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Visual Encodings of
Temporal Uncertainty: ?
A Comparative User Study
+ Information Visualization
-Theresia Gschwandtner.
x 2016 Spring
Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: ?
A Comparative User Study
Information Visualization (IV), 2015 15th International Conference
Theresia Gschwandtner / Markus Bo gl / Paolo Federico
Institute of Software Technology & Interactive Systems, Vienna University of Technology
Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015)
1) ?? ??:
2) ?? ??:
? ????? ???? ??? ???? ???? ???,?
??? ?? ???? ????? ???? ?? open question
? ???? start ? end ??? ???? ?? 6??? ??
3) ?? ??:
? ???? ??, Time? error rate? ???? ????? ???? ??? ???

? ? ?????? ???? ??
(a) gradient plot, (b) violin plot, (c) accumulated probability plot, (d) error bars, (e) centered error bars, and (f) ambiguation
1. Types of Temporal Uncertainty
1) Bounded uncertainty of an instant ?
?)1988? 5? 14?? ?? ?? ????? ???, ??? ??? ?? ??? ????
2) Statistical uncertainty of an instant?
?)??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ?????

5) Bounded uncertainty of start and end of an interval with dependency ?
?) ???? ??? early start? early end? ???? ??. ?? ???? ?? ???? ??? ??? ??? ? ? ???
6) Statistical uncertainty start and end of an interval with dependency ?
?) ?? ??? ??? ? ??; ?? ???? ? ? ?? ??? ??, ??? ?? ??? ????? ?? ?????
7) Bounded uncertainty of a span ?
?) ? ??? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???? ?? 5??? ???, 10??? ??? ????
8) Statistical uncertainty of a span ?
?) ?? ??
Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015)
3) Bounded uncertainty of start and end of an interval ?
4) Statistical uncertainty of start and end of an interval
1. Types of Temporal Uncertainty
1) Bounded uncertainty of an instant ?
?)1988? 5? 14?? ?? ?? ????? ???, ??? ??? ?? ??? ????
2) Statistical uncertainty of an instant?
?) ??? 

3) Bounded uncertainty of start and end of an interval ?
4) Statistical uncertainty of start and end of an interval ?
5) Bounded uncertainty of start and end of an interval with dependency ?
6) Statistical uncertainty start and end of an interval with dependency ?
?) ? ??? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???? ?? 5??? ???, 10??? ??? ??
7) Bounded uncertainty of a span ?
?) ? ??? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???? ?? 5??? ???, 10??? ??? ????
8) Statistical uncertainty of a span ?
?) ?? ??
Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015)
/ Bounded uncertainty : ?? ??? ??? ? ?? ???
 Statistical uncertainty : ?????? ?? ? ?? ????
Bounded/Statistical? ???? temporal uncertainty ?????
?? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ??.?
Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015)
2. Visualization Of Uncertainty
? ?????, ??? ???(?, ???, ? ??, ???, ??? ?)? ???? ?????
Joseph Priestley (1765)
- ??? ???? ????? ???
- ???? ???? ??? ??
Paint-Strips (2001)
- ????? ??? ??? ???,?
????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??
Planning Lines (2005)
- ?? ??/?? ??/?? ??, ????
??, ???? ??
Jibonananda Sanyal (2009)
- 2D / 3D ?? ?? ??
Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015)
3. Visual Encodings of Uncertain Intervals
? ?? ???? ???? ??? ???
1) ???? ???? ???? ????? ???
- ???? ?? ??? ???? ??? ?? ??? ????? ?? ????.?
2) ????? ?? ?? ?? ??? ???? ????? ? ??? ??? ?? ????? ??.?
3) statistical uncertainty? ????? ???? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ??????.?
4) bounded uncertainty? ??? ??? ??? ????? ???
Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015)
3. Visual Encodings of Uncertain Intervals
? ?? ???? ???? ??? ???
1) ???? ???? ???? ????? ???
- ???? ?? ??? ???? ??? ?? ??? ????? ?? ????.?
2) ????? ?? ?? ?? ??? ???? ????? ? ??? ??? ?? ????? ??.?
3) statistical uncertainty? ????? ???? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ??????.?
4) bounded uncertainty? ??? ??? ??? ????? ???
