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Comparing static Gantt
and mosaic charts for
visualization of task
+ Information Visualisation
-Saturnino Luz et al.
x 2016 Spring
Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules
Information Visualisation (IV), 2011 15th International Conference
Saturnino Luz
Department of Computer Science Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Masood Masoodian Department of Computer Science
The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
讀  郁規
 豌伎 蟲譟磯 れ螻 螳 螳 
螳 A-B test 觜蟲 蟆讀
讀  郁規
 豌伎 蟲譟磯 れ螻 螳 螳 
螳 A-B test 觜蟲 蟆讀
螳 煙 螳螻  Task Scheduler
 螳螻殊 殊 譟一 覓語
豕  螳螻 螳語 螳螳 蠏
Gantt Mosaic
讀  郁規
螳 A-B test 觜蟲 蟆讀
殊語 企  螳讌 覦: 旧 螳語姶 觜, 覈危 谿語  觜蟲 蟆讀
1) 郁規 覦郁化:
2) 郁規 覈:
 覈危 谿碁  殊語 企欧語   伎
 朱願  れ   殊 螳 覦朱
覈危 谿語 煙 郁規讌 
mosaic charts for
 襦 殊 螳襯  覈危 谿語 煙 譟一
3) ろ:
 螳 谿語 覈危 谿  觜蟲襯  れ 朱 觜蟲 螳
4) 蟆郁骸 覦  螳企殊
 , 給 螳, 企襦 蟆郁骸 覿
 螻 覲伎   覈危 谿語  螳企殊
1) 覲旧″ 螳 磯   -> 殊 
2) 螳 谿:
- task schedules     
- 殊語 讌螳 覦 螳 螳 一危 ろ碁殊  讌蟯願 螻殊 螳 覦
- 螻糾 : paper-medium  襦, 貉危 ろ襴一 讌  (Tufte)
Panning, Scrolling  誤磯磯 螳 
- 豕蠏, 誤磯磯 ろ螻 蟆壱伎 れ ろ  譴
) sequential data襯 る ろ, 襦 襷る讌襾狩 危襴貅伎,  ろ襴 , health informatics,  殊 覲
3) temporal mosaics:
- Luz & Masoodian れ 企欧語 襴螻 蠏碁れ 蟯螻襯 螳蠍  殊語朱 螳
- 讌朱 企欧瑚 企 殊瑚骸 襴,
螻 企 螻, 譯殊伎  誤磯襦 る 螻糾 觜 麹蟆 
- ろれ 轟 殊語 磯 郁屋 蟆 , 豺朱 貊襯 牛 
- Browsing 螻殊 螳螳
1) Gantt chart VS Mosaic chart
- 企欧   襷 覲旧″ 貉ろ語 觜蟲 ろ
- Mosaic  麹, る誤佋骸 螳 small-screen 誤磯磯& れ企覩麹 螳 覦 
煙   蟆企 讌襷,
- れ    覈危 襷ろ 所 危危  讌,
- 螳語姶碁ゼ   襷 螻殊語 觜蟲 ろ
- Building schedule task
<Gantt chart><Mosaic chart>
2) Method
- 谿語れ蟆 Building schedule mosaic  Gantt 殊語朱 螻
- Within-subject design
- 襴 覦 れ譴  讌覓碁 蟷 
 襴:  螳讌 螳 覦覯  讌ъ ろ  る
襴殊 襷讌襷 狩れ 讌 碁殊伎 企骸   覃
 question: 螳 覃  10 讌覓語 ろ蟆 
order effect learning effect 襯 豕蠍 伎 讌覓-企語   ろ蟆 
覲旧  螳
牛  蟇碁Π 螳 豸′,
襴貉ろ 豌(1:easy ~ 7:difficult)襦 牛 讌覓語  企 豸′
TYPE Sample Question
No more than 3 tasks should be scheduled for the same day.
Is this a problem with the current plan?
How many days are free in the first two weeks?
All the windows are installed by the same person and should
happen in the same days. Is this possible in the current
d How many days does the bathroom plumbing take in total?
Painting a room should finish before its carpet can be installed.
Is this a problem for the bedroom schedule?
