choi메인 개발자로 참여한 모바일게임 에어헌터 for kakao의 개인적 회고 목적의 포스트모템
2013.07.15 온라인서버개발자모임에서 발표
[파더메이드] 블루홀 10년차 개발자의 1인개발 이야기: [Father made]From major game company to indie...찬수 이블루홀 10년차 개발자의 1인 개발 이야기
블루홀에서 나와 인디게임 개발을 시작하게 된 사연.
2년간의 경험담.
그리고 약간의 팁 과 노하우
GSC in HUB_Teppei Nakano / CEO, NamcoinVentureSquare1. NAM aims to become the biggest healthcare company through innovations in AI, blockchain, and genome sequencing technology.
2. NAM has developed AI systems to assist doctors by summarizing medical notes, asking relevant questions, and automatically supplementing patient data.
3. NAM's blockchain-based NAM Chain collects and shares health data from patients to provide clean raw data for hospitals and patients while ensuring security and immutability of records.
GSC in HUB_Nathan Sun /COO, QBAO VentureSquareCryptocurrency wallets provide access to blockchain networks and the cryptocurrency market is growing rapidly. By 2022, the total market value of cryptocurrencies is estimated to reach $7.5 trillion USD. The number of cryptocurrency users and wallets has increased sharply in recent years, from 10.98 million in 2016 to 21.51 million in 2017. The blockchain industry is also growing, with revenue projected to be between $80-110 billion USD in 2020.
GSC in HUB_Kaikai Yang / COO, Energo LabsVentureSquare1) Energo Labs is developing a blockchain-enabled smart grid called Energo that uses distributed energy storage and a digital token (Watt) representing units of stored energy.
2) Their current project in the Philippines involves a campus microgrid connecting 3 buildings, with 1 having solar panels and the other 2 purchasing energy via an auction on Energo's platform.
3) Energo aims to expand their energy trading and distributed energy resource platforms to additional Asian and European markets between 2017-2018.
05 북이오VentureSquareMinsu Kang founded a cloud computing company in 2010 that offered IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS services but was expensive and had limited database support with some latency issues in Korea. By 2017, the company had transitioned to a serverless computing model using a reverse proxy server, CDNs for static files, and APIs and SaaS for other services like emails and analytics. This allows fully client-side HTML5 web apps to make REST API calls for data without server rendering.
02 오라클VentureSquareThe document discusses Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, which provides modern cloud computing technology including availability domains, non-blocking networks, off-box IO virtualization, and direct-attached NVMe storage. This infrastructure delivers high availability, high performance, and high scalability. The cloud infrastructure offers flexible compute options from VMs to bare metal servers, NVMe-based storage, and virtual private networks. Case studies show it can accelerate rendering workloads by 2-10x and support high performance computing for financial firms.
01 지속가능발전소 회사소개서VentureSquareWho's Good is a B-Corporation that provides an online platform to analyze and disclose environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks for companies. Their web-based platform, Who's Good, allows users like investment professionals, financial institutions, and supply chain managers to identify and manage ESG issues. It uses artificial intelligence to provide reliable data on companies' sustainability practices and non-financial risks.
진격의 디스코 2013년
• 2012 여름 카톡 게임센터 오픈
• 2012 겨울 [로컴] 1달간 3개의 프로토타입 준비
• 워크샵 / 프로토타입 TF
• 2012 [로컴] 12월 카톡진행 확정/100일간의 질주
• 2013 3월 카카카오톡 디스코판다 출시
• 3달간의 피쳐 업데이트 업데이트…
• 5000mw 마케팅비 소진
• 팀 번아웃
2013 7월말 아프리카TV게임센터 오픈 출시
• BM변경: 팬-BJ커뮤니티 공략 마케팅
• BJ컨텐츠화, 방송, RS
For Kakao
• 선점을 위한 스퍼트!
• 빠른 개발
• 익숙함과 독특함의 적정비율
• (에르메스백은 아닌거같고…
CPI도 아닌거같아…)
• 진입 초기 모수만들기 실패
• 부족한 BM (돈쓸데가 없네)
• 마케팅 실패
• Server 외부에서 개발
For Afreeca TV
• 게이머들이 모이는 플랫폼!
• 초기진입 이점 (출시작 3개)
• 아프리카TV 생태계에 맞춘
• iOS (너무 빨리냄): 작은풀에
서는 동시서비스 시너지가 생
각만큼 크지않았음
• 10,20대층의 빠른이동 성향
• 포코팡!?
• 플랫폼 규모/유저 성향 고려
높은 ARPPU게임이 더 적합
실패의 원인에대한 고민 필요
• “우리가하면 그래도 뭐가 좀 다르겠지”라는 막연한 멘탈 위험:
(3월 카톡, “그래도 카톡인데…”)
(여기서 멈출까 더 가볼까…?)
à어쩌라고: 잘!!!?
디스코판다가 남긴것
• 빠른시도 빠른실패의 루프: 1년간 2개 플랫폼 런칭, 운영
• 더 체감되는 피드백. 서비스.
• 1년간의 자체서비스를 통한 운영경험 체내화
• PVP 모드 (기술 < 서비스)
• 2주마다 Iteration/Feedback 루프
시간을 돌릴수만 있다면
• Google App Engine 안돼요…
• 분석툴 방황: Flurry, Count.ly, Adfresca, 5Rocks… 어머 그사
이에 Game Analytics가 좋아졌네
• 출시 타이밍에대한 심도있는 고민
(젤리대시, 포코팡 등 비슷한 메카닉 퍼즐 선점욕구)