(a) gradient plot
(b) violin plot
(c) accumulated ?
probability plot
(d) error bars
(e) centered ?
error bars
(f) ambiguation
Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015)
1. Data
? ?? ??? ??? ???? ????

? 2014? ??, ? ?, ???? ???

? ?? ?? ??? ?? ???? ???? ??? ??? ???? ?? ??, ?? ?? ??? ??
Study design
2. Hypotheses
Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015)
earliest/latest start, earliest/latest end ? ?? ??
statistical uncertainty - gradient /violin /accumulated probability plots
Bounded uncertainty - error bars / centered error bars / ambiguation
minimum, maximum ?? ??? ??
?? duration ??? ??
Study design
gradient /violin /accumulated plots??
marked point? ?? ?? ??? ??? ??
3) Participants and Evaluation Session
Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015)
- 73?? ??? (??? ?? ??, ?? 14?)?
- information design and visualization ??? ?? ????, ?? ??? ?? ????
- EvalBench (????) ???? ???
- ? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??, Within-subject? ???? ??? ??? ???? ???? ???? ??
- ? 5?? ???? ???? ???, ?? ?? ??? error? ??
Study design
3) Participants and Evaluation Session
Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015)
? Task 1 ? Interpretation
- A: Start interval, B: End interval?
- Task: How would you interpret this type of visualization? 

- ??: ?? 3? ? ?? ????? ??
 Equal probabilities: A ???/B??? ?? ?? ??/?? ???? ?? ??? ????
 Unequal probabilities: A? ?? ?? ?? ??? ????? ?? ???? ??? ???
 None of these option
Study design
3) Participants and Evaluation Session
Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015)
? Task 2 ? Start and End Time
- ? ??? ???? ??? ?? ???? ???? ??? ??? ???? ??
Task 2-1. ??? ?? ?? ??? ? ?? ??? ??????
Task 2-2. ??? ?? ?? ??? ? ?? ??? ??????
Task 2-3. ??? ?? ?? ????? ??????
Task 2-4. ??? ?? ?? ????? ?????
? Task 3 ? Interval Duration
- ? ??? ???? ??? ?? ???? ???? ??? ???
Task 3-1. ?? ??? ??? ?? ?????
Task 3-2. ?? ??? ??? ?? ?????
Task 3-3. ????? ??? ????
Study design
3) Participants and Evaluation Session
Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015)
? Task 4 ? Probabilities
- ??? 3? ?????, ????? ???? ??? ?? ?? ???
- ??? ?? ???? ??, 0-100 ??? ??? ???? ? ?
Task 4-1. red line?? ??? statistical probability(%)??
Task 4-2. red line?? ??? statistical probability(%)??
- ??? ?? ???? ??, 3?? ??? ? ???? ? ?
Task 4-3. ? ?? red line? ?? ? ??? ? ?????
? Task 5 ? Preferences
- ??? ?? ???? ??, 5? ??? ??? ????
Task 5-1. ??? ?? ? ????? ???? ?? ?????
Study design
? 73? ?, 72?? ???? ?? (1=??? ?? ???)
1) Problems and Observations
Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015)
Task 2-1. ??? ?? ?? ??? ? ?? ??? ??????
Task 2-2. ??? ?? ?? ??? ? ?? ??? ??????
Task 2-3. ??? ?? ?? ????? ??????
Task 2-4. ??? ?? ?? ????? ?????
- Task2: ?? ?? ??/??, ?? ?? ??/?? ? ??? ??? ?? ?????? ???
- Task4: ???? ?? ?????
2) Outcome
? H1 ? Interpretation of visual encodings
- ?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??????, centered error bar? outlier,?
- centered error bar ? error bar? ??, ? ?? statistical uncertainty? ?????,?
? ????? bounded uncertainty? ? ??? ???? ??? ????,?
? ??? ? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ????? ???? ??? ?????
Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015)
bounded uncertainty statistical uncertainty
2) Outcome
? H2 ? Effectiveness in representing start and end time
Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015)
- ambiguation, error bar, centered error bar? ??/?? ??? ???? ? ? ????? ?
?? ??? ????
- Error / Time: ???? ??? ????
Other observations: violin plots, accumulated probability plots ? ???? ?? ???? ??? ?