 Sample Question
- 狩 覲
 豐 23覈 谿語:  14 +  9
 郁規 11 +  7 + るジ 讌 5
- 豐 460螳 給螻   一危磯ゼ 讌
- 蠍: 螳 觜襴, 蟆 給 蟆 蟠 讀
2) Method
3) Results - 讌覓 覲, Gantt/mosaic answering time螻 error rate 觜蟲 覿 蟆郁骸
3) Results - 讌覓 覲 覿 蟆郁骸, Concurrence/Ordering  蟆曙 螳 谿碁ゼ  企糾 
- 覦覃, inactivity  蟇一 谿願  覩誤讌
3) Results - Error rate, Time, Difficulty ratings 覲襦  覿 蟆郁骸,
Mosaic chart螳 Ordering  麹 螳 螻, 覲企ゼ  觜襴 谿場  
磯殊, Mosaic ordering   一企 螳 覦
3) Results
- 炎骸  螳  讌覓  豌 覿 蟆郁骸, 螳/覈危 谿 螳 譯  谿企 覦蟆
 蠏 れ姶 蟇一 
: 覈危:15.1%, / 螳:15%
 讌覓語   螳 覩誤讌  (t[436]=0.5, p = 0.5)
: 覈危: 蠏 20.4豐 / 螳: 蠏 21.2豐
 讌覓語  企    螳 覦 觜訣
: 覈危: 2.3 / 螳: 2.4
 牛蠍 る 蟇碁Π 讌覓語殊襦 螳 覦 伎  企糾 螳 蟆渚レ
4) Discussion
-Mosaic れ,
 る 企欧碁ゼ 覦蟆   
 企欧 蠍郁(duration) 螳   
蠏碁, 朱  朱 る 蠍郁 蟇碁Μ螳? 朱 讌覓語, 2譯殊姶 螻 螳螻狩 蟆曙郁 
企 螳 谿語 旧 覿覿 れ 殊 覃覈語  螳 伎
4) Discussion
-, 覲 郁規 Mosaic れ譴 螻襴讀  覦
 螳 一 企欧瑚  螳 觜一 殊語朱 
企欧碁ゼ 襷  覦讌讌  蟆郁骸襯 覲伎  
Mosaic  一 企欧語 覿一煙 螳螻
:  襷 Mosaic れ譴 螻襴讀  覲伎   螻襴讀 
4) Discussion
-MOSAIC れ譴襯 蠏碁Μ  螳企殊
 Visual alignment against the time axis
: 螳 谿瑚 殊 螳 覦 觜 螳 れ蠍 譬讌襷,
覈危 覦 螳 ろ 襷 轟   蟆 蠍 覓語,
 觜覯 殊企 ろ  螳豢朱 visual alignment襯 螻牛  
 Avoiding discontinuity
) ろ 豢  覿 襦 企 ろ 蠍一 觜覯, 轟 蠍郁 ..
4) Discussion
 Selection of colours
-MOSAIC れ譴襯 蠏碁Μ  螳企殊
 Enhancing visual continuity
: 螳 谿碁, 企 螻糾 螳 ろれ 螳 一炎骸 覿襴襯 讌蠍  讌襷,
覈危 谿碁, ろ 襷 るジ  螳 ろ螳 郁煙 願鍵 覓語 譴
:  Gantt timeline + temporal mosaics 
) 覈危  螳語 殊 譴豌朱 覦 螳 ろ
->   co-occur  ろ螳 襦 碁慨  襦  蟆 螳 譴
-> task ordering, drawing sequence 螳 豺朱  蠍一
 temporal mosaic螳 讌蟯 殊  覦    讀覈 朱
 豌  る, 企 旧 螳 谿碁殊企 螻 觜襯願 殊 伎  
 蟆郁骸 覿螻 螳企殊語朱 mosaic 谿碁ゼ 誤磯磯 ろ螻 蟆壱 覦  る

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Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules

  • 1. Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules + Information Visualisation 2011 -Saturnino Luz et al. /れ x 2016 Spring
  • 2. Comparing static Gantt and mosaic charts for visualization of task schedules Information Visualisation (IV), 2011 15th International Conference Saturnino Luz Department of Computer Science Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland Masood Masoodian Department of Computer Science The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand Author Published
  • 3. 讀 郁規 豌伎 蟲譟磯 れ螻 螳 螳 貂襴磯 覓語 螳 A-B test 觜蟲 蟆讀
  • 4. 讀 郁規 豌伎 蟲譟磯 れ螻 螳 螳 貂襴磯 覓語 螳 A-B test 觜蟲 蟆讀 螳 煙 螳螻 Task Scheduler 螳螻殊 殊 譟一 覓語 豕 螳螻 螳語 螳螳 蠏 . . . ????!!!!