(??, ?? ?? ????? ?? ?? ??? ???? ?????)?
centered error bar?? ?? ?? outlier?? ??? -> ????? ??? ??
2) Outcome
? H3 ? Effectiveness in representing minimum and maximum duration
Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015)
- ambiguation, error bar, centered error bar? ??/?? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?????? ??.?
- Error: Accumulated, violin plot ? ?? ???? ?? error rates? ?? ??? ???
???, Gradient plot? ???? ??? ????
Time: error bars?? ?? ???? ??? ???
2) Outcome
? H4 ? Effectiveness in representing average duration
Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015)
- accumulated /gradient /violin plots ? ?? duration ??? ??? ??? ?? reject?
- Error: centered EB ? ??? accumulated /gradient /violin plots ?? ???? ???
Time: ???? ??? ???
2) Outcome
? H5 ? Effectiveness in representing probability of start and end time
Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015)
- accumulated /gradient /violin plots ? marked point ? ?? ?? ??? ??? ??? ?? reject?
- Error: gradient plots ? ?? ? ???? error ? ??, accumulated? violin plot?? ???, ?
??? ?? ?? ??? ??? (p=0.06)?
Time: ???? ??? ???, Gradient plot? ?? ?? ?? ??? ???
Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015)
- ??? ???? ???? ??? ??? -  Task 4-3. ? ?? red line? ?? ? ??? ? ?????
- ??? ??? ????? ???? ?? ???? ??? ??? ??
1) Limitation & Further Work
2) Conclusion
- Centered error bar? ?? ?? ?? ???? ?????? ???? ????? ?? ??? ???
- ???? ?? ??? ??? ??? ???
- error bars ? ambiguation ? ???? ?? ???? ??? ?? ??? ????
-> earliest start/end, latest start/end, minimum, maximum, average duration of intervals?
- statistical probability ???? gradient plot? ?????, ???? ?? ???
<??? ??? ??? ??- ??? ?? -2~2>

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Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty- A Comparative User Study

  • 1. Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: ? A Comparative User Study + Information Visualization 2015 -Theresia Gschwandtner. /??? x 2016 Spring
  • 2. Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: ? A Comparative User Study Information Visualization (IV), 2015 15th International Conference Theresia Gschwandtner / Markus Bo gl / Paolo Federico Institute of Software Technology & Interactive Systems, Vienna University of Technology Author Published
  • 3. Abstract Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015) 1) ?? ??: 2) ?? ??: ? ????? ???? ??? ???? ???? ???,? ??? ?? ???? ????? ???? ?? open question ? ???? start ? end ??? ???? ?? 6??? ?? 3) ?? ??: ? ???? ??, Time? error rate? ???? ????? ???? ??? ??? ? ? ?????? ???? ?? (a) gradient plot, (b) violin plot, (c) accumulated probability plot, (d) error bars, (e) centered error bars, and (f) ambiguation
  • 4. Introduction 1. Types of Temporal Uncertainty 1) Bounded uncertainty of an instant ? ?)1988? 5? 14?? ?? ?? ????? ???, ??? ??? ?? ??? ???? 2) Statistical uncertainty of an instant? ?)??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ????? ? ? ? ? 5) Bounded uncertainty of start and end of an interval with dependency ? ?) ???? ??? early start? early end? ???? ??. ?? ???? ?? ???? ??? ??? ??? ? ? ??? 6) Statistical uncertainty start and end of an interval with dependency ? ?) ?? ??? ??? ? ??; ?? ???? ? ? ?? ??? ??, ??? ?? ??? ????? ?? ????? 7) Bounded uncertainty of a span ? ?) ? ??? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???? ?? 5??? ???, 10??? ??? ???? 8) Statistical uncertainty of a span ? ?) ?? ?? Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015) 3) Bounded uncertainty of start and end of an interval ? 4) Statistical uncertainty of start and end of an interval
  • 5. Introduction 1. Types of Temporal Uncertainty 1) Bounded uncertainty of an instant ? ?)1988? 5? 14?? ?? ?? ????? ???, ??? ??? ?? ??? ???? 2) Statistical uncertainty of an instant? ?) ??? 3) Bounded uncertainty of start and end of an interval ? ?)? 4) Statistical uncertainty of start and end of an interval ? ?)? 5) Bounded uncertainty of start and end of an interval with dependency ? ?)? 6) Statistical uncertainty start and end of an interval with dependency ? ?) ? ??? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???? ?? 5??? ???, 10??? ??? ?? 7) Bounded uncertainty of a span ? ?) ? ??? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???? ?? 5??? ???, 10??? ??? ???? 8) Statistical uncertainty of a span ? ?) ?? ?? Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015) ? / Bounded uncertainty : ?? ??? ??? ? ?? ??? Statistical uncertainty : ?????? ?? ? ?? ???? ? Bounded/Statistical? ???? temporal uncertainty ????? ?? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ??.?
  • 6. Introduction Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015) 2. Visualization Of Uncertainty ? ?????, ??? ???(?, ???, ? ??, ???, ??? ?)? ???? ????? Joseph Priestley (1765) - ??? ???? ????? ??? - ???? ???? ??? ?? Paint-Strips (2001) - ????? ??? ??? ???,? ????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? Planning Lines (2005) - ?? ??/?? ??/?? ??, ???? ??, ???? ?? Jibonananda Sanyal (2009) - 2D / 3D ?? ?? ??
  • 7. Introduction Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015) 3. Visual Encodings of Uncertain Intervals ? ?? ???? ???? ??? ??? 1) ???? ???? ???? ????? ??? - ???? ?? ??? ???? ??? ?? ??? ????? ?? ????.? 2) ????? ?? ?? ?? ??? ???? ????? ? ??? ??? ?? ????? ??.? 3) statistical uncertainty? ????? ???? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ??????.? 4) bounded uncertainty? ??? ??? ??? ????? ???
  • 8. Introduction Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015) 3. Visual Encodings of Uncertain Intervals ? ?? ???? ???? ??? ??? 1) ???? ???? ???? ????? ??? - ???? ?? ??? ???? ??? ?? ??? ????? ?? ????.? 2) ????? ?? ?? ?? ??? ???? ????? ? ??? ??? ?? ????? ??.? 3) statistical uncertainty? ????? ???? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ??????.? 4) bounded uncertainty? ??? ??? ??? ????? ??? (a) gradient plot (b) violin plot (c) accumulated ? probability plot (d) error bars (e) centered ? error bars (f) ambiguation
  • 9. Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015) 1. Data ? ?? ??? ??? ???? ???? ? 2014? ??, ? ?, ???? ??? ? ?? ?? ??? ?? ???? ???? ??? ??? ???? ?? ??, ?? ?? ??? ?? Study design
  • 10. 2. Hypotheses H1 Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015) H2 H3 H4 H5 earliest/latest start, earliest/latest end ? ?? ?? > statistical uncertainty - gradient /violin /accumulated probability plots Bounded uncertainty - error bars / centered error bars / ambiguation minimum, maximum ?? ??? ?? ?? duration ??? ?? > > Study design gradient /violin /accumulated plots?? marked point? ?? ?? ??? ??? ??
  • 11. 3) Participants and Evaluation Session Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015) - 73?? ??? (??? ?? ??, ?? 14?)? - information design and visualization ??? ?? ????, ?? ??? ?? ???? - EvalBench (????) ???? ??? - ? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??, Within-subject? ???? ??? ??? ???? ???? ???? ?? - ? 5?? ???? ???? ???, ?? ?? ??? error? ?? Study design
  • 12. 3) Participants and Evaluation Session Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015) ? Task 1 ? Interpretation - A: Start interval, B: End interval? - Task: How would you interpret this type of visualization? - ??: ?? 3? ? ?? ????? ?? Equal probabilities: A ???/B??? ?? ?? ??/?? ???? ?? ??? ???? Unequal probabilities: A? ?? ?? ?? ??? ????? ?? ???? ??? ??? None of these option Study design
  • 13. 3) Participants and Evaluation Session Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015) ? Task 2 ? Start and End Time - ? ??? ???? ??? ?? ???? ???? ??? ??? ???? ?? Task 2-1. ??? ?? ?? ??? ? ?? ??? ?????? Task 2-2. ??? ?? ?? ??? ? ?? ??? ?????? Task 2-3. ??? ?? ?? ????? ?????? Task 2-4. ??? ?? ?? ????? ????? ? Task 3 ? Interval Duration - ? ??? ???? ??? ?? ???? ???? ??? ??? Task 3-1. ?? ??? ??? ?? ????? Task 3-2. ?? ??? ??? ?? ????? Task 3-3. ????? ??? ???? Study design