  • 5. Gantt Mosaic 讀 郁規 螳 A-B test 觜蟲 蟆讀 VS 殊語 企 螳讌 覦: 旧 螳語姶 觜, 覈危 谿語 觜蟲 蟆讀 貂襴磯 覓語
  • 6. Abstract 1) 郁規 覦郁化: 2) 郁規 覈: 覈危 谿碁 殊語 企欧語 伎 朱願 れ 殊 螳 覦朱 覈危 谿語 煙 郁規讌 mosaic charts for visualization 襦 殊 螳襯 覈危 谿語 煙 譟一 3) ろ: 螳 谿語 覈危 谿 觜蟲襯 れ 朱 觜蟲 螳 4) 蟆郁骸 覦 螳企殊 , 給 螳, 企襦 蟆郁骸 覿 螻 覲伎 覈危 谿語 螳企殊
  • 7. Introduction 1) 覲旧″ 螳 磯 -> 殊 2) 螳 谿: - task schedules - 殊語 讌螳 覦 螳 螳 一危 ろ碁殊 讌蟯願 螻殊 螳 覦 - 螻糾 : paper-medium 襦, 貉危 ろ襴一 讌 (Tufte) Panning, Scrolling 誤磯磯 螳 - 豕蠏, 誤磯磯 ろ螻 蟆壱伎 れ ろ 譴 ) sequential data襯 る ろ, 襦 襷る讌襾狩 危襴貅伎, ろ襴 , health informatics, 殊 覲
  • 8. Introduction 3) temporal mosaics: - Luz & Masoodian れ 企欧語 襴螻 蠏碁れ 蟯螻襯 螳蠍 殊語朱 螳 - 讌朱 企欧瑚 企 殊瑚骸 襴, 螻 企 螻, 譯殊伎 誤磯襦 る 螻糾 觜 麹蟆 - ろれ 轟 殊語 磯 郁屋 蟆 , 豺朱 貊襯 牛 - Browsing 螻殊 螳螳
  • 9. Evaluation 1) Gantt chart VS Mosaic chart - 企欧 襷 覲旧″ 貉ろ語 觜蟲 ろ - Mosaic 麹, る誤佋骸 螳 small-screen 誤磯磯& れ企覩麹 螳 覦 煙 蟆企 讌襷, - れ 覈危 襷ろ 所 危危 讌, - 螳語姶碁ゼ 襷 螻殊語 觜蟲 ろ - Building schedule task <Gantt chart><Mosaic chart>
  • 10. Evaluation 2) Method - 谿語れ蟆 Building schedule mosaic Gantt 殊語朱 螻 - Within-subject design - 襴 覦 れ譴 讌覓碁 蟷 襴: 螳讌 螳 覦覯 讌ъ ろ る 襴殊 襷讌襷 狩れ 讌 碁殊伎 企骸 覃 question: 螳 覃 10 讌覓語 ろ蟆 order effect learning effect 襯 豕蠍 伎 讌覓-企語 ろ蟆 覲旧 螳 牛 蟇碁Π 螳 豸′, 襴貉ろ 豌(1:easy ~ 7:difficult)襦 牛 讌覓語 企 豸′
  • 11. Evaluation TYPE Sample Question e No more than 3 tasks should be scheduled for the same day. Is this a problem with the current plan? i How many days are free in the first two weeks? c All the windows are installed by the same person and should happen in the same days. Is this possible in the current schedule? d How many days does the bathroom plumbing take in total? o Painting a room should finish before its carpet can be installed. Is this a problem for the bedroom schedule? Sample Question exclusion Inactivity Concurrence duration ordering