  • 14. 3) Participants and Evaluation Session Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015) ? Task 4 ? Probabilities - ??? 3? ?????, ????? ???? ??? ?? ?? ??? - ??? ?? ???? ??, 0-100 ??? ??? ???? ? ? Task 4-1. red line?? ??? statistical probability(%)?? Task 4-2. red line?? ??? statistical probability(%)?? - ??? ?? ???? ??, 3?? ??? ? ???? ? ? Task 4-3. ? ?? red line? ?? ? ??? ? ????? ? Task 5 ? Preferences - ??? ?? ???? ??, 5? ??? ??? ???? Task 5-1. ??? ?? ? ????? ???? ?? ????? Study design
  • 15. Results ? 73? ?, 72?? ???? ?? (1=??? ?? ???) 1) Problems and Observations Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015) Task 2-1. ??? ?? ?? ??? ? ?? ??? ?????? Task 2-2. ??? ?? ?? ??? ? ?? ??? ?????? Task 2-3. ??? ?? ?? ????? ?????? Task 2-4. ??? ?? ?? ????? ????? - Task2: ?? ?? ??/??, ?? ?? ??/?? ? ??? ??? ?? ?????? ??? - Task4: ???? ?? ?????
  • 16. Results 2) Outcome ? H1 ? Interpretation of visual encodings - ?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??????, centered error bar? outlier,? - centered error bar ? error bar? ??, ? ?? statistical uncertainty? ?????,? ? ????? bounded uncertainty? ? ??? ???? ??? ????,? ? ??? ? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ????? ???? ??? ????? Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015) bounded uncertainty statistical uncertainty
  • 17. Results 2) Outcome ? H2 ? Effectiveness in representing start and end time Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015) - ambiguation, error bar, centered error bar? ??/?? ??? ???? ? ? ????? ? ?? ??? ???? - Error / Time: ???? ??? ???? Other observations: violin plots, accumulated probability plots ? ???? ?? ???? ??? ? (??, ?? ?? ????? ?? ?? ??? ???? ?????)? centered error bar?? ?? ?? outlier?? ??? -> ????? ??? ??
  • 18. Results 2) Outcome ? H3 ? Effectiveness in representing minimum and maximum duration Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015) - ambiguation, error bar, centered error bar? ??/?? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?????? ??.? - Error: Accumulated, violin plot ? ?? ???? ?? error rates? ?? ??? ??? ???, Gradient plot? ???? ??? ???? Time: error bars?? ?? ???? ??? ???
  • 19. Results 2) Outcome ? H4 ? Effectiveness in representing average duration Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015) - accumulated /gradient /violin plots ? ?? duration ??? ??? ??? ?? reject? - Error: centered EB ? ??? accumulated /gradient /violin plots ?? ???? ??? Time: ???? ??? ???
  • 20. Results 2) Outcome ? H5 ? Effectiveness in representing probability of start and end time Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015) - accumulated /gradient /violin plots ? marked point ? ?? ?? ??? ??? ??? ?? reject? - Error: gradient plots ? ?? ? ???? error ? ??, accumulated? violin plot?? ???, ? ??? ?? ?? ??? ??? (p=0.06)? Time: ???? ??? ???, Gradient plot? ?? ?? ?? ??? ???
  • 21. Conclusion Visual Encodings of Temporal Uncertainty: A Comparative User Study (2015) - ??? ???? ???? ??? ??? - Task 4-3. ? ?? red line? ?? ? ??? ? ????? - ??? ??? ????? ???? ?? ???? ??? ??? ?? 1) Limitation & Further Work 2) Conclusion - Centered error bar? ?? ?? ?? ???? ?????? ???? ????? ?? ??? ??? - ???? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? - error bars ? ambiguation ? ???? ?? ???? ??? ?? ??? ???? -> earliest start/end, latest start/end, minimum, maximum, average duration of intervals? - statistical probability ???? gradient plot? ?????, ???? ?? ??? <??? ??? ??? ??- ??? ?? -2~2>