  • 12. Evaluation - 狩 覲 豐 23覈 谿語: 14 + 9 郁規 11 + 7 + るジ 讌 5 - 豐 460螳 給螻 一危磯ゼ 讌 - 蠍: 螳 觜襴, 蟆 給 蟆 蟠 讀 2) Method
  • 13. Evaluation 3) Results - 讌覓 覲, Gantt/mosaic answering time螻 error rate 觜蟲 覿 蟆郁骸
  • 14. Evaluation 3) Results - 讌覓 覲 覿 蟆郁骸, Concurrence/Ordering 蟆曙 螳 谿碁ゼ 企糾 - 覦覃, inactivity 蟇一 谿願 覩誤讌
  • 15. Evaluation 3) Results - Error rate, Time, Difficulty ratings 覲襦 覿 蟆郁骸, Mosaic chart螳 Ordering 麹 螳 螻, 覲企ゼ 觜襴 谿場 磯殊, Mosaic ordering 一企 螳 覦
  • 16. Evaluation 3) Results - 炎骸 螳 讌覓 豌 覿 蟆郁骸, 螳/覈危 谿 螳 譯 谿企 覦蟆 蠏 れ姶 蟇一 : 覈危:15.1%, / 螳:15% 讌覓語 螳 覩誤讌 (t[436]=0.5, p = 0.5) : 覈危: 蠏 20.4豐 / 螳: 蠏 21.2豐 讌覓語 企 螳 覦 觜訣 : 覈危: 2.3 / 螳: 2.4 牛蠍 る 蟇碁Π 讌覓語殊襦 螳 覦 伎 企糾 螳 蟆渚レ
  • 17. Evaluation 4) Discussion -Mosaic れ, る 企欧碁ゼ 覦蟆 企欧 蠍郁(duration) 螳 蠏碁, 朱 朱 る 蠍郁 蟇碁Μ螳? 朱 讌覓語, 2譯殊姶 螻 螳螻狩 蟆曙郁 企 螳 谿語 旧 覿覿 れ 殊 覃覈語 螳 伎 覦
  • 18. Evaluation 4) Discussion -, 覲 郁規 Mosaic れ譴 螻襴讀 覦 螳 一 企欧瑚 螳 觜一 殊語朱 企欧碁ゼ 襷 覦讌讌 蟆郁骸襯 覲伎 Mosaic 一 企欧語 覿一煙 螳螻
  • 19. Evaluation : 襷 Mosaic れ譴 螻襴讀 覲伎 螻襴讀 4) Discussion -MOSAIC れ譴襯 蠏碁Μ 螳企殊 Visual alignment against the time axis : 螳 谿瑚 殊 螳 覦 觜 螳 れ蠍 譬讌襷, 覈危 覦 螳 ろ 襷 轟 蟆 蠍 覓語, 觜覯 殊企 ろ 螳豢朱 visual alignment襯 螻牛 Avoiding discontinuity ) ろ 豢 覿 襦 企 ろ 蠍一 觜覯, 轟 蠍郁 ..
  • 20. Evaluation 4) Discussion Selection of colours -MOSAIC れ譴襯 蠏碁Μ 螳企殊 Enhancing visual continuity : 螳 谿碁, 企 螻糾 螳 ろれ 螳 一炎骸 覿襴襯 讌蠍 讌襷, 覈危 谿碁, ろ 襷 るジ 螳 ろ螳 郁煙 願鍵 覓語 譴 : Gantt timeline + temporal mosaics ) 覈危 螳語 殊 譴豌朱 覦 螳 ろ -> co-occur ろ螳 襦 碁慨 襦 蟆 螳 譴 -> task ordering, drawing sequence 螳 豺朱 蠍一
  • 21. Conclusion temporal mosaic螳 讌蟯 殊 覦 讀覈 朱 豌 る, 企 旧 螳 谿碁殊企 螻 觜襯願 殊 伎 蟆郁骸 覿螻 螳企殊語朱 mosaic 谿碁ゼ 誤磯磯 ろ螻 蟆壱 覦 る